Acquisition & Logistics Excellence Junior Navy Scientists, Engineers Develop Integration sion was key to this effort. They provided us with critical insight Capability for Electric Weapons into ship power systems that allowed us to reach our mission NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER DAHLGREN DIVISION PUBLIC objective and deliver our final product.” AFFAIRS (JUNE 13, 2019) John Joyce The team of mentors—senior NSWCDD scientists and en- DAHLGREN, Va. (NNS)—It has all the trappings of a best- gineers—ensured a strong focus on technical rigor as they selling Navy technological thriller—six junior scientists and taught the Sly Fox team how to perform under pressure with engineers overcame the odds to develop a new capability limited funds and a six-month deadline. that enables the integration of electric weapons aboard Navy ships. The recent college graduates—Navy civilian employ- “Sly Fox provides an opportunity for an entry-level team to ees selected for a special workforce development program come together, solve real problems, operate within a real bud- known as Sly Fox—verified the veracity of their research and get, and span the systems engineering process from concept demonstrated that their Power and Energy Generation Analy- to demonstration in six months,” said Tony Scaramozzi, Sly sis SimUlation System (PEGASUS) is not fiction. The Sly Fox Fox mentor, who provided guidance as the team developed the Mission 25 team proved the potential of PEGASUS to integrate PEGASUS solution. “A systems view of requirements analysis, electric weapons and electric propulsion systems aboard Navy analysis of alternatives, risk management, development, test, ships in several demonstrations held at Naval Surface Warfare and demonstration are elements of the process.” Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), May 31. Sly Fox Mission 25 team members explained the process “We developed a durable, model-based systems engineering and the background of their mission at the demonstration. capability for use in the integration of electric weapons on Moreover, they wrote an overview on PEGASUS published in Navy ships,” said Josh Hellerick, Sly Fox Mission 25 scientist. a brochure provided to attendees. “This model has the ability to implement multiple different electric weapon system modules, as well as complex mission “As more high-powered electric weapons and sensors are profiles, including firing frequency, duration, power, ship’s pro- added to the Fleet, more ship-board electric power is re- pulsion, ship’s hotel, and power generation systems.” quired; at the same time, electric propulsion systems with their own electricity demands are being adapted,” according At first, Hellerick and his five Sly Fox Mission 25 colleagues to the brochure. “However, naval ship design criteria and in- were strangers to each other, put in a room and tasked as a tegration practices do not exist for integrating high-powered team to do what it takes to ensure the survival and success of electric weapon systems and electric propulsion systems into their Sly Fox mission. They took time to get to know each other, a common hull. These efforts highlight the common issues and including their strengths and weaknesses, while responding challenges of integrating electric weapons onto ships. Sly Fox to the Navy’s need for a tool that enables the integration of Mission 25 was tasked to address this need and developed high-powered electric weapons on naval ships as engineers PEGASUS.” design new ships. The PEGASUS innovation enables this inte- gration via engineering models of combat and power elements At the demonstration, the team discussed the Navy’s previ- coupled with mission profiles to calculate the ship’s power ous efforts to integrate ship service power with electric pro- needs profile. pulsion aboard DDG 1000—lead ship of the Zumwalt-class destroyers, a class of next-generation multi-mission surface “I learned how different personalities can come together or combatants. Sly Fox team members have been brainstorming clash, and that these disagreements contribute to producing a solution since December 2018. Along the way, their collabo- a better system,” said Courtney Fredrickson, Sly Fox Mission ration with subject matter experts from NSWC Philadelphia 25 engineer, regarding the team’s perseverance through long Division—who provided insight into ship power systems and hours and weekends under high stress while developing the delivery—proved critical to mission success. PEGASUS capability that models expected power and energy needs of a specified ship configuration. “We also developed two module libraries—the Weapons Library, and the HM&E [Hull, Mechanical and Electrical] Li- “There were high expectations in regards to our mission since brary,” said Peter Corrao, Sly Fox Mission 