Forest Review Vol. 43 (65 Years Ukim Faculty of Forestry in Skopje)

Forest Review Vol. 43 (65 Years Ukim Faculty of Forestry in Skopje)

УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ „Св. КИРИЛ И МЕТОДИЈ“ ВО СКОПЈЕ Ss. CYRIL AND METHODIUS UNIVERSITY IN SKOPJE ШУМАРСКИ ФАКУЛТЕТ ВО СКОПЈЕ FACULTY OF FORESTRY IN SKOPJE ISSN 0585-9069 УДК / UDC 630 УДК / UDC 635.9 УДК / UDC 674 ШУМАРСКИ ПРЕГЛЕД FOREST REVIEW МЕЃУНАРОДНО НАУЧНО СПИСАНИЕ INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL Шум. преглед (Šum. pregled) Год. 43 Стр. 1-76 Скопје, 2012 For. review Vol. 43 Pag. 1-76 Skopje, 2012 ШУМАРСКИ ПРЕГЛЕД FOREST REVIEW Меѓународно научно списание International Scientific Journal Год. 43 / Стр. 1-76 Vol. 43 / Pag. 1-76 Скопје, 2012 Skopje, 2012 ISSN 0585-9069 ISSN 0585-9069 УДК 630 UDC 630 УДК 635.9 UDC 635.9 УДК 674 UDC 674 Издавач Publisher Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Матодиј“ во Скопје Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Шумарски факултет во Скопје Faculty of Forestry in Skopje Декан Dean Д-р Александар Трендафилов Aleksandar Trendafilov PhD Главен и одговорен уредник Editor in chief Д-р Љупчо Несторовски Ljupčo Nestorovski PhD Уредувачки одбор Editorial board Д-р Марилена Иџојтиќ (Загреб, Хрватска) Marilena Idžojtić PhD (Zagreb, Croatia) Д-р Милосав Анѓелиќ (Подгорица, Црна Гора) Milosav Anđelić PhD (Podgorica, Montenegro) Д-р Милорад Даниловиќ (Белград, Србија) Milorad Danilović PhD (Belgrade, Serbia) Д-р Роберт Брус (Љубљана, Словенија) Robert Brus PhD (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Д-р Ирена Папазова Анакиева (Скопје, Македонија) Irena Papazova Anakieva PhD (Skopje, Macedonia) Д-р Чиприан Палагиану (Сучава, Романија) Ciprian Palaghianu PhD (Suceava, Romania) М-р Бојан Симовски (Скопје, Македонија) Bojan Simovski MSc (Skopje, Macedonia) Технички уредник Technical editor М-р Бојан Симовски Bojan Simovski MSc Д-р Чиприан Палагиану Ciprian Palaghianu PhD Корица и насловна фотографија Cover page and photography М-р Бојан Симовски, Quercus cerris Bojan Simovski MSc, Quercus cerris Тираж: 500 Copies: 500 Излегува еднаш годишно Published once a year Печати Printed by Печатница Европа 92, Кочани Print House Evropa 92, Kočani Адреса на издавачот Publisher’s address УКиМ Шумарски факултет во Скопје UKiM Faculty of Forestry in Skopje Редакција на Шумарски преглед Editorial Board of the Forest Review Бул. Александар Македонски бб Bul. Aleksandar Makedonski bb (П. фах 235) (P.O. box 235) 1000 Скопје MK-1000 Skopje Република Македонија Republic of Macedonia E-пошта: E-mail: Шум. преглед (Šum. pregled) Год. 43 Стр. 1-76 Скопје, 2012 For. review Vol. 43 Pag. 1-76 Skopje, 2012 ШУМАРСКИ ПРЕГЛЕД FOREST REVIEW Меѓународно научно списание International Scientific Journal Год. 43 / Стр. 1-76 Vol. 43 / Pag. 1-76 Скопје, 2012 Skopje, 2012 ISSN 0585-9069 ISSN 0585-9069 УДК 630 UDC 630 УДК 635.9 UDC 635.9 УДК 674 UDC 674 Научен и рецензентски одбор Scientific and reviewers board Д-р Борут Вршчај (Љубљана, Словенија) Borut Vrščaj PhD (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Д-р Васка Сандева (Штип, Македонија) Vaska Sandeva PhD (Štip, Macedonia) Д-р Јане Ацевски (Скопје, Македонија) Jane Acevski PhD (Skopje, Macedonia) Д-р Јасминка Р. Атанасовска (Скопје, Македонија) Jasminka R. Atanasovska PhD (Skopje, Macedonia) Д-р Кирил Крстевски (Скопје, Македонија) Kiril Krstevski PhD (Skopje, Macedonia) Д-р Љиљана Дошеновиќ (Бања Лука, БиХ) Ljiljana Došenović PhD (Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Д-р Марко Зебец (Загреб, Хрватска) Marko