Europaisches Patentamt European Patent Office © Publication number: 0 551 556 A1 Office europeen des brevets EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION © Application number: 92108183.2 int. CIA H01P 5/08, H01Q 21/00 @ Date of filing: 14.05.92 ® Priority: 15.01.92 US 821200 © Applicant: COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE CORPORATION @ Date of publication of application: 950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W. 21.07.93 Bulletin 93/29 Washington, D.C. 20024(US) © Designated Contracting States: @ Inventor: Geller, Bernard D. DE FR GB SE 111 02 Whisper Wood Lane Rockville, Maryland 20852(US) Inventor: Assal, Francois T. 6008 Roosevelt Street Bethesda, Maryland 2081 7(US) Inventor: Upshur, John I. 13528 Spinning Wheel Drive Germantown, Maryland 20874(US) Inventor: Sorbello, Robert M. 8617 Red Coat Lane Potomac, Maryland 20854(US) © Representative: Lehn, Werner, Dipl.-lng. et al Hoffmann, Eitle & Partner Patentanwalte Arabellastrasse 4 W-8000 Munchen 81 (DE) © Low loss, broadband stripline-to-microstrip transition. © In a flat antenna incorporating one or more low- FIG. 3 noise amplifier circuits onto a power divider network, a stripline-to-microstrip transition is provided. The circuit is mounted amplifier (100) vertically on a ,4°-\; — V™ block (110) between a ground plane (10) and the 20- ^ -^l ^ ^ ^145 radiator level (30), so that, in the transition, the 130 electric field of the stripline power divider is rotated 90° to the microstrip mode. A block (110) on which CO the circuit (100) is mounted forms a connection between the ground plane (10) and the layer of radiating elements (30) which constitutes the other ground plane for the antenna. Rank Xerox (UK) Business Services (3. 10/3.6/3.3. 1) 1 EP 0 551 556 A1 2 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION a radiating element array, those two layers forming the ground planes for the stripline power dividing The present invention relates to stripline-to- network. microstrip transitions, and in particular to such a In the inventive transition, the low-noise am- transition incorporated in a printed-circuit antenna 5 plifier is mounted vertically to connect the ground which in turn has incorporated therein a low noise plane and the radiating element layer. The stripline amplifier (LNA) block. center conductor in the power dividing network Stripline-to-microstrip transitions are known, for layer is separated from the microstrip conductor by example, in USP 4,862,120 and 4,870,375. USP approximately 10 mils, with a gold wire connecting 4,862,120 discloses a wideband stripline-to-micro- io the two. strip transition in which the transmission mode of By orienting the LNA mounting block vertically energy passes through a plurality of different tran- with respect to the power dividing network layer, it sitions of transmission mode, from stripline to is possible to take advantage of the symmetry of microstrip. Different interim modes include quasi- the E-field in the stripline. The LNA block is a coax, a transitional mode, a double slot mode, and 75 microstrip circuit, whose field has a vertical orienta- coplanar waveguide. This sequence of transitions tion. This vertical orientation of the LNA mounting eventually changes the stripline mode electric field block folds down the E-field generated by the pattern, which extends in two directions from the stripline, to yield an E-field oriented in the same stripline itself, to a microstrip mode electric field way as that generated by microstrip. pattern, which extends in a single direction from 20 the microstrip. However, the transition structure in BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS this patent is somewhat complicated. USP 4,870,375 discloses a disconnectable Figure 1 shows a top view of the inventive microstrip-to-stripline transition, in which a phased microstrip-to-waveguide transition in accordance array antenna contains a plurality of chassis, each 25 with one embodiment of the invention; including four antenna elements, each element hav- Figure 2 shows a front view of the transition of ing associated therewith operating electronics Figure 1 ; which are implemented in a monolithic microwave Figure 3 is a schematic of a vertical mounting of integrated circuit (MMIC) approach. The transition another view of the stripline-to-microstrip transi- is provided in removable form to enable disconnec- 30 tion of the invention, implemented in a printed tion of a module between an antenna distribution circuit antenna; circuit and a beamformer distribution circuit. In the Figure 4 shows an end view of the vertical transition, one low noise amplifier is associated mounting of Figure 3; with one antenna element. Figure 5 shows an integrated low noise amplifier In copending, commonly assigned Application 35 schematic; No. 07/210,433, in which one of the named in- Figure 