Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1958-59 The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 2-18-1959 The thI acan, 1959-02-18 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1958-59 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1959-02-18" (1959). The Ithacan, 1958-59. 11. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1958-59/11 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1958-59 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. • -SWEETHEART'S BALL SET FOR SATURDAY Colgate Ensemble To Provide Entertainment; Coronation of Queen Highlights Annual Event The Ithacan by ,TOE GILL.\N The Campus Serenaders, an eight piece band from the t:i,#1,J, F-"' tl,,e audeu,u oj Ji/urea eo./Je9e University of Colgate, will provide the music and entertain- February , l95 N ment at Phi Epsilon Kappa's 12th annual Sweetheart's Ball 18 9 0 ___________________________·_ 13 to be held this Saturday at the V.F.W. Hall from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Serenaders are one of New York's top colleg-iate ensembles CERRACHE TO ERECT POLES; touring the circuit this year. They feature a Dixieland Jazz trio with­ TO SERVICE.WICB-TV CABLE in the band itself. by BERT HELFNER Highlighting the evening how­ The Cerrache Television Corp. poles, chances are that the ever. will be the coronation of Phi­ has ·informed the Board of Public present $2.75 rate will remain E. K.'s Queen of the Sweetheart's Works of the City of Ithaca, of In force, and Ithaca College Tele­ Bait. The ceremony will occur at a plan to put up some 1,035 poles vision could remain on the cable approximately 11: 15 p.m. The five to carry its television cable service without opposition. candidates for the honor are .Joan throughout the city. Ceri:ache says that putting up :\fatejka, ::\Iary Ottaway, Joan Sen­ The proposal came on the heels his own poles will cost as much semeyer, ::\Iary Ann Teleisha, and of a formal complaint which was as, or if not less than current Lenni Wagner. filed with the Public Service Com- costs for maintenance and rental ::\liss Ottaway and ::\Iiss Teleisha mission against the Telephone of Telephone Co. poles. are freshmen in the Physical Edu­ Comp·anr.'s decision to raise rental Cerrache added that at present cation Department. ::\!iss ::\latejka charges of the cable system from the cable system utilizes more is a junior in Phy Ed, and ::\liss ~3 to $5 per pole, p,er year. poles than needed to cover the Sensemerer is a junior in the Cerrache now rents, space from city adequately. ::\Iusic Department. ::\Iiss Wagner. the Telephone Co. on. some 2'.soo the only senior. i8 Cerrache said, that Ithaca Col­ in the Radio- poles. Television Dept. lege could make use of his facili­ Cerrache believes that if the $2 ties but not for longer periods Candidates For "The Queen of the Sweetheart's Ball, (1-r) Lenni The Queen of the Sweetheart's raise ·g-oes into effect on July 1st of of time than at present. 'In order. Wagner, Mary Ottoway, Mary Ann Teleisha, and Joan Sense­ Ball is one of the top honors which this year, the current $2.75 per to do this, he would have to meyer. Joan Matejka, the 5th candidate, was absent. is bestowed upon an Ithaca C'ollege month s'ubscription rates to cable eliminate one channel completely (Ithacan Photo--Ruben Marshall) coed. The annual event saw :\!iss users will be raised. or supply high band channels for ('arol Starkman reign as Queen Cerrache says, "It looks like cable use. (channels 7-13). The last year. there is only one way out, and expense of such a move, would be IFC RULES: Girls attending the dance will be that is to put up our own poles." prohibitive and reception might allowed 1: 45 a.m. permissions. He has, he said, ordered a car­ well not be as good as it is now load of poles, scheduled to arrive Pleging Laws Must Be Heeded on the 5 low band channels now around the first of the month. used in Ithaca. (channels 2-6). by T. Ill::TTINO "Putting up our own poles," says Mayer Assigned <'errache, "will enable us to serve He said that the college is doing A warning to all fraternitie·s and sororities concerning the community better, and at a a great public service to the com- pledging restrictions was a result of the Feb. 11th meeting ToAdministration reasonable rate." munity via its television operation, If the Television Shop, Cerrache and said he would make every of the Inter-Fraternity Council. The council is going to Post Of College Television Corp. subsidiary, and effort to keep WICB-TV on the strictly enforce their constitutional