CELEBRATING SUCCESS Civil Issue 303 | February 2021 | www.civilserviceworld.com Service Award Shortlist HMT’S PUBLIC FINANCE CHIEF ON A CA THECTIC YEAR LITACE IN THE TLE PACK HOW BREXIT Inside government’s SHOOK WHITEHALL innovation engine the inside story 01 CSW303 cover.indd 1 17/02/2021 15:07:39 Championing Diversity, Accelerating Inclusion Dods D&I is a unique experience-sharing platform. We design and deliver cutting edge events to keep you up to date with the evolving landscape of Diversity and Inclusion. Kickstart your learning by joining us for a CPD-certifi ed event, designed to provide you with vital skills and insight to advance cohesion, productivity and wellbeing in your organization. To view our upcoming event schedule, please visit: www.dodsdiversity.com www.dodsdiversity.com | [email protected] | 0207 593 5739 @dodsdiversity Dods Diversity & Inclusion DIVERSITY & INCLUSION Dods D&I Advert for CSA 230x300.indd 1 17/02/2021 14:56:46 CONTENTS February 2021 Editorial Published by [email protected] 020 7593 5569 Advertising [email protected] www.civilserviceworld.com 020 7593 5606 RED BOX 4 INBOX Whitehall refrom reflections and letters 6 NEWS HMRC unveils a three-year pay deal OPINION 8 ALEX THOMAS A review could help the PM impose his grip on government 9 DAVE PENMAN HMRC’s pay deal is groundbreaking and other departments should catch up 10 PHILIP A. BERRY & JOE DEVANNY The PM’s aid cut shows what his vision for “Global Britain” means in practice DIGITAL AND DATA 24 BATTLING COVID How the Singaporean government took on the coronavirus pandemic FEATURES 12 BEHIND THE SCENES Inside a new project to record reflections on Brexit from those who watched it unfold up close 14 14 CAT THAT GOT THE DREAM Treasury DG and finance function head Cat Little on her dream job and run- ning a Spending Review from home 18 AMAZING ACE How the Accelerated Capability Unit helps government solve problems in innovative ways 28 STAND OUT Home Office assistant director Tom Ketteley on being recognised as an LGBT+ leader and role model CIVIL SERVICE AWARDS 10 28 31 THE 2021 NOMINEES Full shortlist details civilserviceworld.com | February 2021 | 3 03 CSW303 Contents.indd 3 17/02/2021 15:06:26 ❯ RED BOX EDITOR’S COLUMN Edited by ❯ RED BOX Sarah Astion FROM THE EDITOR he war might be June 2020 when Brexit negotia- over. If the hard rain tions, being led by Frost, were Tpromised by Dominic lolling somewhat. “Get a move Cummings had been fail- on, our chap has a new job to ing on Whitehall, it seems get to in September,” seemed to have abated somewhat. to be the message to Brussels. Since his former aide’s Of course, this never came departure, Boris Johnson has to pass. Frost stayed put as made a number of appoint- Brexit negotiator until the deal ments that seem to indicate he was reached on Christmas Eve, has decided to move govern- long after the previous na- Treasury perm sec despite It might, though, be too ment on from Cummings’s tional security adviser, Sir Mark his reported appearance on a early to conclude that nothing often deliberately provoca- Sedwill, had departed. Then, No.10 hit list (with hit some- will change – but hopefully now tive style. If bringing in Dan with only days left until he was times being spelled with an civil service reforms will be Rosenfi eld, a former Treasury set to start the post, it was an- s), it looks like Cummings’s done in partnership with those civil servant, as the PM’s chief nounced that Lovegrove would hard rain might be over. working in government, not in of staff indicated a move away take it on instead. Frost would I’m reminded of comments strident, grenade-throwing op- from the previous regime’s not, in his new role as Johnson’s by Ciaran Martin, the former position to them. There is much siege mentality, then the revoca- representative on Brexit and head of the National Cyber Se- in Michael Gove’s Ditchley tion of Lord Frost’s appointment international policy, be leaving curity Centre, last month. “Now lecture (the closest thing we as national security adviser EU exit issues behind after all. that the government’s “war on have so far to a proper outline seemed to reassert the impor- Quite how much all this had Whitehall” seems to be over... of what ministers want reforms tance of civil service values – all been planned as a consid- it’s worth asking: what has this to achieve) that civil servants honesty, integrity, impartiality ered rejig of the civil service latest attempt, accompanied agree with, and many exam- and objectivity – in government. or a Brexit negotiating tactic is as it has been by ferocious (if ples of innovation in the civil The move to name Ministry something that we might need mostly anonymously briefed) service that a reform plan could of Defence permanent