Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1961 Daily Egyptian 1961 11-7-1961 The gE yptian, November 07, 1961 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1961 Volume 43, Issue 15 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, November 07, 1961" (1961). November 1961. Paper 5. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1961/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1961 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1961 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PI; _d· ·Money Make Campus Sc.ene More than 2,000 Moms and Dads val, at the UnIveroity Center...... The parerJt& will have a -chance and daughters, also may dine at and Steven Wilson and Linda are expected to attend Southern the information desk, between 9 :00 to relax at 1::JJ p.m. when the the varoos residence halis, where Brooks, coffee hours. Illinois University'. lUh Susan Campbell and wis Pal­ annual a.m. and man.. SIU SaJuJds meet the Wisconsin meal tickets may be purchased. Parent's Day Nov. 11. College in in of TOun Becla AetlvitIa State Wildcats MeAn· Parents of the Day will be pre. mer, change of PaorenlS the Four parents will be named p&r81ts Day; Barbara. Bird and Penny The army or will begin drew Stadium. The Pa.renLs of the sented with silver trays at the in­ Parent of. the Day and honored at the activities with a tour of the Day will be intxoduced at halftime. Donahue, cam~ s decorations; fonnal dance to be held in the Ute \"8l'ious activities. campus, from 9 :00 to 10:30 a.m., TIckets fOf' the game may be secur­ Jean Brown and John Lundgren., baJlroom eight to nudnight. The parents have been selected rrom et:a.rting in front 01 the old 8tu- ed in ad vance. Ford Gibson's band will provkJ.e the dance. and Phil Shapiro. tours, at random f,rom the names regis­ dent union. F olloo.ving the e-ame, coffee hours round out the committee. mwac. The dance is OIl the house tered by the students. The parents III addition, a bus will be avaii- will be conducted at all living Parent·s Day is an event to give and open to anyone. of one male and ODe female student able for visits to ~pson Point areas. parents a chan ce to visit the cam­ have been obosen and will receive and Small Group Housing. A buffet dinner in the ballroom Members of the P arent's Day pus and meet the people associat­ a gift at the dance Saturday night A round·table discussioo ..w.th the at 6:00 p. m. will start the even1ng. steering committee who have plan· ed wjth their sons and daughterS. in the University Center ballroom. deans. faculty adnsors and faoulty widl the Parents of the Day once ned and arranged the day are: It is hnanced out of the activity The winning couples 'NiH be an· members. entitled " Meet Your more being presented - this time J ean Olsen and Ron Hunt, co­ budget. witil. the mone)' appropri­ nounoed Wednesday by the Parent's FaCUlty." is scheduled for 10 :30 by President Delyte Morris. It will ch.airman ; Otarlotte Hawkins. sec­ ated by the student cOUncil. The Day steering committee. a .m. The infonnal session will be be buffet style, cash on delivery. reLary ; Jenny Gentry and Bob cOU ncil aljotted $250 for this year's P arents are requested to register held "il] the University Center ball. Parents Get Trays Marko wjtz, publicity; Melinda Fed­ Parent's Da y, and secure a program, upon u ·n - room. Coffee will be served.. Moms and dads, with their sons erer and Dennis Gerz. registrll.tion, Phony Voucher Probe Continues SI U security officers and postal authorities still are strmied, ap­ THE EGYPTIAN parently. in their efforts to find the individual who wrangled $6<H .8i VOL 43 - NO. 15 SotItherw 101",", U.IYenlty. c:.t>oIIcIoIe. IA. Tuesday, November 7, 1961 from the un iversity coffers wi th a fraudulent grocery voucher, Monday, no breaks in the case appeared imminent. Mitchell Paintings Exhibited Me mbers of the security office A collection of abstra ~t paint- Chic·ago. have been investigating the inc i­ ings by Joan Mitchell, one of the Miss Mitchell has had 12 one-­ dent si nce Oct. 18 when the fraud best known American women man shows, :Mi exhibitions inc Iud. was discovered. Lie-deteclor tests painters. went on exhibit Sunday ing ones in Yale U:liversity, ha ve l>e-e n adminis tered to n!Jmer· in the Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Rome, Japan. Washington Uni ver­ ous un IVe rsity employes with no Mitcflell