South Tipperary County Development Board – County Data Unit Information Sheet IS10 – South Tipperary Children’s Services Committee Basic Profile 1 Demographics - Introduction Electoral Divisions (EDs) are used to record population figures. Electoral Divisions (EDs) are the smallest legally defined administrative areas in the State for which Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS) are published from the Census. There are 3,440 legally defined EDs in the State, of which 95 are within South Tipperary. Table 1 – Electoral Divisions Anner Clogheen Garrangibbon Modeshil Ardfinnan Clogher Glengar Mortlestown Ardmayle Clonbeg Golden Mullinahone Ardsallagh Cloneen Graigue New Birmingham Ballingarry Clonmel East Urban Graystown Newcastle Ballybacon Clonmel Rural Inishlounaght Newtown Ballycarron Clonmel West Urban Kilcash Nodstown Ballyclerahan Clonoulty East Kilcommon Oughterleague Ballygriffin Clonoulty West Kilcooly Peppardstown Ballykisteen Colman Kilcoran Poyntstown Ballyphilip Coolagarranroe Kilfeakle Rathlynin Ballyporeen Cooleagh Killadriffe Rodus Ballysheehan Crohane Killeenasteena Shronell /continued 280-IS10 South Tipperary Children's Services - Profile.doc Page 1 10/10/2012 South Tipperary County Development Board – County Data Unit Information Sheet /continued Bansha Cullen Killenaule Solloghodbeg Bruis Curraheen Kilmucklin Templeneiry Buolick Derrygrath Kilmurry Thomastown Burncourt Donohill Kilpatrick Tipperary East Urban Caher Drangan Kilsheelan/Killaloan Tipperary Rural Cappagh Drumwood Kiltinan Tipperary West Urban Carrick-On-Suir Rural Emly Kilvemnon Tubbrid Carrick-On-Suir Urban Farranrory Knockgraffon Tullaghmelan Carrickbeg Urban Fennor Lattin Tullaghorton Cashel Rural Fethard Lisronagh Tullamain Cashel Urban Gaile Magorban The census figures are compiled by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) ( The main household census caters for up to six persons present in the household on Census Night. There were 30 questions in the 2011 census form to be answered in respect of each individual who was present in the household. In addition, there were 11 household questions that the householder was required to answer relating to the household’s accommodation. The household form also sought limited information about persons who were temporarily away from the household on census night. Table 2 – Electoral Divisions Map 280-IS10 South Tipperary Children's Services - Profile.doc Page 2 10/10/2012 South Tipperary County Development Board – County Data Unit Information Sheet The population of the State was 4,588,252 persons in 2011, representing an increase in the inter-censal period between 2006 and 2011 of 348,404 persons or 1.6 per cent per annum, which equates to an annual average total of 69,680 persons. In 2011, the population of South Tipperary stood at 88,432 persons, representing an increase in the inter-censal period between 2006 and 2011 of 5,211 persons or 1.25 per cent per annum. During the intercensal period 2006-2011, the five ED’s showing the greatest population gains were Cashel Rural, Ballycarron, Rathlynin, Kilcash, and Kilsheelan/Killalone. Table 3 – EDs with Greatest Population Gain 2006-2011 Population Population Population Change Change Change 1996 - Total 2002 - Total 2006 - Total 2011 - Total 1996 to 2002 to 2006 to ED Name population population population population 2002 2006 2011 Cashel Rural 1,326 1,457 1,763 2,680 9.88 21.00 