4. gs f ginger, 9 Sophy's r leat Served Cambodian and Thai Cuisine ceo =, ",;;&mpura (7) Serving Long Beach in our ". rinji~~f:J1i:t',,'{egetables ~ ; '~~IJaf:ter.With honey sauce.' new location with an 6. P,Jg. Rolls (2) $5.95 extended menu and take Fresh:[oIls with vegetables. shrimp and . out for when you are on the shreQded pork patty. wrapped in rice go. Find us online at: paper.~fNJtfM1 with sweet & soursauce. 7. Fried WfSl1ton, > $5.50 :"-:'::':.-::.:.::::-:.;' , '~ . http://www.sophysthai.com Deep friEjTiC!l1lQQtgns filled with grQ!ind pork. SeNikJWJi!, sweet & sour sau~./~:'" 8. ·.Na TangJDip) $7.95~o 3240 E Pacific Coast Highway }.j( .dip tf1J;1tgontainsg,icken. ch .4'. Long Beach, Ca 90804 ·~J(~Yb:lcoC6nulfmilk (562) 494-1763 ser:f 9. "-~'~·n···gcc~•• · 0 I ""I'4' $7' .ro/lsof vegetabL~ deep 's/Jrimp patty se =~ Hours ofoperation fresh tangy lim4sauce~....A';?f SEVENDAYS A WEEK 10. Deep Friect.tjijfueT"'.;,.f.. Dee friedT(Jmsewed;'ec . 9AM-IOPM 'P.<./ ;.: ..;i'<.., . :.,.c"'? ."l;i;-"'c~nd~tJrsa,.Uce. ~ 11. FishCakeS \'5> $9.95 Fluffy Fi$h Cakes deep fried until golden ,. APPETIZERS b'town. 'SeNed with cucumbers. tomatoes and crushed peanuts in a 1. Sate (5 Sticks) $7.95 sweet soursauce. Marinated chicken seNed with peanut sauce. '~')EN TR E 2. BeefSkewer (5 Sticks) $7.95 eurry .._ Beef sirloin seNed with our secret (Note: All of our curries have cocO pickled papaya salad. and Iemongrass paste)For Shrimp, 3. Egg Rolls $5.50 or Seafood Combination: Add·$2.00. (Note: Price andmenu aresubjectto change withoutnotice) (DelWery, Take-Outs andCtderingfor allocaISions is availoble- PlellSe conJJu:t managementfor.fur!heIj. ~"1JPan,an Thinly shredded ginger stir-fried with A "Snicy}red c garlic, soybean and green onions. belliflPPers~a (Chicken orBeef) (Ch{cken on' 20. Ka Pao $8.95 13. Kang Khi Diced chili garlic with bellpeppers and A thick .' urry, basil in ourspecial house sauce. basil an ," affirlef!!.(C (Seafood: Add $3.00) Kahrie TaLh~fing 21. Stir-fry Vegetable $7.95 (Khmer Red CtiiTy) An assortment ofSoutheast Asian Carrots, potato and on C:., ed with vegetables stir-fried in a special sauce. a choice of French bread, steamed 22. Chicken Cashew Nuts wIDried rice, or folded rice noodles and Chili $8.95 assorted vegetables. (Chicken or Cashews with roasted chili, bell Beef) peppers andgreen onions. 15. Kahrie TaPea"g~"#$8~ 23. Chah Cutna $8.95 (Spicy Red Curr;'wlBamboo sh . .... ':d: Chinese broccoli stir-fried with garlic TlJe§picy cousin ofK.~ Taffi~1Jg'f and soybean sauce. (Chicken, Beef, ......blJi1i~:~:~~~· ~~h~~:§~§[7 porle orDeep-friedFish Fillet) .' 24. Stir-fry Tofu $7.95 ken._orB",q~ Tofu stir-fried with an assortment of '±:i.""'~. ,- vegetables. (Soft. orDeep-fried Tofu) 25. BeefLok Lak $8.95 BeefLok Lak with lime sauce balanced with salt andpepper. Sliced tomatoes, . cucumber, onions andlettuce top this stir-fried tenderize top sirloin beef. 26. Stir-fry Black Mushroom $9.95 Black Mushrooms stir fried with broccoli, carrots sauteed with our special house sauce. 27. Stir-fry Watercress $8.95 Watercress stir-fried with fresh chili, garlic and soybean sauce. 28. Stir-fry Chinese Broccoli w/Crispy Pork $8.95 Three layered crispy pork deep-fried $7~95 with Chinese broccoli and our special house sauce. ::./:::::::;;,.1-..:- :9. Sauteed Pea Sprouts $8.95 ~~ar ~Y..