6 shows a measurement of performance ventors is also an inventor of the present applica- characteristics of a stripline test fixture without a tion, a low noise block down converter (LNB) em- microstrip circuit; ploying MMICs is provided on a power dividing Figure 7 shows a measurement of the same network layer in a printed circuit antenna which 40 fixture, but with microstrip transmission structure may include a stripline power divider network. The incorporated therein; disclosure of that application is hereby incorpo- Figure 8 shows return loss and insertion loss rated herein by reference. without the microstrip mounting block; It is desirable to have a broadband stripline-to- Figure 9 shows return loss and insertion loss microstrip transition between a power dividing net- 45 with the mounting block, but without a microstrip work and one or more low-noise amplifier blocks, line element; and and to use a mount for the amplifier, if possible, as Figure 10 shows return loss of the test fixture a connection between the ground plane of the with the microstrip line terminated in a 50 ohm antenna and a radiating element array which con- chip resistor connected to the ground block. stitutes a second ground plane in the antenna. 50 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION EMBODIMENT In view of the foregoing, it is an object of the Figure 1 shows a top view of the inventive invention to provide a broadband microstrip-to- 55 microstrip-to-waveguide transition. The stripline stripline transition in which a low-noise amplifier is center conductor 1 is connected to the low noise mounted on a metal block which forms a low amplifier (LNA) circuit 3, which is mounted on an resistance connection between a ground plane and LNA mounting block 2, via a gold ribbon connect 4. 2 3 EP 0 551 556 A1 4 The LNA circuit substrate, which is made of alu- necessary. A high electron mobility transistor mina, is 10 mils thick. The stripline center conduc- (HEMT) may be provided at the front end of the tor 1 is approximately 212 mils wide in this em- circuit to achieve the low noise characteristic. bodiment, in order to achieve a 50 0 characteristic With the foregoing construction, the vertical impedance, with a ground plane spacing of 160 5 metal wall of the carrier block 110 forms a termina- mils (see Figure 3). An air gap of approximately 5 tion of the stripline transmission mode, in which the mils exists between the LNA mounting block 2 and electric fields are oriented vertically between the the end of the stripline 1. An air gap of approxi- two ground planes comprising the ground plane 10 mately 2 mils exists between the end of the alu- and the radiating element array 30. In the actual mina substrate and the end of the stripline 1 . The io transition region, the electric field of the stripline gold ribbon 4, which is approximately 5 mils wide, mode is rotated by 90° to the microstrip mode, joins the stripline 1 to the microstrip 6 on the LNA since the microstrip circuit itself is oriented verti- circuit 3 (Figure 2) across the small air gap. In so cally. Figure 4 shows the relative 90° orientation doing, the ribbon 4 rotates through a 90° angle so between the plane of the stripline center conductor that it lies flat on both the stripline center conductor is 150 and the microstrip circuit more clearly. The 1 and the microstrip 6. vertical orientation of the amplifier circuit 100 with While Figure 1 shows the ribbon 4 lying flat on respect to the power divider network makes it the stripline center conductor 1 , Figure 2 shows the possible to take advantage of the symmetry of the effect of the 90° rotation, and thus shows the electric field in a stripline transmission mode, and ribbon 4 lying flat on the microstrip 6. 20 avoids the complicated structure of USP 4,862,120. In Figure 3, a printed circuit antenna includes a The vertical orientation of the amplifier circuit ground plane 10, a power divider network 20 and a "folds" the upper portions of the field down, and radiating element array 30 comprised of a plurality also "folds" the lower portions of the field up, to of radiating elements (not shown). Individual ele- yield the microstrip electric field configuration. ments of the power divider network 20 feed re- 25 As in copending Application No. 07/210,433, in spective ones of the radiating elements. A low order to have the LNA block mounted on the radiat- noise amplifier circuit 100, which may for example ing element array, it is necessary to sacrifice cer- be a two-stage amplifier, is mounted on a metal tain ones of the radiating elements which otherwise block 110 which extends between the ground plane might be put on the array. Since the elements may 10 and the radiating element array 30 to provide a 30 be weighted appropriately, the elements to be sac- low resistance connection.
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