THE DAILY ENQUIRER~DEMOCRAT FOUND AT ENQUIRERDEMOCRAT.COM MACOUPIN COUNTY’S DOMINANT NEWSPAPER 75¢ Macoupin County ~ Carlinville nquirer~Democrat OUR 165TH YEAR NO. 24 E THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2017 TWENTY-SIX PAGES, THREE SECTIONS INSIDE Public turns out for fire district’s open house The Carlinville Fire Protection helpful to the district to always know District station filled with families where they stand financially and to Sunday during the district’s open fund their own equipment purchas- house. es as needed. “The city is stretched CFPD handles pair of The event gave people an oppor- so many different directions. Now, Saturday afternoon tunity to tour the fire station, learn we’re our own entity and our trust- fires about fire safety, see live burn dem- ees have done a great job of getting onstrations and get familiar with the us where we need to be. As far as the See page 2A districts trucks and equipment. The public’s concerned, this allows us to touch-a-truck activity was particu- upgrade equipment as needed and larly popular with the kids. we’re in dire need of that. Training “We’re going to start doing this on opportunities are going to be better. an annual basis now that our district There will be opportunities to send was formed. We want people to come folks out for the training that we down to see what we have and what need and that the state requires,” said we’re trying to do and just educate McKee. the public on what the Carlinville Although the district will remain Fire District is all about,” said Chief volunteer, McKee believes they will Macoupin Democrats Jess McKee. be able to offer better service and im- plan unity dinner Firefighters were on hand from proved equipment. 11-3 p.m. Oct. 1, serving free hot See page 2A dogs and burgers to the crowd. Since the fire district has been Keegan Anderson, front, and formed, McKee hopes to continue Evan Barkley get comfortable in the front seat of a fire truck dur- the department’s tradition of great ing Carlinville Fire Protection Dis- service. He also believes it will be trict’s open house held Oct. 1. Burns retires from Campbell’s authority is questioned U.S. National Guard authority. the financial commitment the city after 33 years Kraft threatens According to the minutes of the will have to make. He noted that the Sept. 25 meeting, a question from city of Jerseyville had not yet made a See page 3A lawsuit the guests in attendance asking if commitment to the regional concept. the three current members have been While Jerseyville is not yet com- During the June 19 meeting of given appropriate authority to make mitted to the project, according to Carlinville City Council, a motion decisions, sign contracts and com- the minutes of the Sept. 25 meet- was approved to move forward with mit funds on behalf of their respec- ing, other area communities have the Regional Water Concept. During tive organizations. Steve Ruppert of expressed serious interest and had the Aug. 7 regular meeting, with all the Fosterburg Water District and Al- representatives in attendance at the aldermen present, a motion to ap- len Davenport of the Jersey County meeting. Those communities include point Alderman Cindy Campbell Rural Water District, both stated Dorchester, Bunker Hill and Car- as Carlinville’s representative on they did. Campbell stated she would rollton. Interest from Carrollton is of CHS grad Kleeman the Regional Water Board received go back to the Carlinville council to particular importance to Carlinville qualifies for Ironman unanimous approval, with Campbell “clarify what rights their original mo- since a water line to Greene County Triathlon in Hawaii abstaining. tion granted to her, prior to the next would make access easier for Carlin- After attending a meeting of the meeting.” ville. The water line could run west See page 1B Regional Water Board Sept. 25 in Campbell expressed particular along Route 108 instead of all the Jerseyville, Campbell reported the concern when Kraft threatened legal way to Fosterburg or Jersey County. group decided to name the water action if she voted with the other wa- Solid numbers will not be avail- entity the Illinois Alluvial Region- ter board members. able until all communities/water en- al Water Company, which will be Each of the communities/water en- tities have committed to the project. formed in the same model as the tities on the regional board commit- If more communities are involved Gateway Regional Water Company. ted seed money to be spent to move at the ground level, expenses can Campbell explained there were the regional concept forward. Carl- be shared, which would likely mean some people in the audience at the inville’s portion is $30,000, which savings for each community. Local man's horse Sept. 25 