/tg/ Mech Creator v1.1 Designed by MechAnon. Based on The Armour Maker tank tables and The Flier Guy airplane and helicopter tables. Inspired by Battletech/MechWarrior, TTGL, Super Robot Wars, Transformers, Avatar, Power Rangers and Macross. Picture used without any form of permission whatsoever. Needed:1d100, 1d4, something to write on, imagination. MODERN & FUTURE MECHS Every Mech rolls once on Type, Size, Locomotion, Engine, Armour, Armour Type, Supplemental Defense (SD), Optic, Main Mount, Secondary Mount, Weapon Trait, Ammo, Production Extra, Crew Extra and Trait, unless noted otherwise. Type Size Locomotion Engine 1~20: Scout (+1 Optic, gain Jump 1~20: Exoskeleton (gain Bipedal 1~10: Diesel Jets extra) locomotion, reroll if Artillery) 1~20: Bipedal 11~20: Turbocharged Diesel 21~60: Main Battle (+1 Main 21~40: Small (+1 Production Extra) 21~40: Tripedal 21~30: Gasoline Mount) 31~40: Turbocharged Gasoline 61~70: Artillery (all Main Mounts 41~60: Medium (+1 Main Mount, +1 41~60: Quadropedal 41~50: Turbocharged Diesel all have the Shoulder location) Production Extra) + Gas Turbine 51~60: Fuel-Cells 71~90: Harasser (gain Souped-Up 61~80: Large (+1 Main Mount, +1 61~80: Hexapedal 61~70: Nuclear Engine trait) Secondary Mount, +2 Production Extras, +1 Crew-Added Extra) 71~80: Cold Fusion 91~100: Support (remove 1d4-1 81~100: Huge (+2 Main Mounts, +2 81~90: Anti-matter Secondary Mounts, Main Mounts Secondary Mounts, +1 SD, +3 81~100: Octopedal 91~100: Hybrid (reroll twice roll on Support Equipment instead of Production Extras, +1 Crew-Added and combine) Weaponry) Extra, +1 Trait) Posture Feet Type Mount Locations 1~25: Sprawling 1~20: Digitigrade 1~25: Arm 26~50: Crocodilian Semi-Erect 21~40: Plantigrade 26~50: Shoulder 51~75: Erect 41~60: Elephant Semi-Plantigrade 51~75: Torso 76~100: Pillar-Erect 60~80: Ungulate 76~100: Head (Main Mounts reroll head location 81~100: Arthropod (reroll if Bipedal) Armour Type Armour Traits Supplementary Defenses Optics 1~5: Rolled Homogenous Steel (RHA) 1~10: Vertical 1~10: Slat Plates 1~10: High-Power 6~10: Cast Homogenus Steel Adjustable 11~15: Rolled Aluminium 11~20: Steep Sloped 11~20: Light Explosive- 11~20: IR Night Vision 16~20: Cast Aluminium Reactive Armour 21~25: Rolled Titanium 21~30: Shallow-Sloped 21~30: Heavy Explosive- 21~30: IR Thermal 26~30: Cast Titanium Reactive Armour 31~35: Combination K Composite 31~40: Varying-Sloped 31~40: Nonexplosive- 31~40: Radar Imaging 36~40: Kanchan Composite Reactive Armour 41~45: Depleted Uranium 41~50: Rounded 41~50: Softkill ECM APS 41~50: Lidar Imaging 46~50: Titanium/Tungsten Alloy 51~55: Ceramic-Steel-Nickel Alloy 51~60: Partially Rounded 51~60: Conventional Hardkill 51~60: Sonar Imaging Laminate APS 56~60: Chobham Composite 61~65: MEXAS Composite 61~70: Large Joint Guards 61~70: Laser-hardkill APS 61~70: Computer-assisted 66~70: AMAP Composite Digital 71~75: Roketsan Composite 71~80: Small Joint Guards 71~80: Electric Reactive 71~80: Hyperspectral 76~80: Liquid Armour Armour Imaging 81~85: Frag-Kit Reinforced (reroll and 81~90: Local Network combine) 81~90: Side Skirts 81~90: Energy Forcefield Imaging (reroll and 86~90: Plastic-Reinforced (reroll and combine) combine) 91~95: Buckypaper-Reinforced (reroll and combine) 91~100: Elliptical 91~100: Nanoswarm Hive 91~100: Satellite Uplink 96~100: Multilayer Composite (reroll Shield Imaging (reroll and twice and combine) combine) Main Mount Weaponry (1d100 for Calibre) 1~2: Heavy MG (Calibre/10+10, A, R) 37~40: Heavy Mortar (+80 Calibre, M, 76~78: Deuterium Fluoride Laser** (N/A) B) 3~4: Light Autocannon. (+20 Calibre, max 41~44: Recoil-less Rifle (+20 Calibre, C, 79~81: Sonic Cavitation Emitter** (N/A) 50, A, S) S) 5~8: Medium Autocannon (+20 Calibre, 45~48: Light Howitzer (+25 Calibre, 82~84: Light Gauss Gun (Calibre/10, C, max 70, A, S) max 65, C, B+S) N/A) 9~12: Heavy Flamethrower (Calibre roll = 49~52: Medium Howitzer (+55 Calibre, 85~87: Heavy Gauss Gun (Calibre/10+5, maximum length of flame in meters, N/A) max 85, C, B+S) C, N/A) 13~16: Smoothbore Cannon (+70 Calibre, 53~56: Heavy Howitzer (+75 Calibre, 88~90: Light Railgun (Calibre/10, C, reroll if Exoskeleton, C, S) reroll if Exoskeleton or Small, C, B+S) N/A) 17~20: Heavy Smoothbore Cannon (+80 57~60: MLRS (+40 Calibre, Calibre 91~93: Heavy Railgun (Calibre/10+5, C, Calibre, reroll if Exoskeleton or Small, C, S) roll/4=number of tubes, X, B+S) N/A) 21~24: Missile-Launcher Smoothbore (+80 61~64: Superposed Load Gun 94~96: HZE Ion Gun** (N/A) Calibre, reroll if Exoskeleton or Small, C, S) (Calibre/10+5, A, R) 25~28: Rotary Cannon (+20 Calibre, max 65~68: Superposed Load Mortar (+30 97~98: Orbital Strike Targetting System** 40, C, S) Calibre, max 70, M, B) (Reroll if Double or Quad) 29~32: Light Mortar (+30 Calibre, max 70, 69~72: Large Microwave Emitter** 99: Double (reroll and combine) M, B) (N/A) 33~36: Medium Mortar (+50 Calibre, max 73~75: Oxygen Iodine Electrolaser** 100: Quad (reroll and combine) 100, M, B) (N/A) Secondary Mount Weaponry (1d100 for Calibre) Support Equipment (roll only if Support Mech) 1~10: Melee Weapon* (i/bpMe, N/A) 1~5: Multipurpose Power-loader (Reroll if Torso or Shoulder Mount Location) 6~10: Wrecking Ball 11~20: Light MG (Calibre/10+5, A, R) 11~15: Firefighting Gear 16~20: NBC Decontamination Unit 21~30: Heavy MG (Calibre/10+10, A, R) 21~25: Cargo Compartment 26~30: High-Powered Radar 31~40: Light Autocannon. (+20 Calibre, max 50, A, S) 31~35: Command & Control Suite 36~40: Electronic Warfare Suite 41~50: Light Howitzer (+25 Calibre, max 65, C, B+S) 41~45: MICLIC Launcher 46~50: LRAD 51~60: Automatic Grenade Launcher 51~55: Canal Defense Light (Calibre/10+15, M, B, reroll ammo if result is 50+) 56~60: Mech Repair Module 61~70: CIWS (Calibre/10 +10, A, R) 61~65: MEDEVAC Compartment 66~70: Trench Digger 71~80: Recoil-less Rifle (+20 Calibre, C, S) 71~75: Mech Refueling Module 76~80: Bridgelayer 81~90: 1x Missile (+30 Calibre, X, B) 81~85: Razorwire Dispenser 86~90: Mine Dispenser 91~100: Microwave Emitter** (N/A) 91~95: Drone Bay 96~100: Dual-Mount (reroll twice and combine) * Do not roll Calibre ** Do not roll Calibre or Weapon Trait Melee Weapon Type Impact Melee Traits (iMe) Blade/Piercing Melee Traits (bpMe) 1~10: Spur/Horn (Head location Melee 1~10: Rectracable 1~10: Rectracable Weapons automaticly gain this) 11~20: Knucleduster 11~20: Detachable 11~20: Detachable 21~30: Claws 21~30: Power-fielded 