• MINUTES OF THE ELFTH ANNUAL SESSION OF THE RTHERN NEW SALEM ASSOCIATION OF OLD REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST m SESSION ASSEMBLED WITH THE TLE REBECCA CHURCH Plymouth, Ohio UGUST 1, 2, 3, 1969 fAXTER OSBORNE, Moderator 4able Lane, Bartlett, IllinOis 60103 1ARIS TACKETT, Assistant Moderator er, Ohio toY B. AKERS, Clerk iope Lick Road, Louisville, Ky. 40243 "LAUDE OUSLEY, Assistant Clerk ky Land, Lewark, Ohio 43055 PRINTER'S FEE - $810.00 Dear beloved brethern of the Northern New Salem Association: In selecting the churches :that I hope will furnish ministers to aid the Mt. Ararat Church, Galax, Va., I have tried to exercise the best judgment at my conunand. If tff;te! churches named to go, can make different an-angements it will be perfectly alright. Brethern, it ,is needful that we do all that is required of us as ministers of the gospel to do everything that we possibly can to fulfill the request of that little church. They need our help and our strength, that they too may be nurished up in the soundness of the faith. Please answer to the call when your turn comes. Little Oval - .. ·--··----·--·.. ·-- · August, 1969 Little Edna ................... - ...................... _... ,........ September, 1969 Maggies Home ---·~ .... ··-·-·-·--.. ··--- October, 1969 Rose of Sharon ... __ ,____ ................ _,___ ,_ November, 1969 Little Rebecca .... ____, .,...,, .... _....... ._ _,_ December, 1969 Pleasant View .......................................................... January, 1970 Roy B. Akers and Glynn Adkins ___ .... February, 1970 Little Fanrily ................................................................... March, 1970 Antioch ......................................................................................... April, 1970 Little Angel .. _ ._ ............................... ~ ......... - .... - .... - May, 1970 Lilly of the Valley ............................................................. June, 1970 Little Jewel .......... ___ ,_,_........... -·-···... - ........... July, 1970 1 Dear B r e the r n of the Northern New Salem expect to make every effort possible to exercise Association: spiritual wisdom as your counciler to see to it Having devoted much study on world condi­ that we make no law~ or rules in this Association tions, and the condition of our Associations, I have contrary to tht~ established principals supported by come to the conclusion that everywhere we look, bible precepts, and, that we strictly enforce our things are in a bad condition. Human nature is the articles of faith, our rules of Decorum, and our basic cause for physical disagreements among peo­ constitution. Because, I have already reminded you ple today. that we are not a law-making body, but an As you all well know, we had trouble last year advisory council. and as you also know tt has hurt us as an associa­ By this I mean simply that if we feel that a tion, and as churches, and I feel that many people church has violated our rule;; of faith and practice, are still hurt. or acts contrary to our beliefs to the ex;tent that Let me remind you that we do wrong by putting it causes one of our churches, or several of them to a clamp around a church, and then 'tighten the present quaries against it-we cannot, according to screw~ to the extent that it binds that church to the rules of our decorum, put a binder on that do what we say-this association is not a court, church, withuut first having legal proof and bible but merely an advisory council. evidence of what 1that church has done that is I have suffered much the past year because of wrong. We s h o u 1 d never rise up against any what has been done. It is our duty as an advisory church and set our foot down on it so as to council to advise a church in matters of disagree­ wound the feelings, and break the hearts of the ment~, and not to force them to agree with us. brethern of one church just to satidy and appease That's what's wrong with the world today. And the feelings of brebhern of another church. For this demanding force is fast finding its way into when this sort of trouble comes, we should and our churches and associations. must make every effort to see if such church has We loudly cry: freedom of speech, freedom of offended the laws of God by disobeying HIS record, press, freedom of this and freedom of that. Yet or if, maybe it might be the law of some man's we are quick to put a binder on things that we feelings--Pos~ibly because such practice had not don't like, but yet don't understand, and it is a been heard of before? · rure thing that if we don't go back to the rules I feel that the laws of God that must govern of staying in bounds of what we really are (an the