Your Xmas Parcels Must Go Have You Sent Your Overseas Now To Arrive on Time. Christmas Parcels? Alexandria, Ont., Friday, October 24, 1941. VOL. XLIX—No. 43. $2.00 A YEAS Citizens Welcomei first Hunting Accident Kenyan Farmer Places More Canadian Froops Ales. Davidson Killed Government Pegs Prices And Basic Wages, r At C. Ot C. Banquet Fatal In Dunvegan tfoulli Second In Ontario Contest In Big Convoy Arriving In Mine Accident Extends living Bonus lo All Wage-Earners NEWCOMERS MAX>E WELCOME TO EDMOLR MAVILLE, 16, DIES AS ROY MACDONALD WAS WINNER I’TE. K. A. RITCHIE, D.C.M, NATIVE NATIVEMISHAP OF LOOHIEL AT MALAR VICTIM TIC OF ALEXANDRIA—RECENT RESULT OF GUNSHOT OF LOCAL FARM! AND HOME OF ALEXANDRIA, GOES OVER Drastic New Steps To Curb Inflation Announced By FOR SECOND TIME GOLDFIELD MINE PROGRESS NOTED WOUND SUNDAY IMPROVEMENT EVENT One of the largest contingents ofj AleKander Davidson, 35-year-(old Premier King In Saturday Night Broadcast In a happy spirit of goodfellowship, The first hunting accident of the Roy MacDonald, ‘Invergarry Farm’, - Alexandria s business and profession- season in this district brought death, 4th Kenyon has placed second in the Canadian-trained airmen to go over- stope leader at Malartic Goldfield J OTTAWA, Oct. 19.—Placing of a al men welcomed a dozen new citizens Monday evening in Hotel Dieu Hos-'province-wide third annual Ontario seas and a contingent of Canadian Mine, near Val d’Or, Que., and a na- jljgvgnHpjg jjpjj HnnCS ^ceiling on all prices and basic wages. /to town, at a banquet in the K. of C. pitaï, Cornwall, to Edmour MaviUe, Farm and Home Improvement Con-.armored units arrived in Britain on tive of Lochiel, was killed Monday! . , _ . land compulsory extension of the cost- . Hall, Wednesday evening. Sponsored 16, of RK. 2 Dunvegan. Young Ma-.test sponsored by Farmer’s Maga- Monday, with thousands of other morning in a faU of rock. A son ofj 56(101(1(1 LtiriSIIUaS PdrCBlS of-llvihgof-living bonus pohcy to aU wage- earners wa|s announced Saturday by the Chamber of Commerce, the ville was rushed to hospital Sunday zine in conjunction with local farm troops aboard a flotilla of transports. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davidson, 29-5th Alexandria Branch—1 Red Cross night by Prime Minister- Mackenzie evening was a most delightful one!afternoon, after he was wounded by organizations. Announcement of the] Of the Canadian ground troops Lochiel, the accident, victim leaves a is sending a Christmas parcel to King. and served a very useful purpose. Each the accidental discharge of a .22 contest results was made in the cur-.there were remf^çements for the Wife and two children. each of the Alexandria men serv- new citizen was introduced, made calibre rifle while out hunting with rent issue of the magazine which also three overseas divisons of the Cana-, Davidson was descending a lad- ing overseas. Parents or relatives The aim of the new Government welcome and spoke briefly, a companion Donald Young. ^carried pictures of the winning farm'dian Corps ond thë last of the 3rd cier In the mine to investigate a report are requested to hand in the names policy is to halt inflationary tenden- Among the guests welcomed to Alex- MaviUe’s condition was considered homes, among theirf thàt of Mr. Mac-. divisnon. They will |oin the more than from one of his crewmen about a and regimental numbers to the cies by controlling prices and bring- andria, were: Jos. Choquette of Mont- serious on arrival at the hospital, an Donald. ! 100,000 Canadians Already in Britain, loose rock, when the rock gave way, ing all wages into line, according to KEN RITCHIE AMONG VETS plunging him 28 feet to the floor of Postmaster, Mir. Procule Poirier, real, proprietor of Alexandria Wood. X-nay showing that the bullet had The second prize brings $100.00 in the government’s wartime wages rib. cash to Mr. MacDonald, in addition Selected from hundreds of appli- not later than Monday, October Specialties; Messrs. Herman Towers,'lodged in the boy’s'S 12thiztn no, .W»u tu mi. m miimmm, - , the mine'level. A verdict of accideh-; 27th. policy, with increases in the cost of Hyman Carmen and Morris Teblum, As far as can be learned, MaviUe to the considerable sum he receives as1 cants, a group of about 80 Canadian tal death was returned at the inquest, living which already ;have occurred 1 ve rans owner, local superintendent and as- and a companion, Donald Young, 17, first prize winner in the local contest, t? P* First Great War was. The body arrived by motor at the since the outbreak of war. -........family home, Wednesday morning, sistant manager, respectively, of Bri- also of Dunvegan’, went out hunting sponsored by the Alexandria Junior ( in Jhe contingent. ^ ^ _ | " —----- *— Mr. King, announcing