https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19780005115 2020-03-22T06:47:14+00:00Z NASA CR-135236 ADVANCED SUPERSONIC PROPULSION SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY STUDY PHASES 111 AND IV-FINAL REPORT by Roy 0. Allan and Warren Joy GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY NOVEMBER 197 7 (:T;2LiA-C:?-135236) ADVANCED S;JPEIISO?JIC 1!7tj- 130% P31kULSi2;i STTJDY, PTIRSES 3 ti!iD 4 (;e:wr~l El~rtrlcCo.) 2J7 p tiC r213/?.3F 101 xcr, 275 IJnc 1 as ;3/r37 5513~ Prepared For Dlatloral Aaroaartics and Space Admiairtrafion NASA-Lewis Research Center Contract NAS3-19544 Yodif icat ion 4 1. Report No. , 2. Government A'ecession No, 3. Recipient's Catatog No. KISA CR- 135236 I 4. Title and Subtftle I 5. Repo .t Date 1 Advanced Supersonic Propulsion Study, Novcnbcr 30, 1977 I Phnscs 111 ad IV - Final Report 6. Performing Orpnization Code 7, Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. R.D. Allan and 1V. Joy 9. Performing Organitatlon Name and Addrw Company Cikneral Electric 11. Contract or Grant No. Nrcril ft Engine Group I Cincinnati, Ohio 45215 I NM3-19544 Obdiiication 4) ! 13, Typ of Repon and Period Covered 12. Sponsor~ngAgency Name and Address Contractor Report I National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Crlde Ihshington, D. C. 20546 15. Supplernontary Notes Proj cct Llulagcr , Edward A. Willis, Wind Tunnel and Flight Division MA-Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44135 16. Abstract The continuation of the General Electric Mvanced Supersoni~Propulsian Study to evaluate various advanced propulsion concepts for supersonic cruisc aircraft h;r., resulted in the identification of the Double-Bypass Variable Cycle Engine as the most promising concept. This engine design utilizes spccial variable geometry components and an annular exhaust nozzle to provide high take-off tl~rustand low jet noise. The engine also provides good pcrEo?nancc at both supersonic cruisc and subsonic cruise. Emission chsractcristics are excellent. Thc advanced technology Double-Bypass Variable Cycle Engine ofi'crs :in k~~provc- mcnt in aircraft range perfomance relative to earlier superson; . --'~n-; .c. designs and yet at a lower level of engine noise. Research and technology l)r' re required in certain design areas fir this engine concept to realize its poterltlal Esnrfits. This report summarizes the work conducted under Phases 111 and IV of tl1c Ad%vanccdSupersonic Propufsjon Study including refined parametric analysis of selected viriable cycle engines, screening of xiditional unconve~~tiunalconcepts, and engine prclLninary design studies. In addition, required critical technology programs are summarized. 17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(sJI 18, Distribution Statement Supersonic Transpo~t: Advalved Supersonic Technology Supersonic cruise Airplane ~esearcl~ Variable Cycle Ennines I Unclassified - Unlimited Annular ~cbusticFlug Nozzles Double Bypass 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this pago) 21, No. of Pages 22. Price' Ilnclassif ied Unclassified - - -- * For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 2.0 INTRODUCTION 4 2.1 Background 2.2 Description of Phase I11 Study Tasks 3.0 LIST OF SYMBOLS AND NOMENCUTURE 7 4.C RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 15 4.1 Engine Studies 15 Variable Cycle Engine Description 15 Parametric Cycle Optimization 19 Engine Size Selection and