... ~... ~~/{~r / "'~~7 ~~... '// '-VAYNE COUNT"Y'S OLDEST '-VEEKLY NEW'SPAPER PUBLICATION NUM3ER USPS 396880 ,. Pt NTS r D• ."• County land sale is ready to move ahead By MIKE TYREE StaR Wntsr A Wayne County Commission subcommittee Thursday recom- mended approval. of a purchase con- tract between the county and the proposed developer of 926 acres of county-owned land in Northville Township. The subcommittee's action clears the way for a commiSSion ·committee of the whole· review of a proposed $31. 75-m1ll1on cash deal between Wayne County and the Huntington Falls lJm1ted Partnership develop- ment team headed by Northville Township resident Robert DeMattia. The Committee of the Whole w1lI meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. If ROBERT DeMATTIA the committee agrees with the sub- committee's recommendation. the tion process. A development team proposal w1II go before the entire ousted during a final-three cut had commission Thursday afternoon. asked the county to research the pro- Wayne County Commissioner Su- cess that eventually awarded the san Heintz. R-Northville. called the county land Jewel to the DeMattia subcommittee decision ·a slgn11lcant team. step. The committee found flaws in the "'Ibewhole deal could be dope next selection process used by the week.· she said. county's Department of Jobs and Thursday's meeting was the final Economic Development. but agreed step in an investigation of the county's protracted developer selec- Continued em 4 Storm blows past The tomato plant that ate Northville Northville area Ryan Rood of Six Mile Road, age 3, could teach most adults a feet - while two plants his parents planted just next to it are - The early stages of the Northville slon -Immediately northwest oITaft thing ortwo about gardening - at least judging from the success umm - not as large. Here, Ryan Is pointing out a few tomatoes VlctoI1an Festival got a little SOW and Ten Mile roads -a home on Am- he's had so far. This cherry tomato plant is the product of his gar- that are ready for picking. Friday afternoon. but lnltial reports herst Drtve was destroyed. The four dening wizardry. It now measures an astonishing seven by four indicated that was about the worst occupants of the house were not in- the stonn did in town. Jured. (For more coverage of the Just up the road in NOY1.however. storm damage in NOY1.see pages 4 a funnel cloud destroyed one house and 5.) and damaged several others before Initial reports from the Northville Man arrested in lassault on wife moving on to ln1l1ctadditional harm Township and City of Northville p0- to the NOY1Civic Center complex. lice departments reflected no senous damage locally due to the stonn. By STEVE KElLMAN City police anived shortly thereafter in re- house Sept. 11. The clothes were ·extremely solled Friday began cloudy. but festtval By late afternoon. the stonn had Staff Wnter sponse to a 911 call from one of the couple's two with blood: according to the police report. but It preparations were well underway by passed through and the Vlctortan children. Police took the fishing knife with a seven- was unclear whose blood It was. mid-morning. Several classes of Festtval was back on track. The trou· A Northv1lle man charged with felonious as· Inch blade reportedly used in the attack as City police interviewed the man the following Northvillt" High School students ble caused only a slight delay in Frt- sault against his wife remained in Wayne County evidence. morning. He admitted breaking into the house. toured the streets of downtown in day evening's main events. the open- Jail Friday. The woman had small amounts of blood on her but said he never touched his wife other than to period garb. ing parade and flrst performance by The couple was separated at the time of the al- blouse and arm. but she was apparently not cut hand her the knife. He could not explain where he Afternoon brought rains. however the Great Wallendas high-wire act. leged attack. durtng the attack. received a cut to his thumb. -light at llrst, then heavier. Booths The streets of downtown con· The man broke into the couple's home Sept. 4 The woman. fearing for her safety. left the house The man was arraigned Sept 12 in front of which had been set up were taken tinued to be packed with festival· and confronted his wife in the Iivtng room. she told Wlth her two children that night. When she moved JudgeJobn MacDonald of the 35th Dlstrtct Court. down: wares and pieces of art were goers into the night. with people en- city police. He reportedly accused her of lying ab- back in Sept. 11. city police found