52.01 Ballycarron 207 229 257 347 10.63 12.23 35.02 Rathlynin 275 278 318 394 1.09 14.39 23.90 Kilcash 523 594 671 824 13.58 12.96 22.80 Kilsheelan/Killaloan 1,166 1,190 1,197 1,460 2.06 0.59 21.97 Note: Electoral Divisions (EDs) are used to record population figures. EDs are the smallest legally defined administrative areas in the State for which Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS) are published from the Census. The census figures are compiled by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) ( The main household census caters for up to six persons present in the household on Census Night. There were 30 questions in the 2011 census form to be answered in respect of each individual who was present in the household. In addition, there were 11 household questions that the householder was required to answer relating to the household’s accommodation. The household form also sought limited information about persons who were temporarily away from the household on census night. 280-IS10 South Tipperary Children's Services - Profile.doc Page 3 10/10/2012 South Tipperary County Development Board – County Data Unit Information Sheet 2 Total Figures Table 4 – Total Population Profile by ED by Census 2011 280-IS10 South Tipperary Children's Services - Profile.doc Page 4 10/10/2012 South Tipperary County Development Board – County Data Unit Information Sheet Table 5– Total Population by ED by Census Population Population Population 1996 - 2002 - 2006 - 2011 - Change Change Change Total Total Total Total 1996 to 2002 to 2006 to ED Name population population population population 2002 2006 2011 Anner 317 337 366 416 6.31 8.61 13.66 Ardfinnan 1,077 1,022 990 1,117 -5.11 -3.13 12.83 Ardmayle 530 533 567 635 0.57 6.38 11.99 Ardsallagh 405 426 463 435 5.19 8.69 -6.05 Ballingarry 734 738 710 757 0.54 -3.79 6.62 Ballybacon 344 372 409 457 8.14 9.95 11.74 Ballycarron 207 229 257 347 10.63 12.23 35.02 Ballyclerahan 361 655 997 1,045 81.44 52.21 4.81 Ballygriffin 246 247 253 250 0.41 2.43 -1.19 Ballykisteen 598 577 668 788 -3.51 15.77 17.96 Ballyphilip 356 370 400 415 3.93 8.11 3.75 Ballyporeen 800 833 878 952 4.13 5.40 8.43 Ballysheehan 370 448 480 499 21.08 7.14 3.96 Bansha 799 858 819 868 7.38 -4.55 5.98 Bruis 249 255 312 326 2.41 22.35 4.49 Buolick 565 578 588 652 2.30 1.73 10.88 Burncourt 390 361 386 419 -7.44 6.93 8.55 Caher 937 1,068 1,205 1,153 13.98 12.83 -4.32 Cappagh 755 774 810 907 2.52 4.65 11.98 Carrick-On-Suir Rural 403 485 498 501 20.35 2.68 0.60 Carrick-On-Suir Urban 4,168 4,313 4,441 4,352 3.48 2.97 -2.00 Carrickbeg Urban 1,004 1,229 1,415 1,534 22.41 15.13 8.41 Cashel Rural 1,326 1,457 1,763 2,680 9.88 21.00 52.01 Cashel Urban 2,346 2,403 2,413 2,275 2.43 0.42 -5.72 Clogheen 940 986 957 961 4.89 -2.94 0.42 Clogher 221 233 220 244 5.43 -5.58 10.91 Clonbeg 602 651 647 746 8.14 -0.61 15.30 Cloneen 312 336 410 462 7.69 22.02 12.68 Clonmel East Urban 3,515 4,121 3,920 3,922 17.24 -4.88 0.05 Clonmel Rural 3,700 4,122 4,653 5,553 11.41 12.88 19.34 Clonmel West Urban 7,328 6,530 6,126 5,699 -10.89 -6.19 -6.97 Clonoulty East 456 475 518 530 4.17 9.05 2.32 Clonoulty West 668 681 667 672 1.95 -2.06 0.75 Colman 286 362 395 451 26.57 9.12 14.18 Coolagarranroe 461 485 501 530 5.21 3.30 5.79 Cooleagh 429 443 519 541 3.26 17.16 4.24 Crohane 215 199 223 251 -7.44 12.06 12.56 Cullen 272 254 284 282 -6.62 11.81 -0.70 Curraheen 328 286 302 285 -12.80 5.59 -5.63 Derrygrath 504 