Environment and Social Due Diligence Report May 2011 IND: India Infrastructure Project Financing Facility II –Pune Solapur Expressway Pvt. Ltd. Prepared by India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited for the Asian Development Bank This report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Environment and Social Due Diligence Report Pune-Solapur Expressway Pvt. Ltd. IIFCL Due diligence Report on Environment and Social Safeguards Sub Project: Widening and Up gradation of NH-9 section between Pune-Solapur Section in the state of Maharashtra, India. Sub-Project Developer: Pune-Solapur Expressway Pvt. Ltd. May 2011 1 Environment and Social Due Diligence Report Pune-Solapur Expressway Pvt. Ltd. Sub Project: Widening and Up gradation of NH-9 section between Pune-Solapur Section in the state of Maharashtra, India. Due diligence Report on Environment and Social Safeguards 2 Environment and Social Due Diligence Report Pune-Solapur Expressway Pvt. Ltd. CONTENTS PROJECT BACKGROUND: ...................................................................................................... 5 1. SUB-PROJECT TITLE: ............................................................................................... 5 2. SUB-PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ................................................................................. 5 3. CONCESSIONAIRE: ................................................................................................... 6 4. EPC CONTRACTORS:................................................................................................ 6 5. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT: ................................................................................. 7 6. PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT: ............................................................... 7 7. LENDER’S ENGINEER: .............................................................................................. 7 8. STATUS OF SUB-PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: .................................................... 7 DUE DILIGENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS: ...................................................... 9 9. AVAILABILITY OF EIA/EMP REPORTS: ................................................................. 10 10. VISIT TO SUB-PROJECT LOCATION: ..................................................................... 10 11. ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY AND DUE DILIGENCE: ....................................... 10 12. CATEGORIZATION OF SUB-PROJECT: ................................................................. 12 13. STATUS OF REGULATORY CLEARANCES: .......................................................... 12 14. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE: ............................ 13 15. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS: ...................................................................................... 15 16. IMPLEMENTATION OF EMP: ................................................................................... 15 16.1. EPC Contracts : ........................................................................................................................ 15 16.2. Environment management plan (EMP): ................................................................................. 16 16.2.1. Contractors Environment Management: .................................................................................... 16 16.2.2. EMP Implementation Matrix: ...................................................................................................... 16 16.2.3. Environmental Monitoring: ......................................................................................................... 24 16.2.4. Implementation Framework and EMP Monitorng:...................................................................... 24 17. SITE VISIT:................................................................................................................ 26 18. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: ............................................................. 27 DUE DILIGENCE ON SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS ....................................................................... 29 19. DUE DILIGENCE OF SOCIAL IMPACTS: ................................................................ 30 20. LAND ACQUISITION IN THE SUB-PROJECT .......................................................... 31 21. LAND ACQUISITION STATUS FOR THE SUBPROJECT ........................................ 32 22. RESETTLEMENT IMPACT IN THE SUB-PROJECT: ............................................... 34 23. COMMON PROPERTY RESOURCE (CPR) .............................................................. 