meeting who were opposed came from the grant that paid for the After the Carlinville Council held to her voting as a representative of water study. While there was some a lengthy discussion on the matter, wins Night of the city of Carlinville in certain mat- concern whether those funds were during which time Toon repeatedly Champions race ters. Among those she named were actually in the city’s possession, re- questioned Campbell’s authority, the See page 1B Alderman Beth Toon, Sherry Bri- search conducted the following day council approved a motion to allow anza, Camille Brotze and John Kraft verified the funds were deposited into Campbell to fully represent the city of Edgar County Watchdogs. Even the city’s account at CNB on Aug. 22. of Carlinville on the Regional Water Matt Turley presents an argument against Carlinville’s membership in though Toon voted in favor of Camp- Alderman Randy Bilbruck ex- Board. She will be able to act in the the Regional Water Concept, now officially known as the Illinois Alluvial bell’s representation in July, she was pressed his concern about not yet Regional Water Company. among those questioning Campbell’s having solid numbers with regard to See CAMPBELL on page 7A Fall harvest underway in Macoupin County Cavaliers need penalty kicks to fend off EAWR The familiar sights of farm machinery in the fields of Macoupin County means that it is harvest time. See page 3B Some fields have already been harvested; others are in the process and some have yet to get started. Clark Van Buskirk, area manager for M&M Service Company in Carlinville, says yields are average to better than average thus far in the early going. He said that the harvest isn’t necessarily earlier than normal. Saturday “The yields are average to better to average,” VanBuskirk said. “Lot of people thought we would be average to below 10/7 as a whole, but it turns out it’s average to better.” 53 73 The moisture of the crop, Van Buskirk says, has dried down fairly quickly. Sunday “Any areas that got rain are producing very well, any areas that didn’t are going to be in that average 10/8 60 83 to below average yield,” Van Buskirk said. Lack of rain in September in the area have had some concerned heading into the fall harvest. “We have not had much rain - it seems like stalk quality on the corn is better than it INDEX usually is this time of year,” Van Buskirk said. “There’s a whole lot of green still on the plant, which is helping the stalk quality. Yet, the grain is drier than what you would think it would be.” Editorial 4A Yield prices could vary by 100 bushels an acre, Van Buskirk Obituaries 5A said. “I’ve had some people say that in one field or one Calendar 6A swipe through the field it’s gone from 140 to 280,” Van Buskirk said. “Unfortunately, Court 7A you need the higher number to even Sports 1B come close to break-even Mac Stats 4B SeeSee HARVEST HARVEST on on page page 7A 8A Trades 4B Classified 5B Church 7B ©2017 Macoupin County Enquirer Democrat 2534 [email protected] news Amendments to solid waste ordinance to be taken to county board Macoupin County’s Environ- roadway the following materials: materials shall be placed in sepa- mental and Health Committee Salvage materials, any refuse, rate containers and be disposed met Monday to update members waste, construction or demoli- of at a facility licensed to handle on an amendment to the Solid tion debris, discarded or salvage these types of waste.” Waste ordinance. material including junk autos, Vermin and rodents ordinance The amendment was approved except in a junkyard. Small accu- was amended as follows: “No to be taken to the full county board mulations as a result of property persons shall permit an infesta- at the monthly regular meeting. improvement projects are permit- tion of vermin or rodents on any The updated ordinance will ted. Such waste materials shall be premises improved or vacant or allow the county to fine those removed within 30 days of proj- on any open lots.” who illegally dump items in the ect completion.” The penalty for violating such county, and charge them between Inflammable or explosive ma- ordinances is a fine in a sum $300 and $1000 per day for the terials ordinance was amended as not less than $300, or more than violation. follows: “No person shall place $1000 per day that the premises The accumulation and storage or cause to be placed any con- is not up to code. portion was amended to read that tainers provided for collection of “It’s more or less a nuisance or- CFPD handles pair of Saturday afternoon fires “no person shall accumulate or garbage or refuse, such materials dinance,” said county board chair- Carlinville Fire Protection District responded to a pair of fires south of town Saturday afternoon.
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