' \ ^ • I ■> ’ a PAGE TWBNTl THUHSDAY, SEPTEMBER i , 1960 * The Wcether AreragR Daily Net P i ^ Ron Forcesut of U. 8. WuSttar Beiepa' For tiw Week Ended juno 8th, I960 Warm, hnmkl «— SgULr liUMrtwit WyvUle H. Peabody, Vernon, lyashington Lodge. No. 117 will The Francb Club of Manoliaster I at TtMunpaon’s Day Farm in Wap- pooOMy thuadcnhoiver Mis 8w will serve as a member oC the meet.... In Orange ------HaU Friday------ night- hold Its annual ptcnie Sunday I ping ftom noon until dark. Bdght. Low Sb— 8 7 t.: .aiiMfSit. I t - 13,125 Saturday nimmliig, not oo w a rn le About Town arrangements committw for the at 8 o’clock. Reports wilj be pre­ P i 16th annual Laymen’s Conference sented from the-Grand LOdgo odh- MMaber of the AuAt afteraooa. High near W. , The boMtl o< dlrectoM o< Man- for men of the B ^cO pal Diocese ventlon in Boston, held in AligusL ► • Hi u B o n u of Ciroalktloii - Manche$ter—^A CUy^of Village Charm (tAeeter Girl Soouto, Inc., will of Connecticut Saturday and Sun­ regoa\m e n d £& meet at Camp Merrle Wood Tues­ day at. Camp Washington In Lake­ Members of Community ■ I t-/ day, NSept. 18, at’ 7:30 pJn. side, Conn. BapUst Girls .Guild wlM attend a MANCHEStRR. CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1960 (Claullled AdverUotag oa Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTB weiner roast' tomorrow at 7 p.m. Attention! yO L. L X X IX , NO. 290 (SIXTEEN PAGES) There are a few 0|>enings In at the hmde of Miss Virginia Net- the housewives bowling league at tleton ,^ ^ Btdwell St. Those who Llgsttt Special the Y for Monday, Tuesday and wish/transportation may meet at ADULT Thursday mornings, starting Sept. the chqrch at 6:30 p.m. New mem­ Katanga Invaded State News Idle Totals 19. For Information, call Mrs. bers wHl be welcome. "for girl students Harold Bonham, 162 N. School St. Miss Elizabeth Gallas, 128 N. School St., ■ has returned home SQUARE at manchester public schools jj|| Mr. and Mrs. Eh-ling Larsen. 46 Roundup Up Sharply after spending the weekend In Poane St., returned home last _ B|anchcst«r Residents night by plane from Beaumont, Syracuse, N.Y., where she attend­ imii Tex.-, where they attended the ed the wedding of one of her class­ r O f Property Owners If For August wedding last Saturday of Mr. Lar­ mates at the Eastman School of Former Students class colors as follows: \ McLcvy to Get Onaraateed . sen's cousin. Music. Miss Gallas was organist To.OlV' Sou for the wedding. Spot on' Ballot Washington, Sept. 9 — A Very Richard T. Stephens, son of Mr. The Labor Department re­ • Enjoyable and Mrs. William J. Stephens. 4B The Connecticut Club of the Up- 7th grade — blue United Nations Smoke sals College Alumni Assn. wUl DANCE ported today that 59 of every Green Manor Rd.. left by plane 8th grade — yellow Bridgeport, Sept. 9 </P)— tads OF A NATIONAIXV Tuesday for I%rdue University, hold Its annual picnic Sunday at TUESDAY. SEPT. 1 3 ^ 1 0 :3 0 P.M, Former- Mayor Jasper Mc- 1.000 woirkers who wanted Florida a d v er t is ed cigar Lafayette, Ind., where he will be the Peterson cottage, Great Ham­ 9th grade — gr^en \ United Nations, N. Y opermit two small planes to take Levy apparently qualified to­ jobs in August couldn’t find WHICH SELLS FOR lOe a freshman. mock Beach, Old Saybrook. Dlh- **^off from the officially stilled EU- .ner will be served after 2 p.m. All freshmen — green Sept. 9 (/P)-7-Secretary Gen- sabethvllle airport to help cope day for a place on the Nov. 8 employment. KEENCY S L It gave the figures in reporting Reg. $4.75. $1 7 0 alumni and friends are invited. sophomores'—'red eiil Dag Haimmarskjold has with the threat of battle in the ballot as Socialist candidate Box 50. I a / T SCHOOL that the npmber of Jobholders in LESSONS juniors — blue request^ the U .N . Security north. for fourth - district congress­ the United States dropped 407,000 Storm Hits 1 For *5d L T. WOOD CO. Richard W. Law, president, and Ckmiieil to convene an emer­ "It- la impossible for Katanga N. William Knight, secreUry, will authorities to remain passive,’’* a man. to 68,282,000 in August compared Perfectos and Panateilas $1.50 P*r Coupl* P«r Cmcoh seniors — yellow Bridgeport Town Clerk William L. with 68,689,000 In July. ICE PLANT represent the Klwanls Club of gency session tonight to deal provincial communique said. '"The EARL JOHNSTON FOR INFORUA'nON leaders-white with the worsening Congo Keller reported his office, com ­ At the same time the depart­ DRUO 81 BISSELL ST. Manchester at the New England Invasion of the country has to be pleting its check of the McLisvy pe-' Cuba; Path UQQEn Teacher ment said the number of unemploy­ Cuhe»-Cru$ked’Block» district convention- of Klwanls In­ Oall BH S-8898—MI 8-dSl« situation. stopp^ by all means at Its dis­ tltions filed here, has certified ed also decreased by 229,000 to 3,-' PARKADE ternational at Bretton Woods, Diplomatic sources said the posal.’’ 