• U. S . AMATEUR CHAMPION (S('c P. 135) • ;::. UNITED STATES VoLume XlX June, 1964 EDITOR: J . F. Reinhardt * * OFFICIAL NOTICE '" " ELECTION OF USCF STATE DIRECTORS CHESS FEDERATION Attention of aU officials of slate chess associations is directed to Article V of the USCF By-Laws, stating that " ... the State Directors shaD be certified PRESIDENT in writing to the USCF Secretary by the authorized state offiCt' r before June 30th ••." Major Edmund B. Edmondson, Jr. The number of State DirC<!tors to which each State is entitled for the year VICE·PRESIDENT beginning July 1 fo llows: David Hoffmann N.Y . ....... ...... .. ...23 FLA. .. ... ... ... ....... 4 IOWA ................ 2 KY." ... ............. 1 CALIF . .............. 23 ARIZ.- ....... ....... 4 NEBR. - ............ 2 ~IISS ................. 1 REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS PENNA. ............ 11 IND.- . ......... ...... 3 MO .· .... ..... ..... .... 2 PUERTO RICO~ 1 NEW ENGLAND ILL. ...... ... ........ 10 COLO.· .. .......... 3 KANS. ~ ............ 2 N. DAK." ........ 1 N.J . .. ..... ...... ....... 9 WASH. ........... 3 OKLA. ;' ............ 2 S. DAK. ............ 1 EASTERN Donald Schultz TEXAS ... ........... 8 VA. ............... ..... 3 N. MEX ." ..... ... 2 \\'YO.- .. ............ 1 Charln KeYltlr Peter Berlo.,.. OHIO ................ 8 LA. ..... ............ ... 3 NEV........ .... ..... 2 .lI O;"""I' ." ............ 1 MleR ......... ....... 7 D.C. ' ...... ... ... ...... 2 UTAH8 ............ 2 ARK. ...... ... ....... 1 MID·ATLANTIC MASS." ............ 6 W. VA ............. 2 MAINE" .......... 1 IDAHO ............. 1 MD ..................... 5 N. CAR ............. 2 N.H . ........... ....... 1 ORE." ............. ... 1 SOUTHERN Dr. Stuart Noblin WIS. .. ... ... ........ 4 GA. .. ... ......... ...... 2 R.l." ...... ........ .... 1 ALASKA" ........ 1 Jerry Sulllvan CONN.' .. .......... 4 TENN." ............ 2 DEL." ..... ..... ...... 1 IL\ WAH" ........ 1 Dr. Robert FToemke MINN. ............. 4 ALA." .............. 2 S. CAR.' .......... 1 VT." ......... ........ 0 GREAT LAKES Jamu 5ehroeder Dr. Ho ..... rd. Gaba The number of State Di rectors is in addition to any Life Dirt'Ctors or Officer. Norbert M. Uhew, Directors which may reside in ~he state. Refer 10 Chen Life, October, 1963, Page 256, NORTH CENTRAL Dr. Oeor,e Tlen for a current roster of all DU'ectors. Frink Skoff John 03nt.. Oliicials in statcs marked with the asterisk ( .. ) need not observe this notice, SOUTHWESTERN Juan J . Reid for those States are not USC F arIiliates, and Lheir USCF directors will be appointed J ohn DelllIn. Kenneth Smith by the USCF President on July 1st. Instead, officials in these States would do well to have the Stale a£[iLiated. (All it takes is sending th(' required $10 fee to PACIFIC Richard Vandcnbur, Mabel DUTUn,ame New York.) State officials are reminded that the ne\\' directors will vote in the GoTtlon Barrett forthcoming election for Regional Vice·Presidents. SECRETARY The USCF Board of Directors will be at an all·time high, refi('cting the booming Marshall Rohland membership rolls. The total for Ihe new fi scal year is 233 Directors, compared with NATIONAL CHAIRMEN end OFFICERS 197 last year. ARMED FORCES CHE5S. ................. Robert Kirch il Directors are not certified by June 30th, they are then named by appoint. BUSINESS MANAGER.................. J. F. Reinhardt ment by the USCF President. Please get your certified lists to me by June 30th. COLLEGE CHESS .................................. Owen Harri$ INDUSTRIAL CHESS............ SUinley W . D. Kin, MARSHALL ROHLAND Secretary, l:SCF INSTITUTIONS CHESS........ M .... Or. Ralph Kuhn. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ............ Jerry Sf'"" 4846 N. 24th Place Women'. Intun.ttonal............ .. K. thryn S .ter Milwaukee 9, \\"is. JUNIOR CHESS... ................. Mordec.l O. Treblow MASTERS AFFAIRS.......................... :Robert Bym e MEMBE RSH I P .... _.............. "."".... .. ".Oon.ld Schultz JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION MEMBERSHIP SECRETARy ............ Gret. Fucbt USCF U • Don-profit democr.tlc or,.nh.tlon. tbe officLIJ ,overnlna; body .nd FIDE unit NOMINATIONS .......... M... .D r. Aiel: J. nuah/[owsky PRESIDENTIAL ASS ISTANT... _ Fred CUllner tor cbe.. lA the USA.. ADJ'oo.e InteA,ted lA .dvancla, American cburl U ellJible for memh<l!nblp. RATINGS & PA IR INGS ..•. M........ M.... Arpad E. £10 RATING STATISTICIAN ............ Wm. (;olchbug Membership, lDcludlnl CHESS UFE 1U*"ptioo, eU,lbWty tor USCF-rat!n,:, and all TAX DEDUCTIIIILITY ..... M........ _•.. Rarold Dondl. prlvUepa: 1 yr.: PM; 2 ,.n.: • .50; 3 1tL: '13.$0; ~ : $10.00 (beeomea We Membn.hlp TOURNAMENT ADM-._M.Georfe Koltanowald TOURNAMENT RULE5M..... _ .. _ .Jl mes She rwio after 10 PQ1Ileata); W e: $100.011. "Imll, M ...benltlp (two or more tamlly members at came TREASURER .... __.. _ ....... _ .. _ .. _ ... MUtoo RulkJ.o addreS&, only ODe CIfltSS LI7K .ulncrlptlon): r.te. U Ibove for lint ramlly mem ber, pi", U. S. CHAMPIONSNIP.__ .... M. llI'Ic. Kuper foUowin,&: for each .ddJUonal member: 1 n·: 12.50; 2 YrL: "'75; 3 )'1'L: $6.75. WOMEN'S CHESS __M ___ .M __ltvl AroMOn CHESS LlF& II publt""ed moothl)' by USCi' .od entered II lecond.da, naUer at Dubuque, low•• Non-member I·yr. subKrlpUOn: $t.00 (".00 ouUid. USA); m,le copy: flIc (5Oc out.lde WORLD CHESS FEDERATION USA). Chana- of adcIreu; Allow four weelul DoUce; pte'lIe Jive US both the new .ddress and IF.I.D.E.) the old addreu, Includ.1nt th. nWllber- • ..., date. on tbe top line ot your UencU. Jerry G. Spann Vice-President, Zone 15 (U.S.A.) Addreu aU eommlll11caUOnt•• nd malle IJ.I Cbee" p.y.ble to: -------- UNIT&D STATU CHESS "I!D.RATION. 10 I!I.t 11th StrHl, NEW YORK :s. N.Y. 134 CHESS LIFE Hailparn Wins U. S. Amateur Title ~licllacl Hai lparn, a 32-yt'ar-old instructor of philoso­ Otht'r prizl.:s were i1w;mk'(l to: Dennis Howe, Ho­ ph y at Glassboro Stale CoUegc, N.J. was tJ1 C clt';lr winner boken, :\.J. (Class A ); ~Hcha c l O'DonneU, Jersey City, of the 1004 U. S. Amateur Chess Championship at Asbury N.J. ( Class B ); Jerry De Pesql1o, Stratford, COnn. (Class Park over the ~ " c morial Day w~ckcnd. C ) ; Warren Goode, West E nd , N.J. (Class D ). David HaJi, Brooklyn, N.Y. scored 5 !f..t points and was awarded the Junior Prize. H'l ilpam scored 61h points in seven rounds, giving up his only draw to fonner Amateur Champion Harry Lyman Unfinished games were adjudicated by Grandmaster in Round 4. lie outdistanced ;I field of 141 players that included 28 useF Experts. He defeated, in order, Ken­ Arthur