secre- to wait for memoirs to reveal. rhetoric, actually involved? highlight. In this issue, we go tary Sir Stephen Lovegrove to But Frost’s appointment was The answer is, by historical inside the Home Offi ce’s Accel- the post instead was a telling criticised by many, including standards, virtually nothing erated Capability Environment one. Frost’s appointment was, Johnson’s predecessor Theresa at all,” he wrote on Twitter. to take a look at one of them. it seems, intended to shake up May, for turning a civil ser- “Absolutely nothing has Now that the gloom of the advice given to Johnson, vice role into a political one. changed in the civil service, Dom has been lifted from putting someone who had the Stopping that change is apart from the identities the government, ministers PM’s trust in a key role. It was a good thing. Add in Tom of a few very senior of- should work with offi cials also initially announced in Scholar’s reappointment as fi ce holders,” he added. to unlock the future. (Jessica Bowie and Suzannah PRINTED BY PUBLISHED BY Brecknell are on maternity leave) Magazine Printing Company www.magprint.co.uk COMMERCIAL ENQUIRIES Caroline McLoughlin DISTRIBUTED BY JYL [email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONS © Dods 2021 ACTING EDITOR Dominic Risolino www.civilserviceworld.com/subscriptions Reproduction in whole or part of any Richard Johnstone [email protected] 020 7593 5510 article is prohibited without prior written [email protected] 020 7593 5534 [email protected] consent. Articles written by contributors 020 7593 5588 UK public sector: £49 do not necessarily refl ect the views of CREATIVE DIRECTOR UK private sector: £99 the organisation ACTING DEPUTY EDITOR Tim Shepherd Beckie Smith Visit www.civilserviceworld.com/ POSTAL ADDRESS [email protected] SENIOR ARTWORKERS subscriptions for details Dods, 11th Floor, The Shard 020 7593 5687 Matt Titley London Bridge Street SE1 9SG Max Dubiel ADVERTISING TELEPHONE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS EDITOR Antonello Sticca 020 7593 560 020 7593 5500 Geoff rey Lyons FAX geo [email protected] PHOTOGRAPHY 020 7593 5501 Press Association, Adobe Stock, DIGITAL CAMPAIGNS EXECUTIVE Photoshot, unless stated otherwise ISSN 2515-0235 (Print) Charlotte Newbury 4 | February 2021 | civilserviceworld.com 04-05 CSW303 Editor.indd 4 17/02/2021 15:07:14 ❮ CORRESPONDENCE RED BOXEdited by ❯ RED BOX Winnie Agbonlahor departments contributes to the vibrancy of the civil service and cross fertilisa- tion between departments,” he said. INBOX “In comparison, the military oper- [email protected] Currently I’d rather have the time than ate on rolling two-year postings which twitter.com/CSWNews money. I’m in another department and I’d facilitate gaining a wide range of experi- be a bit disappointed if I lost leave and ence but impact even more so on institu- had hours increased at my age and stage.” tional memory than relatively much less And Peter Royle wrote: “I don’t blame frequent churning in the civil service. DEAL OR NO DEAL members for voting for it but don’t believe I experienced a small civil service de- HMRC’s three-year pay offer and over- the unions should be recommending a partment where senior staff had been haul of its employment terms (see p.6) deal where some will lose existing rights.” in post for 15 to 40 years and it encour- prompted a mixed response. Some aged staleness of thinking and lack of readers were pleased to see staff offered FROSTY RECEPTION acceptance to new ideas and challenge a pay rise and welcomed the changes, In other pay news, readers did not from more broadly experienced staff.” including standardised contracts and agree with the finding of an im- the option of regular work from home... pact assessment that the freeze Ri- RINGS A BELL “Great news for all staff. Excel- shi Sunak announced last year for To many readers, the announce- lent job on the team getting this most civil servants is “justified”. ment of a new training programme through,” Jeanette Forder said. “Can you explain why – when all of the UK for civil servants, including plans “It would be good to see the same is in lockdown, your no. 1-voted best civil for a new campus and the possibil- scope and ambition across depart- service in the world has kept on work- ity of some military-style training ments. We are one civil service af- ing from home, keeping the wheels on in future, sounded oddly familiar. ter all,” Rachel McCann added. the government’s pandemic strategies, And Graham commented: “I left HMRC defence, Brexit, policies, not forgetting The Civil Savant @TheCivilSavant in 2017 when the Cambridge office was infrastructure and making sure protocols Ooh, centralised training facilities? We closed..
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