the long ex- tannic Converters; Mr. J. E. Murphy, Srmday. Young stated that MaviUe Farmers. Thirty contestants from the! On their shoulder.were red.tabs an- and the funeral,• largely attended,: War Savings Committee pected wage and price stabilization of Gravelbough, Sask., proprietor oft was standing in front of him as he was surrounding district took part in the nouncing, them as jneembers of “The was held at 9.30 yesterday morning, to plan over the national network of the Alexandria’s new theatre, The Garry, loading a .22 calibre rifle and-that the fine competition held this year and,Veterans Guard offSanada.” To a re-St. Alexander’s Church, Lochiel, the Met To Organize Drive Canadian Broadcasting ^Corporation, Harold Ney, B.A., new member of gun was accidentally discharged. its success in large measure is due to porter who boarded their ship before Rev. L. B. Lafontaine, O.P., officiating, Meeting at Cornwall, where the revealed, the - most comprehensive sys- the A.H.S. teaching staff; H. Keyes, Edmour Ma ville was born at St. Isi- the active interest of Mr. A. Mac-K sailed, Private K4 A. Ritchie, D.C.M, Interment was at Lochiel. were the five reeves and deputy reeves are - this tem of economic controls ever attemp- Dairy Instructor for Glengarry; Ar- dore de Prescott and passed his 16th donell, Lochiel, President of the Jun- Rossland, B.C., avej „ , ted in North America. v- .- mand Cholette, Manager of the Do- birthday last July 26. HeisasonofMr ior Farmers. to death to be going.” |brothers, Ossie. Ovila. Peter, Alfred week attending the October sessions Glengarry’s prize winner, Mr. Mao-1 Ritchie said the . men were picked, and Leo. Davidson, and a brother-in- °f Counties’ Council, prominent cm- In efect the plan, which is embod- minion Stores branch; Douglas Lusty, a fid Mrs. Nazaire Maviile, who have zens of the county on Wednesday ied fri Orders-in-Councii passed un- music supervisor in’the schools of'been residents of R.R.. 2, Dunvegan, Donald, made many fine improve-[ from companies of the Veterans Guard law, Edgar Larocque. iments this summer and is most ge- across Canada. They form the first | The late Mr. Davidson leaves^ his night, discussed plans for conducting der aacHoifty of flie ’ War Measure» Lochiel and Kenyon; R. R. Segouin for 12 years. 1 ! Is erv n I company of veterans chosen for over-widow, the former Ella Larocque and t* ? War Weapons Drive for sale of Act, calls'for: of the Royal Bank staff; P. Davis, Besides his parents, he leaves six ' f S of his success. 0 R. H. D. Lowden and Urquhart Han- brothers and three sisters—Cleophas.j —; iseas service. , jtwo children in addition to his par- War Savings Certificates. A County A ceiling on all prices and rents and I The men were in uniform in Canada er.ts, five brothers and five sisters, organization was set up and the meet- charges for a wide range of services, ley of the Bank of Nova Scotia staff. Casselman; Herman, St. Isidore de l/njprnn P P Pjlnf in was Following the delicious Supper ser- Prescott; Joseph, RH. 2, Dunvegan; ' u' U. MIDI jfor months, doing guard duty. They They are Ossie of Laggan; Ovila, S addressed by Mr. J. H. Neff, elfficitve Nov. 17 at the Maximum ved by the staff of Shirley’s Restaur- Theodore, Bonneville’s Corners; Leo Uj ni p I jwill be attaacked to Canadian Military Hawkesbury; Peter, Vankleek Hill, Leo representing headquarters at Toronto. levels reached in the four-week period Head uar J A from Sept. 15 to Oct. 11 last ant, Arnold Weir, • President of the and Gedeon, both at R.R. 1, Dunye- Ill rlane uf3Sil, T ters in London, and will pro-'and Alfred, at home; Mrs. Isidore cf - - Laurin, Alexandria, chairman Chamber of Commerce, welcomed the gan; Mrs. Paul Rose, Cornwall; Mrs. (vide guards and pickets as well as be- Quesnel, Lochiel; Mrs. Odilon Seguin, the meeting, was appointed Coun- A ban on increases in basic wage Howard Anderson, superintendent of.ing on duty with1 the Air Raid Pre-!Alexandria; Miss’Donalda Davidson, *1 Chairman; L. Cameron Kennedy of ga thering arid turned over the duties I Beatrice Leelair and Miss Mary Jane rates in industry and commerce, and aircraft of the C. M. & S Company of cautions and Passve Air Defense Mrs. R. Ayotte and Mrs. L.. Diotte all Williamstown is Vice-Chairman, and of chairman to E. A. MacGillivray, Maviile, both in Montreal. an order to all employers to pay a Canada, Trail, B.C. was killed in an'groups at headquarters. 'of Montreal. Dr. H. L. Cheney of Alexandria is Se- M.PP., He in turn called on several Largely attended, the funeral was cost-of-living bonus in accordance with sirplane accident at Sylvan Lake, Alta] Ritchie, after' a night aboard the' Widespread sympathy for the ber- cretary.
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