Renaissance 4/2018 - 1 Vanessa Sigalas The Whole (New) World in a Cu The !"heneu#$s Narwhal-and-%&or' Cu Vanessa Sigalas The Whole (New) World in a Cup (uns""e)"e*de 4/2018 - 2 Vanessa Sigalas The Whole (New) World in a Cu The !"heneu#$s Narwhal-and-%&or' Cu The cup was #ounted 1e"ween 1670 and 1674 in !ugsburg 1' Hieronymus 3riester, who 1eca#e #aster in 1649.2 The silver #ounting is richly studded with recious and se#i-precious stones, including "urquoises, garne"s, a#e"hysts and e#eralds. The 1owl and 6oo" are carved out o6 narwhal "usk, "he ste# 6igures out o6 ivory. While "he carving style suggests "he loca"ion o6 roduc"ion, "he #a"erials used have signi6icant 1earing on "he co# le) icono- gra hy o6 the piece* The 0rou o6 "he >8#1racing Cou les? 3 %n 1974, ivory e) ert Christian Theuerkauf6 identified a large group o6 vessels with (indred #o"ifs and using similar #a"erials;4 a" least six"een cups 1elonging "o "ha" group show an e#1racing love couple as ste# (6ig. 2)*5 Aut o6 "he whole group only 6our o"her cups are 1elieved "o 6ea"ure ele#ents carved out o6 narwhal "usk*6 The #ajorit' are o6 slightly chea er #a"erials: +ig* 1 ivory or rhinoceros horn. !ll o6 "he cups show "o Covered cup, c* 1670–74, South 0er#an, ossi1ly !ugsburg, #ounts 1y 2ieronymus 3riester (0er#an, #aster in 1649, died 1697) grea"er or lesser degree similar 6rieCes with sea %vor', narwhal, sil&er-gil", recious and se#i recious stones Wadswor"h !"heneum Museum o6 !r", 2ar"6ord, CT* 0i6" in #e#or' crea"ures and e)o"ic animals and 6all 1ac( on a cer- o6 Mae Cadwell Ro&ensk' 1' e)change, The !nna Rosalie 5ansfield, "ain clear-cut re ertoire o6 co# osition and stylistic 0i6" 1' e)change, 0i6" o6 5iss Mar' C* Bar"on 1' e)change, The 7 8uro ean 9ecora"i&e !r"s 3urchase +und, and "he 9ouglas Trac' "' es. Wha" all o6 "he cups have in co##on is "heir S#i"h : 9oro"hy 3o""er S#i"h +und, 2012.4.1. (3ho"o; !llen 3hili s)* allegorical and/or #'"hological i#agery. ! co#- arison o6 all six"een ste#s reveals "ha" in eight %n"roduc"ion e)a# les "he #ale 6igure wears a 6ea"her skirt, while %n 2012, "he Wadsworth !"heneum 5useum o6 !rt in "he 6e#ale 6igure is wra ed in so#e (ind o6 clo"h or Hart6ord, Connec"icut, added "he narwhal and ivory dra ery. Twice Venus and !donis are de ic"ed and cup (6ig* 1) "o its stunning collec"ion o6 Euro ean 6ive "imes Ne "une and !# hitrite* %n one instance decora"ive arts. The cup is currently 6ea"ured in "he 1o"h 6igures are dressed in a sort o6 clo"h skirt #useum’s Ca1ine" o6 !rt and Curiosit', an interac"ive hanging in folds. gallery which was crea"ed as art o6 "he renova"ion and reinstalla"ion o6 the Euro ean galleries in 2015.1 Vanessa Sigalas The Whole (New) World in a Cup (uns""e)"e*de 4/2018 - D +ig* 2 Row one; Cups wi"h narwhal and ivory ele#ents; 1oa"-sha ed 1owl Row "hree; Cups wi"h rhinoceros horn or ivor' ele#ents; glo1ular/ +ro# le6" "o right; 2ar"6ord, Wadswor"h !"heneum (see 6ig*1)@ 1all-sha ed 1owl 9ar#stad", 2essisches Eandesmuseum 9ar#stad" (last "hird 17"h +ro# le6" "o right; Munich, Ba'erisches Na"ional#useu# (1685, ivor', centur', narwhal (?), %nv. No* Gg -D;418. (3ho"o; 2essisches Landes- %nv. No* R 4766. (J 7ayerisches Na"ional#useum München; 3ho"o; #useum 9ar#stad"))@ 