DYNAMIC ANALYSIS REPORT #6812059 Classifications: Spyware Keylogger MALICIOUS Threat Names: Phoenix Verdict Reason: - Sample Type Windows Exe (x86-32) File Name 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe ID #2586838 MD5 23c6a9b7cacf900035cfac74aeae1c7f SHA1 b81b431eaafe067c8025609fa2240308c49266eb SHA256 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76 File Size 787.50 KB Report Created 2021-08-06 18:25 (UTC+2) Target Environment win10_64_th2_en_mso2016 | exe X-Ray Vision for Malware - www.vmray.com 1 / 25 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS REPORT #6812059 OVERVIEW VMRay Threat Identifiers (21 rules, 47 matches) Score Category Operation Count Classification 5/5 YARA Malicious content matched by YARA rules 1 Keylogger, Spyware • Rule "PhoenixKeylogger" from ruleset "Malware" has matched on the function strings for (process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe. 5/5 Data Collection Tries to read cached credentials of various applications 1 Spyware • Tries to read sensitive data of: FileZilla, Vivaldi, Opera, Pidgin, Chromium, Comodo Dragon, Torch, Kometa, Chrome Canary, 7Star, ... ...er, Orbitum, Epic Privacy Browser, Yandex Browser, Maple Studio, Uran, CentBrowser, Amigo, CocCoc, Chedot, Google Chrome, Sputnik. 2/5 Data Collection Reads sensitive mail data 1 - • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of mail application "Microsoft Outlook" by registry. 2/5 Data Collection Reads sensitive browser data 20 - • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Yandex Browser" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Amigo" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Kometa" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Google Chrome" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "CocCoc" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Orbitum" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Vivaldi" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Chromium" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "CentBrowser" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Chedot" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Comodo Dragon" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Torch" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Epic Privacy Browser" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Opera" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Uran" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "7Star" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Chrome Canary" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Maple Studio" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Sputnik" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of web browser "Elements Browser" by file. 2/5 Data Collection Reads sensitive ftp data 1 - • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of ftp application "FileZilla" by file. 2/5 Data Collection Reads sensitive application data 1 - • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to read sensitive data of application "Pidgin" by file. 2/5 Anti Analysis Delays execution 1 - • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe has a thread which sleeps more than 5 minutes. 2/5 Task Scheduling Schedules task 1 - • Schedules task for command "C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\AppData\Roaming\wsBGdsFOBo.exe", to be triggered by Logon. X-Ray Vision for Malware - www.vmray.com 2 / 25 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS REPORT #6812059 Score Category Operation Count Classification 2/5 Network Connection Sets up server that accepts incoming connections 1 - • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe starts a TCP server listening on localhost port 49707. 2/5 Injection Writes into the memory of a process started from a created or modified executable 1 - • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe modifies memory of (process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe. 2/5 Injection Modifies control flow of a process started from a created or modified executable 1 - • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe alters context of (process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe. 1/5 Mutex Creates mutex 1 - • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe creates mutex with name "BTogRRWUWEqJITyOtXFYjG". 1/5 Hide Tracks Creates process with hidden window 2 - • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe starts (process #2) schtasks.exe with a hidden window. • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe starts (process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe with a hidden window. 1/5 Obfuscation Reads from memory of another process 1 - • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe reads from (process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe. 1/5 Obfuscation Creates a page with write and execute permissions 1 - • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe allocates a page in a foreign process with "PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE" permissions, often used to dynamically unpack code. 1/5 Privilege Escalation Enables process privilege 2 - • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe enables process privilege "SeDebugPrivilege". • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe enables process privilege "SeDebugPrivilege". 1/5 Discovery Possibly does reconnaissance 2 - • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to gather information about application "FileZilla" by file. • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe tries to gather information about application "Pidgin" by file. 1/5 Network Connection Performs DNS request 3 - • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe resolves host name "checkip.dyndns.org" to IP "". • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe resolves host name "freegeoip.app" to IP "". • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe resolves host name "api.telegram.org" to IP "". 1/5 Network Connection Connects to remote host 3 - • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe opens an outgoing TCP connection to host "". • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe opens an outgoing TCP connection to host "". • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe opens an outgoing TCP connection to host "". 1/5 Execution Executes itself 1 - • (Process #1) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe executes a copy of the sample at C: \Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe. 1/5 Discovery Checks external IP address 1 - X-Ray Vision for Malware - www.vmray.com 3 / 25 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS REPORT #6812059 Score Category Operation Count Classification • (Process #5) 53695f461f19fcb5440ac85f777de093824ca61c777ff1c8b77001bf7eff4a76.exe checks external IP by asking IP info service at "http://checkip.dyndns.org/". X-Ray Vision for Malware - www.vmray.com 4 / 25 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS REPORT #6812059 Mitre ATT&CK Matrix Privilege Defense Credential Lateral
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