donbt bat y» pro tho people, and CscUs. the Mlltooe, tbe don. sbau die with yon/^nd fZ »ers». *V» *\l admire Industry, and _„__. andiAkotli* (ben la QO more ipdosttloDs being to* fterschella, the I 11 : bnmor of toe prophet. Elijah, wha told LJB&jfwS'I' • .i!v-V ' ~<?"-; <•'•! than sataa. Bat when a man tells me doorge Peabodya. »b« ,.,.»»•»- : tbo Baallto*, to pray lottder. u their Napoleon wsa a reformer and amancJ- rancca and all tbe consecrated Chris- iteS ''t}''-'-:»>''-l Hod- was ont banting or on an excar- tian men and-women who wero great ^^^.•V;:V.i:" ••/;•*••"'] ^ tlfto the sar- snow baaksi and ask him if be llk*» philosophy. In commerce. Their genius casm when he" told the self 1 D<l Dover spoiled tbem. Tbey "were as «Bht«Ds Pharisee, that they, MM w tbaIS?*t ."and 'I """Wld »ho h w blmh the Rraye yf t Oommluilooer of Itoe&m, Notarjr sfnblle*' Master ID Chancery ! r ees tht th bumble os>they werw gifted or opulent Bacrrtary Ooaup Clly Bolldlngand Loan AsMoclallon. lM%m lor mtoorexobang*. Hooaea fo Ba^'V-' ' ' "''•' ''•' -"•'* itoo/_- d. .tbe ••-y• -necdeTnr — '. ••KtW^SLlTSL'— • •««w <•«"» •S» *?»<*trenche»s <*«•>•»of -thus*• who fell lIna tbthe year g pulent rant, faraUbad or aofenitstMd. l>«ed>V Bood*. Morlca«ea* Wills and Contract* carefully K'S'S>iT-"",;:-?:-1'l.'-..>ii']l itood Iboy needed no help, "Tb« whole .IIOp durtn(t the .Napoleonic wan. Only y, were . great on earth, and • now need .not a physician, bnt tbey tbat on 110,000 men butchered in four months: they are great In lien von, Their sur- alck," or when to mirthful hyperbole J would oak blm bow be llfceathnt Passlng and; manulllceiit talents were Seaside he arraigns the hypocrltlcal.toacliars of The country Is beautiful, and I would all used for the world's .betterment •:...'. WABJnsQToif,' Jnno'a.—This la a dl»-hta day who were so particular about »ak our friend to croas with me toAa they pass la review before the.Klna llttlo .things nnd careless about big I^lpalc and viuiulne tbe gravv trenches on tbe great white tbrano. to higher •./..:* Resort eoonKr by Dr. Tolmago for «hoso o'vcn things, saying. "To blind gnldos thai „„,„„,. , iy 101.700 fallen on ' to depreciate themselves ond who nave tbm On and higher rewarda It makca mo think strain at a gnat and swallow mcanje|<^|_5o|1|;iWv.^_TU,,.to mHr-Comrvar •0* the parablo of tin. mi«i^ -TIT on Hot Excelled nnHdcttiliattll t|t|ptBnmoHMl t oiner ten." . I stand aud watcb. the _..**_.•—.«•....—•— - ^tofit and si* tlie farther wort of ..'.'. to 'tittle;'or nothing; tpxt, Mntthowjunr, SMiiri, words surprisingly put and Ct i other divisions as they go by. division 15,'Toonotuerone." :;-\ . ... phraseology that moat-have made tbo emancipator and reformer at after division, until tbe largest of all as a audiences of Paul and Christ midge Borodino, whic"'" h" ~ babad an opportunity ' Expel first'from tht» parable; of tbo l the divisions comes In sight It Is a talents tbo word "usury." It ought to each other and exchange glances and of looking at hist summer. Only 100.- hundred to one, a thousand to one. ten amllo and tben appropriate the, tremen- 000 dead nieu as a result of the battle! thousand to one. larger than the other . Health Restorer LICENSED AUCTIONEER, • liave been;translated "interest.'.' "Usa-; dona, troths of the gospel- There are Pass by As hurdly worth looking at ry" Is flailing a man In a tlsht p!aco Auaterlltx. where the work of our re- divisions. II Is made up or men wbo aomo ovlls yon can laugh down easier 1 never did onylhlug' but support tbelr nnd compelling him to pay on unrco-j than yoa can preach down. The ques- former left 42.000 of the slain, and families and give whatever .of their No. 721 Asbury Aoenue, Ocean City, N. J. , Bpnablo sum to get out "Interest"la a tion ts always being asked. Why do not come to Waterloo),, to Hud that only limited means they could spare for tbe !rlj(bt<sou» payment for tbo use of mon- more'people go to ennrob. prayer meet- 00.000 dead men were left on tbe fluid! Finest facilities for l*rop«r<lM tor nalo. Boardlns boo»M and oottafM tor rent In all parts of Ibo city. Cor- relief of powrtjr and sickness and the HMponcunee MOll«lled. ' • '• . .. VOL. XXI OCEAN CITY, N. THURSDAY. JUNE 6, 1001. ' ey. When tbo capitalist of tbls paroblo Ing and other religions meetings* 1 Alas for the work of this great euinncl- salvation of Ibe worbL- mothers wbo wont, off from bomo, ho gave to his will tell yon. We of (be