2a1erland, Wal"er))@ !ntwer , 5!S (1690-1699, ivor', ro1a1l' narwhal, #ounts silver- Co enhagen, Na"ional#usee" (17th centur', rhinoceros horn, %nv. No* gil", cup lost in "he 1960s, %nv. No* !V*1996. (3ho"o; !ntwer , 5!S))@ 9 84* (3ho"o; CC-7K-S! Niels 8lswing 1972, Na"ional#usee"))@ Co enhagen, The Royal 9anish Collec"ion, Rosenborg Castle (ivor', Gassel, Museu#slandscha6" 2essen Gassel, Sa##lung !ngewand"e #ounts S"ut"gar", c* 1650, sil&er-gil"* (3ho"o; Gi" Weiss))@ Guns" (Sou"h 0er#an, !ugs1urg, a""ri1uted "o 0eorg 36ründ", c* 1660, 0ra6 von Schönborn ar" collec"ion (South 0er#an (!ugsburg or rhinoceros horn, #ounts Nicolaus +ischer (li6e da"es unknown), silver- Nure#1erg?), la"e 17th centur', ivor', ro1a1l' narwhal, #ounts gil", %nv. No* G3 7 V%/%%%*102. (3ho"o; Museumslandscha6" 2essen #a'1e Nure#1erg, sil&er-gil"* (Nure#1erg 1989, Schönborn, * 261))* Gassel))@ 9resden, 0rünes 0ewHl1e, S"aa"liche Gunstsa##lungen 9resden Row "wo; Cu s wi"h rhinoceros horn and ivor' ele#ents; horn- (rhinoceros horn, #ounts 2ans La(o1 5air (c* 1641–1719), !ugsburg, sha ed 1owl 1e6ore 1678, sil&er-gil", red chalcedonies, aga"es, "ur=uoises, %nv. No* +ro# le6" "o right; S"aa"liche Museen Cu 7erlin, Gunst- V% 245. (3ho"o; Lürgen Gar inski))@ gewer1e#useum (South 0er#an, circle o6 0eorg 36ründ", last "hird S"ut"gar", Eandesmuseu# Wür""e#1erg (#id-17th centur', rhino- 17th centur', rhinoceros or Ce1u horn, #ounts sil&er-gil", %nv. No* G ceros horn, #ounts ro1a1ly 2ans 5ayer, (1* 1649/50, "racea1le until 3429. (3ho"o; +o"ostudio Bar"sch, Berlin))@ 1682), S"ut"gar", silver-gil", %nv. No* GG 1raun-1lau 44. (3ho"o; Vienna, Gunsthistorisches Museu# Wien, Gunst(a##er (South 2endri( Mwie"asch))@ 0er#an, Nure#1erg, a""ri1uted "o 0eorg 36ründ", rhinoceros horn, 5unich, ResidenC 5ünchen Scha"C(a##er (Sou"h 0er#an, c* 1-.0/80, #ounts Nure#1erg c* 1650, silver-gil", %nv. No* GG, D715. (3ho"o; rhinoceros horn, #ounts ro1a1l' 2ans Ludwig Gienle "he Kounger Gunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gunst(a##er))@ (1623–1670), Nl#, sil&er-gil", %nv. No* ResMüSch.1177. (J 7ayerische Vienna, Gunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gunst(a##er (South SchlHsserverwal"ung))* 0er#an, a""ri1uted "o 0eorg 36ründ", second "hird 17th centur', rhinoceros horn, #ounts silver, ar"iall' ena#eled, %nv. No* GG, D-44* (3ho"o; Gunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gunst(a##er))@ Vienna, Gunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gunst(a##er (South 0er#an, !ugsburg, a""ri1uted "o 0eorg 36ründ", second "hird 17th centur', ivor', rhinoceros horn, e#eralds, #ounts silver-gil", ar"iall' ena#eled, %nv. No* GG, 3689. (3ho"o; Gunsthistorisches Museu# Wien, Gunst(a##er))@ 6or#erly Ruth 7lum(a Collec"ion (1993) (South 0er#an, ossi1le "hird =uar"er o6 "he 1."h centur', ivor', rhinoceros horn, #ounts silver-gil" and ena#eled wi"h recious stones, resent wherea1outs unknown. (Theuer(auf6 200D, Baro=ue ivories, 6ig* 21))* Vanessa Sigalas The Whole (New) World in a Cup (uns""e)"e*de 4/2018 - 4 The couples’ ostures are similar 1ut no" identical. #o"ifs. +urther research is needed "o de"ermine if all +or instance, "he !"heneum’s couple is no" in as "ight "he various carvers o era"ed in "he sa#e worksho , an e#1race as #ost o6 "he o"her couples. 