hvaukO fm D A n T on oD tA n oM for the Month «it. ta w , US8 A JPpL. L V n , NO. 248 0*L&ary T6 Write FRANCE WELCOMES Series For Herald BRITISH ROYALTY Beginning today The Herald ' Is pleased to present dally a new fea- ON GOOD WILL TRIP ture column written by James J. President's Committee's Vast O’Leary entitled "Homo Economi* cub". In this column Mr. Leary will attempt to analyze current econo- $850,000,000 Program King Georje Ami Qaeen|f||£]||f 0 £ ^ mic problems that are of vital inter- est to every thinking man. In tte ^ first series of articles the w rlA r Is Qm'ckly Attacked By will endeavor to .point out the fundamental defecte In the Ameri- Aviator Inaists He Meant Tt ON l OMERGAN can economy whlca lead to alter- A.MA , Backed By Doctor nate periods o f. prosperity, and de- Land^ Califainii. WA pression. The primary object of the column. Is to stimulate constructive Urntbii IS CALLED OFF Wanhlngton, July 19.—Officials March Closely Guarded.; thought along economic lines of the American Medical Associa- Ancient Plan^ D nU i Tt among Herald readers. In view of -i this, criticism of, or questions on tion heaped criticism today on a Paris, July 19.— (A P )—A boom- Five Minotes After Senator the writer’s Ideas will be greatly Presidential committee’s recommw Straighten Ont Diffiodtiai ing salute of 101 guns welcomed appreciateu as an Indication of dation for an 1850,000,000 geVfern- King George and Qiieen Elizabeth of whether the column Is achieving Its Asserts Loyalty To FJ).R., purpose. ment health progranj^-'The far- Cansed By Lack OF England today on their arrival for Mr. O’Leary is especially quali- reaching venture, proposed to the’ a visit of state to France. Cnmiirings Says AH Objec- fied to write upon econoi^c sub- national health, -ronference yester- , p e r s ; S a y s H e i p The boyish - appearing King jects. Upon graduating from Man- day, would.bave two general alms: George, monarch of an empire of chester High Sebool In 1932 be I. It^wPuld expand general public i nearly 600,000,000 people, camS with tions To Him Are Gone. matlculated at Wesleyan Univer- health facilities, try to eradicate Back To United Sfailii his consort by boat and train from sity. While at Wesleyan he majored Jainea J. O X eaiy tuberculosis, venereal diseases, and . London to ..this-.capital stind was •in the Raid o f .Economico, and after . j :. , l U , malaria- and- to control “pnetinronla greeted by gray-halred Albert Le- graduation In 1936 be received bis sihly 'bow long bis present one will Washlngton, July 19.— (API — A and cancer deaths, and develop ma- Dublin, July 19— (A P )- r _ brun, titular chief of stato for 102,- master of arts degree in- the same continue to provide him with a ternal and child health centers. 000,000 people. ------ Prime Mini.ster Eamon dfi V«i> - / - - pledge of loyalty to President field in 1937 M ter an extra ' year livelihood ? Ik e visit of the British aovereigna 2. It would use some state, local Roosevelt’s objectives apparently of study. During the past year. Mr. What topic of conversation la and Federal funds to build hospi- era congratulated Douglas C. was designed to reaffirm—aa did a O’Leary attended the Duke Univer- removed today any administration more prevalent than that of busi- tals, maintain free beds, and give “Daredevil” Corrigan today ofld I similar visit by King George V In sity Graduate School of Economics ness conditions ? . On every street grants-ln-ald for research. 1914— the common ,front of two of opposition' to renomlnation of Sen- to which he will return In the fall corner one hears such comments as, his "wrong way” flight item the wmrld’s greatest, empires.^. Dtspnte Quickly Starts New York to Dublin. ator Lonergan (D., Conn.), a foe of In order to complete the require- "Business certainly Is rotten!" The royal partY arrived at theI H t - the court, and government reorgan- Presentation of the p ro p o s a l^ a ments for the degree of doctor of "Oh, If Roosevelt would only keep The prime minister horrli^ : (Om tie ~Bois de "C olognitog e station in the ization bills. “I am and have been committee on medical-, care ap{>olnt- philosophy. his hands off business!" from a Cabinet meeting t » ” aristocratic nprthwest comer of for and with President Roosevelt’’, ed by President Roosevelt'started pfmtt Mr. O’Leary's first article fol- "How many days did you work Paris, a dquare, gray-stone struc- said Lonergan in a radio address In lows:: last week?" an Immediate dispute. greet the 