Acoustics 20 Mission Analysis Methods 24 Parametric Cycle Performance 27 Double-Bypass Study Engine Definition for Airframe Companies and NASA 4 3 Low Bypass, Mixed-Flow Study Engine 6 1 Engine Cycle Effect on Main Combustor Emissions 68 4.2 Mil!.tary Applications 8 7 4.2.1 Military Variable Cycle Engine Data 87 4.3 Special Studies 8 7 4.3.1 Flap Blowing at Takecff 8 7 Assumptions 88 Analysis 90 Results (Including Discussion) 9 1' Conclusions 9 5 4,3.2 Takeoff Power Management Analysis Results Discussion Conclusions 4.3.3 Variable Bypass Engine (Supersonic Inflow Fan) 106 Analysis Conclusions iii C~~INGPAGE BLANK NOT FILMED TABLE OF CONTENTS (Concluded) Section Page 4.4 Preliminary Deslgn 120 4.4.1 Basic Engine Preliminary Design 6.4.2 Component Preliminary Design Combustor De:~:gn Studies Exhaust Nozzles 4.5 Airframe delated S~udies 145 4.5.1 Variable Cycle Engine Inlet Concept Study 145 4.5.2 Engine/~acelle/AirplaneIntegration Studies 180 4,5.2.1 Lockheed McDonnell Douglas Boeing 4.6 Technology Recommendations 278 4.6.1 Annular Acoustic Nozzle 2 7 8 4.6.2 Operational Demonstration of GE2l VCE Concept 279 4.6.3 Front Block Fan Program 279 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 281 6.0 REFERENCES 284 LIST OF ILLUSTlWrIONS Figure Page 1. Variable Cycle Engine, 17 2. NASA Reference Aircraft Configuration. 23 3. Mission Profile, 2 5 4. AST Mission Ranges. 26 5. Dry Thrust Potential at Supersonic Cruise, BPR = 0.35. 28 6. Dry Thrust Potential at Supersonic Cruise, BPR = 0.2. 29 7. Dry Thrust Potential at Supersonic Cruise, BPR = 0.5. 30 8. Supersonic Cruise sfc Comparisons, BPR = 0.35. 31 9. Supersonic Cruise sfc Comparisons, BPR = 0.2. 32 10. Supersonic Cruise sfc Comparisons, BPR = 0.5. 3 3 11. Subsonic Cruise sfc Comparisons, BPR = 0.35. 3 4 12, Subsonic Cruise sfc Comparisons, l3PR = 0.2. 35 13. Subsonic Cruise sfc Comparisons, BPR = 0.5. 36 1.4 . Relative Weight Comparisuns, BPR = 0.35. 3 7 15. Relative Weight Comparisons, BPR = 0.2. 3 8 16. Relative Weight Con~parisons, BPR = 0.5. 3 9 17. Relative Range PoLential, BPR = 0.35, 1111 h (600 nlni) Initial Leg. Relative Range Potential, BPR = 0.2, 1111 krn (600 nmi) Initial Leg. Relative Range Potectial, BPR = 0.5, 1111 lan (600 nmi) Initial Leg. McDonnell Dauglas Axisymmetric Inlet/Engine Airflow Match. McDonnell Douglas Supersonic Cruise sfc. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure 22. Boeing Axisymrnetric Inlct/Fngine Airflow Match, 23. Boeing Supersonic Cruise sfc. 24. Lockheed Inlet Recovery, Two-DZmensional Inlet, 25. Lockheed ~nlet/EngineAirflow Match. 26. Lockheed Climb/Acceleration Thrust. 27. Lockheed Subsonic Cruise sfc. 28. Lockheed Hold sfc. 29. Lockheed Two-Dimensional ~nlet/Engine Alrflow Match. Lockheed Supersonic Cruise sfc. Suparsonic Cruise sfc Comparison, CxHp and CO Emissions. Combustion Efficiency and CO and CxHy Levels with Engines st Low Thrust. NOx Emissions, Nitric Oxide Formation Rate. Double-Annular Combustor Design - AST GE21 VCE. NO, Levels of AST VCE. CO Levels of AST VCE. Cxt$ Levels of AST VCE. NOx Levels of AST VCE - Mach = 2.32. NO Levels Obtainable with Lean Fuel-Air Mixtures. X Premixing Combustor Design Concept AST VCE. LIST OF ILLUS'JRATIONS (Continued) Figure 43. Estimated NOx Levels of AST VCE with Premixing Combus tor. Assumed Takeoff Aerodynamics AST-2 Aircraft. Sideline Noise During Climb Out. Sideline Noise Characteristics, AST-2 Aircraft. Exhaust Jet Velocity and Sideline Noise