SUSTAINABILITY WITH SCHUR FLEXIBLES CBC - 019 | Cover picture: Laura Pashkevich - stock.adobe.com Pashkevich Laura picture: CBC - 019 | Cover THE 5R APPROACH SCHUR FLEXIBLES’ FIVE PILLARS We are particulary proud that we are the OF SUSTAINABILITY sustainability winner 2018 of the GERMAN PACKAGING AWARD for FlexiClosere. Recycling Through recycling we can get the most out of PACKAGING NEEDS TO FULFIL A the raw materials invested into the production of WIDE RANGE OF REQUIREMENTS packaging films. We are contributing to this with Rproducts such as our ready for recycling PE-based Protect and preserve: It should protect the skin- and shrink films or PE & OPP flow wrap. product against damage, dirt, light and oxygen. Our PP-based rigid films and the matching, new It should allow products to be transported and range of innovative OPP lidding films feature stored in safety. Good protection reduces food all typical options such as good peel or reliable wastage. reclose. For mono A-PET trays we offer suitable mono PET lidding films, optional with Peel and Attract and sell: Packaging needs to be attractive AF. Additionally, we have invested in new devel- to consumers and provide important information opments such as recyclable high barrier PE shrink on product usage, ingredients, shelf life and dis- bags and PP flexible film. posal of packaging. Increasing research into and usage of flexible Innovate and safeguard: Technical innovation mono and polyolefin materials have led to im- with focus on sustainability means that packaging portant advances in the field of recycling and material can be reduced, recycled or replaced by support a circular economy. Recycling multi- materials made of renewable resources. It involves material films results in heterogeneous materials taking respon sibility for the future of our planet to that are more difficult to reuse for the manu- find renewable resources and making the neces- facture of new products. For this reason our sary changes throughout the packaging life cycle. R&D department is focused on accelerating the development of recyclable products without compromising on the other important functions that packaging needs to perform: preserving and protecting products and optimising shelf life. OUR 5R APPROACH D ENABLES A 360-DEGREE R A U G FE A S VIEW OF D N A TE A V O N SUSTAINABILITY. N I » LL E S D N A T C : A TS R N TT E A M E » R E I V U R Q E E S R E R G P IN G D A N RENEWAL KEEPS A BALANCE K A C T A C IN OUR PLANET’S ECOSYSTEMS P TE O R P Replace Underpinning the other pillars of our 5R sustainability policy is our pledge to replace all non-sustainable materials with more sustainable ones. RThis includes: At Schur Flexibles, sustainability means investing in continuous development to find solutions • Replacing plastics with environmentally that keep our planet’s ecosystems in balance. friendly materials such as DanaFibre and E-base (replacing e.g. PS). • Replacing aluminium foil with alternative metalised solutions. • Replacing existing materials with new solutions such as SuperThin, DanaFibre, recyclable materials and PP films. NEEDS WISHES • Replacing existing rigid packaging types with new concepts of flexible packaging solutions such as REPLACE flow pack, stand up pouches or shrink bags. BY DEVELOPING NEW MATERIALS RECYCLING TO CREATE REDUCTION TO ULTRA-THIN A CIRCULAR ECONOMY LIGHTWEIGHT FILMS R E S P Renewal O N S S IB E L C The resources of our planet are E U R SE OU OF OUR RES finite. Sustainability implies that we keep a balance in our planet’s Recosystems – we allow them to Reduction regenerate at the same or a high- er rate than the rate at which we The best way to reduce waste is not to produce any. Therefore we try remove materials from that sys- to develop the thinnest possible structures for our films, always making tem. Therefore, we need to focus D on raw materials that do not ex- R sure that product safety is not jeopardised. We currently hold the title A U R ploit our planet. One example of G of the world’s thinnest laminate films (SuperThin) and are among the FE A this is using FSC-certified paper. S best with BarrierTop X 35, VACUshrink FM 40 or VACUshrink CP55HT. D N Furthermore, when Schur Flexi- A TE A Our ultra-thin lightweight films bles developed products such as V O N require less material. This ensures DanaFibre we replaced fossile raw N I » less storage space which in turn materials with renewable ones. LL E S leads to fewer transport loads. It Constant R&D has allowed us to D N A enables more efficient use of fuel, keep innovating in this field. Our T C : A electricity and water, resulting again renewable portfolio now includes TS R N TT E A in less raw material being used paper packaging, waxed paper, M E » R E I V and a lowering of CO2 emissions. DanaFibre, PE from renewable U R Q E E S (bioethanol) and R E resources starch R G P IN At