A Newspaper Devoted ~ Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly,. Clearly - Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Publls&ed Every Thursday VOL. XVIII—NO. 29 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1956 at 18 areen Street. Woodbridge, J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS Eber Maps: Woman 's.Keen Touch Gets 2 Brothers Resumption Many Town Jobs Done Well Are Nabbed Of Inquiry Grand Jury Investigation Perth Amboy Pair Held Qf B. of E. will Start In $5O,OOO; Solution Again in Week of 10th Of Case Seen Nearing WOODBRIDGE — The Grand WOODBRIDGE — A "break" Jury investigation into the prac- in solving the murder of 60-yearr tices of the local Board of Educa- old James QuacKenbush, engin- tion will be continued the week eer-watchman of the Kopper of September 10, according to De- Creosoting plant at the Wood-^,, puty Attorney General Alex Eber. bridge-Carteret line July 20, ap- Mr. Eber said yesterday that he pears to be imminent with the is receiving returns from the t : & up* •» it*' . arrest of two Perth Amboy men Grand Jurors as to which days Tuesday afternoon. they will be: available and a com- plete schedule will be ready Tues- Held as material witnesses day. The action was necessary due under $50,000 bail each are to the Labor Day weekend and the Bland Williams, 20, and Eugene Jewish High holidays on Septem- Williams, 26, brothers, both of 103 ber 6 and 7. DeKalb Avenue. Previously ar- In all events, Mr. Eber said rested and still being held in the the Grand Jury should conclude County Jail under $50,000 bail as its investigation before the Octo- a material witness is Willie But- ler, 2 Salem Street, Carteret, berber 1 deadline when the ex- described by police as a "hardened THE LAST BAYS OF SUMMEB: And these Colonia youngsters are taking advantage of them by fishing at Colonia Lake at tension of the term granted by criminal." Middlesex Avenue and New Dover Road. Ask any kid in the area and he will tell you it is,a "swell place to fish and just have Judge Howard Ewart is due to MBS. LAWRENCE RYAN expire. Prosecutor Warren Wilentz fun." Even the dog at the left seems to be enjoying himself while the fifth youngster from the left is displaying a perch he said yesterday afternoon he would caught. It's just too bad that school opens in just a little more than a week, isn't it kids? Scheduled to be heard are By RUTH WOLK Mark McCabe, head janitor, who not make any statements as yet, is to return for further ques- WOODBRIDGE — There is an old saying that if you want but permitted the use of the tioning, Andrew Aaroe, president to get a job done well and right away, give it to a very busy names of the two men picked up Committee to Air Variance Granted For NewPolice are Alerted of the Board, Edwin W. Casey, person to do. Tuesday. vice president; Harold Van Ness, One would have to look far and wide before discovering a busier However, there was an air of member of the Board, and J. or pleasanter person with more jobs to do than Mrs., Lawrence expectancy at police headquarters Revaluation Views Edison Central Post Office For Traffic Vigil Lester Neary, a former Board Ryan, Sewaren,'better known as Vera Ryan. yesterday morning as Assistant EDISON — Another step for- be under the jurisdiction of the member. In case you are one of the few Prosecutor Edward Dolan con- ward towards the establishment Edison Post Office. It is also hoped WOODBRIDGE. — "Every •if WOODBRIDGE — Mayor Hugh 1 The- investigation was spear- persons who have never, met Vera However, she is not left out of ferred with Police Chief John R, B. Quigley, recently returned from of an Edison Central Post Office that additional branches of the available man in the police de- headed by the Citizens for Class- in connection with her many du- that group entirely as she is the Egan and then with Acting Sgt. his vacation in New Hampshire, was realized Tuesday night when Edison Post Office will later be partment will be working, over, the rooms who complained to Mr. ties in Township government, her only honorary woman sergeant in Daniel Panconi and John Govelita said today he plans to place' the the Zoning Board at an adjourned established in other sections of Labor Day week-end to help cope Eber, then prosecutor, of the al- major position is that of Admin- the auxiliary police. escorted the Williams Brothers revaluation problem "on the line" meeting approved a variance to the township, with traffic problems and en- leged failure of the Board to ad- istrative Secretary to the Mayor But Mrs. Ryan's work does not to the prosecutor's office for fur- •rf.before- the