The Glenville Mercury Number 25 Glenville-------------. State College, Glenville, West Virginia Friday, March 27, 1981 Heart Assoc. (Yent Successful I Due to the Miss GSC con- I I test being scheduled for Wed- I During March, more than 84 stu­ young people who can begin to I nesday, April 1, the Mercury I dents in the Sigma Sorority, Mercury benefit from it now," Sandra Piercy I has moved the deadli-;,~-f;;r I Staf~ GleltVilIe Elementary School, said. : submissions to that Tuesday I I at noon. Please try to have II Glenville Brownie Troop, and TKE The Jump Rope For Heart began I all your information in by Fraternity jumped rope and ratsed m Milwaukee in 1978. After being I tha t time. Thank you! I SI,754.52 as part of the national expanded on a statewide basis in ..I ____________ JI Jump Rope For Hean for the benefit OJinois during 1979, it was developed of the West Virginia Heart AssoCLa- as a national specLai event In 1980 tion. for benefit of Heart Associations in The specLai event was sponsored nearly 40 states. Over 300,000 stu- Miss Kanawbacbe. by the West Virgirua Association for dents from 2,900 schools were in­ Health, Physical Education and Recre­ volved in the event ation, as weU as Glenville State Col­ 11le foUowing indIViduals have Co.testants Selected lege. been recognized for the participation: WeU, it looks like one on one Local Jump Rope For Heart C0- TKE Fraternity - $20220 and Glen­ in this year's Miss Kanawhachen con­ ordinator, Sandra Piercy, said ville Elementary Sdlool - 'ielanie test. Della Seaman and Jamie Copen­ Miss West Virginia Pam Paugh WVAHPER members were pleased Fox, Kermit Deal, Beth McHenry, haver are the only contcstants. with the results of the evenL "The Usa Smarr, Mandy Nicholson, Fritz For those of you that arc familiar Jump Rope For Heart event not only Miss IV Appearance Scheduled GiUespie, $306.00 with the contestants, your vote is helps to support the Heart Associa­ Mrs. Sandra Piercy would like to only a matter of when, what and Pamela EUen Paugh, Miss West izations. tion, but also demonstrates teamwork thank everyone who participated in where. Virginia 1980, will appear at the Pam and her older sister, Patsy, and promotes good teacher-student the "Jump Rope For Heart," and the Voting will take place March 31 Miss Glenville State College Scholar­ have shared in a ve ry special exper­ relations." people who contributed and made in the Student Union lobby from ~hip Pageant at 7: 30 p.m., April I iencc, both having becn nowncd It also points out the lifelong this project a success. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bring your pennies! in the college auditorium. Miss Wcst Virginia. Pam and Pah), benefits of physical exercise to these Votes are one penny each, and you "Miss GSC: A Celebration" will arc the only sisters in Wcst Virginia may vote as many times as you wish. feature nine contestants vying for pageant history to have ever achieved Drop in a buck for 100 votes. the title of Miss GSC and the right that honor. Pat sy won the title in Don't be a penny pincher! Show to compete at the Miss West Vir­ 1977 while a student at West Vir­ your concern for your candidate by ginia Scholarship Pageant, June 9-13 ginia Univcrsity. voting on March 31. in Clarksburg, WV. Pam won the local M iss South Miss West Virginia 1980 is a Charleston 1980 pageant before com- scnior at Mar~hall University where peting for the Miss West Virginia she mainrains a 3.90 grade point crown. She is the daughter of Mr. average in her English and speech and Mrs. Donald R. Paugh of Char­ communications studies. Aside from Ieston. Pam's personal appearances as Miss "We arc e,tremely pleased that West Virginia, she is very active in Pam will be here to perform and lIlany college organizations. Pam is crown the new Miss GSC," said the lead soprano and choreographer Nasia Pavlidies, director of the local of the Marshall University Singers, pageant. "Pum is a vivacious YOli ng: a member of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority, woman ana is :.In outstanding rep­ named MU Outstanding Woman resentative of West Virginia women. Leader, Dean's List and Who's Who She is beautiful, intelligent and has Among American College and Univ­ a very warm and outgoing person­ ersity Students. ality." Pam sports a varied musical back­ "Pam will be featured in the ground having trained in vo ice, opening and clOSing production trumpet, French horn, guitar, organ numbers, 'Celebration' and 'They're and piano. She also has extensive Playing Our Song,' in addition to experience in dancing, drama and several nUmbCT$ that she has selected," said