nisgllier. J. F. Hcinhardt was the Tournament neth Lebow ( 1735 ); C. Van Brunt ( J875) ; M. O'Dunnell Director, ably assisted by Gerald O'Flaherty and Roherl ( 1798 ); drew with Lyman, ami then went on to post Erkes. wins agnins t L:SCF Rating Statistician William Go lch · • • • berg (206'9 ); C. Znotins (2158 ); and fonner Hating Statis­ tician David Daniels (2105). Daniels, who led for most U. S. Amateur Champion Michael l-Iailparn was born of the tournament, started off with five straight WillS in Boston, ~ofass. in 1932. He movcd to California when before being held to <l draw' in Hound (j by 1963 Amateur he W.1S ten yenrs old and considers himself a Californian. Champion Kenneth Clayton. Going into the final round, Although he "seemed always to know how the pieces Danids and Hailparn wefe the only two players with 5lh moved" he didn't take chess scriollsly until he was a points nnd the outcome of the tournament hinged on their freshman at Fresno State College. individual en(.'Olinter. It was a French Defense, Hailparn playing Black, and scoring the point after 01 hnrd-fought During his college years he gained valuable experi­ moves. ence by playing in the Central California Chess League, the Northern California Opcn ( drawi.ng with W. Addison and n. Curry), the Nevada Championship and the Cali­ Three players scored 6-1, with sc(.'O nd place going to fo rnia Open. an up-und-coming junior from Brooklyn - Walter Browne. Browne, New York State Junior Champion, went through his schedule undefeated, giving up draws to Lyman and In 1955, at the U. S. Open in Long Beach, Califomia, Clayton. William GOichbcrg, who lost only to the tour­ he tied for twentieth by defc<lting Santasicre in the last namcnt winner, took third and William Fredericks of rouncl. During 1956 and 1957 he was in the U. S. Army Ho Uis, N.Y. was fourth. Daniels and Lyman tied for stationed in Frankfurt, C ermnny. He played for the fifth and sixth. Frankfurt Chess Club in league matches and WOll the Offenbach . Chess Club Championship. The new U.S. Amateur 'Women's Champion is Zenaida I-Illber of New York City. r.,'Iiss HUUer, who recently After working on his doctorate for two yeiH"S and competed in the U. S. Women's Championship, scored 31h teaching. since 1960, at Glassboro State College, he began pOints, drawing with three-time Amatcur Champion Greta playing chess once again and joincd the Woodbury, N.J. Fuchs in the final round nml winning out on tic-break Chess Club. He is married to a concert pianist and has points. two daughters, aged 31f.t and 2. Register NOW for the U.S. OPEN SHERATON-PLAZA HOTEL, BOSTON AUGUST 16-29, 1964 Send your $20 Entry Fee (payable to " USCF ") to­ Robert Goodspeed, Entries Choirmon 981 Plymouth St. Bridgewater. Moss. JUNE, 1964 135 Snapj/wtj from Amsterdam by Larry Evans BLACK TO PLAY BLACK TO PLAY Rossetto Smyslov Gligoric Quinones Would you believe thot Black actually lost this 1. ..... .. Q-R2! position?! Simply 1. ........ , N-Kl would probably win. 2. PxPch K-Bl! Instead: 3. Resigns 1. ........ , P· ""S; 2. B-B3, B-N4? 3. IxN, &xB; . If 3. K-Nl, R-Rl ; 4. P-B3 , Q-RB chi 5. K-B2, QxR 4. H-IS, B-K4; 5. P-R4, P-Q83; 6. K-Bl , B-B5; 1. WIns, K-K2, P-Q4; 8. P.P, P.P; 9. K-Q3, P-N4; 10. hP, I PxP; 11. K-Q4, B-Nl; 12.
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