~~cc. sauteed pea sprouts in a Wild 38. ~'n~.C .,.?~,~, (A$ian Crepe) combination of fresh garlic and special house sauce. ,0. Beef Broccoli $8.95 Beef and Broccoli stir fried to an afternoon delight and served with our special house sauce. ,1. Orange Chicken $8.95 '39": ~~~~~ . Battered chicken deep fried with orange peel served with our sweet and sour Tiger. (Chicken orBeef) sauce. 40. Ho .~ Special $8.95 ,2. Fried SCramble Eggs $7.95 BBq~hicken (1/2) A Cambodian specialty that comes to oeeplYJ!1arinated chicken deep-fried Long Beach in the form of scrambled until fiQlqfl(1-i/J1'O'JfTI. (Whole: $14.95) G~" eggs. groundpork and green onions. 41. TreiY;",""C7;.~!l#(;"",."Ahn Catfish $13.95." ~"',,,'~ , A whOlili-Cijffi: ".. ' 'eel &served witfj~ S PEe IAL TIE SCJssorted.kesi/veg~tab/es.basil an >. ,3. Panang Salmon $13.95 ,~~;r6;nt. (A8d: $2.00 for both sauces) :;::::::::~:'U:~ 4~.,:e'" ~~b ...•.. ::; 4. ~7h~c:Ngeat(BeefJerlcy)$9.95 .} " s~fI~ with sw , '",. Flank steaks deeply marinated then sour ),.~' deeJrfried until tenderly dry. Served~: 43. Fried Eggpl!ut w/G~ri4Jloift with ourgarlic andvinegarsauce. ,"', Eggplant s~~~'~'edwftfj;g,:liJna ;5. Prahok Kteih $8.50 "'; garlic. fre '" ,iii, bell ~Jt' ..·: =:::~=~ :~·~!'~&1~~ sauce paste, pickled fish, ground pork. kaffir ei1JbiBCfdin.. the anns oflettuce leaves. leaf & tamarind then simmered with A Steak"Lover's Delight. coconut milk. Served with an 45. BeefTukPmhok (Steak) $12.95 assortment offresh vegetables. Top sttfpin'sliqffi/ beef topped with an :&. Treiy Chean Seasonal authenficKhmersauce atriffettuce. A popular favorite, Pomfret fish deeJr ...",£f,Jj~"Wfndf;g for steak~I~I~+~iL, fried until golden and crispy then topped 46."'- Sauteed Crab "= .. ~" with ourauthentic house sauce. Sweet glazed crab, wok-fired""" ;7. Deep-fried Squid $8.95 peppers. jalapeno, green onia .~ Squid in tempura batter deeJrfried until special honey sauce. '.~~. golden crunchy then tossed with salt 47. River BarbFish(Treiyaauhae) ,~<; " andpepper. Served with garlic and 5 A LADS (Plea) 57. Bok La'Hong $7.95 (Papaya Salad) The Salad Dream comes alive with this delightful mix of shredded green papaya, carrot,. fresh chUi, sliced tomatoes and long string bean toss. This tempting salad is then topped with limejuice and garlic with either salted crab or dried shrimp and crushed peanuts. Served with slices ofcabbage. 58. Neoum SuchMeoun $8.95 wlBong Kea (Khmer Chicken and Shrimp Salad) Shredded chicken, cabbage, carrot. cucumber, glass noodles, shrimp and baSl7 leaves tossed in sweet and sour house sauce with crushed peanuts. 51. .['Of' 59. Larb (Mince Salad) $7.95 The ever famous Lam comes together with Grilled ground meat tossed with cilantro, onions, mint. limejuice, and fish ;;U sauce then topped with a sparkle ot e 'OU roasted rice. Served with a side ot cabbage. (Chicken orBeef) f~~ 60. Plea (BeeforChicken Salad) $8.95 Ihat: Itioa Grilled sliced meat tossed with Cl7antro, .olden brown. Served WifIj·our onions, mint. limejuice and fish sauce .eel andsourtamarind garlic sauce. then topped with a sparkle of roasted ack Peppered Frog $10.95 rice. Served with green leaf lettuce. .•.•.