1,306 signatures— exceeding the 788.000 in August compared with N.H., Sopt. 11-14. 11-nation body would meet at Katanga troops have been or­ 1,178 needed for qualificaUon. 4.017.000 in July. Not Certain size$\l 0 to 20,' price $4.9$ dered into a counteroffensive Nearly 1,900 McLevy petitions 'The total work force declined by 1 8:80 p.m. EDT and would re­ against the Invading forces,a Ka­ main in sessibn far into the had been filed In Bridgeport and 636,000. Most of the 'drop was in ; tanga army spokeaman said at surrounding communities. agriculture as expected. Miami, Fla., Sept. 9 (^PO^— night., . ■ Elisabethvtlle.’ The petitions were necessary be­ The rat© of unemployment to the The Weather Bureau hoisted He added that provlncal Pre­ cause the is.st Socialist candidate total work force rose from 5.4 per luirricane warnings in Mtiuni Leopoldvillje, ^ le Cpngo, mier' Molse Tshombe had Cabled for Fourth Distript congressman cent In July to 5.9 per cent in Au- failed to poll sufficient votes to re­ and Fort Lauderdale today as Sept. 9 (/P)-f-Con^lese defi­ the U.N. Secretary General in­ gupt—the highest such idle rate hurricane Donna chlimed a ance of thej United. Nations forming him the Congo invasion tain the party’s place on the ballot. since last November. "could lead to disorders gs serious McLevy some time ago accepted Seymour Wolfbein, deputy assist­ turbulent 200-mile-wide path HOUSE &, HALE spread today to secessionist as those taking place in Kasai endorsement )jy the Socialist town ant secretary of labor, said, how­ near the south Florida main- open monday thru Saturday 9:30 to 5:45 Katanga pr<|vince, nev^ly in­ province at the moment."’ committee, as a congressional can­ ever, that the idle rate does not land. vaded by Premier Patrice Lu- Like Lumumba, ’Tshombe had didate. -V — take into account the early automo­ Keller said^tlm Bridgeport peti­ , ” A dangerous hurrican* now thursday until 9:00 p.m. previously protested the U.N. bile industry model changeovers threatens most of extreme Booth mumba’.s troops. ■- tions now-will bi^ rw arded to the this year. He said the department At gnnpolpt, Katanga troops secretarv .of state, tvho will make Florida.” the Weather Bureku ad­ c. e. house>and son — |.w. haleco. free parking irt rear neveh has been able to adjust visory said. forced U.N. Swedisli soldiers ' to (CkHitinued on Page Six) the otficial announcement on quali- properly for seasonal changes in i ficat|lon. Gale warnings were raised as for the auto Industry. | north as Vero Beach, 135 Rifles On the over-all Job picture, ' north of Miami, and hurricane Bonn Apprehensive Bi^teti(^ed Forecast Wolfbein said that employment is watch extended to Melbourne, 178 NATIONAL SHOES RIN6 THE BELL Windsor Locks. Sept. 9 (S'-- The continuing to move along “at a miles north of Miami. U.fe. Weather Bureati at Bradley vej^.high plateau." But, he said, Storm Forecaster Bernle Moore Field issued this forecast today for this br&ht picture on the employ­ said Miami and Fort Lauderdale r/'* S-lm Connecticut': ment siw 4 » tempered by reduced were expected to be In only the job 'holding'tp the rteel industry. Nikita Temperatures for the next five- edge of Donna’s hurricane-strength days, Saturday through Wednes­ As for^uneniployment, M'olfbein winds. The center of the storm, said the idlkfimirka have not "sat­ with the highest winds, estimated day, will ayerk'-e 2 to 5 degrees isfied expectaUon8’’' fo.r improve­ above normal. ’The normal terpper- 'kt 150 miles an hour, was still ex­ New Berlin\Crisis atiire for the Hartford area during ment. pected to pass through U^bsjnbrlda this period Is 6.8 and ranges f-om a He said that unemployment Strains-anuth pf Key West. X high of 76 to a low of 53 Warmlwhlle declining 229,000 in'Augurt!. Tile Miami probably\rill Saturda'’ Ui-nin- cooler Sundav. [should have declined on a season*-. experience top.winds of 7-5 inll*8, Washington, Sept. 9 (/Ei—W estflieve Khrushchev's current splurge ,- 11, Precinitation Will average ■Ii fo *4 al ba.sis by some .500,000, and those only th gusta, the foro- Germany suspects that Russia's of tou^ tglk (na.\ be a smoke- nccuirinf' as showers Non-agricultural employment, caster said.
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