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The standard low-resolution grid parameters are: • Latitude: -87.5° to 87.5° in 5° increments • Longitude: -180° to 180° in 5° increments • Altitude: 29 pressure levels from -7 to +6.5 in increments of 2 grid points per scale height • Lower boundary: ~97 km • Upper boundary: ~500–700 km depending on solar activity 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 5 - NCAR TIEGCM Development References: Dickinson, R. E., E. C. Ridley and R. G. Roble, A three-dimensional general circulation model of the thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 1499-1512, 1981. Dickinson, R. E., E. C. Ridley and R. G. Roble, Thermospheric general circulation with coupled dynamics and composition, J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 205-219, 1984 . Richmond, A. D., E. C. Ridley and R. G. Roble, A Thermosphere/Ionosphere General Circulation Model with coupled electrodynamics, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 601-604, 1992. Roble, R. G., and E. C. Ridley, An auroral model for the NCAR thermospheric general circulation model (TGCM), Annales Geophys., 5A, 369-382, 1987. Roble, R. G., E. C. Ridley and R. E. Dickinson, On the global mean structure of the thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 8745-8758, 1987. Roble, R. G., E. C. Ridley, A. D. Richmond and R. E. Dickinson, A coupled thermosphere/ionosphere general circulation model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 15, 1325- 1328, 1988. Roble, R. G., and E. C. Ridley, A thermosphere-ionosphere-mesosphere-electrodynamics general circulation model (time-GCM): equinox solar cycle minimum simulations (30- 500 km), Geophys. Res. Lett., 21, 417-420, 1994. Roble, R. G., Energetics of the mesosphere and thermosphere, AGU, Geophysical Monographs, eds. R. M. Johnson and T. L. Killeen, 87, 1-22, 1995. 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 6 - TThheerrmmooddyynnaammiicc eeqquuaattiioonn -- ggeenneerraall ffoorrmm "T "T (Q # L ) = #($ + )% #U & 'T + tot tot "t "Z C p diabatic adiabatic heating ! heating & cooling T temperature heat advection Γ atmospheric stability Z vertical coordinate ln(Po/P) ω vertical velocity = "Z "t U horizontal velocity vector Qtot total heating rate Ltot total cooling rate Cp specific heat per unit mass ! ! 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 7 - TTIIEEGGCCMM TThheerrmmooddyynnaammiicc eeqquuaattiioonn Z * $ '. "T ge " , KT "T 2 g 1 "T , = + + KE H Cp#& + )/ "t PoCp "Z -, H "Z % Cp H "Z (0, '& T RT * (Q " L) "U # $T "%) + , + &Z C m C ! ( p + p g gravitational acceleration -4 Po reference pressure; 5x10 µbar KT molecular thermal conductivity H scale h!eig ht KE eddy diffusion coefficient = eddy thermal conductivity ρ total mass density m mean molecular mass Q heating rate L total cooling rate 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 8 - ! TTIIEEGGCCMM TThheerrmmooddyynnaammiicc eeqquuaattiioonn diabatic heating • absorption of solar radiation - UV and EUV • absorption of energetic particles • chemical heating - exothermic reactions • ion - neutral collisions; Joule heating Schematic absorption diabatic cooling of • airglow UV and EUV…. • CO2 infrared cooling up next • nitric oxide (NO) infrared cooling 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 9 - Solar UV & EUV photoelectron heating photoionization O2 + hν O + O N2 + hν N + N electron ionosphere major minor and with O+ species species and Τε Σnn with O Σnn species Σnn Ion diffusion: diffusion diffusion T Σn 2 energy n O + N + NO+ i O O and N( D) 2 2 2 4 equation N+ in PCE* N N( S) 2 NO *photochemical equilibrium heating heating Ion/neutral neutral O chemistry gas recombination energy equation heating electron/ion/neutral collisions heating neutral-neutral chemistry 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 10 - CCoonnttiinnuuiittyy EEqquuaattiioonn -- ggeenneerraall ffoorrmm "#n + $ %(#nU) = CSn &CRn "t transport chemical production & loss ρn ! mass density of species, n U wind velocity vector CSn mass source of minor species, n CRn mass sink of minor species, n # " = n mass mixing ratio of species, n, for total mass density, ρ n # "# n +U $ %# = S & R "t n n n ! S source of minor species, n CS " CR n S " R = n n R sink of minor species, n n n n #n 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 11 - ! ! TIEGCM Minor Neutral Species Transport: "#n $Z " % " ( = $e Dn $ En #n + Sn $ Rn "t "Z &'" Z )* ( '%n + Z ' "Z ( ' 1 'm+ " V # $%n +& + e e KE (Z) + %n )* 'Z ,- 'Z )*' Z m 'Z ,- ! Ψn mass mixing ratio of minor species, n D molecular diffusion coefficient ! n En gravitational, thermal diffusion, and frictional interaction with the major species; $ mn 1 #m' 1 #T &1 " " ) "*n + F+n % m m #Z ( T #Z mn mass of the minor species, n m average mass of the major species ! 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 12 - ! TTIIEEGGCCMM SSoolluuttiioonn -- CCoonnttiinnuuiittyy EEqquuaattiioonnss -- 11 derivatives become finite differences at model grid points – for each specie, i – at every grid point, x grid spacing, Δx – at every time, t time step, Δt Chemistry "# i = S $ R "t i i Sufficiently small time step - explicit: m+1 m t S t , m R t , m "i =!" i + # $[ i ( m "i ) % i ( m "i )] Otherwise - implicit: m+1 m t S t , m+1 R t , m+1 "i = "i + # $[ i ( m+1 "i ) % i ( m+1 "i )] ! ! 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 13 - TTIIEEGGCCMM SSoolluuttiioonn -- CCoonnttiinnuuiittyy EEqquuaattiioonnss -- 22 derivatives become finite differences at model grid points – for each specie, i – at every grid point; grid spacing, Δx – at every time step, Δt Eulerian Transport "#i "Fi + = 0 for flux, Fi = c"i "t "x leap-frog method: ! m+1 m#1 $t m m ! "i, j = "i, j # %[Fi , j+1 # Fi , j#1 ] $x "t if c #1 (CFL stability condition) "x ! ! 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 14 - TTIIEEGGCCMM SSoolluuttiioonn -- CCoonnttiinnuuiittyy EEqquuaattiioonnss -- 33 derivatives become finite differences at model grid points – for each specie, i – at every grid point; grid spacing, Δx – at every time step, Δt Diffusion "# " $ "# ' i = & K i ) for diffusion coefficient, K > 0 "t "x % "x ( explicit: m+1 m ! "i, j # "i, j K m m m "t ! = " # 2" + " stable if 2K 2 #1 $t ($x) 2 ( i , j+1 i , j i, j#1 ) ("x) implicit: m+1 m " # " K m+1 m+1 m#1 i, j i, j = " # 2" + " ! $t ($x) 2 ( i , j+1 i , j i , j+1 ) ! 12 May 2006 ICTP Space Weather School Maura Hagan - 15 - ! EEqquuaattiioonnss ooff NNeeuuttrraall MMoottiioonn ( + . 1 " U# " U% " " g " U% " p " U# = $ U# $ U#
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