May 20, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3505 Engel Kucinich Rangel Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Sec. 306. Operation of prepositioned fleet, Na- Eshoo LaFalce Rivers Representatives of the United States of America tional Training Center, Fort Etheridge Lantos Rodriguez in Congress assembled, Irwin, California. Evans Lee Roybal-Allard Fattah Levin Rush SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Sec. 307. Relocation of USS WISCONSIN. Filner Lewis (GA) Sanders This Act may be cited as the ``National De- Sec. 308. Fisher House Trust Funds. Frank (MA) Lofgren Sawyer fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999''. Subtitle BÐInformation Technology Issues Furse Lowey Schumer SEC. 2. ORGANIZATION OF ACT INTO DIVISIONS; Gallegly Luther Serrano Sec. 311. Additional information technology re- TABLE OF CONTENTS. Gejdenson Maloney (NY) Shays sponsibilities of Chief Information Gephardt Matsui Skaggs (a) DIVISIONS.ÐThis Act is organized into Officers. Green McDermott Stokes three divisions as follows: Sec. 312. Defense-wide electronic mall system Gutierrez McGovern Strickland (1) Division AÐDepartment of Defense Au- for supply purchases. Hamilton McKinney Stupak thorizations. Sec. 313. Protection of funding provided for cer- Hastings (FL) McNulty Thompson (2) Division BÐMilitary Construction Author- tain information technology and Hilliard Meehan Thurman izations. national security programs. Hinojosa Miller (CA) Tierney (3) Division CÐDepartment of Energy Na- Hooley Minge Torres Sec. 314. Priority funding to ensure year 2000 Jackson (IL) Moakley Velazquez tional Security Authorizations and Other Au- compliance of mission critical in- Jackson-Lee Nadler Vento thorizations. formation technology and na- (TX) Neal Watt (NC) (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.ÐThe table of con- tional security systems. Johnson (WI) Oberstar Waxman tents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 315. Evaluation of year 2000 compliance as Johnson, E. B. Obey Wexler Sec. 1. Short title. part of training exercises pro- Kaptur Olver Woolsey Kennedy (MA) Owens Yates Sec. 2. Organization of Act into divisions; table grams. Kind (WI) Poshard of contents. Subtitle CÐEnvironmental Provisions Kleczka Rahall Sec. 3. Congressional defense committees de- fined. Sec. 321. Authorization to pay negotiated settle- NOT VOTINGÐ20 ment for environmental cleanup DIVISION AÐDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Andrews Ewing Meeks (NY) at former Department of Defense Armey Gonzalez Paxon AUTHORIZATIONS sites in Canada. Bateman Goodling Payne TITLE IÐPROCUREMENT Sec. 322. Removal of underground storage Burr Harman Riley Subtitle AÐAuthorization of Appropriations tanks. Carson Hinchey Stabenow Clay Manton Thomas Sec. 101. Army. Subtitle DÐDefense Infrastructure Support Crane McCrery Sec. 102. Navy and Marine Corps. Improvement Sec. 103. Air Force. b 1212 Sec. 331. Reporting and study requirements be- Sec. 104. Defense-wide activities. fore change of commercial and in- So the resolution, as amended, was Sec. 105. Reserve components. dustrial type functions to contrac- agreed to. Sec. 106. Defense Inspector General. tor performance. The result of the vote was announced Sec. 107. Chemical Demilitarization Program. Sec. 332. Clarification of requirement to main- as above recorded. Sec. 108. Defense health programs. tain Government-owned and Gov- A motion to reconsider was laid on Sec. 109. Defense Export Loan Guarantee Pro- ernment-operated core logistics gram. the table. capability. Subtitle BÐArmy Programs f Sec. 333. Oversight of development and imple- Sec. 111. Multiyear procurement authority for mentation of automated identi- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Longbow Hellfire missile program. fication technology. Mr. RILEY. Mr. Speaker, due to unavoidable Sec. 112. M1A2 System Enhancement Program Sec. 334. Conditions on expansion of functions Step 1 Program. performed under prime vendor circumstances, I was not present for rollcall Subtitle CÐNavy Programs contracts. vote No. 166. Had I been present, I would Sec. 335. Clarification of definition of depot- Sec. 121. Multiyear procurement authority for have voted ``aye'' in favor of the rule. level maintenance and repair. the Department of the Navy. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Sec. 336. Clarification of commercial item excep- PETRI). Pursuant to House Resolution Subtitle DÐOther Matters tion to requirements regarding 440 and rule XXIII, the Chair declares Sec. 141. Funding, transfer, and management of core logistics capabilities. the House in the Committee of the the Assembled Chemical Weapons Sec. 337. Development of plan for establishment Whole House on the State of the Union Assessment Program. of core logistics capabilities for for the further consideration of the TITLE IIÐRESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, maintenance and repair of C±17 TEST, AND EVALUATION aircraft. bill, H.R. 3616. Sec. 338. Contractor-operated civil engineering Subtitle AÐAuthorization of Appropriations b 1214 supply stores program. Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 339. Report on savings and effect of per- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Sec. 202. Amount for basic and applied re- sonnel reductions in Army Mate- Accordingly, the House resolved search. riel Command. itself into the Committee of the Whole Subtitle BÐProgram Requirements, Subtitle EÐCommissaries and House on the State of the Union for the Restrictions, and Limitations Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities further consideration of the bill (H.R. Sec. 211. Management responsibility for Navy Sec. 341. Continuation of management and 3616) to authorize appropriations for mine countermeasures programs. funding of Defense Commissary fiscal year 1999 for military activities Sec. 212. Future aircraft carrier transition tech- Agency through the Office of the of the Department of Defense, to pre- nologies. Secretary of Defense. scribe military personnel strengths for Sec. 213. Manufacturing technology program. Sec. 342. Expansion of current eligibility of Re- fiscal year 1999, and for other purposes, Subtitle CÐBallistic Missile Defense serves for commissary benefits. with Mr. CAMP in the chair. Sec. 231. National Missile Defense policy. Sec. 343. Repeal of requirement for Air Force to The Clerk read the title of the bill. Sec. 232. Limitation on funding for the Medium sell tobacco products to enlisted The CHAIRMAN. When the Commit- Extended Air Defense System. personnel. Sec. 233. Limitation on funding for cooperative Sec. 344. Restrictions on patron access to, and tee of the Whole House rose on Tues- purchases in, overseas com- day, May 19, 1998 pursuant to House ballistic missile defense programs. Sec. 234. Limitation on funding for missaries and exchange stores. Resolution 435, all time for general de- counterproliferation support. Sec. 345. Extension of demonstration project for bate had expired. Pursuant to House Sec. 235. Ballistic Missile Defense program ele- uniform funding of morale, wel- Resolution 441, no further general de- ments. fare, and recreation activities. Sec. 346. Prohibition on consolidation or other bate is in order. TITLE IIIÐOPERATION AND organizational changes of Depart- The committee amendment in the MAINTENANCE nature of a substitute printed in the ment of Defense retail systems. Subtitle AÐAuthorization of Appropriations bill is considered as an original bill for Sec. 347. Authorized use of appropriated funds Sec. 301. Operation and maintenance funding. for relocation of Navy Exchange the purpose of amendment and is con- Sec. 302. Working capital funds. Service Command. sidered read. Sec. 303. Armed Forces Retirement Home. Sec. 348. Evaluation of merit of selling malt The text of the committee amend- Sec. 304. Transfer from National Defense Stock- beverages and wine in commissary ment in the nature of a substitute is as pile Transaction Fund. stores as exchange system mer- follows: Sec. 305. Refurbishment of M1±A1 tanks. chandise. H3506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 20, 1998 Subtitle FÐOther Matters Sec. 512. Active status service requirement for Sec. 562. Study of revising the term of service of Sec. 361. Eligibility requirements for attendance promotion consideration for Army members of the United States at Department of Defense domes- and Air Force Reserve component Court of Appeals for the Armed tic dependent elementary and sec- brigadier generals. Forces. ondary schools. Sec. 513. Revision to educational requirement Sec. 563. Status of cadets at the Merchant Ma- Sec. 362. Specific emphasis of program to inves- for promotion of Reserve officers. rine Academy. tigate fraud, waste, and abuse Subtitle CÐMilitary Education and Training TITLE VIÐCOMPENSATION AND OTHER within Department of Defense. Sec. 521. Requirements relating to recruit basic PERSONNEL BENEFITS Sec. 363. Revision of inspection requirements re- training. Subtitle AÐPay and Allowances lating to Armed Forces Retirement Sec. 522. After-hours privacy for recruits during Sec. 601. Increase in basic pay for fiscal year Home. basic training. 1999. Sec. 364. Assistance to local educational agen- Sec. 523. Extension of reporting dates for Com- Sec. 602. Basic allowance for housing outside cies that benefit dependents of mission on Military Training and the United States. members of the Armed Forces and Gender Related Issues. Sec. 603. Basic allowance for subsistence for Department of Defense civilian Sec. 524. Improved oversight of innovative read- Reserves. employees. iness training. Sec. 365. Strategic plan for expansion of dis- Subtitle DÐDecorations, Awards, and Subtitle BÐBonuses and Special and tance learning initiatives. Incentive Pays Sec. 366. Public availability
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