Property of Emmanuel College Alumnae Archives A nd all real unity • • COTnmences • • • In consClousness ~========~ .::.~-. ~--- - .- -- .- -- .............. --- of differences · · · -~ --- .. ... .... - . -- - - ....... _... - _. " _ .. - - --- - .. - _. "" . ..... ":~:".. .- THE EPILOGUE 1956 EMMANUEL COLLEGE BOSTON • MASSACHUSETTS VOL ME THIRTY-THREE Epilogue Staff l~dito1'-in-Chief .\1111 F J.YI1I1 _Issociate Editor BaJ'bam DeJ'by Business .II anager . 1dvertising ~I anager Business 1ssistant ?\Ia I'Y Jane Clancey Bal'bara BUl'ke ~Ial'i anne H eidt LiteraTY Editor Photography Editor ..ITt EditoT Jean ~lcDona ld "Mal'garet K avanagh Geraldine Lambert Biography Editor Activities Editor llo emal'ie ~1u rphy Loma Doonan Literary Stall J unior 1ssistants X Ol'een Dimond Barbar'a olu cci ~Ial'gal'et l?i tzgemld Phy lli Consalvo Eleanor Lynn Beatl'ice Dri coil "Ma l'i anne ~Iczzocchi ancy Fal'on Patri cia O'Reilly Mal'tha Rogel's .1rI StaJ}' Beverl y Kel'l'igan Ann ullivan PictuTe J dentifications: Pages 2, 3 Lorraine llIiniufli, Rose .IIaTie Connors, Xancy B et/wney, IIIaTY Rice, Claire Magner, ./acquei1"ne D ~O', MaTtha McGowan, ViTginia Good, Rosalie De Baggis. Page 4 hene Van Duyn, ~I Q1'y lYolan, ~f Q1,ianne H eidt, Ann Sullivan, A nne Grant, Quote Aclcnowledgmenls: ,,'. U . Auden : 1-3, 20, 25, 28. 1'. Eliot: 16, 17, 18. G. M. H opkins: 22, 24, 26. E. A. Robin son: 27. G. Santayana: 23. [ 6] ' ~ -j..-- - - - - - . - - --- ... .. ... Foreword A CERTAIN unity ex ists In ever,v schoo l, hidden perhaps, in the activitie of its day: - so vari ous, so many - ~l et revealed in t he depth to which each member shares the spirit of her coll ege. F or us, this is an ess ntial, a profound unity, t he unity of Emmanuel, " God with us. " Once t ruly realized in any student, t his pirit can never be wh oll,v lost. Nor can it, with honesty, be divorced from Ie ser concern or subo rdinated to other values. It has become a way of t hinking and of livin O', even a way of being. However incapa ble of defini t ion, t his spi"i t which is Emmanuel is yet altogether capable of expre:sion. Indeed it expresses itself with eloquence, wit h simplicity, with vigo r in the divers talents, the many objectives, the varied and inconspicuous spl endors of personalit,v which a re represented here. " Diversity in unity," theme of the 1956 E pl LO(1 E, embraces everything great or sma ll which is a part of Em­ manuel. I t poin ts to the many sources from which we have drawn one trut h, to the mul tipl e goals in which we have sought one beauty. F or hidden and disclo:ed in lh e particul ars of sciencc a nd languagc and a rt and philosophy, we, t he many, t he heterogeneous many, have fou nd t he one. For us t hi s boo k is a wa~r to record, not a year, nor even four years, but a time­ less in terval. I t is an eff ort to capt u,'e t he pri: m fl ashing t lu'o ~gh t hese days of light, to secure t he fu git ive, t o fix upon t he page t hat diversity which, fi xed in our hearts, i · unity - i: Emmanuel. [7 ] Table of Contents Administration F oreword 7 Administration Listing 9 Adviso r,)' Board Listing 9 Pre ident's :Message 10 Ble sin g of :\Jal'ia n Ha ll 13 Archbi 'hop's M essage . 15 J<'acult,Y Listing, Sister of N olre D a me 19 Faculty Listin g, Pries t and Lay 21 Facu I ty P ortrai ts 22 Seniors l"nily ill a Class 29 Senior P Ol'lrails 30 In Rctrospcc L Fresh III an Year 37 ~ ophomorc "fear 44 Junior Year 5 ~ Senior Year 63 J<'ormal Cap a nd Gown PicLUI'c 70 Sister Studenls 107 Activities Diversity in Activity 109 Junior Class 110 Sophomorc Class 114 Freshman Cia 118 tuden t Govel'l1ll1 en t Association 122 Soda li ty . 124 Club 126 Publicalions 149 Commencement Program 155 Acknowledgmen t 156 Patrons 158 Adverti 'er 163 Index 190 [ 8] -.=-;:-6 - -- .. _. _. _. ~:.;.;: , .......-. .-. .. -. - -.- . - -- Administration Si ·ter Ali ce Gertrude, A.l\l. President i tel' Angela ELizabeth, A.l\l., Ph.D . Dean Sister There a R egina, A.M., Ph.D. Dectn of Studies ister Mary Melania, A.B. 