ALMOST miegian A BISHOP MIEGE HIGH SCHOOL PUBLICATION SPRING 2011 FRESH PERSPECTIVES STAG ACHIEVEMENT CALENDAR OF EVENTS Freshmen give their A look back at the All the important dates impressions on their first many highlights of the and happenings a semester at Bishop Miege new school year future Stag should know IN THIS ISSUE PG 4 PG 6 PG 10 ‘The MIeGe DIFFeReNCe’ A nice slogan is one thing. It’s another thing when that slogan is coined by a fan from a rival high school. Such is the case with “The Miege Difference,” which was first mentioned in an e-mail from a Blue Valley par- ent to Bishop Miege president Dr. Joe Passantino during the 2009 football season: “As my two kids are going through high school, we’ve attended several sports events in competing against Miege, as well as other interactions and conversations about Miege. I haven’t been able to put my finger on it of what you’re doing, but there’s something different about Miege,” the parent wrote. “The people (students, parents, and staff) are some of the most friendly, polite and courteous people I’ve encountered. Sitting next to Miege folks at both home and away games, it’s been a joy to meet and talk to folks Miege fans where, while cheering for our own teams, we’ve had lead a cheer of the stu- very positive conversations about the kids, their talents, dent section things going on at our respective schools, life in general, during the (you get the idea) – more than just great sportsmanship. football At events, the Miege kids and people working the tickets game vs. to concessions are just so friendly and respectful; even Gardner- Edgerton on the students’ section cheering does so with respect. Sept. 17. continued on page 9 BISHOP MIEGE High SCHOOL FAITH IN ACTION Miege students have earned a national reputation for to see some of the people we helped when we were being deeply committed to serving others. there. Even though they were hit by a disaster, they were More than 300 students participate in the Campus still happy, welcoming and strong people. It felt good Ministry Program, and many of those students choose being able to help them.” to live out their faith by going on mission trips to help Mission trips are open to freshmen, sophomores, others around the country. Students raise funds, give juniors and seniors. Upcoming opportunities include: up their vacations and work hard for the good of others. Recent trips have taken Miegians to hurricane-ravaged Christmas Hurricane Relief areas of New Orleans, Alabama and Mississippi, The disaster of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina has left the and other groups have traveled to Chicago and West Southern Gulf Coast with much work to do. In order to Virginia. Students regularly give up their spring breaks support and alleviate the devastation of the hurricanes, and Christmas vacations, as well as weeks during the we will be traveling to an area in the nation suffering summer, to help others. from the effects of a Natural Disaster. National Relief This commitment to service has not gone unnoticed. Network will be sponsoring this trip. We will remove de- For six years, Miege has been named a National School bris, tear down homes that have been condemned, clear of Service, and in 2006, USA Today profiled a group of trees and brush, or rebuild destroyed homes. Miege students who spent their spring break volunteer- ing in Louisiana. Because of Miege’s track record of Spring Break Mission Trips mission trips, the National Relief Network has twice Gulf Coast: A similar National Relief Trip will take contacted the school to put together trips to help hur- place during spring break in a yet-to-be-determined ricane victims. area of the country that has been devastated by a David Amer natural disaster. Student reflection For sophomore David Amer (John Paul II), participating Appalachian Mountains: This mission trip is a trip in the West Virginia trip last March was an invaluable to the beautiful Appalachian Mountains. We will travel experience. to Dunlow, West Virginia. Working with members of the “It was good to get out and away somewhere new community, we will be repairing homes of the Appala- where I had an opportunity to change someone’s life,” chia poor. Twice a year, we travel to this poverty stricken he said.” I grew closer in my faith and with others, and I area to work with the faith-filled people of West Virginia. really saw how blessed our lives are here.” New York City Urban Plunge: New York, New Said sophomore Abby Markus (St. Thomas More) of York! Broadway, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Abby Markus the New Orleans mission trip: “It was very inspirational Central Park! The images create a metropolitan city full of glamour. Along with the many sites to see, this city struggles with unemployment and poverty like all major cities in our country. This trip is a Catholic out- reach program to meet those needs. The trip includes working with young inner city children, food kitchens & other projects in the city. Kansas City Mission Trip: Mr. Jerry McEvoy, director of the Upper Room of St. Louis Parish in Kansas City, Missouri, has kindly agreed to help us experience the other side of Kansas City. We will be working and living in an inner-city parish for four days. Along with helping at the Upper Room, we will visit homeless shelters, play with and tutor children, visit the elderly, serve at Harvester’s and see the many needs in our own backyard. We will be working at local inner-city sites to improve the lives of those in our own community. 2 almost Miegian SPRING 2011 FAST FACTS EXTRA- CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES With an enrollment of around 755, Miege is the ideal size, which enables us to offer not only a challenging curriculum, but also to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Our ONE BIG FAMILY: More than 80 Bishop Miege students and faculty are following size increases the in the footsteps of one or both parents. 2010-2011 “legacies” are pictured above. student’s chance of participation. Miege offers over 60 different activities. WHY I CHOSE MIEGE TRAdITIon by FRANK BURDOLSKI, Bishop Miege freshman Bishop Miege was established Hi, my name is Frank Bur- I chose Miege is the diversity in 1958 by the dolski. I attended Holy Trinity among the students, which is a Archdiocese Catholic School for eight years, new environment for me. of Kansas City and I told my parents I would During my time at Miege so in Kansas, like to continue receiving a far, I have loved every bit of it. and named in memory of Catholic education. Going into the school year, I Bishop John With this in mind, I “shad- did not know anyone at Miege, at the level where you can best Baptist Miege, owed” at Bishop Miege, Rock- let alone any freshmen. This compete, while also working to the first Bishop hurst and St. James. They are changed very dramatically over become a better athlete and a of the territory of all great schools, but the one a two- or three-week period. I better person. Kansas. that stood out to me the most have met a great new group of There are so many great Miege has estab- was Bishop Miege. friends with whom I have de- people and great things at lished a tradition Many factors went into decid- veloped a strong relationship. Bishop Miege, and I can’t wait of excellence in ing on Bishop Miege, and each At Bishop Miege it was not hard to discover more of them in my the development was considered very carefully. for me to find a group of people coming years here. It is a place of the student as I chose Bishop Miege because I with my same interests or val- where I believe you can pave a whole person. had a great shadow experience ues. There are so many great your own way and be who you A proven cur- and my host made me feel like people at Miege, and every one want to be. riculum, highly Let your parents help guide talented teachers I was important. The moment of them truly cares for the oth- and a serious I stepped in the door, I felt at ers around them. you along this journey. And commitment to home. I also noticed a signifi- Besides making friends, most importantly, shadow the message of cant difference in the teach- Miege has an incredible everywhere. Find the place that the Gospels form ers; they interacted with the academic program that will fits you the best, and you will a unique educa- students very well and made help you succeed at your level. find your home for the next four tional opportunity the classroom a great learning Miege also has great sports years of your life. for young men environment. Another reason programs that allow you to play Good Luck! and women. www.bishopmiege.com almost Miegian 3 ErSpEctIvES iences h p and ExpEr ES xpEctAtIons r eir E F pArE th coM NEW MIEGIANS ‘Shadowing was most influential in my decision to attend Miege, be- ‘I was very surprised at the kind- cause the people were nice and car- ness the upperclassmen showed to ing in a way I didn’t feel as much at me. People are more than happy to other schools.’ point you in the right direction. This dylan weir st.
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