Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1974 Daily Egyptian 1974 9-26-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 26, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1974 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 26, 1974." (Sep 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1974 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. S-Senate opposses 'Daily grads on J-Board By Jim Murphy requested that Emil Spees, dean of st udent life. appear before the Senate to 'Egyptian StudeDt Writer answer questions or be censured by the The Student Senate asked the Cam­ Student Senate for administrative en­ pus Judicial Board Wednesday night to croachment on the sover eignt y of Southern Illinois University reconsider a decision which allows student government . graduate students to serve on the J . ' 'The constitution is explicit in that Board. only und.ergrads will sit on the Judicial Thursday, September 26 , 1974 - Vol. 54 , No. 23 The motion passed by the senate Board . said Wood . Adams contended Slates that there should be no graduate that th e Student Senate cannot impeach participation in the Judicial Board's un · people "simply for making recommen­ dergraduale affairs with respect to dations ." Adams Questioned the ot her disciplanary measu res. Ron Adams. senators as to what level th e Student silting as a proxy for Senator Jim Senate s ho uld maintain an un · Kania. introduced the motion stating, dergraduate judicial board. In sue· "As an undergraduate J ·Board. they cessfully getting the original motion should concern themselves with un · tabled . Adams stated that student body dergraduate affair:.s ." Prf"sident Dennis Sull ivan has the fina l The senate had earlier tab ed a bill sav-so on Judicial Board recommen· da·lluns. that held the Judicial Board's action 10 be in direct conflict with tht Student The Senate approved Richard Riggio Government constit ution . (The bill . as the new chairman of the Judicial sponsored by James W~. senator Board. Asked what he thought of from the West side non .oorm district, graduate st ud ents silt ing on the J . and Phillippe Hone, University Pa rk Board . the new chairman gave a Oat senator. had called for \he appearance ' 11 0," adding that if the J ·Board 's ac­ of the J ·Board members at the next tion is unconstitutional. it should be ac­ Student Senate meeting or face im ­ ted on by the Senate. peachment proceedin~ s . In the only other acHon by the Senate, In addition to th e demand for ex­ they recognized Belter Ways as an of­ planations from th e J -80ard . the bill ficial campus organization. Voter registration drive runs through Saturday By Gary Delsohn about 7S to 100 were registered Monday. Daily Egyptian Staff Writer Exact figures should be available in a few days. Levault said. He said he Students still have time to register to hopes to register bet ween four and fiv~ vote in the November elections. thousand new voters before the Oct. 7 Mike Levault of the Co llege deadline, Democrats said students can register in Johnson also said two registrars were Act iv ity Rooms C and D in the Student sent to John A. Logan Jr. College ··so Center until Saturday. The rooms will the county is prelly well covered." be open from 9 a .m . to 5 p.m . Thursday The Women Voters are a non-partisan and Friday and from 9 a .m . until noon group whose ''main goal is to keep the Saturday. people informed." Johnson said. Th e The College Democrats are spon· league is sponso ring a candidate soring a free dance at Merlins for meeting Oct . 22 at the First anyone who registers to vote in Jackson Presbyterian Olurch. 310 S. University. County. The dance will featW'e Coal The meeting will begin at 7 :30 p.m . Kit chen and Nit e Hawk . t\1lU rock and feal ure the four candidates for bands. state represe nt a tive. Th ey art.~ i....evault said local Democrats will at· Democrat s Vincent Birchler and Brul't.' tend to meet and mingle with th e Richmond and Re publicans Ga le crowd. Paul Simon , congressional can· Williams and Ralph Dunn . A parking lesson ? didate : Bruce Richm ond , st a te II is open to the public and Johnson representative candidate : Robert said students are urged tu attend. Patrolman Jim Lindsey muscles another impounded bicycle into the crowded Harrell . count y clerk : and Kenneth " Many st udents have no Idea who is basement of the 51 U police headquarters. Police have about fifty bikes in their Buzbee. state "senator . are so me that running locaJl y and that IS a good place basement. the majority