See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/284889950 Water quality-salmonids Article · January 2007 CITATIONS READS 4 2,038 15 authors, including: Sigurd O Stefansson Roderick Nigel Finn University of Bergen University of Bergen 205 PUBLICATIONS 9,184 CITATIONS 113 PUBLICATIONS 3,547 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Bengt Finstad Sveinung Fivelstad Norwegian University of Science and Technology Høgskulen på Vestlandet 183 PUBLICATIONS 6,970 CITATIONS 57 PUBLICATIONS 1,680 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Monitoring program for fish feed View project Lipids for fish health View project All content following this page was uploaded by F. Kroglund on 03 December 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Aquaculture – Production of Aquatic Organisms (2000 – 2005) Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption Research Programmes AQUACULTURE – Production of Aquatic Organisms (2000 – 2005) Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption Editorial Committee: Magny Thomassen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences Roar Gudding, National Veterinary Institute Birgitta Norberg, Institute of Marine Research Leif Jørgensen, Nord-Trondelag Research Institute The Fishery and Aquaculture Research Fund (FHF) has financed or co-financed a number of projects under the Aquaculture programme, and has provided support for the publication of this book. © The Research Council of Norway 2007 The Research Council of Norway P.O. Box 2700 St. Hanshaugen NO–0131 Oslo, Norway Telephone: +47 22 03 70 00 Telefax: +47 22 03 70 01 [email protected] www.forskningsradet.no/english The publication may be ordered at: www.forskningsradet.no/publikasjoner (Norwegian-language site) or telefax: +47 80 08 30 01 English-language editorial team: Carol B. Eckmann, Victoria S. Coleman and Darren McKellep Design: Making Waves as/Design et cetera AS Cover photos/illustrations: Vidar Vassvik, Kerstin Mertens/Samfoto, P.G. Kvenseth and Norwegian Seafood Export Council Printing: PDC Tangen Number of copies: 1,400 Oslo, March 2007 ISBN 978-82-12-02408-3 (printed version) ISBN 978-82-12-02409-0 (pdf) Photo credits for chapter introductory pages: Introduction: Main photo: Norwegian Seafood Export Council. Small photos, from left: Turid Mørkøre, Turid Mørkøre, Victor Øiestad Quality, Slaughter, Transport: Main photo: Norwegian Seafood Export Council. Small photos, from left: Anders Kiessling, Turid Mørkøre, Turid Mørkøre Production: Main photo: Geir Lasse Taranger. Small photos, from left: Institute of Marine Research, Synnøve Helland/Lars Thomas Poppe, Arne Duinker Health: All photos: T. Poppe Feed, Nutrition, Feeding: Main photo: EWOS. Small photos, from left: EWOS, anonymous, Karl Lukens Selective Breeding and Genetics: Main photo: AquaGen. Small photos, from left: AquaGen, Kjell Ingebrigtsen, Atle Mortensen Technology: All photos: SINTEF The Environment: Main photo: Anne Ditlefsen. Small photos, from left: Svein I. Opdal, Karin Boxaspen, Kjell Merok Appendix: Main photo: Jon Solberg. Small photos, from left: T. Poppe, Geir Lasse Taranger, AquaGen Foreword As part of the effort to redesign the Research duction of more species, and Norway is home Council of Norway’s funding instruments and to a sizeable equipment industry that supplies programme structure from 2000 onward, a new goods and services to both the domestic and research programme, Aquaculture – Production international markets. Norwegian aquaculture of aquatic organisms, was established by the re- represents tremendous assets in terms of search board of the then Division for Biopro- exports, jobs and maintenance of coastal settle- duction and Processing. This new programme ment patterns. would incorporate the activities formerly en- Research and development, along with the compassed by the programmes Production of optimism and entrepreneurial spirit of many salmonids, Marine species in production, Fish Norwegian companies, have been key elements and animal health, and parts of the PUSH pro- behind the success of Norway’s aquaculture gramme1. The new programme was also to in- industry. These will also be essential to future corporate user-driven aquaculture research, efforts to make the most of new opportunities which had previously been part of a separate and promote the sustainable growth and advan- programme for user-driven research. cement of the industry. Needless to say, consolidating the research This book is part of the final report from the activities from several programmes into one Aquaculture programme and summarises rese- new programme was a major challenge. Profes- arch findings from the period 2000–2005. sor Sigurd Stefansson of the University of Ber- During this period, the Aquaculture pro- gen