pulpit and the patpr-snd reformer! He turned K11- took good cure of children by example ^MiillliP^iiM stewards certain samp of money. Wish-' pew aro so dull they cannot stand It rope Into a elm rod bouse and Bllcd Eu- JOHN BROWER and preccpl starting them on tbo road I- had" planned to eonio out amok- Ing'to havo them profltnbly Invested. Bnt when wo ask why people do not so xoprp e withith' widowhoo idhd and orphanage to two veil, millions of Sal'batli school THE OCEAN CITY RHIKT1TE EXCHANGE OGEAN CITY SENTINEL. MEA8URING WASTE STEAM. Chango nlso your Idea as to the valao to church we ask a misleading qaes-' and childlessness,. Thqagb.he wual I he HOTEL ATGLEN . ORGAN HAND, coMUBca W 1 Ing, for 1 Und a fusee and a cigar case NAPOLEON'S WISDOM; teachers who naorlllced an afternoon's " a-UBUSHBD WB1UI.V AT . ' Bow uy we Itave no cKithesf with mo. AH thero was no vent, bow- An. Inlereilla* Device For TeallaK , of ono talent. Yon remember tho eapl- tlon. More people go now to church brilliant man of tbe aicrs, would It not siesta for tbe llatenlng c-lnsa of young COHSaK MIMTU J»«in CIMTKAI. AVIt, Sailing.gunning.etc. Painter and Glazier ATTORNEY and One pl.U for both will do. over, 1 put off lighting up till my re- thai. a^fll«lan«r Qf l*lp« Cov«>rlavs. ' tnlurt gave to ono of bis men for bnal- have been belter ror tbe world If-be MASSBY & EDWARDS, kt hut Ike linn. In nlilnff la than ever In tbe world's blstory, and Immortobk women wlio declined the lease was near at band. 'I.did not The plump, while coverings of steam THE GREAT GENERAL UNDERSTOOD nosa pnrpones flvo talents, to another bad died lo his cradle six weeks after making of homes for themselves that DBAUSI 1ST OCEAN Gin, N. J., OCEAN «ilTV, M. J. COUNSELLOR-AT-LAVV; Our apoen and plkM rvnewi mmmi too reason Is In all our denominations nVIIHhl •» one. wa twol wish thp.nlr to be donor than It was. pipes nro familiar'to all who. frequent THE VALUE OF DIBCUS8IOM. : When 1M> Boy. ..J»r. two, to another one. What a small be was bornT Compare tbat wltb the tbey mlgbt take can> -of father and Holloltor, Miuttfl^ 'and ftxanlliwir In Obaboery, there hi tk. new. race of ministers step- Real Estate and Insurance Agents Mow open. Terma 11.60 per day. I lind JiiHt thouirlit vaguely, ."They modern city dwellings, and It fal'gencr- court of Bcadlwj, amount to last, yoa think, and 'bow ping; Into the pnlplts whlc-b are not the man wbo bad one tule.at and that the mother ID Ibo weaknesses of old age. LEWIS BROS. —BY—. Hupronie Court Commlnloner. Notary Fublfc Bow uy'vlfe Lava Bo ctotbodt . could bo be expected to do anything talent of Invention. lie was born on a Lots for aalo or exchange. Houses to rent. Deeds, bonds- or mortgages U. C. <iOKK. CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, N. J. «o» skirt our llmba ahall blda, . •will cet Ino out, nml I will emcrgo nlly nnderutood tbat they servo as a •c Docs Voar «B« nral»Waat nnnlia ^ apostles of humdrum. Hurt enough. The. Liquor Traffic and itsdrawu. Loans negotiated. A number of bargains la lota. smoking.". Dut. two things abruptly with only ono talent? I have to tell We want In tbe Lord's army the heavy farm la Spencer,-Mass., In 1810, Ue PURE mm R,C. ROBINSON, Eilor and Proprietor. (Oppoalts Public HulldlDKi). MM l.ul tl» Lira- m nlilrnf pea. protection agaluut lire. That they bave Onma Vow «h« Uiuolca-Tbe Mlablr on attending hlscbuich to remote tbelr ' went to tbe district school In tbo whi- stipend preached Ip the back' kindred evils are forever pro- llutherd «mj lance ttrovlde; orcurnMl to mo, "How: will they get you a direct economic value which has lujen , COnlcaB'k Idea* on-Rolliilan ud Ton that ono talent was about $7,200, artillery, bat we want also more men U o'll .lu II, tide by tide. hats during tbo sermon, ta-rejUedlt^^'j^ • BO that when my text says, "To another ter and never bad any other literary woods tuwtlng bouses, souls who for . FIRST QUALITY . THE EMMETT out?" and then, "Are yon nuro they calculiitetl lo tho exact amount-In dol- Ihe i7lv«t flnal !Cana«. who, like Barns, a farmer .at Uettya- hibited by deed. %tj»* mm* yeaar, airlelly lai atdwmaca. OFFICES will liHik for youV By, heaven! This "jrychurchla't Ibllt ltf^U one," It Implies that those who bays bnrar. took a musket and went out on advantages. He became a machinisliornryt I i^g years did DOtblog but suffer.- yet MASSEY A 3Er>irVAiii>s.
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