chapter 16 Parallels between the history of England and Byzantium, Rome and the Horde 1. Let us divide the period of English history that is A ROUGH COMPARISON OF THE DYNASTIC of interest to us (the alleged years 1-1700 a.d.) into CURRENTS OF ENGLAND AND ROME decades and then count the kings regnant within each (BYZANTIUM) decade. For instance, if there was just one monarch within a given decade, the decade in question shall be As we already know, the “ancient” English chron- marked as 1. If there were two kings – either in suc- icles claim that England had remained a Roman cession, or as co-rulers, the decade shall be marked colony for approximately the first four hundred years. as 2, and so on. We shall thus come up with a certain Moreover, chronicles that relate the English history of graph that demonstrates the density of a given dy- this period refer to Rome and Byzantium more often nastic current, or the quantity of kings per decade. than to England. One therefore comes up with the ob- Since there were no independent rulers in England vious idea of comparing the respective dynastic cur- between the alleged years of 1 and 400 a.d., qv above, rents of England and Rome (Byzantium). This com- the graph corresponding to the English rulers of this parison was made somewhat easier to us, since the period shall have zero density. Starting with the al- global chronological map as compiled by A. T. Fo- leged year 440 a.d. we see six independent dynastic menko and presented in Chron1 and Chron2 al- currents in England, qv above, existing up until the ready depicts all the primary dynastic currents of Eu- alleged year of 830, marking the unification of the rope and the Mediterranean region as distributed country. After that we have a single dynastic current along the time axis, including the emperors of Rome, that continues until the present day ([1442]). Byzantium and England. A cursory glance thrown at We have performed the same operation for the these two currents of rulers reveals an amazing fact dynastic current of Rome, or Byzantium, of the pe- – the reign densities are distributed across both cur- riod between the alleged years 1 and 1500 a.d. Here rents with exceptional similarity. Moreover, the dy- we have collected all the data concerning the emper- nastic currents of England and Rome (Byzantium) are ors of Rome and Byzantium regnant between the al- unique in this respect. There are no other dynastic leged I and XV century a.d. In the Scaligerian version, currents with similar characteristics. Let us explain this dynastic current is concentrated around Rome just what we mean. and its colonies on the interval of the alleged I-IV chapter 16 parallels between the history of england & byzantium, rome & the horde | 577 century a.d. After the alleged year 330, it is adjoined Density graphs of dynastic currents by the independent dynastic current of Byzantium (amount of kings regnant in every decade) with the capital in New Rome, or Constantinople. 12 10 Both currents coexist and are intertwined to a great 8 England extent up until the middle of the alleged VI century 6 4 a.d. It is presumed that in the VI century Western 2 Rome had lost its imperial dynasty after the famous 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Gothic War, erroneously dated to the VI century a.d. by Scaliger. From this moment on we only have a sin- 12 gle Roman dynastic current – the Byzantine. It ends 10 Rome – Byzantium 8 in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople and the en- 6 tire Byzantine Empire. 4 2 The results of density calculation are presented in figs. 16.1 and 16.2. The bottom graph corresponds 0100200300 400 500 600 700 800 900 to the density of the Roman and Byzantine dynastic Fig. 16.1. Comparative density distribution on the time axis current, and the top one – to the English. We have (representing the quantity of kings regnant in every decade) shifted the Scaligerian dates pertaining to the history in the dynastic currents of England and Rome, or Byzan- of England backwards by some 275 years in this com- tium. The two graphs concur with each other very well. First part of the graphs. parison. One doesn’t need to study the two graphs (figs. Density graphs of dynastic currents 16.1 and 16.2) for too long in order to notice the ex- treme similarity of the rough characteristics of both dynastic currents under comparison. Indeed, the ini- 6 England tial reign densities of both currents are rather low; 4 then we observe the numeric characteristics of both 2 currents soaring simultaneously. Then we see simi- lar density amplitudes of both currents – the English 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 