MORPHOLOGICALSTUDYOFTEVEMISSIONFROM 1 ES 0 4 1 4 + 0 0 9 ANDCENTAURUSAWITHH.E.S.S.DATA natalia zywucka˙ -hejzner A dissertation written under the supervision of Prof. Dr hab. Michał Ostrowski for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy Jagiellonian University Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science Kraków, August 2018 The H.E.S.S. data used for this research are not publicly available and the results obtained in this work have not been published yet. Therefore, one should not make any reference to the results presented in this thesis, but rather to the future respective official H.E.S.S. publications. To my family and to everyone who helped me reach this point. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am thankful to my supervisor Professor Michał Ostrowski for all oppor- tunities that he allowed during my Ph. D. studies, especially for being a part of the H.E.S.S. Collaboration, his scientific advices, helpful comments and suggestions in the thesis. I would like to thank Professor Mathieu de Naurois for allowing me to work on the H.E.S.S. data analysis with the M++ software in his group in the Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet in École Polytechnique. I am grateful to Dr Michał Dyrda, who taught me the analysis of very high energy data and their interpretation, as well as to Dr Andrew Taylor, Dr Markus Holler, and Dr David Sanchez, with whom I have worked on the morphology issues. Furthermore, I thank Dr Carlo Romoli and Dr Vincent Marandon for their advices in solving technical issues connected to the data analysis. I am also grateful for the opportunity to participate in the shifts in Nami- bia and I would like to thank Toni Hanke, Frederick van Greunen, Albert Jahnke, and Volker Buchholz for the hospitality, practical advices and help during observations on the H.E.S.S. site. To my friends and colleagues from the Astronomical Observatory of the Ja- giellonian University in Kraków, in particular Roberta Del Vecchio, Mariusz Tarnopolski, Marek Jamrozy, Dorota Kozieł-Wierzbowska, Volodia Marchen- ko, Łukasz Stawarz, and Ania Wójtowicz for the great atmosphere and every help during my Ph. D. studies. Finally, I acknowledge the financial support from the Etiuda grant awarded by the National Science Centre; grant number 2016/20/T/ST9/00191. This research used data from NVSS (Condon et al., 1998), VLA produced as part of the NRAO VLA Archive Survey, ©AUI/NRAO, and VLBA with the consent of Professor B. Glenn Piner (Whittier College) and Professor Philip G. Edwards (CSIRO). v ABSTRACT Analysis of unpublished High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) data revealed that two AGN, namely a blazar 1ES 0414+009 located at red- shift z = 0.287 and a Fanaroff-Riley type I (FR I) radio loud galaxy Cen- taurus A with redshift z = 0.002, possess an extended γ-ray morphology. All other AGN detected in the TeV range (∼ 50 objects, H.E.S.S. Collab- oration et al., 2014b) are marked to be point-like sources in the literature 1 and in the TeVCat catalogue. The significant extended morphology of both 1ES 0414+009 and Centaurus A in the H.E.S.S. data may result from phys- ical processes outside the active nucleus, as well as from technical issues related to, among others, observational methods or data calibration, reduc- tion, and analysis processes. This thesis is dedicated to the detailed study of the extended VHE γ-ray emission of these two AGN. In case of the FR I radio galaxy, the exten- sion in the VHE data was expected, however the blazar’s extension was considered as an observational error or some kind of analysis systematics. The performed investigations are intended to verify the extended structures of both sources using improved reconstruction software and longer obser- vations conducted with the H.E.S.S. telescopes compared to the previous analyses. In order to verify the data analysis procedures for 1ES 0414+009 and Cen- taurus A, a reference sample of four additional blazars was selected, includ- ing 1ES 0347-121, 1ES 1101-232, 1ES 0229+200, and PKS 0548-322, which are claimed in the literature to be point-like VHE γ-ray emitters. Moreover, for the same reason, specially designed Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of the morphological models fitting were performed comparing the simulated and observed H.E.S.S. data. All analysed blazars are classified as so-called extreme high frequency peaked BL Lacs (extreme HBLs). Thus, the conducted analyses will also shed light on the spectral and morphological properties of this kind of objects in the TeV γ-ray range. The major results were cross-checked with two independent programs for data analysis commonly used in the H.E.S.S. Collaboration, i. e. ImPACT and M++, in order to verify the consistency of the output. The results are as follows: • An extension in the VHE emission of 1ES 0414+009 is confirmed. The observational data limited by the cuts in the years of observations, the zenith angles, and the energy ranges do not show any signific- ant changes in the extension parameters, i. e. width, semi-axes, and position angles. In this case, however, the measured position angle significantly deviates from the parsec scale Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and large scale Very Long Array (VLA) radio structures. It is noted that the eventual γ-ray extension could be generated by the 1 http://tevcat2.uchicago.edu/ vii AGN activity on intermediate timescales between the VLBA and VLA structure formation, when the jet’s orientation (pointing towards an observer) can significantly deviate from the current observations. • An extension in the VHE γ-ray emission of Centaurus A is confirmed. Based on the analysis of a number of selected datasets limited by the same cuts as in the case of 1ES 0414+009, it appears that the an- gular extension and its position angle are independent on the data fluctuations. The derived position angles in all studied datasets are compatible with the Centaurus A parsec scale Very Long Baseline In- terferometry (VLBI) and large scale VLA radio jet position angles. The analyses of the selected extreme HBLs revealed interesting and un- expected systematic trends in the data: • the measured extension in the VHE emission of all studied blazars seems to increase with redshift, • the angular distance from the estimated best-fit VHE position to the position from different catalogues in lower frequencies decreases lin- early with the redshift. Since the analysed blazar sample includes only five objects, the signific- ance of the observed trends is not high. Therefore, preliminary analyses of ten additional HBLs were performed to get better insight into this issue. A visual inspection of the resulting relation of semi-axes ratio to redshift of 15 blazars reveals a non-random distribution, however, a single clear sys- tematic trend can not be pointed out due to two outliers at lower redshifts. This issue requires further study in the future. This thesis is divided into three main parts. Part I contains three chapters constituting an introduction to the presented topic: • Chapter 1 consists of a brief description of radiative processes respons- ible for the emission of AGN, interactions of γ-rays with intergalactic ambient medium, production of particle cascades generated by γ-rays and cosmic rays in the Earth’s atmosphere, as well as the Cherenkov radiation generated in such cascades. • Chapter 2 contains a description of the composition, emissivity re- gions, and phenomenological classification of AGN with particular emphasis on blazars. • Chapter 3 is dedicated to the imaging atmospheric Cherenkov obser- vatories, in particular to data collection, calibration, reduction, and analysis methods employed within the H.E.S.S. Collaboration. The next two parts are based on the author’s original work, involving the new data analyses, modelling and discussion of the results. Part II describes the methodology and results of the accomplished investigations: • motivation, framework, and methods of spectral and morphological analyses carried out during this study are described in Chapter 4, viii • results of spectral and morphological analyses, as well as a compar- ison between models used to study the morphology of objects in this work, are reported in details in Chapter 5, • a summary, outcome, and future perspectives are gathered in Chapter 6. In this chapter, the results are also compared to additionally per- formed limited analysis of ten HBL blazars. Part III contains two appendices: • Appendix A, containing a description of the MC simulations based on generated and observed TeV H.E.S.S. data, • Appendix B presents the radio contour maps of examined AGN gener- ated based on the VLBA, VLBI, and VLA observations and estimated position angles of the radio jets, which were later compared to the VHE extension position angles derived from the H.E.S.S. data. ix STRESZCZENIE Analiza niepublikowanych dot ˛addanych wysokoenergetycznych zebranych przez naziemne obserwatorium promieniowania Czerenkowa High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) ujawniła, ze˙ blazar 1ES 0414+009 z prze- suni ˛eciemku czerwieni z = 0.287 oraz galaktyka radiowo gło´sna typu Fanaroff-Riley I (FR I) Centaurus A ulokowana na z = 0.002, posiadaj ˛a rozci ˛agł˛astruktur˛ewysokoenergetyczn ˛aw zakresie promieniowania γ. Po- zostałe aktywne j ˛adragalaktyk obserwowane w zakresie TeV (∼ 50 ´zró- deł, H.E.S.S. Collaboration et al., 2014b) s ˛aoznaczone w literaturze oraz 2 katalogu TeVCat jako ´zródła punktowe. Znacz ˛acarozci ˛agło´s´cobu aktyw- nych j ˛adergalaktyk w bazie danych H.E.S.S. moze˙ by´cwynikiem procesów fizycznych zachodz ˛acych poza aktywnym j ˛adrem, jak równiez˙ wynikiem problemów technicznych zwi ˛azanych z metodami obserwacyjnymi, kalibra- cj ˛a,redukcj ˛a,b ˛ad´zanaliz ˛adanych.
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