25 aerospace en- it was the first Sly Fox Mission to collaborate with another gineer. “By design, the PEGASUS model is highly expandable warfare center,” said Marie Zacarias-Morro, Sly Fox Mission and customizable. We proved this when we implemented an 25 scientist. “The collaboration with NSWC Philadelphia Divi- unmanned vehicle at the near end of our mission.” DEFENSEACQUISITION | September-October 2019 | 1 Acquisition & Logistics Excellence DAHLGREN (May 31, 2019)—The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Sly Fox Mission 25 team in ac- tion while demonstrating a hardware representation of PEGASUS (Power and Energy Generation Analysis SimUlation System) capabilities. The team proved the potential of PEGASUS to integrate electric weapons and electric propulsion systems aboard Navy ships in several demonstrations held at NSWCDD. Left to right: Peter Corrao, Daniel Apolinar, Joshua Hellerick, Courtney Fredrickson, Alexa Thomas. U.S. Navy photo The team was able to build a set of models, architectures, Moreover, the Mission 25 team followed a rapid prototype data structures, and interfaces that will allow for the devel- development process to assess requirements; analyze and opment of combat system, power and electric system, and evaluate alternatives; design, develop, and test the system; electric weapon and sensor requirements that will then enable and produce the product. In all, six formal systems engineering development and demonstration of better management and technical reviews were conducted on PEGASUS: requirements allocation of shipboard electric power. review, concept review, design review, system test readiness review, demo readiness review, and the final review. “I have a better understanding of the systems engineering process from design, concepts, testing, and demonstration “Throughout my career in industry and government, and as as well as the programmatic aspects of a project such as bud- a systems engineer, program manager, and supervisor, I had get, schedule, and risk,” said Daniel Apolinar, Sly Fox Mission never seen a workforce development initiative for young engi- 25 mathematician. “I will apply the lessons learned both in neers and scientists that is as robust in its design and execution my professional work and outside of work. The best of all is as Sly Fox,” said Bill Walsh, Sly Fox program director. “Looking working with an amazing team and mentors that made this a forward, and working with the CTO [Chief Technology Office] truly unforgettable experience.” and all Dahlgren leadership, we hope to strengthen an already solid program by aligning Sly Fox with the innovative initiatives 2 | September-October 2019 | DEFENSEACQUISITION Acquisition & Logistics Excellence and strategic goals of NSWCDD, and to become a cornerstone Distinguished Executives in the investment that Dahlgren is making in our future.” • Mark D. Andress, currently the chief information officer and director, Information Technology Services Directorate, “I will remember lessons learned through this program for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and formerly the rest of my career,” said Alexa Thomas, Sly Fox Mission 25 assistant deputy chief of Naval Operations for Information mathematician. “Sly Fox has helped me understand so much Warfare. Andress positioned the Navy to combat the in- more about the systems engineering process, and it allowed creasing threat of cyber warfare in its networks, weapons me to touch on topics I never would have seen this early in systems, industrial control systems, and shore facilities. His my career otherwise. Learning how to work on a team like this efforts have resulted in over $2.4 billion of growth in offen- was something I have never experienced previously, and I will sive and defensive cyber above the traditional information always be grateful for this valuable experience.” technology and networks investments, funded through sav- ings from the execution of enterprise information technol- For more news from NSWC Dahlgren , visit http://www.navy. ogy savings initiatives, with $1.2 billion saved over the last mil/local/NSWCDD/. six years and over $1.7 billion projected through 2020. 19 Civilian Navy Leaders Receive FY18 Presidential • Thomas P. Dee, executive director, Office of Special Proj- Rank Awards ects. While Performing the duties of the Under Secretary OFFICE OF THE NAVY CHIEF OF INFORMATION (JUNE 27, 2019) of the Navy, Dee served as the chief management officer WASHINGTON (NNS)—Secretary of the Navy Richard V. of the Department of the Navy charged with leading the Spencer presented 19 Department of the Navy (DoN) civilian Department’s efforts in support of critical change activi- leaders with fiscal year 2018 Presidential Rank Awards (PRA) ties
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