Schur Flexibles we are striving to re- based biologically degradeable G D A N K A duce the carbon footprint to a minimum. films. C T A C P TE O R P SUPPORTING OUR CUSTOMERS – THE IMPORTANCE OF R&D Responsibility We work hand in hand with our customers to There are certain non-ecological elements in the develop concepts that will help their business flexibles packaging production that, as yet, cannot and the environment according to recog nised Rbe avoided. Our R&D representatives are hard guidelines and standards. By 2030 clear EU- at work to find solutions as quickly as possible. wide targets for a circular economy and a Beyond this, every Schur Flexibles employee is reduction of waste will have come into effect. committed to the responsible use of our resources, starting with light and heating in offices and This includes: moving on to the use of raw materials and waste • A common EU target reduction in production. for recycling 70 % of packaging waste The UN Brundtland Commission defined sustain- ability as follows: “Sustainable development is • Incentives for produc- development that meets the needs of the present ers to put greener Introducing our NEEDS NEEDS WISHES without compromising the ability of future gen- products on the market re think label erations to meet their own needs.” and support recovery for sustainable and recycling schemes solutions At Schur Flexibles we act in accordance with this holistic vision of sustainability: Together with our customers and our state-of- the-art research centres in Finland, Germany In society we assume responsibility for our em- and Denmark we continuously work to achieve ploy­­ees, our customers and for society as a whole. greater sustainability and ensure that all EU tar - We cooperate with social initiatives, scientific gets are met by 2025. We offer our customers institutions, universities, municipalities, authorities collaborative processes, advice and research to and government organisations. We respect human address their challenges every step of the way. rights and condemn child labour. One example of this is our PackScience Center In the environment we strive to permanently in Kempten, Germany, where customers are reduce our material consumption and optimise invited to participate in the development pro- our production processes. We will accelerate cess. We provide the opportunity of hands-on the use of recycled raw materials as much collaboration to solve future challenges. Pack- as possible. We will optimise existing and imple- ages can be designed and tested; packaging ment new processes in order to reduce both processes simulated and optimised. Addition- waste and energy consumption. al services that we offer include the manufac- turing of mock-ups, tool design, laboratory In business we strive to establish long-term, analyses and specialised training workshops. sustainable partnerships with our customers and suppliers. We support the use of innovative new Sustainability concerns us all and at Schur raw materials, intelligent technologies and sus- Flexibles we will do everything in our power tainable equipment. to support our customers and safeguard our planet. OUR 5R APPROACH AT A GLANCE: Recycling Replace Reduction Renewal Responsibility SUSTAINABILITY: SAFEGUARDING THE FUTURE Sustainable packaging Sustainable solutions saves food and resources from one source On the journey from field to store With our comprehensive range shelves to consumers’ homes, of packaging perfectly tailored products undergo manufacturing to individual requirements, we and transportation processes offer our customers the conveni- that use a wide range of environ- ence of complete solutions from mental resources. Packaging only a single provider. Naturally, this accounts for around 3 % of these also includes our support in all T resources, but packaging can make aspects of sustainability. We are E K R all the difference to ensuring that at your side to advise, develop A M ENE the other 97 % are not wasted. concepts and implement pro ces­­ E R WA H B T L ses. Through our rethink initiative IN E ST BE At Schur Flexibles we understand we work hand in hand with our that responsible and sustainable clients to analyse their portfolio packaging guarantees a product’s and make it more sustainable. integrity and extends shelf life. Food that stays fresh longer leads Our sustainability to a reduction in food waste, which strategy in turn reduces wastage of all the other resources that went We are striving to overachieve into making the final product. the EU sustainability goals by Pharma ceutical products need reducing the environmental R packaging that protects them impact of all aspects of flexible EC YC to remain intact for as long as packaging from producer to LAB LE possible, thus also leading to a retailer to consumer.
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