5an and which is less likely, or in dif6erent ones. %" is, however, wo#an stand ne)" "o each o"her in a #ore upright conceiva1le "ha" a" least a 6ew o6 "he cups were ro- ose, "he #an e#1racing "he wo#an 6ro# 1ehind, duced 1' one #aster (still "antalizingly anonymous) laying his arm on her shoulder instead o6 her hip* The who #ade "he #ore acco# lished ieces and who e66ec" is "o #a(e "he sculp"ure e)"end #ore into "he had several co-workers, assistants and a rentices roo# and have a stronger visual presence* To achieve who "oge"her roduced cups o6 slightly lesser =ualit' "his, "he carver #ust have used a 1igger, dearer ivory 6ro# "he sa#e designs and #odels. The dif6erent "usk, there1' underscoring the high value o6 the cup* co# onents o6 such a cup #ight "hus have 1een carved 1' dif6erent artists, each according "o his The ar"is"(s) and "he wor(sho (s) specialism* 9ivision o6 la1or o6 "his (ind was co##on rac"ice in "he worksho s o6 "he "ime* The o"ential The identifica"ion o6 individual ivory artists or client could ac=uire "he various ele#ents se ara"ely worksho s roves "o 1e dif6icult, since "he' rarely and have it asse#1led so#ewhere else*16 This e)- signed "heir crea"ions and artists’ na#es seldo# lains "he various laces o6 #anufac"ure o6 "he a ear in conte# orary inventories.8 group’s #ounts: "wo were #ade in !ugsburg@ "wo in %n "he 1970s "he whole group was a""ributed 1' S"ut"gart@ "wo in Nure#1erg@ one in Ulm@ six are o6 Christian Theuerkauf6 "o "he 0erman #odeler, unknown origin; and "wo have no #ount a" all.17 !" engraver and #edallion #a(er 0eorg 36ründ", and/or "ha" "ime !ugsburg was renowned 6or its huge, "o his worksho and 6ollowers.9 36ründ" lived and distinguished, and o ulent goldsmith industry. %" is worked a" various laces in the German "erritories and "here6ore a "ribute "o "he high =ualit' o6 "he +rance, a#ong o"hers in Nure#1erg, Lyon, and !"heneum’s cup "ha" it was #ounted in !ugsburg* 3aris.10 Theuerkauf6 1ased his reasoning on an None o6 "he o"her cups 1oasts such an ela1ora"e and unidentified #onogra# 6ound a" "he lower side o6 a costly #ount with so #any recious and se#i- la"e in "he Kunsthistorisches 5useum in Vienna recious stones o6 such high qualit'* which he "enta"ively deciphered as >03?*11 The la"e and its rela"ed cup were, in his o inion, in "he style o6 36ründ"*12 Similarities o6 orna#enta"ion and style 1e"ween "hese "wo ieces and "he group o6 vessels led "o an a""ribution o6 all ieces "o 6ollowers o6 0eorg 36ründ"* La"er, Theuerkauf6 reconsidered "his "hesis saying "ha" #ost o6 "he cups were ro1a1ly roduced in !ugsburg and Nure#1erg (?) in "he second half o6 "he seventeenth century.13 Lut"a Ka el and o"her ivory scholars currently =uestion "he identifica"ion o6 "he #onogra# as >03? and no longer sup ort "he associa"ion with Georg P6ründ"*14 Ka el’s call 6or a close e)a#ina"ion o6 "he individual cups see#s reasona1le*15 There is a wide range o6 style and =ualit' within "he ste# 6igures in "he group, with diversit' in "he 1od' #odeling and in "he e)ecution o6 6ine de"ail, with dif6erences in hair or 6acial e) ressions being particularly no"eworthy.
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