Zebec PhD (Zagreb, Croatia) Д-р Матиас Дис (Фрајбург, Германија) Matthias Dees PhD (Freiburg, Germany) Д-р Ненад Чуприќ (Белград, Србија) Nenad Čuprić PhD (Belgrade, Serbia) Д-р Петра Хлавачкова (Брно, Чешка Република) Petra Hlaváčková PhD (Brno, Czech Republic) Д-р Стефанка Хаџи Пецова (Скопје, Македонија) Stefanka Hadji Pecova PhD (Skopje, Macedonia) М-р Иван Минчев (Скопје, Македонија) Ivan Minčev MSc (Skopje, Macedonia) Адреса на издавачот Publisher’s address УКиМ Шумарски факултет во Скопје UKiM Faculty of Forestry in Skopje Редакција на Шумарски преглед Editorial Board of the Forest Review Бул. Александар Македонски бб Bul. Aleksandar Makedonski bb (П. фах 235) (P.O. box 235) 1000 Скопје MK-1000 Skopje Република Македонија Republic of Macedonia E-пошта: E-mail: Шум. преглед (Šum. pregled) Год. 43 Стр. 1-76 Скопје, 2012 For. review Vol. 43 Pag. 1-76 Skopje, 2012 For. review 43: 1 - 76. Skopje, 2012 ISSN: 0585-9069 Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Faculty of Forestry in Skopje CONTENTS Foreword Original Scientific Papers: Anđelić M. MONTENEGRO FORESTRY SECTOR IN TRANSITION 1 Danilović M., Đorđević Z., Nestorovski Lj. OPERATING EFFICIENCY OF TIMBERJACK 1210B IN TRANSPORTING SOFT DECIDUOUS ROUNDWOOD 7 Nestorovski Lj., Nacevski M., Trajkov P., Trajanov Z., Danilovic M. ANALYSIS OF THE ASH QUANTITY DURING BEECH WOOD COMBUSTION 12 Palaghianu C. INDIVIDUAL AREA AND SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF SAPLINGS 15 Singh K. A., Singh S. S. EXPLORING THE SPATIO-TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF FOREST LAND USE/LAND COVER CHANGES IN AHIRAN SUB WATERSHED OF CENTRAL INDIA 19 Teofilovski A., Mandzukovski D., Simovski B., Acevski J. CHOROLOGY AND HABITATS OF SOME PLANTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 24 Trajanov Z., Nestorovski Lj., Trajkov P. INFLUENCE OF SOME FACTORS ON THE DENSITY OF FOREST ROADS IN THE SKIDDING WITH ANIMALS 33 Vukin M., Zivanovic M. THE CONCEPT OF LANDSCAPING THE PARK ZONE OF THE ARBORETUM OF THE FACULTY OF FORESTRY IN BELGRADE 37 Preliminary Communications: Andreevski M., Mukaetov D. CONTENT OF EXCHANGEABLE CATIONS IN ALBIC LUVISOLS IN REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA UNDER DIFFERENT VEGETATIVE COVER 42 Todorov V., Stavrevska – Panajotova A., Petrovski S., Kampen P. INTRODUCING FAST GROWING TREE SPECIES FOR AGRO-FORESTRY PRACTICES ON AGRICULTURAL LAND IN MACEDONIA 46 Professional Papers: Brndevska V., Rizovska Atanasovska J. SOME SHADE TOLERANT PLANTS USED IN LANDSCAPE DESIGN IN MACEDONIA 51 Galev E., Sandeva V., Despot K. AESTHETIC EVALUATION OF FOREST LANDSCAPES WITHIN THE TRAINING AND EXPERIMENTAL FOREST RANGE (TEFR) YUNDOLA, R. BULGARIA 57 Galev E., Sandeva V., Despot K., Acevski J., Simovski B. CREATING A DATABASE FOR THE DENDRARIUM USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS TECHNOLOGIES – EXAMPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL FOREST DEPARTMENT “PETROHAN”, R. BULGARIA 62 Kanareva N., Rizovska Atanasovska J. THE USAGE OF CLIMBING PLANTS IN FAÇADE GREENING IN TODAY’S URBAN LIVING WITH EXAMPLES OF THE CENTRAL URBAN REGION OF SKOPJE, R. MACEDONIA 65 For. review 43: 1 - 76. Skopje, 2012 ISSN: 0585-9069 Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Faculty of Forestry in Skopje Micevska A., Rizovska Atanasovska J. SOME NEW FLOWER PLANTS USED IN DESIGNING OF GARDENS AND BALCONIES IN STRUMICA (R. MACEDONIA) 70 Rantaša B. THE SENSE OF PLACE RESEARCH APPROACH TO FORESTS 73 Instructions to Authors For. review 43: 1 - 76. Skopje, 2012 ISSN: 