'l'reasu:rer Sister' Mar'y Saint Edwar'd, A.;\l. Hegist1'Cu' Sister Clar'e Francis, A.B., S.B. Libmrian i tel' Margaret Angela, A.M., Ph.D . ill!oderator of the Emmanuel L e agu ~ Ro e Mullin, A.B., Ed.M. Di1'ector of Placement B ureau John A. Foley, M .D., F .A .C.P. College Physician Advisory Board The Most Reverend Richard J . Cushing, D.D., LL.D., Chairman Sister Loretta Julia Sister Ali ce Gertrude Sister Angela E li zabeth The M ost R everend Jame L. onnoll y, D.D. M iss E leanor Ramisch Dr. Roy J . D eferrari MI'. John J. Drummey, Jr. The Honor'able John F. K ennedy Mr. H enry M. Leen Dr. John J. Mahoney M rs. Roger Putnam [ 9] -- -- - -- - ----- - EMMA.NUEL OLLEGE <100 TIlE FENWAY BOSTON. ~IA The theme of ,Yo ur Year Book, " di ver' 'ity in unity," seems Lo me Lo be concretized in our ~1a r'ian ] [a ll. A · you approach the building, your eye a re fir t attJ"acted to the lovely statue of Our Lady, j\[ediatrix of all graces, and then are dm\\"n upward to the in scription carved on the tower, " In me i a ll gJ"ace of the way a nd of truth; in me i all hope of life a nd of vir·tue." You enter the building a nd make your way from one beautiful room to another. ooner 0 1' later 'yo u reach the chapel. The li ght from within hine thl"Ough the small tained­ gla window in t he door, revealing Our Lady, Gate of I-leaven. You pa thr'ough the door in to the Presence of "Emmanuel. ' In a short time ,vou will leave Emmanuel Coll ege and h om then on, YOUl' life will be a joul"lley back to "Emma nuel. " In Mary you will find the way. However diversified your \'oeations, you will draw inspiration from her. If God call you to the religious life, Mary of the Temple will be your model in contemplation and in the ser' vice of other·s. If your vocation is to the married state, 1ary of Nazareth will portr'ay for you the per·feet wife and mother. If your ' is to be a life of charit,v or' Catholi c Action in the wodd, Mary of Cana will lead you to the Source of Mercy, the tender Heart of her Divine Son. If the apo tolate of : uffering is God's Will for you, ~1 a r,v of Calva ry will win you the grace to stand beneath the cros . So, -:\Ia ry's life which pursued Beauty through diverse ways will teach you the perfection of hein g in .vour quest of Beauty through the God-directed, vari ed paths in your li ves. Even­ tuall.v, ~ ' o u \\,ill reach Lhe Gate of IJ eaven a nd there "Mary will meet you a nd conduct you to the Throne of God. ~[y deal' Seni or's, remember that we, you a nd I, entered Emmanuel Coll ege together. Chronologicall y, I should fini sh life' journey before you. As I had the happiness of opening for you the door to Mar'ian Hall , will you pray t hat mine may b the joy of standin g be ide Our Lad,v as ,he usher's each of you in to the Pre ence of Eternal Beauty, ollr Emmanuel! Yours in Our Lady, President [ 10 1 ister Superior A lice Gertrude opens the door to .]1[ arian FI all after the dedication ceremony on September f2 6, 1955. [ 11 ] --------- Light j1'om M a1'ian Hall st?'eams ac1'OSS the snow as the new building is Famed in an a1'ch oj the west p01'cl~, [ 12] MARIAN HALL BLESSING September 26, 1955 Peace unto a ll who assemble her·e! Our Lord is our help. IJe made heaven and earth. The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit. Let us pray. LORD JESrs CHRIST, Who didst char·ge Thine Apo t ie to en­ treat peace upon every home which t hey might enter, sanctify by our ministry thi school. Be tow on it peace and blessing in abundance. Sanctify it as Thou didst bless the hou e of Zaccheus upon enterin g there. Command Thy angels to guard it and to drive out a ll power of the evil one. Fill a ll who teach herein with the spirit of knowledge, wi dom, and fear· of Thce. Support the student with heavenly assistance, 0 that they may gra p, retain, and practice wholesome docLrine. Let teachers and sludenl. please Thee by virtuous words, receiving finall y an everlasting home in Heaven as Lheir reward. Through Thee, .Jesus Chri st, Saviour of the wor·leI, Who livest and r· eignesl, God, forever and ever. Amen. [ 13 ] HIS Ex E I. LE CY TI1l': \fORT H EVIC IllC 0 HI 'H A1W .T. C STll NG, D.D., LL.D .
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