ruling when pledging Joseph N. :'.I.fayer, treasurer of cable operator, puts up Its own air. begins on March 16th. The rule states that "all organizations Ithaca f'ollege, has been assigned must follow the Faculty request additional rluties as the college's that no improper dressing or ac- time. He suggested constructive administrator of federal fund tivities that make pledges conspi- pledging in the place of "horse­ grants in connection with recently College - Council Relations cious shall be carried on outside play." passed Xational Defense Education of the organization houses. No ac- It wns th1• 1·ou11dl~ opinion that Act of l!l58, and such other federal tivity that is dangerous to a pledge tlw rl:issroom mul lihrnry he off legislation as may he enacted in­ · Dis<ussed With President may be engaged in at any time!! -limits for 1>le1lging. volving aid to higher education. Pr<>sident Howard I. Dillingham The Ithaca College Student Council met with College Specific references were marle to The final o~ttcome of the mel't­ those representatives requesting ing was stated hy Dean Howard: of the c-ollege, ~aid that :\layer, who President Howard I. Dillingham Monday evening to dis­ in addition to his regular duties cuss the relationship between the council and college admin­ them. "In a wholehearted effort to co- Sparked by requests by Dean operate with the administration. has worked closely with the gov­ istration officials. ernment during the past seven Council members had suggested Arnold Wilhelm. of the physical the IJ,'(' warns that if individual years as Yeterans Advisor at the the meeting as a means of in­ education department and -other organizations be reported hy the college. would administer all phas-. quiring into two areas: members of the faculty, the 11~(' de- administration, as violating the re­ es of thl' :\"ational Defense Educa­ 1. In what fields the council cided upon strict enforcement of st1 ic-ted rushing. these organiza­ tion Act ap11licable to the college. might act without interference the rule. lions may forefeit their right to from the administration. Dean Clarke, Dean of Students. plerlge the following semester." This will incl111!e the student 2. W'hether or not the admin­ mentioned at the meeting that the This was agreed to by a majority loan program for which the col- istration would support council biggest objection was in carrying of the council members. lege has alr<>ady been allocate,! pledging into the classroom and The next meeting decisions relevant to these spheres is scheduled Sl0,09i for the current semester. annoying teachers during class for ::\Iarrh 13th. of interest. grants for deYclopment of gnid­ President Dillingham discussed -----------·---- - ----- generally the general aspects of ance. coun('iJing at t<>sting <'l'nters. Student Council and its various 8: 15 College Theatre modern forPign language de1·elop­ powers, and stressed that the ment. and rPsearch and experi­ council could not be given juris­ Annual Concerto Program Sunday mental ion in more cffectil·e use of diction in the area of student tele,·ision, radio. motion picturL'S conduct. h~- ,T.\~ f'ONSALVJ ancl rplated me,Iia for education. The council gave as one reason for Its Inquiry the recent confusion The Ithaca College School of Music will present one of today that thl' as to student drinking regu­ the largest musical events of the year, February 22, at 8 :15 initial allocation to the college lations. in the Ithaca College theatre. It's the 11th Annual Concerto 1111dpr th!' student loan program In the fall of 1957 the council Program. has bPP!l fully utilized i!i granting­ was asked by the administration President Dillingham speaks at Students for this p r o gr ap1 thirty-fiyp loans ranging- from $150 to take steps designed to avoid Monday night meeting of Stu­ compete before a committee of fac­ "ll est cloux, ii est bon" from incidents similar to those which dent C o u n c i I • Rose Militello, to $500 Nteh to student~ at the col­ ulty members. The seven music stu­ Herio1llude - ::\Iassenet. )lar1 1,on occured during the college's · Fall Council President, is in the back­ lt•gp who might otherwise have dents chosen for this year's pro­ )I<'('ullough, Soprano. C'once~to in Wecke~d. New drinking regu­ grou'!_d, hPt•n forced to leave school at the gram are: Mark Cleghorn, V'irginia. g minor 011. 26-Bruch, .Jo~ 1·p lations ~ere drawn up and pre­ statement was prepared and dis­ Lesche, Joyce Chesley, Persis Par­ ('Jwsll'J, 1·iolin.
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