0585-9069 Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Faculty of Forestry in Skopje FOREWORD Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is a great pleasure to announce the publication of the 43rd Scientific Journal Forest Reeview. Past 42 issues of the Forest Review were mostly reserved for publishing forestry sccientific papers from researches from Republic of Macedonia, and on Macedonian language. Beeginning with this number, the journal is becoming international, with international Editorial and Scientific bodies. Nearly sixty years of tradition publishing the scientific work in the Foorestry area of the State and Regional researches, gave us the right to go step forward and become international forestry journal. This year, we have collected 16 papers, from 6 different countries, and we hope that the next edition will be even more diverse. Papers treat different forestry issues, and are peer- reviewed by the significant forestry authorities from even more countries. We hope that Forest Review will fill the area of several scientific journals in this field, and it will be an opportunity for the researchers to publish their scientific papers in the future, as well as to become a leading scientific journal in the field of Forestry in the region. Great thanks to all authors, members of the Editorial and Scientific boards, as well as to all peer – reviewers for the great effort and support. On behalf of the Editorial Board, Prof. Ljupčo Nestorovski PhD, Chairman For. review 43: 1 - 76. Skopje, 2012 ISSN: 0585-9069 Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Faculty of Forestry in Skopje For. review 43: 1 - 6. Skopje, 2012 ISSN: 0585-9069 UDC: 630*9(497.16) Original scientific paper Paper submission: May, 2012 MONTENEGRO FORESTRY SECTOR IN TRANSITION ANĐELIĆ M. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Podgorica, Montenegro Correspondig author e-mail address: ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results we have come to on the basis of five-year' work in legislative and new organizational structure of the forestry sector in Montenegro. The ultimate goal of this activity is to provide for permanent conservation and improvement of existing areas under forests and forest land as well as their functions within the defined frameworks. The principal prerequisites for this are: implementation of measures of prevention and monitoring of forests, their sustainable multi-functional utilization with substantial and more intense implementation of silvicultural works, conservation and improvement of biological and landscape diversity of forests and their environmental quality. Keywords: Forestry in transition, permanent conservation and improvement of forests, sustainable multi-functional utilization. 1 INTRODUCTION 73.8%, 94.6% Romania: 5.4%, Slovenia 30.0%: 70.0%, 28.9% Finland: 71.1% (TBFRA, 2000). Total area of Montenegro covers 1.381.200 ha, and Since forests are resources of general / public according to the first National Forest Inventory, forests interest, it is in the national interest to legally regulate and forest land cover 832.900 ha or 59.9% of the conditions for improvement of the current status of these territory. Other categories (urban areas, water bodies, forests to ensure a balance between protection, agricultural land plots, barren land, etc.), which are not ecological, social and economic functions of forests, and forests and forest land, occupy 135.800 ha or 9.8%, to ensure sustainability.

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