21~30: Power-fielded 31~40: Handweapon, Blunt 31~40: Launchable (roll on Rocket Trait, 31~40: Launchable (roll on Rocket Trait, reroll Autoloader Results) reroll Autoloader Results) 41~50: Handweapon, Blade 41~50: Double-headed 41~50: Double-edged 51~60: Handweapon, Dual Type (roll on 51~60: Flexible (reroll if Knuckleduster) 51~60: Incendiary-tipped both Impact and Blade Traits) (reroll Sanshiki Cluster) 61~70: Polearm, Blunt 61~70: Dead-blow Gravity Assisted 61~70: Chain-bladed 71~80: Polearm, Blade 71~80: Vibro-weapon 71~80: Vibro-weapon 81~90: Polearm, Dual Type (roll on both 81~90: Impact-Triggered Payload (roll on Impact and Blade Traits) Bombardment ammo, reroll Rocket- 81~90: Monomolecular Edge Assited HE, Mine and Guided results) 91~100: Shield* 91~100: Experimental Design (reroll twice 91~100: Experimental Design (reroll twice and combine) and combine) * Do not roll Melee Trait Cannon Traits (C) Mortar Traits (M) Rocket Traits (X) Automatic Traits (A) 1~10: Barrel Evacuator 1~10: Gun Shield 1~10: Distinctive Sound 1~10: Enlarged Ammo Storage 11~20: Muzzle Break 11~20: Smoothbore 11~20: Chain Autoloader 11~20: Infrared Barrel Shroud 21~30: Computer-Assisted 21~30: Self-Loading 21~30: Casette Autoloader 21~30: Quickfiring Gyroscopially-stabilized 31~40: Autoloader 31~40: Rapid-firing 31~40: Hypersonic Capability 31~40: Muzzle Break 41~50: Chain Autoloader 41~50: Detachable 41~50: Multi-Stage Projectile 41~50: Detachable 51~60: Casette Autoloader 51~60: Computer-Controlled 51~60: Anti-Blast Panelling 51~60: Limited Traverse 61~70: Infrared Barrel 61~70: Semi-automatic Breech 61~70: Laser-Guided 61~70: Computer-Controlled Shroud 71~80: Computer- 71~80: MRSI-Capable 71~80: Wire-Guided 71~80: AA-Capable Controlled 81~90: Enlarged Ammo 81~90: Computer-Assisted 81~90: IR-Guided Fire-And- 81~90: Hydro-pneumatic Recoil Storage Gyroscopially-stabilized Forget System 91~100: Field-improved 91~100: Experimental (reroll 91~100: Automatic Target 91~100: Gatling-style revolving (reroll twice and combine) twice and combine) Recognition Unit barrels (reroll if CIWS) Standard Ammo (S) Bombardment Ammo (B) Rifle Ammo (R) 1~4: HE 1~5: HE 1~5: Round Nose Lead 5~9: HEAT 6~10: HEAT 6~10: Jacketed Soft Point 10~14: HESH 11~15: HESH 11~15: Hollow Point 15~19: Discarding-sabot HE 16~20: HEI 16~20: Jacketed Hollow Point 20~24: HEI/AP 21~25: EMP 21~25: AP (Tungsten) 25~29: APDS 26~30: Cluster 26~30: Full Metal Jacket 30~34: APCR 31~35: Beehive Flechette 31~35: Flechette 36~40: AP (Depleted Uranium) 36~40: Incendiary 36~40: Tracer 41~45: Fin-Stabilized AP 41~45: Biological (gain NBC Sealing trait) 41~45: Armor-Piercing Tracer 46~50: Gyrojet AP (reroll if Missile) 46~50: Chemical (gain NBC Sealing trait) 46~50: Incendiary (reroll Sanshiki Cluster) 51~55: Chemical (gain NBC Sealing trait) 51~55: Mine (reroll if weapon is Light) 51~55: Armor-Piercing Incendiary 56~60: Biological (gain NBC Sealing trait) 56~60: Nuclear (reroll if weapon is Light) 56~60: Incendiary-Tracer (reroll (gain NBC Sealing trait) Sanshiki Cluster) 61~65: Incendiary 61~65: Thermobaric 61~65: Chemical (gain NBC 66~70: Nuclear (reroll if weapon is Light) 66~70:
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