31-year-oId Cuifot^ di ture under i^ oa e greeh cupola visit- Connecticut late yesterday. Five "Did you hear the rumor that Dr. Irvin Abell o f Ldulsvllle, Ky., nian and hear the detaflfl o f t l^ :i ing royalty/traditionally descends. minutes later, Attorney-General president of the ., termed toe -Thfoni HOMO EqONOMIOUS Cheney’s Is going to shut down for K y if. daring flight in the old V lM | The royal train arrived at 4:49 Oimmtnga gave out a statement By JAMES J. O’LE A R Y a week?” program unworitabie'. Dr. Hugh BUtsdat p. m. (10:49 a. mi, e. a. t.). The which Corrigan 1 n s i ■ 1 9M:. sd"Long here saying the speech "would seem What Is of greater l-nportance to A ll such discussion proves con- Cabot of the Mnyo (?Ilhlc, Rochester, King and Queen, smiling broadly, to remove all reasonable objection brought him to Ireland infiteig "' I n Urti tha the average .man of today tbiin. his. SlqsJveJy that during the past de- Minn., a lejider o f the “ rebel" group smr oundi stepped onto' the'platform and shook to his YLohergan’s ) homlhatlon.” job^wheUier he has one, how- soon In the MCdlchl Association, replied; of California l^cauM liUtfia hand^ with President and Madame A glass of cool water was the first taste of Irish hospitality ex- htflUant ~ Cummings, a resident of (Onnec- he will be able to. obtain one, or pos-*' (OonUnited on Page Two.) "MalittMance of toe standards ot L«bzun. The King .wore the uniform tended Douglas Corrigan, American Irishtnan whose non-atop flight to "mistake” in direction. : « tarsos ai ticiit, did not Indicate be was practice by the medical pro- Ireland In a $900 airplane astounded the world, on his arrival In Dub- of ^ admiral, of the fleet- The •speaking for anyone other than After thanking De I I as at present organized has lin. This picture was radioed from London to New York- Qpeen was all In white. himself. The timing of his com- " Fifty been grossly unsatisfactory.” for Ireland’s kindness to /'Marines lining the platform pre- ment, however, led poKiicians here tnops U Corrigan, appearing •• ... Farts. T aanted arms, while a Marine band to believe "a general agreement to Dr. Olln West, secretary o f toe A. / played "God Save the King” and the M. A „ and Dr. Morris Flshbetn, edi- as if he had just hopped - | - ! i M O O D p o i support Lonergan bad been reached STATE’S G. 0. E. TO SE / "MorseUlalM''. by party leaders. tor of toe Association’s. Journal, the Irish Sea, visilisitM g_ The appearance of the King and joined Dr. Abell in preparing a more » mke a B p. K. by Fitzgerald WARM WaCOME WAITS ment buildings to s t n ^ l I ttie Britia Queen brought .volleys o f ^ eers complete criticism of the proposal. ■/ This iMlief was strengthened by out difficulties arising out. .f Tbe tre from throngs surrounding -the sta- an Immediate statement from na- CAUCUS DATES TODAY Further Studies Needed ' oral Gasti tion, while the royal salute soimded tional committeeman David E. Fitz- In his first comment. Dr. Abell his failure to have any of from the gims of Mount Valerian 4; i nor of toe gerald that Lonergan's speech argued that further studies were CORRIGAN ON RETURN papers a flier abroad is fiiiO^I > try ragim fort In the western suburb of should vouchsafe him renomlnation needed because medical require- posed to carry. VaMats, oav Buresnes. and re-election. Flags Are Run Up Principal Topic Of Discus- RUnpjiN FLIER ments varied, widely In different Not to Fly j-AIHoan : Both the Senator and Chimmtngs localities. He added: "Those people t Offidala of Ireland’s .DBtacbme The British royal standard and the JVenoh tricolor ran up on gilded touched indirectly on Lonergan’s op- who think that they can-dssdoa-a Trip Will Also Become Prof- of external affairs told AAademy, position to two o f the Presideht's sioti To-Be Call For R eiig- the Naval staffs. From a huge cage, concealed centrally controlled medical service would placo no dlfflcultlM ia _ by banks Of flowers, 10,000 white major proposals. Said Lonergan: PLANS OCEAN HOP plan which can be fitted to toe vary- LATE NEWS way. - r r Mote of r doves were released as Their Majes- "There have been differences, of ing conditions of the states, coim- itable One If FKer Accepts Twenty naHon Of Members Mep- Corrigan went out to ****""1flT i ties appeared, a-symbol of Franco- course, between me and those with airport to see his "old cratol a ^ f tnoludlng ties and cities o f this country &e Britlsh aepiratlons for peace.
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