LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY 4/30-5/7/21LG 2T All creditors of the decedent and other Main Street, Room 245, Brooksville, Flor- Personal Representative: —————————————————— persons having claims or demands against ida 34601, Hernando County, Florida at Kathleen S. Benson decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this 11:00AM on the 6th day of July, 2021, the 8056 Peter Court PQVKEG KU TGSWKTGF VQ DG UGTXGF OWUV ſNG following described property as set forth in Brooksville, FL 34601 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE their claims with this court WITHIN THE said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME Attorney for Personal Representative: FOR CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA LOT 3, BLOCK MM, PRISTINE Kara Evans, Attorney IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS PLACE PHASE 1, AS PER PLAT CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE Florida Bar Number: 381136 THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT 5308 Van Dyke Road PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO.: 2020-CA-000185 A OF SERVICE OF A COPY Of THIS NO- BOOK 24, PAGES 12 THROUGH 18, TICE ON THEM. Lutz, FL 33558 File No.: 2020-CP-001003 AMERICAN FINANCIAL RESOURCES, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO Telephone: (813) 758-2173 #NN QVJGT ETGFKVQTU QH ſNG FGEGFGPV CPF COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN RE: ESTATE OF INC. Fax: (813) 926-6517 Plaintiff, other persons having claims or demands A/K/A 13425 BOLTON CT, SPRING E-Mail: [email protected] ROBERT E. DAVIS, III against decedent’s estate must tile their HILL, FL 34609 Secondary E-Mail: [email protected] Deceased. v. claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS DAVID CANNIZZARO, AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- Any person claiming an interest in the 4/30-5/7/21LG 2T NOTICE TO CREDITORS Defendant. CATION OF THIS NOTICE. surplus from the sale, if any, other than the —————————————————— property owner as of the date of the Lis The administration of the estate of ROB- ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHlN THE ERT E. DAVIS, III, deceased, whose date NOTICE OF ACTION 2GPFGPUOWUVſNGCENCKODGHQTGVJG%NGTM IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION reports the surplus as unclaimed. HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA of death was July 7, 2020; is pending in TO: David Cannizzaro 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, 927 E. Cermak Street CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. If you are a person with a disability who Probate Division; File Number 2020-CP- Hernando, FL 33442 needs an accommodation in order to par- CASE NO.: 2020-CC-000562 001003; the mailing address of which is NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PER- ticipate in a proceeding, you are entitled, 110 N. Apopka Avenue, Inverness, Florida YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for lOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM at no cost to you, the provision of certain WELLINGTON AT SEVEN HILLS 34450. The names and addresses of the damages exceeding $30,000.00 and to FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER assistance. Please contact the ADA Co- HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., personal representatives and the personal foreclose on real property on the following THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS ordinator for the Courts within 2 working Plaintiff, representatives’ attorney are set forth be- property in Citrus County, Florida: BARRED. days of your receipt of your notice to ap- vs. low. LOT 313, FOREST LAKE NORTH, 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQVKEG pear in Court at: Hernando County, Peggy THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, All creditors of the decedent and other ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THERE- is: April 30, 2021. Welch, (352) 754-4402. GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, persons having claims or demands against OF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Personal Representative: Dated in Hernando County, Florida this CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this 8, PAGES 101 THROUGH 105, PUB- DANIELLE MARIE DUNNING 14th day of April, 2021. CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, PQVKEG KU TGSWKTGF VQ DG UGTXGF OWUV ſNG LIC RECORDS OF CITRUS COUN- 12780 Coronado Drive Clerk of the Circuit Court UNDER OR AGAINST LARRY NELSON their claims with this court ON OR BE- TY, FLORIDA Spring Hill, FL 34609 Hernando County, Florida AND DIANA NELSON, Cermak Defendants. FORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER Property located at: 927 E. Personal Representative’s Attorneys: By: /s/ Elizabeth Markidis THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION Street, Hernando, FL 33442 Deputy Clerk OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER Derek B. Alvarez, Esq. - FBN 114278 NOTICE OF SALE JCU DGGP ſNGF CICKPUV [QW CPF [QW CTG [email protected] Albertelli Law THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF TGSWKTGF VQ ſNG YTKVVGP FGHGPUGU YKVJ VJG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pur- THIS NOTICE ON THEM. Anthony F. Diecidue, Esq. - FBN 146528 Attorney for Plaintiff suant to the Order of Final Judgment of Clerk of the court and to serve a copy with- [email protected] P. O. Box 23028 All other creditors of the decedent and KPVJKTV[ FC[UCHVGTVJGſTUVFCVGQHRWD- Foreclosure entered in this cause on April Whitney C. Miranda, Esq. - FBN 65928 Tampa, FL 33623 5, 2021 by the County Court of Hernando other persons having claims or demands lication of this notice on Plaintiff’s attorney, (813) 221-4743 CICKPUV FGEGFGPVŏU GUVCVG OWUV ſNG VJGKT Shawn M. Yesner, Esq., whose address is [email protected] County, Florida, the property described GENDERSALVAREZDIECIDUE, P.A. (813) 221-9171 facsimile as: claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS 2753 S.R. 580, Suite 106, Clearwater, FL eService: [email protected] AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- 33761, otherwise a default will be entered 2307 West Cleveland Street Lot 1028, of WELLINGTON AT SEV- MA - 15-198833 CATION OF THIS NOTICE. against you for the relief demanded in the Tampa, Florida 33609 4/30-5/7/21LG 2T EN HILLS, PHASE TEN, according ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE complaint or petition. (813) 254-4744 Fax: (813) 254-5222 to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A Eservice for all attorneys listed above: —————————————————— Book 37, Page(s) 11 and 12, of the 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE DEBT COLLECTOR. THIS IS AN AT- GADeservice@GendersAlvarez,com public records of Hernando County, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Florida. CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- 4/30-5/7/21LG 2T HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA FORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED will be sold at public sale by the Hernando NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERI- —————————————————— PROBATE DIVISION ODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FOR THAT PURPOSE. County Clerk of Court, to the highest and File No. 2021-CP-00047 FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER If you are a person with a disability who IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR best bidder, for cash, at 11:00 A.M. at the THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS needs any accommodation in order to par- HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA Hernando County Courthouse, 20 N. Main IN RE: ESTATE OF Street, Room 245, Brooksville, Florida BARRED. ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, PROBATE DIVISION at no cost to you, to the provision of certain SADIQ ABDUR-RASHEED 34601 on June 3, 2021. THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION Case No.: 21-CP-000292 Deceased. OF THIS NOTICE IS: APRIL 30, 2021. assistance. Please contact the ADA Coor- Any person claiming an interest in the FKPCVQTCVVJG1HſEGQH6TKCN%QWTV#FOKP- IN RE: ESTATE OF surplus from the sale, if any, other than Personal Representative: NOTICE TO CREDITORS istrator, Citrus County Courthouse, 110 KATHRYN HERNCIAR, the property owner as of the date of the lis /s/ Brenda L. Seamer N. Apopka Avenue, Inverness, FL 34450, The administration of the estate of RGPFGPUOWUVſNGCENCKOYKVJKPUKZV[ BRENDA L. SEAMER (352) 641-6700, at least seven (7) days be- Deceased. SADIQ ABDUR-RASHEED, deceased, days after the sale. 1671 E. Amberjack Drive fore your scheduled court appearance, or ________________________/ whose date of death was December 4, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for If you are a person with a disability who Hernando, Florida 34442 KOOGFKCVGN[WRQPTGEGKXKPIVJKUPQVKſECVKQP NOTICE TO CREDITORS needs any accommodation in order to par- if the time before the scheduled appear- Hernando County, Florida, Probate Divi- Attorney for Personal Representative: The administration of the estate of Kath- sion, the address of which is 20 N. Main ticipate in a proceeding, you are entitled, /s/ Marla E. Chavernay, Esq. ance is less than seven days; if you are at no cost to you, the provision of certain hearing or voice impaired, call 711. ryn Hernciar, deceased, whose date of Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The names MARLA E. CHAVERNAY, ESQ. death was January 26, 2021, is pending and addresses of the personal representa- assistance. Please contact the ADA Coor- .CY1HſEGQH)GQTIG4$TG\KPC,T2# WITNESS my hand and the seal of this in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, tive and the personal representative’s at- dinator Peggy Welch (352) 754-4402 for 1CMſGNF&TKXG Court on this 15th day of April, 2021. Florida, Probate Division, the address of torney are set forth below. the Courts, at least 7 days before your Brandon, FL 33511 scheduled court appearance, or imme- Angela Vick which is Probate Department 20 North All creditors of the decedent and oth- Ph: (813) 870-0500 Clerk of Court and Comptroller Main Street Room 247, Brooksville, Flor- FKCVGN[ WRQP TGEGKXKPI [QWT PQVKſECVKQP KH Fax: (813) 873-0500 er persons having claims or demands the time before the scheduled appearance Citrus County, Florida ida 34601.
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