impounded last vveek from a round the campus for "",,i11 attend. Levault said. to get informed ." illegal parking and crea ting a sa fety hazard. (S taff photo by Steve Sumner ). There will be a mobile un it parked near Merlins to register voters Sunday night . Deputy registrars will go to • ealing areaj of the dorms to register Smoke gets voters Oct." to 3. TIle regislr<1rS wi ll In your eyes despite arri ve before dinner and stay until ap· proximately 9 p.m .. Levault said. The activity rooms of the Student Center are supplied with members of University ban on tobacco smoking the Carbonda le League of Women Voters and. according to Anne Johnson . By Dave Wieczorek Signs prohibiting smOking are posted He said the only lime cigarettes have voter service chairman. they have been Daily Egyptian StaIT Writer In many buildings on campus and caused fires is when a lit cigarette is consistently busy since Monday . Halderson said new signs are still being swept up by a janitor using an oil mop. Johnson said approximately 200 new put up. and the mop ~ burning cigarette get voters were registered Tuesday and The butts are burning and the smoke is still in the air. Several students were Questioned put in the cl~t. about the extent of cigarette smoking in That seems to be the current status of Michael Welsh, a geography instruc­ c1assrooms_ The concensus is that in tor , said he really hasn't had much of a the ban on cigarette s moking in most classrooms the non.smoking classrooms, laborator ies and problem with smokers. He said he Gw regulation is not enforced. Most non­ doesn't enforce I/le rule but most auditoriums former president David R. smokers questioned said it does not Derge put into effect in April , 1973. Sf. udents don't smoke in his classes Bode bother them if someone next to them is anyway. According to Oliver K. Halderson , smoking. Most smokers said they light personnel safety director. the non · M .L. Bender, assistant professor in up unless they are told differently. anthropology, said he . thinks cillarette smoking regulation has improved in Halderson said one reason for the certain areas but not overall. smoking should be "abSouitely banned" nonconformity to the regulation is the in classrooms. He said it's too un· Halderson is not condoning smpking lack of cooperation by instructors. pleasant. in. restricted areas but he said if "How can you expect students to everyone is going to continue to smoke, foUow the regulation if the instructor The regulations enforcing !he ban in­ ashtrays could at least be made. stands up in front of the room and clude disciplinary action for persons available.\ smokes, ,. said the perplexed Halcterson. =tinuing 10 smoke in DOD-smoking "I'm a fonner smoker myself," said Halderson said his personal opinion seas. II smokers are asIIed, moot will HaIdersoo, '''ut I don't like it anymore. was thai the smoking regulatioo should report.they have not been d\BCipIined The smoke nauseates me." be enforced ....W e really don't have any for breaking the regula1loo. He said if for no other reason, problems with fires caused from HaIde..- said ilia" IIOIbioII but a lack smoken should show , some courtesy cigarette smoking but there is a lot of oC diacipIiDe ADd diIreopect ....... the towards DOD-&moIters . damage cIooe by cigarette bums." reguiIolioD Uo not obeyed ADd ...rDl'Oed. Fo'rmer narc pushing hard on altering marijuana laws By DIue Solberg Georgeto\o\'Jl University Law School. be a crime to use marijuana. especially Daily EgypIi.. Staff Writer Talbot is requesliIlg the Stude nt when "addictive drugs like tobacco and Senate and the Graduate Student Coun­ alcohol " are legal , he added. A former narcotics agent heralded as cil to foot the estimated $1.000 bill that Plans for the year include a mem­ the "foremost authority on drug busts," will fund transpor~~t i on and ac­ berhsip drive in the Student Center . will be be on campus Oct. 17 to speak on comodahons Cor the speakers. Talbot said. the reformation of marijuana laws. Talbot said , " . am optimistic that He said he also plans to obtain a per· both groups will fund the thing ." mit from Dean Justice, the Arena Bruce " Buzz" Talbot , Jackson N .O .R .M.L .. a recognized stude nt manager . to solici t brochure on County Coordinator of the Na tional organization. is working to "get the N.O.R.ML at the Sly and th e Family Organization for the Reform of fac ts o ut about marijuana to the St one concert Oct. ai. Marijuana Laws (N.O.R.M.L.) said people," albot said.
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