C O N T E N T S NIA Episode: International Students Helping Out ■Feature:InternationalStudents Results of The 10th International Understanding andInternationalExchange Presentation Contest NIA Activity Report② ○ Exchange Between IUJ's International NIA sometimes asks international students to help out with some of the international exchange programs. Recently,“Course The International Understanding Presentation Contest 2015 was held Students and the Local Community Guidance for Children and Guardians Who are Connected to Foreign Countries” was held in Shibata City. Mr. Lin Jie and Ms. on December 12, 2015. The contest has been held since 2006 to foster VOL.6 Tokuji Sakurai, Vice Chairman of Wu Xiang helped out as Chinese interpreters. global awareness and good communication skills in youths and to promote global understanding in Niigata residents in order to create a more 2016.1 UONUMA Association for Multicultural international community, with this year marking its 10th anniversary. This year, the contest was held at Toki Messe's International Conference Exchange In projects like this which require interpretation and in international exchange events, international students who study the Hall(Marine Hall), where international conferences with VIPs from various countries are held. 9 teams from the junior high school category and ○ International students involved in Japanese language can be a huge help. 10 teams from the high school category made presentations about the results of their studies as well as their experiences overseas. local exchange Hayadori Junior High School's team won the highest excellence award in the junior high school category and commented that it is necessary ○ International exchange between Seiro for junior high school students like them to become citizens of the world who are able to think, learn, and take action for the future of Japan. NIA Town and international students Team“Don't Be Sheep”(Niigata Prefectual Naoetsu Secondary School) won the highest excellence award in the high school category and said that, in order to be active in a global society, it is important for them not to fear failure, and instead they should be confident in themselves and ■NIAActivityReport to continue moving forward, taking on challenges as they come. Meanwhile, participants commented,“We were forced to think about how we ■"Pickupyourears!"Interview would communicate our message so that everyone would understand, which turned into an opportunity to take a good look at ourselves,” and, Letter “Hearing the other teams' presentations was very encouraging.” Published by the Niigata International Association The two teams which won the highest excellence award will visit Seoul, Korea in late March for a study tour, where they will participate in exchange activities and homestays. Junior high school category High school category HighestExcellenceAward:HayadoriJuniorhighschool(Niigata City HighestExcellenceAward:Don'tBeSheep(Niigata Prefectural Feature Feature: Foreign Students and International Exchange HayadoriJuniorhighschool) NaoetsuSecondaryschool) “War, andPeace,andI”(Sensotoheiwatowatashi) “Positive Thinking” AwardofExcellence:Mumbles(mogu-mogus) (Niigata Prefectural AwardofExcellence:SambalandWasabi(Nagaoka NationalCollege The number of international students attending universities and technical schools within the prefecture who NaoetsuSecondarySchool) ofTechnology) “Dashi isAwesome”(Dashittesugoindashi) “WhatWeShouldDoforPeace”(Heiwanotameni actively participate in local exchange events and volunteer activities has increased. As universities and technical TheInfectionPreventionSquad(NiigataPrefectualNaoetsu watashitachigasubekiikutsukanokoto) schools that work to further globalization actively accept more students from abroad, we can expect to see an SecondarySchool) Adolescence(individual entry) “OurFuturewithInfectiousDisease”(Kansenshoto “FromMyHometowntotheWorld”(Jimoto karaSekaie) increase in the number of international students in the prefecture and more multi-nationalization. In this issue, watashitachinomirai) SpecialRecognitionAward:Travelers(individual entry) SpecialRecognitionAward:AOI(Kamo CityAoiJuniorHighSchool) “Meeting People,Connecting,andLiving”(Hito tonodeai, we'll be taking a closer look at these international students as they engage with their local community. NIA Activity Report① “What isfriendship?”(Yuujoutte?) tsunagarisoshiteikiru) ” Japanese drama contest held in Heilongjiang, China! “Prick up your ears! 1. Please introduce yourself. 