members of the Town allow construction of the building Announcement was made last deavor to keep the blotter clean vertise for bids. • - and Town Committee. stop there. She is a member of the ther questioning. •• . : * * Committe when they convene to- of motor vehicle fatalities or seri- Local Board of Assistance which next to the Edison Bank; week- that the Revlon Co., which Mrs. Ryan is the former Vera ; Since the murder, Sgt. Pan- night at caucus. ous injuries," Police Chief John works in conjunction with, the The variance was required be- has purchased the former John- Skeffington, Carteret. She is a coni and Detectives Anthony Zuc- R. Egan said today. welfare Department and serves as The mayor stated, that as far as cause the side-yard, rear-yard son, & Johnson shipping center Revlon. Company; graduate of St. Mary's High caro and Govelitz have been work- liaison betdeen the Planning he is concerned^ the proposed and front set-backs called for in'on Rt. 27, will use the Edison In the meantime,- -Prosecutor School and attended New Jersey ing diligently together with Sgt. (Continued on Page Eight) revaluation "is not a political the plans for the Post Office did Post Office for all its mailing. Warren Wilentz announced that Nears Completion: College for Women (now Doug- Peter Mortesa and Detective C. J. problem," but a necessity. Evi- not meet the requirements 'of the This account alone will put the County Traffic Coordinator Cor- lass College), Dana College and Sheridan of the Carteret Police- dently referreing to the statement local zoning code. The sides, front Edison Post Office at the outset ^elius Wall, with the help of EDISON—The Revlon Corpora- Seth Boyden Business College. Think This is Smart? Department At first it seemed as he made on June 8 before the arid rear of the building will be in a category of doing more than j the "police of certain county mu- tion, sponsors of the "$64,000 She is married to Lawrence C. Wait Till She Gets Home if they were up. against a blank Department of Local Government closer to the property line than a million dollars worth of postal ^icipalities," will over the Labor Question," expects to be in full Ryan, son of Mrs. Mary Geis wall ,but from all indications the that he would resign if the re- isi called for in the zoning code. business annually. jDay week-end maintain road production by the middle of Sep- Ryan and the late Lawrence WOODBRIDGE — Maybe break is about due now. • — valuation program was not started There were no objections to Mr." Helyar has also stated that blocks in order to ascertain the tember with its cosmetic line. Ryan. The latter was a brother many a husband felt this way, it is hoped that other township I condition of the drivers and Sinrfe Mr. Quackenfoush worked in three months, the mayor said, the issuance of the variance set The company is housed in the of the late Mayor William A. but this one actually had the alone on the late shift, it is be- industries will follow the Revlon j whether or not they have drivers' "it is up to the Town Committee the night's meeting. Several mem- former Johnson & Johnson ship- Ryan. nerve to do it—he refused to lieved that the murderers gained now." bers of the audience spoke in Co.'s lead and use the Edison Post licenses and registration cards. ping center building on Route 27. pay his wife's traffic fine and access to the office building of the Office, rather than the Post Of- She relates that she can never "I can't see how a revaluation favor of expediting the construo- "There will be an examination William Brothers, director of remember a : time when she was she was jailed for 15 days. plant by breaking a window. They tion of the "buildfeg,- including- fices, of -outlying 4 municipalities. of all suspected.,: drunken, drivers personnel and. public, relations, ; Mrs.. Anns.-Marie. Koff, 42, 288 moved .a. -heavy: safe through; the J program -could hurt anyone's po- 'When all" of the township is "not in polities" for her father litical chances," the mayor an- Frank G. Helyar, chairman of the and an examination of licenses, said production units will move Parker Avenue, failed to yield back door, down the steps to the brought under the jurisdiction of gradually from the company's was very active in the Democratic swered when the question was put township's planning board. registrations and inspection stick- parry. She has been a resident of the right of way on the Garden outside. After forcing open the The granting of the .variance the Edison Post Office, the local ers," the Prosecutor stated.
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