542 608 653 7.54 12.18 7.40 Donohill 590 620 629 644 5.08 1.45 2.38 Drangan 512 565 625 667 10.35 10.62 6.72 Drumwood 412 461 497 559 11.89 7.81 12.47 Emly 670 612 602 729 -8.66 -1.63 21.10 Farranrory 481 451 473 479 -6.24 4.88 1.27 Fennor 559 524 554 539 -6.26 5.73 -2.71 Fethard 900 843 788 900 -6.33 -6.52 14.21 /continued 280-IS10 South Tipperary Children's Services - Profile.doc Page 5 10/10/2012 South Tipperary County Development Board – County Data Unit Information Sheet /continued Population Population Population 1996 - 2002 - 2006 - 2011 - Change Change Change Total Total Total Total 1996 to 2002 to 2006 to ED Name population population population population 2002 2006 2011 Gaile 519 555 727 761 6.94 30.99 4.68 Garrangibbon 556 604 634 634 8.63 4.97 0.00 Glengar 259 245 266 273 -5.41 8.57 2.63 Golden 678 754 788 802 11.21 4.51 1.78 Graigue 136 154 144 153 13.24 -6.49 6.25 Graystown 393 391 430 445 -0.51 9.97 3.49 Inishlounaght 2,611 2,971 3,091 3,324 13.79 4.04 7.54 Kilcash 523 594 671 824 13.58 12.96 22.80 Kilcommon 2,102 2,182 2,150 2,134 3.81 -1.47 -0.74 Kilcooly 289 307 290 291 6.23 -5.54 0.34 Kilcoran 388 396 432 522 2.06 9.09 20.83 Kilfeakle 439 448 471 461 2.05 5.13 -2.12 Killadriffe 496 532 521 533 7.26 -2.07 2.30 Killeenasteena 722 714 676 708 -1.11 -5.32 4.73 Killenaule 1,285 1,307 1,180 1,238 1.71 -9.72 4.92 Kilmucklin 463 502 510 561 8.42 1.59 10.00 Kilmurry 345 321 318 342 -6.96 -0.93 7.55 Kilpatrick 826 886 994 970 7.26 12.19 -2.41 Kilsheelan/Killaloan 1,166 1,190 1,197 1,460 2.06 0.59 21.97 Kiltinan 299 310 300 332 3.68 -3.23 10.67 Kilvemnon 366 382 374 433 4.37 -2.09 15.78 Knockgraffon 669 704 751 782 5.23 6.68 4.13 Lattin 420 451 488 526 7.38 8.20 7.79 Lisronagh 475 580 793 905 22.11 36.72 14.12 Magorban 445 461 534 639 3.60 15.84 19.66 Modeshil 324 330 314 348 1.85 -4.85 10.83 Mortlestown 513 870 1,455 1,721 69.59 67.24 18.28 Mullinahone 744 764 813 862 2.69 6.41 6.03 New Birmingham 456 397 483 235 -12.94 21.66 -51.35 Newcastle 500 506 583 680 1.20 15.22 16.64 Newtown 324 374 382 422 15.43 2.14 10.47 Nodstown 424 391 473 543 -7.78 20.97 14.80 Oughterleague 449 493 511 553 9.80 3.65 8.22 Peppardstown 1,144 1,285 1,327 1,352 12.33 3.27 1.88 Poyntstown 207 185 191 178 -10.63 3.24 -6.81 Rathlynin 275 278 318 394 1.09 14.39 23.90 Rodus 272 258 243 255 -5.15 -5.81 4.94 Shronell 354 390 389 403 10.17 -0.26 3.60 Solloghodbeg 197 195 218 238 -1.02 11.79 9.17 Templeneiry 368 389 406 428 5.71 4.37 5.42 Thomastown 337 373 391 401 10.68 4.83 2.56 Tipperary East Urban 2,947 2,830 2,674 2,467 -3.97 -5.51 -7.74 Tipperary Rural 1,512 1,648 1,905 2,188 8.99 15.59 14.86 Tipperary West Urban 1,693 1,716 1,741 1,855 1.36 1.46 6.55 Tubbrid 474 511 550 593 7.81 7.63 7.82 Tullaghmelan 797 904 964 1,024 13.43 6.64 6.22 Tullaghorton 242 239 262 277 -1.24 9.62 5.73 Tullamain 443 504 692 683 13.77 37.30 -1.30 Total Population 75,514 79,121 83,221 88,432 4.78 5.18 6.01 280-IS10 South Tipperary Children's Services - Profile.doc Page 6 10/10/2012 South Tipperary County Development Board – County Data Unit Information Sheet 3 Population Distribution Table 6 – Population Distribution 280-IS10 South Tipperary Children's Services - Profile.doc Page 7 10/10/2012 South Tipperary County Development Board – County Data Unit Information Sheet 4 Population Change The Census of Population 2011 was taken on the night of Sunday, 10th April 2011.
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