2. What are the most attractive things about your country? Exchange Between IUJ's International Students and the Local Community Niigata Prefecture and Heilongjiang Province, China have ★ 3. Have you been surprised by any differences in life, culture, and/or customs while in Tokuji Sakurai, worked together to further their exchange in terms of economy, Interview Japan? As well, please tell us what you like most about Niigata. Vice Chairman of UONUMA Association for Multicultural Exchange culture, and education for more than 30 years, following the Questions 4. Can you give us any advice on learning a foreign language and cross-cultural signing of a protocol for friendship between the two in 1983. communication, based on your own experiences? Our community was established in 2002 for the purpose of supporting the international students of IUJ(International NIA organized a Japanese drama contest for students studying University of Japan)and their families as well as for promoting exchange between the local residents and these students. Currently, The International Affairs Division of the Niigata Prefectural Office has Coordinators for International Relations (CIRs) from the U.S., Russia, Japanese in Heilongjiang Province together with Heilongjiang Korea, China, Vietnam, and Mongolia. Their responsibilities include many things, such as interpretation and translation for the International Exchange Currently, we have approximately 70 active members. Our activities include organizing a welcome party for the freshmen, Provincial Overseas Friendship Association, Heilongjiang Province Translators'Association, and Harbin Normal projects that Niigata Prefecture carries out and giving presentations about their own countries. In this issue, we feature two newly appointed CIRs, Mr. Japanese culture experience, and support for learning Japanese. The international students provide English conversation University. Brandon Howard from the U.S., and Ms. Indra Khurelbaatar from Mongolia. class, they introduce their countries, and they even act as lecturers, teaching local residents and members about other countries. ■Contest outline: Brandon Howard (The United States of America) At these lectures for multicultural understanding, foreign students cook their countries'cuisine with the participants, and then Date:October11,2015(Sun.), 11:00am-4:30pm 1.IstartedthisjobinJulyoflastyear.EversinceIwaslittle,Ihavelovedart.IwouldtakeasketchbookwithmewhereverI they eat together at lunch. After that, the students introduce their culture, daily life, and tourist spots with a projector, followed Venue:HarbinNormalUniversity(Harbin City,HeilongjiangProvince) went.IwasraisedinKentucky,wherepeoplegenerallyaren'tveryfamiliarwithJapan.FromthetimeIsawmyfirstanime by a performance of song or dance. The dance and cuisine of a country become a starting point to understand international Participants:12teams movie,IfellinlovewithJapan,andfromthere,Ilearnedaboutthiscountrylittlebylittle. exchange, and they even have the participants join in the dance. For countries that don't have as many international students, Program:Part1 DramaperformanceinJapanese 2.TheUnitedStateshaspeopleofalltypesandraces,andtheirvariedwaysofthinkingcoexist.IbelievethattheU.S.isa …Eachteamperformsanoriginalskitoronebasedonfolklore countrythatrecognizestheimportanceofeachofthesewaysofthinking. usually there are presentations on two to three countries per year. Part2 SpeechinJapanesebytherepresentativesofeachteam 3.NomatterwhatI'mdoing,InoticedifferencesbetweenJapanandmyowncountry,butwhatIhavefoundverysurprising So far, we've had more than 10 countries and regions represented, including Nepal, Laos, the Philippines, Myanmar, and …3-minutespeechonasubjectgiventothemjustbeforestarting, ishowconsistentlyJapanesepeoplewaitwhenthecrosswalksigntellsthemtowait.It'sverycommonintheU.S.tosee Central Asia. Local residents and many others look forward to participating in these lectures. The students are also very “Ifyouwereatourguide,whataspectsandareasofNiigatawouldyouintroducetopeople?” someonecrossingduringaredlight. IreallyenjoyeatinglunchwhilelookingoutattheShinanoRiver.WhenIdo,Ican'thelpbutrelaxalittle. thankful to have the opportunity to introduce their own countries. ■Winning performances 4.Behindeverylanguageliebothacountry'scultureanditscustoms.Whenyoustudyaforeignlanguage,Ibelieve As members of the association, we promote exchange between international students and local residents by assisting the thatcuriosityisyourgreatestally.Ask“Why?”andresearchwhatyou'recuriousabout.Thisisaveryeffectivestudy students and their families so that they can participate in local summer festivals and folk dances and so that they can see ○JiamusiUniversity,“WhenRedDemonCried” method.It'simportantnotjusttostudythelanguageitselfbutalsotolearnaboutthecountry'sculture,whichhas ThisstorycomesfromJapanesefolklore.RedDemonhaswantedtobecomefriendswithhumanbeingsfor giventhesewordstheirusages.Donotfearmistakes,fortheyareyetanotherally,andgiveityourall.
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