During Climb Out. Engine Sizing for Takeoff. Thrust Variation During Climb Out. Climb Traj ect,*ries. AST Mission Range Performance Variable Bypass Engine Concept. Supersonic Fan Hap, Assumed Core Aerothermo Characteristics. Installation Drag Summary, Variable Bypass Engine. Acceleration Pezformance, Supersonic Cruise Performance. Subsonic Cruise Performance. SFC Comparison - Mach 2.7 19,812 m (65,000 f t) , Optimistic sfc Comparison - Mach 2.7 19,812 m (65,000 ft). Double-Bypass Variable Cycle Engine Concept. Double-Annular Combustor Design GE21/~llB3VCE. Premixing Combustor Design Concept - AST VCE. -LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (continued) Baseline Double-Bypass Nozzle Configuration. Annular Suppression Velocity and Exhaust Temperature Proportions. Baseline Separated Double-Bypass Configuration. Baseline Mixed Double-Bypass Configuration. Baseline Interim Fixed-Primary Double-Bypass Configuration. Fixed Primary Exhaust System, GE21/Jl1 Study B3. Fixed Primary Operational Modes. Mission Profile. Supersonic Cruise Vehicle General Arrangement (Lockheed-California Cw.). Pod Arrangement (G~23/JllVCX). Inlet Design Ground Rules. Inlet Angle Definition, Two-Dimensionai Inlet. Inlet Contours, Two-Din~;tnsionalInlets. Inlet Contours, Axisymmetric Inlets. Drag Forces, Two-Dimensional Inlets. Drag Forces, Axisymmetric Inlets. Inlet Weight (Ship-Set). Range Comparison, 1.35 Throat Mach Number. Range Comparison, 0.92 Throat Mach Number. Takeoff Inlet: Pressure Recoveries. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 84. Pressure Recoveries at Marh 0.9, 227 kg/sec (500 lb/sec) Engine Airflow. Pressure Recoveries at Mach 0.9, 288 kg/sec (635 lbfsec) Engine Airflow. Pressure Recoveries at Mach 0.9, 325 kg/sec (716 lb/sec) Engine Airflow. Installation Drawing, Engine Nacelle. Installation Drawing, Structural Details - Under-wing Inlet. Installation Br,ir~Jlr.g, Cross Sectibns, Under-wing Inlet. Engine Airflow Characteristics, Two-Dimensional Inlet. Inlet Pressure Recovery, Two-Dimensional Inlet. General Arrangement T,ockheed SCAR Vehicle. Aircraft Parametric Design Analysis (GE21/JllD4 VCE) . bifssion Profile. Climb-Speed Schedule. Nacelle Configuration SCAR Two-Dimension&l Inlet. Factors Affecting Range Differences. Engine Installation, GE21/JllB4 and Two-Dimensional Inlet. Structural Details, Under-wing Inlet. Typical Two-Dimensional Inlet Contours. Critical Inlet Pressure Recovery. LIST OF ILL~lSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure 102. Critical Mass Plow Ratio. 103. Engine Airflow with Two-Dimensional Inlets, ~~21/~11~4VCE, Engine Mount. Load Diagram. Nacelle Structural Arrangement. Installation Drags, Two-Dimensional Inlet. Comparison of Noise Levels Under-Wing Versus ~ver/~nder-wingEngine Arrangement. Aircraft General Arrangement (McDonnell Dougias), Mission Profile. Engine Sizing, Annular Nozzle. Engine Sfzing, Annular Nozzle with Mechanical Suppressor. Engine Pod Arrangement. Engine Installation. Details of Structural Nacclle Concept. Selected Nacelle Configuration. Inlet Performance. Airflow Schedule. Installed Inlet Performance. Effect of Engine Size on Mission Performance. Effect of Engine Size on Tak~off Performance. Mission Performance Comparison. Range Change, Annular Nozzle. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Concluded) Page Range Change, Annular Nozzle with Mechanical Suppressor.
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