Gallery. sHy; and seven museum collec- positive results, !be exhibit, in the Home Eco- tions in New York, Washington. Handwriting sa mples of univer­ nomics Building, covprs her work D. C .. Minnesota, SW itterland. and. sity emplOyeS and a check of type­ from 1951 to 1961. The showing Chicago. She now Ihfes and works writers in th e recreaLon and Plll'-­ ends Dec. 5. in Paris and New York, cha:,i ng departments also resulted Joa n Mi tchell has a ttended the Paintings have been loa ned by in inconcl uSive results. Francis Parker School, Smith CoI- Stable. Owan, Santini, and Phil­ F ro m ali I\.opearances, the inci­ Jege, School of the Art Institute of lips Galleries, Ch ase Manhattan deDI is an " in side" job, with the and New York University and has Bank of N~· York and E. G. To­ voucher correctly filled out but received her bachelor's and mas· bin. for an identification number and ter 's degrees of fine arts. She has She is not related to the Mitch· sig ned ..... ilh other papers in late also been awarded a traveling fel· ells who donated the mO:ley for September by Willia m Freeberg of lowsttip by the Art Institute of the ga i! eries. the recreation and outdoor ed uca. tion depart ment. In Opera Auditions The check was made ou t to " Tom. Morris" of " Y1orris Market" in Marion. It was senl to a post office 5 SIU Singers Await Answer box in MaT·io n a nd was cashed in Anna. A second check for $261.44 Five opera workshop students also was issued to '·Morris· · a 'are a:1x iously awaiting word on .................. week la t ~ r . but il was recovered Sunday·s Ill inois Gu ild (;.O m· befo re the man picke-d it up a t the petition. post off ice. They were a mong 57 singers The recreation a nd ou tdoor edtr who survived t he first cut in the cat ion depa rt ment a nnually pur­ competi tion sponsored by the l Ui · Southern chasE'S o\·er $35 .000 in food for neis Opera Guil d and Radio Sta­ various caml)S operated by the tio n WGN , Oticago. university. G iven live a ud itions Sunday Exposure were Ka thryn Kim mel, Carbon­ dale, J oe Thomas, J r. , Ca rbo:t­ dale; Thomas Page. Sa le m: F red And then there wa s the hopeful Student Killed Rou nsfull, Ch icago: and Ruth Ann male who went '·trick or treating·' FUn eral services will be held Bans. West Frankfo rt. at Woody Hall. Wednesday at the Murr a ~ Till(! The 26 wno pass the judge's :-'1 ethOOlst ChUT·ch at 2 p.m. for critical eyes w!ll pa rticipate In 15- FrantIC f ~t h e r attempting to SI U sophomore ag student Ha rry m inule radio broadcas:,.. The coax h i~ todd li ng son OU t of the Samuel Strang. 21 , who die-d. of m­ judges wiU then "" hillle- th em women·s restrOOm of Doctor's jurie::. rece-ived in a two-car colli­ sion \ ~ est of Carbondale Saturday. dO;~e tofj~ .~ u twIi;n~~al~~ i re-ceive Cli :1 ic . Nov 4. Four other Carbondale> resi dents ~~~alt°e<:!~~at~::,li~ s~~~~~r dpl lohd: Two students tryi ng to fi gure were injured in the 10 : 30 pm.. prize of $.500 will also be offered. out if the drift fe nces North of the m ishap. Marjorie La.... Tence. instornctor University Center were put up to HElPING ~SIU.TV get on the air Monday was Rebecc. Capps, Mr. Stra ng ..... as born Dec. 4- of the five SI U students, is "very hold back snow or studenti __ _ 1939 at Jacksonville, Ill . Surviv mg an attractive sophomore f rom Akron, Rebecca and three proud" of her student s. They sur- o. a r(' his parents. Mr. and Mrs_ other co-eds will sign the new channel 8 station on and off the !\1aurice M. Strang of Mu rrayville. ~~~~ tt~: sf~~~~ _ ~~~teOrar~~n::~~ .................. air each d ay. and two si sters, Sue, 14, and Sally. by the contest. 11. He was an Army veteran. The Mackey Funer al Home. Rood house, Ill. is arrangi ng fu­ neral services. Housing, Football Fight Highlight Council Session BUrial will be in Murrayville cemetery. BY LONNIE MACK Senator Terry Hamilton lUg· toward him. The committee formed last Student Counc iJ hea rd a protest gested t hat counc\( invesU. This controversla-l sitlration has week to investigate possible - ---- Th~rsd~y a g ~i n st ~e action of gate possi bili ties to establish city aris~ n as .a result of the picture changes in the Egyptian an- wlJv~rslty po!Jc~ dUring ~he home- housi:\g a nd s"anitatioQ statutes published ln the Octo~r 24, issue nounced that ttJey had sent ques­ White House Meets comIng game .fle-ht.
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