and the Roman, or Byzantine. Next we see both density characteristics plummet Rome – Byzantium 6 – once again, almost simultaneously, without any sub- 4 stantial changes to follow. They oscillate around the 2 values of 1 and 2 for the next couple of centuries. The zone of high dynastic frequency for England 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 covers the period between the alleged years 445-830 Fig. 16.2. Comparative dynastic current densities for England a.d.,whereas for Rome and Byzantium it falls over and Rome, or Byzantium. Continued. the alleged years 170-550 a.d. The length of these dense dynastic intervals is equal for both currents and amounts to circa 380 years. The general duration rulers, on the time axis. We can see the chronologi- of the historical intervals under comparison (English cal shift that combines the two zones roughly equals and Roman, or Byzantine) equals some 1500 years in 275 years. This fact leads one to the following con- both cases. siderations. As we have already mentioned, this pair of graphs The quantitative comparison that we have just is unique. We managed to find no similar dynastic made is very rough, and allows no definite claims; currents in any other country or epoch. however, the information that we already know leads In fig. 16.3 the same data are represented more us to a serious suspicion. Could this strange similar- roughly. We have highlighted the two zones of high ity be explained by the fact that one of these dynas- dynastic frequency, corresponding to the number of tic currents is a mere copy of the other? Alternatively, 578 | history: fiction or science? chron 4 | part 2 Comparative dynastic current density graphs 2. England THE DYNASTIC PARALLELISM BETWEEN THE Large number HISTORY OF ENGLAND AND BYZANTIUM. 445 of kings 830 -60 A general superimposition scheme of the two 0 Small number of kings 100 200 1000 1500 We claim that there is a distinct parallelism be- tween the reign durations of the English kings regnant Rome – Byzantium between the alleged years of 640 and 1327 a.d. and -60 170 0 Small number of emperors those of the Byzantine emperors between the alleged 100 Large number 1000 1500 years of 378 and 830 a.d., and then 1143-1453 a.d. The 526 552 of emperors parallelism is represented schematically in fig. 15.3. In Fig. 16.3. A rough comparison of density graphs drawn for particular, we claim the following to be true. the dynastic currents of England and Rome (Byzantium). In 1) The dynastic history of England between the al- the previous illustration they are drawn in greater detail. leged years of 640 and 1040 a.d. (400 years altogether) duplicates the dynastic history of Byzantium between the alleged years 378 and 830 a.d. (452 years all in all). can both of them be copies of a single original? As The two dynastic currents superimpose over each soon as we formulate the “heretical” question, we other after a shift of 210 years. start to discover the facts that make the situation look More specifically, we have discovered a separate even stranger. For instance, we are told that the old dynastic current within the saturated dynastic current name of the English is Angles ([1442], pages 12-13), of England that duplicates the Byzantine in the spec- whereas the country itself was known as Angel, Anglia ified epoch. This “Byzantine current”, duplicated in or Angeln ([1442], page 189). “Angles” as the name the English history, is part of the dynastic current of of a nation is first encountered in the Anglo-Saxon Rome and Byzantium saturated with jointly ruling Chronicle (section corresponding to the alleged year emperors. 443 a.d.). This term runs through the entire history 2) The next period in the dynastic history of Eng- of England. It is also presumed that the first ruler to land (the alleged years 1040-1327), whose duration call himself the king of England, or Anglia, was called equals 287 years, duplicates the dynastic history of Ethelstan (925-940) – see [64], page 340. Byzantium of the alleged years 1143-1453 (a sequence On the other hand, we know of the famous impe- of 310 years). These two dynastic currents superim- rial dynasty of the Angeli in Byzantium – a distin- pose after a shift of 120 years. guished feudal clan active in the alleged years 1185- 3) The period of the Byzantine dynastic history be- 1204 a.d. ([729], page 166). Is it really so strange? tween the alleged years of 830 and 1143 also identi- Could the dynasty of the Angles in the West of Europe fies as the same English dynasty of the alleged years and the dynasty of the Angeli in the East have emerged 1040-1327.
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