headed a planning group that in February gramme allocated more than NOK 470 million 1998 began drafting a work programme for the for R&D projects at research institutes, univer- new research programme. The new programme sities, university colleges, companies and board for the new programme assumed its industry organisations. responsibilities in February 1999, chaired by Many authors from a variety of research groups Professor Magny Thomassen of the Norwegian and companies deserve thanks for their contri- University of Life Sciences (UMB). butions to this book. Many thanks go to the The programme has now been in operation for editorial committee, comprised of Magny Tho- six years, from 2000 through 2005, financed massen (UMB), Roar Gudding (National Vete- from the outset by the Ministry of Fisheries and rinary Institute), Birgitta Norberg (Institute of Coastal Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture Marine Research) and Leif Jørgensen (Nord- and Food. Since 2001 it has also received fun- Trondelag Research Institute). Last but not ding from the yield of the Fund for Research least, Anne Ditlefsen (Senior Adviser, Rese- and Innovation. The Fishery and Aquaculture arch Council of Norway) deserves recognition Industry Research Fund (FHF) has been a key for her efforts in organising the texts and seeing partner to the programme since its establish- this book through to its printed, finished pro- ment in 2001, contributing financing both to duct. thematic areas and individual projects. Innova- tion Norway has also contributed by co-finan- Oslo, March 2007 cing programme activities. Norway is one of the world’s largest producers of Atlantic salmon today. Much effort is also being directed into commercialising the pro- Anne Kjersti Fahlvik, Director, Division for Strategic Priorities 1.Programme for developing and promoting sea ranching Research Council of Norway Foreword 3 Contents Aquaculture – Production of Aquatic Organisms by Magny Thomassen . 8 Thematic area: Quality, Slaughter, Transport High-quality Seafood Products based on Ethical and Sustainable Production . 28 by Ragnar Nortvedt, Marit Espe, Ingrid S. Gribbestad, Leif Jørgensen, Ørjan Karlsen, Håkon Otterå, Mia B. Rørå, Lars Helge Stien and Nils Kristian Sørensen From Cage to Table . 45 by Anders Kiessling, Marit Bjørnevik, Magny Thomassen, Mia B. Rørå, Turid Mørkøre, Bjørn Roth, Ulf Erikson and Odd Jordheim Thematic area: Production Reproductive Physiology in Cultured Cold-water Marine Fish. 66 by Birgitta Norberg, Geir Lasse Taranger and Helge Tveiten From Extensive to Intensive Production of Marine Fish . 80 by Anders Mangor-Jensen, Victor Øiestad, Terje van der Meeren, Ingrid Lein, Torstein Harboe, Ingegjerd Opstad, Gunvor Øie, José Rainuzzo, Jan Ove Evjemo, Kjell Inge Reitan and Bendik Fyhn Terjesen Water Quality – Salmonids . 101 by Sigurd Stefansson, Grete Bæverfjord, R. Nigel Finn, Sigurd Handeland, Bengt Finstad, Sveinung Fivelstad, Torstein Kristensen, Frode Kroglund, Trond Rosten, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Brit Salbu, Hilde Toften, Olav Breck, Ellen Bjerkås, and Rune Waagbø Effects of Intensive Production with Emphasis on On-growing Production: Fast Growth, Deformities and Production-related Diseases . 120 by Trygve T. Poppe, Grete Bæverfjord and Tom Hansen A New Boost for the Norwegian Shellfish Sector . 136 by Stein Mortensen, Øivind Strand, Arne Duinker, Sissel Andersen and Tore Aune Thematic area: Health New Diseases – Phenomena Developing into Problems . 156 by Atle Lillehaug and Aud Skrudland Virulence Mechanisms. 172 by Øystein Evensen, Nina Santi, Ann-Inger Sommer and Siri Mjaaland The Fish Immune System . 185 by Børre Robertsen, Ivar Hordvik and Trond Jørgensen 4 Aquaculture Research: From Cage to Consumption Thematic area: Feed, Nutrition, Feeding Nutritional Biology in Farmed Fish . 200 by Olai Einen, Henriette Alne, Barbara Grisdale-Helland, Ståle J. Helland, Gro-Ingunn Hemre, Bente Ruyter, Ståle Refstie and Rune Waagbø Nutritional Aspects – Marine Fish Larvae . 217 by Kristin Hamre, Ivar Rønnestad, José Rainuzzo, Yoav Barr and Torstein Harboe Feed Resources – Feed Technology . 235 by Mette Sørensen, Rune Waagbø and Rolf Erik Olsen Metabolism and Uptake of Carotenoids in Farmed Fish. 252 by Bjørn Bjerkeng, Trine Ytrestøyl and Rolf Erik Olsen Thematic area: Selective Breeding and Genetics Selective Breeding and Genetics – Atlantic Salmon. 268 by Bjarne Gjerde, Anna Sonesson, Arne Storset and Morten Rye Breeding and Genetics – New Species . 285 by Kjersti Turid Fjalestad, Svein-Erik Fevolden, Knut Jørstad and Ingrid Olesen Thematic area: Technology Aquaculture Technology . 304 by Egil Lien, Leif Magne Sunde and Kjell Midling Thematic area: The Environment
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