Pavlidies. Pribble, John Brooks, Jim Meads, and Larry Keaton. public speaking where she won many honors during her high school days "All in all, this will be a vcry at Parkersburg. The bluc-cyed exciting pageant. Everyone involved brunette enjoys popular singing, col­ has worked e'tremely hard to make FAO Officers Named this special." lecting antiques and pigs and espec­ The officers of the Faculty Ad- large are Dr. Duke Talbott, Larry ially performing for civic organ- Admission for the pageant is S I. ministration Organization (FAO) are Keaton, and Delores Mysliwiec. usually in position by mid-semester, 11le March 20 edition of the Mercuryites Attend Journalism Week but the election for 1981 was unUSUal Mercury outlined the FAO and pre­ Members of the Mercury staff will on changing of the guard in Wash­ There was a tie for the office of the sented a surface view of the organ~ be attending the Monday, March 31, ington. presidency. zation's duties and activities. Other session of WVU's J ournalislll Week. The GSC attendees will tour WVU's articles on the F AO committee, in­ Dr. Mary Jo Pribble won the run­ These students, accompanied by Martin HaU, which houses the School off election and has assembled the cluding student members, will begin Yvonne King, journalism instructor, of Journalism, recently- named the newly elected officers to continue in the Mercury on April 3. will hear John W. Mashek speak that Perley Isaac Reed School of Journ­ the activities of the FAO. Other evening. Mr. Mashek, political editor alism. This building was remodeled I-------------- "The Main Event," originally • officers elected are: John Brook£­ of the U.S. News and World Report, recently and has gained a reputation vic~president; Sharon Krau5-seeretary; : scheduled for April 1, has been will speak on political news of the as the best equipped journalism facility and Jim Meads-treasurer. Officers-at- • rescheduled for April 8. - .. ------------ Della Seaman past six months with some emphasis east of the Mississippi. Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Friday. March 27. J 98 J Greeks Initiate Pledges APPL'SI T KE OD LADIES GE.T YOUR The Fraters of the Tau Kappa The members of the Order of The Ladies of the White Rose Pl.E"S!f Epsilon would like to welcome three Diana will hold their regular meeting held a short meeting before their new members: Greg Floyd. Steve April 2nd in the Student Union initiation on Wednesday. Marsh, and Richard Wickline. at 12 : 30 unless otherwise notified. Plans were fmalized for the dance Congratulations also go to TKE I 00 initiation plans will be finalized which is to be held this coming Tues­ for their two wins. at that time. day from 8 to 11 in the Ballroom. A Ping Pong Tourney is planned It was decided at the last Ladies are asked to be in the ball­ for after spring break, so everyone meeting that Cathy Stout will rep­ room early in order to set up. interested should start practicing. resent the Order of Diana as M'lst We would also like to congratulate t.z Outstanding Member at the Women's all the new Ladies who were init­ Da y Banquet. Also, Cathy and iated this past Wednesday. We would like to thank those who Kevin Stout and Susan Edwards and The nex t regular meeting will be came to our spaghetti dinner. A Tim Sayre were selected to part­ Wednesday, April 2 at 4:30. All special thanks goes to Mom Bennett icipate in the Cutest Couple Contest. new Ladies are reminded to bring and Mrs. Bernola for being our "speCF Pledges can pay their semester their dues with them at this time, n ial cooks. We'd also like to thank dues - $5.00 - anytime from now if they have not yet paid. our pledges for working so hard until initiation. Dues can be given during the dinner and congratulate to Susan Edwards. The Sisters of the Delta Alpha them for sponsoring a good dance. We wish to remind all of the Olapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma met Because of these activities, the mem­ OD's to support the TKE's at intra­ bers of the spring class have all been murals. at 5:00 on Monday for their regular Start Summer Job'Hunting :Now n voted as "Pledges of the Week. Congratulations to Steve Marsh, ceremonial meeting. Students have about two months of school left and then they We encourage everyone to work Richard Wickline and Greg Floyd Everyone is reminded of the car gain their freedom and summer vacation but to many the summer hard in supporting GSCs Muscular on passing their tests. Good job wash to be held Saturday from 10-2 may tum into a disaster if they have not found a summer job yet.
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