decisions that we make, does not permit us to andvisory council) we will some day destroy our hinder the progress of a c_!mrch that has done identity, and the purpose of an Association. nothing contrary to that law. There are many con­ If I am elected as your Moderator this year, I veniences that we enjoy today, that our fore­ fathers didn't have. Those conveniences are to 2 3 numerous to mention. They have automatically PROCEEDINGS come by the growing of the times. It is wrong for us •to say that just because they (our forefather's) OF THE didn't have the>se conveniences. that we shouldn't TWELFTH ANNUAL SESSION have them. OF THE So my dear brethern, let US purge ourselves NORTHERN NEW SALEM ASSOCIATION of all hostility, and remove all envy and strife, OF · and human prejudices from our heants, for these I things will ruin nations-, and destroy people, and OLD REGULAR BAPTIST churches, and Associations. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST I deeply feel that if we would strictly adhere FRIDAY; AUGUST 1, 1969 to the word of God and to .the testimony of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, and leave out the things The No!1thern New Salem Association of Old that we believe but cannot back up by the word Regular Baptist assembled with the Little Rebecca of God, and put .in the things that we can back up Church, Plymouth, Richland Co., Ohio on the first by the word of God, we will find that our churches Friday in August, 1969, at the place where arrange­ will grow and prosper. There will be more love ments had ben made for the preaching. While sing­ manifested, we will all be happier to s-ee each other ing a choice selection of several of the beautiful old when we meet, and peace and love, and harmony songs of Zion's land rthe many brethern, sisters and will prevail throughout our churches. If we prac­ friends exchanged warm handshakes and joyful tice these things our Association will grow stronger greetings. And too, sound of rejoicing, and 'high and be the light •that we all hoped for when it was praises to the God of sweet deliverance could be organized. Again ·if we adhere strictly to the laws heard blending in with the sweet tones of the old and rules of God while in session, we will hate to time Slinging, as the cool breezes from heaven calmly take the parting hand when pavting time comes, our found its way through the beautiful green leaves of love for one another will be stronger, God will the tall sturdiY oak that adorned the ground, in bless- us more, and when our work is finished, we search of that spirit that had lost its warmth for can part in peace with God in our souls, with love peace and security in the sh~c;iow.-of God's ever- in our heart.>, and with Heaven in our view. God lasing love. · · - - bless you all. May God help us all to be kind to each other to speak kind and soft. When we speak, Services began about the hour of 10:00 A.M. by let us try to have our speech seasoned with •the Elder Wilbur Lee Hamilton who counciled the dele­ spirit of Grace. Elder Baxter Osborne gates ·to strive for everlasting peace and unity that 4 5 love may be manifested throughout this session of All letters were found to be in order, •the delegates our Association. Bro. Wilbur Lee then led in prayer. were seated and all Queries and Requests were re­ Elder Paris Tackett approached the stand in a ferred to the committee on arrangements. very humble manner as becometh a true servent of 2. The Association was organized by electing God, and preached the introductory sermon. His. Elder BaXJter Osborne, Moderator; Elder Paris sermon was centered around the many promises of Tackett, Assistant Moderator; Elder Roy B. Akers, God beginning with the promise to Abraham in Clerk, and Elder Claude Ousley, Assistant Clerk. ancient times, and culminating witll the blessed promise of the coming of the Messiah, Christ, the 3. By motion and second it was ordered that the author of life and salvation. Moderator make all temporary appointments. The delegates and messengers were dismissed 4. Called for churches desiring .to join our union. and invited to assemble themselves together at the None responded. church house where arrangements had been made to conduct •the work of the Northern New Salem 5. By motion and second the reading of the Association. Elder Ira Adkins of the Philadelphia Articles of Faith, rules of decorum and constitution Association made remarks and offered prayer. Em­ were omitted. ploying the spirit of love, he pleaded with •the delegates to exercise their feelings and desires in 6. Called for letters from Sister Associations who the spirit of unity and love.
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