34 24. COMPENSATION AND ENTITLEMENT: .................................................................. 34 25. INCOME RESTORATION AND EMPLOYMENT GENERATION: ............................. 36 26. PUBLIC CONSULTATION IN THE SUB-PROJECT: ................................................ 36 27. HEALTH, SAFETY, HYGIENE OF CONSTRUCTION WORKERS: .......................... 38 28. SITE VISIT ................................................................................................................. 39 29. CONCLUSIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................. 39 3 Environment and Social Due Diligence Report Pune-Solapur Expressway Pvt. Ltd. LIST OF FIGURES: FIGURE1.1 : FOREST COVER MAP IN MAHARASHTRA…………………………………… …………………………11 FIGURE 2.1 : ORGANIZATION CHART……………..…………………………………………………………………………..25 LIST OF TABLES: TABLE 1 : PROJECT SALIENT FEATURES…….……………………………………………………………………………..5 TABLE 2 : CUMULATIVE ACHIEVEMENT STATEMENT..……………………………………………………………...6 TABLE 3 : CUMULATIVE ACHIEVEMENT STATEMENT FOR STRUCTURAL WORK…..……………..…….7 TABLE 4 : FINANCIAL PROGRESS FOR THE PROJECT………………………………………………………………….7 TABLE 5 : STATUS OF CLEARANCE……………………….………………………………………………………………….11 TABLE 6 : PUBLIC CONSULTATION DETAILS……………………………………………………………….……………12 TABLE 7 : PUBLIC CONSULTATION DURING IMPLEMENTATION STAGE…………….……………………..13 TABLE8 : EMP IMPLEMENTATION MATRIX……………………………………..…………………………………….16 TABLE9 : DETAILS OF TREE CUT VIS-À-VIS TREE TRANSPLANTATION….…………………………………..25 TABLE10 : VILLAGE WISE LAND ACQUISITION DETAILS……………………………………….………..…………30 TABLE 11 : STATUS OF AVAILABLE LAND………………………………………………………………….………..…….32 TABLE 12 : MAGNITUDE OF IMPACT BY CATEGORY………………………………………….…..………..……….33 TABLE13 : IMPACT ON COMMON PROPERTY RESOURCES…………………………............………..………33 TABLE14 : PRESENT STATUS OF LAND ACQUISITION TO AGRICULTURAL AND NON- AGRICULTURAL TITLE HOLDERS …..………………………………………………………………………..34 TABLE15 : TOTAL BUDGET OF REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENTS.………………..………..………35 TABLE16 : LOCAL LEVEL CONSULTATION…………………………………………………………………………………36 TABLE 17 : CONSULTATION DURING THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION STAGE………………………….36 APPENDICES: Appendix I: EIA/EMP Report Appendix III: EPC Contract Document Appendix II: Copies of Relevant Clearances, Appendix IV (A): EMP for Contractor-1 Consents and Permits Appendix IV (B): EMP for Contractor-2 Appendix V : Signed Copy of EMP Implementation Matrix Appendix-VI : Copy of Environmental Appendix VII: Photoplate (Site Visit Photographs) Monitoring Report Annexure VIII: The details of the sanitation, health and safety practices 4 Environment and Social Due Diligence Report Pune-Solapur Expressway Pvt. Ltd. PPRROOJJEECCTT BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD::: 1. SSUUBB---PPRROOJJEECCTT TTIIITTLLEE::: 1. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has decided to upgrade the existing 7.0m wide undivided two-lane road of NH-9 from Pune (PWD Km 40+000) to Solapur (Km 144+000) to 4-lane capacity. 2. SSUUBB---PPRROOJJEECCTT DDEESSCCRRIIIPPTTIIIOONN::: 2. The Project Road i.e. the Pune-Solapur Section of NH-9 is a very important link providing connection between the two state capitals: Mumbai and Hyderabad of India. The growing mismatch between road infrastructure and vehicle population in this section of the road has led to traffic congestion and reduced level of services. 3. Thus, as part of the National Highway Development Program (NHDP), NHAI has taken up the 4 laning of the mentioned project section under NHDP-Phase-III program (Package No. NHDP-III/DL4/04). 4. The proposed widening and strengthening work would mainly involve: (i) raising the formation level wherever it is required; (ii) widening of existing two lane road into four lane divided carriageways; (iii) Pavement strengthening and provision of drains, service roads, sidewalks, pedestrian crossing, cattle crossing, underpasses, bus bays and truck lay byes etc. The project salient features are given in table 1. Table 1: Project Salient Features: Particulars Project Road (Km 40+000 to 144+000) Length 110.037 Km Terrain Plain and rolling terrain. A small portion of the project area passes through hilly area considered as Ghat section from Km 68.00 to Km 69.00 near Kurkumbh. Carriageway Two carriage ways of 7.00m + 2x0.250 m (Shy distance) with raised median of 4.5m. Paved Shoulders 2x1.5m=3.0m Gravel Shoulder 2x1.0m=2.0m Service Roads on both sides Total length of 14.5 Km Major Bridges 1 Nos. on Sonar Nallah (at Km 79+135 at Sonar Nallah Bridge). Minor Bridges 36 Nos. Flyover 3 Nos. Railway Over Bridge 1 Nos. Vehicular Underpass (VUP) 7 Nos. Pedestrian/Cattle
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