•••. ~A'ic:pte Frog meat .sauteed with black (Chicken orBeef) .plffJer and a vanety of our secret 61. Nam Tok (Thai BeefSalad) $9.95 spi~§.that Wl71 keep you coming back. Gn71ed Top Sirloin Beef Slices tossed "'''~ $10.9~ rog with cilantro, onions, mint. limejuice and meat stir-fried with ginger fish sauce then topped with a sparkle ot ... b .wncOlor. Ick golden ro .... ..; .. /:; roasted rice. Served with green leat g ·$10.~~\ lettuce. (Chicken orBeef) with cuny paste; bell 62. Plea BongKea or Mug $10.95 aSl7 andjalapenmi (Shrimp orSquid Salad) atlish) . $10.95 Grilled shrimp or steam squid tossed marinated with the love with lettuce, cucumber, ground chili, paste,served on a garlic, onions, minced, lemongrass, cilantro, mint, lime juice, chili paste and fish sauce. 63. Plea Salmon(Salmon Salad)$13.95 Come alive to Thin Slices of Salmon tossed with lettuce, cucumber, ground chili, garlic, onions, minced, lemongrass, cilantro, mint, limejuice, ~I~:IJ~P S(Som~_ chilipaste andfish sauce. *' 69' .. m?(qn(lSpicy and S'o ~. ._ ..::t: -.. t::S·:·:OS-:--: ~:;':':~_-_=:::::_ ~ ~"On '..... i the best known soups of the 'fKJj J;people, Tom Yum is a broth baSeclSpicy and sour soup that comes 4t. i": ::~_~ alive~·:·}:4i with~. 9i{anttp; lemongra¥i_~~?-~- "dao /i'=-"~!~'f~f$9.95 _-. ""'}So t ...' - - . " • ~""'"",."~,:; ....",,.; 64. ..g,;~.~ '- < . galaJ"IQ~>;>"iJaffiL·leaf and IllTIejulCe. - ~-' An assortment of cabbage, bean (SeafgOdaiid $2.JJO) sprouts, cucumber and sdao (bitter 70. Somla!!i!~~Kreoung $9~~~ ;~. vegetable) tossed in our authentic A.. SDup><inspiiOO. by the world_~~ of· homemade tamarind sauce with a 1~mong~ss with hfiJ!s, oftangy tam' .~~.' choice of fish or three layered pork. "/and waiercress made to deli· rf1t """,,, Served with a side ofcrushedpeanuts. '~~!,;~. 65. Neoum Papaya with $8.95 ffi pJ /&jr Baby Shrimp 71. P;CY,,:'abbage) $8~ . Papaya inspired salad mixed with Th .... p cOmes in the ' canats, baby shrimp topped with basil nappa Ca ' made with~ and crushed peanuts. Tossed with our­ home made c1iicken blotJt!iff sweet andtangy lime sauce. 66. Neoum Duck Feet ..... $9~95' . Variety of cabbage, carrots, green 7:JEi,'Lt":f" sprouts with duck feet topped with basil '~'='-You-Can nel(flI"' go .wrong and crushed peanuts. Tossed with our ep;cu~fai(orite - Chicken simmered sweet and tangy lime sauce. with 'CoconUt m/7k. lemongrass, 67. Neoum Green Mango $8.95 galangai;' kaffirleafand limejuice. (Dry FishlDry Shrimp) 73. SOllllaw Mach~ Youun $8.95 Green mango comes to you with dry (Sweetand SouiPineapple):. fish or dry shrimp topped with· crushed T!J#Ylnand yang of ..~:; land sour.t peanuts and basil leaves. Tossed with ~<f..~iif!!ipPtl!;'"iOf?ped with. ~cro~s/I' oursweet and tangy lime sauce. --garlIc, tomatoes, spec'+cjEJ,pn .. 68. Dancing Shrimp Salad(Raw)$10.95 kdad. Served with exquisite··~f'·""-":·an vegetables. This delight of' up· comes with fish. (Shrimp add $1~oO (Noll!: Price andmenu aresubjectto change without notice) (Delivery, Take-Outs and Cideringfor alloccasions is tJVtd1IIble - P1eIIse contadnumagonentforfiu:t!' "7::· The toast of Phnom Penh, a broth based rice noodle soup that comes with ground pork, slice pork, pork patty, meatball and shrimp then 75. topped with cilantro~ green onion and golden roasted garlic. Ground 80. Beef Noodles (Soup orDty)$5.5O cabbage A broth based rice noodle soup with mushroom.
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