the man sleep- MacDonald set ball at $4.000 cash. and forbade put away. Joying the food. music. costumes and out him. pulled her off the couch and twisted her ing under a basement stairwell in the deserted the man from going near the family. their home or At about 2 p.m. two funnel clouds atmosphere. arm behind her back. and held a knife against her home. He was arrested and lodged at the city po- businesses. stomach before handing It to her. lice station. were sighted In the area. One. near Weather for the rest of the The man then told her to kill him. she said. be- Police also found the clothes reportedly worn by A preliminary examination w1II be held on the M·14. did not touch down. weekend was expected to be much fore he ran out of the house. the man dUring the attack when they searched the case Oct. 5 at 35th Dlstrtct Court. But in the Yorkshire Place subdlvl· better. [liiSiCie News Briefs rspoa:-r=fs *, MUSTANG UPDATE INCLUDED IN today's paper, CORREC'J;:ION - A photo caption on the front page of the as usual, Is "Suburban Cable Kate Holstein scored 22 points Sept. 13 Issue of the Record was Incorrect. and hauled down 14 rebounds Weekly," your guide to telev" The caption. on a photo of the Northville High SChool In Northv1lle's 51-39 win over slon on the local cable sys- boys soccer team. should have said that the team tied Detroit Novlln gt.r!s basketball on SCpt. tem. The TV listings are keyed Catholic Central 3-3. Catholic Central is the state's top- 11. TIle Mustangs then fell to to the actual channel numbers ranked team. Uvonia Stevenson 44-33 two on the local Omnicom cable days later . Mustang golfers system. ODYSSEY ORIENTATION - It's time again for stu- Chris Lemmon. Jason Sher- dents and coaches to review the new Odyssey of the Mind man. Kevin Krupansky and problems for this year and to fonn their teams. Mike Fischer were the WInners To learn more about OM. parents. students. fonner at the 21-team Plymouth Best- coaches and new coaches are Invited to attend the organiza- Ball Tournament on Sept. 11. tional meeting at 7 p.m. Monday. SCpt. 17 at the Meads M1ll The team also topped South Middle SChool MedJa Center. Or call Gayle Fountain. alterna- Lyon 159-179 In dual-meet ac- tive learning program coordinator. at 344-8448. tlononSept. 13 ... The North- Photo by BRYAN MITCHELL v1lle sw1mmers registered a pair BONEY HARVEST - Maybury Farm will hold Its an- Mary Freydl, left, and Edith Pegrum stuff envelopes with tickets to of dual meet wins last week over nual Honey Harvest from 1-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Redford Thurston (121-68) and SCpt. 22-23. the Michael Farrell lecture series. Plymouth Salem (61-38) . The fann staff will show how the bees store honey In a ART LECTURE TICKETS The Mustang kickers fell to U- Index hJve and demonstrate how the honey Is extracted. There will - This is the last week to buy season tickets to the Northv1lle vania Stevenson 5-1 on Sept. also be honey available for sale. Arts Commission 1990-91 Art Lecture 5erIes. 10 but rebounded to beat North Monday. Sept 17, 1990 The fann Is located within Maybury State Park. on Eight This season the NAC Is again featw1ng Michael Farrell Farmington (4-0) and Milord VokJme 122, No 70 Mile west of Beck. In a series of sJx slide-illustrated lectures. Farrell. assoclate (l-O) later in the week. The At Home 6A professor of art history at the University of Windsor. has Mustang footballers were CMc Calendar 3A SECOND SUPPORT GROUP MEETING - Families many addJUonal credJts that dJst..Lngulsh hJs authOrity on the slated to meet Uvania FranklJn ' Classlfieds 9A with relaUves stationed or stranded overseas dUring the Per- subject of art history. His lmowledge as well as hJs wit and Saturday. after pressUme for sian Gulf crisis are urged to attend the second meeting of a EducaUon 2A capUvaUng style have made him a popular speaker In the De- this ed1tlon. local support group. The meeting will be held Oct. 12. at 7:30 Food 7A troit area. p.m. at S1. Paul's Lutheran Church. 201 Elm S1. For more in- AlII('ctures begin at 7:30 p.m. and are held In the North- Pollee News 4A formation. call Ginny Hathhom at 349-0996. ville High SChool Forum on the comer ofEigbt MJle and cen- Update 3A tcr Strcct. The cost for the season tickets is $30 for the series WILDCAT UPDATE - The BLOODMOBILE - An American Red Cross Bloodmo- of siX lcctures. Lectures w1l1 be held on the following dates: Novl grid squad squeaked past For resuls on your wart ads caI The bile will be In Northv1lle for donaUons on Saturday.
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