T-25 Entrance Examinations - 2019 M.A. Sanskrit Studies Time 2 hours Max. Marks: 100 Hall Ticket No. I IL-. ______ --.l. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write your Hall Ticket No. in the OMR Answer Sheet given to you. Also, write your Hall Ticket No. in the space provided above. 2. The question paper consists of 100 objective questions of one mark each. There is Negative marking of 0.33 for each wrong answer. 3. Answers are to be marked on the OMR Answer Sheet following the instructions provided thereon. 4. Please handover the OMR Answer Sheet at the end of the examination to the Invigilator. 5. No additional sheet will be provided. Rough work can be done in the Question paper itself. 1. Who is the author of kadambarI ? (A) SrIhar~a (B) Kaiidasa (C) Magha (D) BalJa 2. 6t~If.lf<!eqol:l) CfiOI'!: CRll":? A) cp: B) c;r: C) c: D) ~: 3. To which family does Sanskrit belong? (A) Indo-European (B) Dravidian (C) Indo-Asiatic (D) Gennanic 4. Who is the author of Nirukta? (A) PaIJini (B) Patafijali (C) Sakalya (D) Yaska 5. How many vedangas are there? (A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 14 6. Which of the following is not a vilqti in Vedic recitation? (A) ghanapatl!a (B) jatapatl!a (C) siiktapatl!a (D) dhavajapatl!a 7. Gm:=Ff: ~ ~!l6qICf4 ~ (A) G~ ~1'1'1IP1 ~~: (B) G~ ~1'1'1IP1 ~~: 8. Choose the correct compound for ~ &l1C/l'(uj ~~: - (A) 6t~dchMJ'(OI: (B) 6t~d&lIC/l'(ul't. (C) ~d&lIC/l'(UI: (D) &lICjJ'(OIl~d:. r 9. Which of the following mathematical concepts are found in PiIi.gala's Chandassastra ? (A) Pascal's triangle (B) Binomial coefficients (C) Both of the above (D) None of the above 10. Various types of infinities are found in (A) Jain Mathematics (B) Aryabhatta's works (C) Bh.1skaracarya's works (D) Varaharnihira's works 11. Veda Vyasa had taught Yajurveda to - (A) Jaimini (B) Vaisampayana {C) Paila (D) Sumantha 12. (1ttl"1lft is a- (A) Pt~'€IClICf<Ol't (B) Fcl~Cllqq't (C) ~ClIc;ClICfq't (D) "161C1ICf<Ol't 13. What is the aFticulation place of "!/ ? (A) CJ)UO: (B) 3lT5: (C)"ffI(j (0) wrr 14. o;fRllfti(Fcl~cf; ~ m ~: iICP'r iJCfi:' - mark the correct gist of this sentence . • (A)~~quf: ~~: ~ I (B) ~: iJCfi: 'q~, CI?r q;)sftt ~: ~ I (C)~: ~~iJCfi: ~~ I ".,..,.=<7i'''';;' ~ Ao ' CPt ". , (D) $''€I\i1614i''1t:<l"'= I'P ~. =I'P 'q ~ ~I" i4C14i'iu( Dllj ~ ~ ~ 'q \:!G: 15. '& in Indian Mathematics is used for the number (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) infinity (D) none of the above 16. How many na~atras are there in every rasi ? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 2.25 (D) 2.5 17. Which is the oldest school of Indian philosophy? (A) Nyaya (B) Samkhya (C) Yoga (D) Vaise~ika r 18. Which of the following are known as ~a!;lparsanas ? (A) Cirvaka, Jaina, Bauddha, Advaita, Nyaya, Mimarhsa (B) Carvaka, Nyaya, Jaina, Bauddha, Sarhkhya, Yoga (C) VyakaraJ)a, Nyaya, Vaise~ika, Mimamsa, Vedanta, Jaina (D) Sarhkhya, Yoga, Mimarhsa, Vedanta, Nyaya, VaiSe~ika 19. Which of the following is not a name of compound? (A) Tatpuru~a (B) Asamartha (C) Karmadharaya (D) Avyaylbhava 20. ~ CflR='1i qcfjUr '*1'101i'lq<:l'ft('11 ~? (A) Q"1qc\fUl (B) ~~II,(,Hqc\fUl (C) 'lj)&jqc\fUl (D) f!'I1lqc\fUl 21. qUI f"1 1'1. ~mmr: ~: Cfl: ~? (A) fi<ITrr: (B) fiftn (C).1lR'I. (D) 1"'11161;;:: 22. '11~61R=f1 ('1c:;;::q?l 11~61R=f1 ;:r ('1(ifC1~et.: Cfl'RT ~ ~ ~? (A) ~ (B) ;;:1'1ll1 ul'Rl (C) ~ (D) '*1'101iI'lq('1'Rl 23. Which of the 'following is an Astika Hindu Darsana ? (A) Bauddha (B) Jaina (C) Carvaka (D) VaiSe~ika 24. The eight matra gaJ)as in Chandasastra are - (A) ya, rna, ta, ra, ja, bha, la, na (B) rna: ta, ra, ja, bha, na, sa, la (C) rna, ra, ya, ja, ta, bha, na, sa (D) ya, rna, ja, bha, na, sa, la, ga 25. The expression - 'yadiha nasti' can be split as (A) yad iha na asti (B) yadi han asti (C) yadi ha nasti (D) None of the above 26. How many padarthas are there in VaiSe~ika Ontology? (A) 24 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 17 27. Udatta, Anudatta and Svarita are the types of (A) val'J)as (B) conjuncts (samyukta a~ara) (C) vyaiijana (D) svara 28. Paficavayava-vakya is a- (A) pramal)a (B) tarka (C) process of anumana (D) collection of five limbs 29. Which of the following is not authored by Kalidasa ? (A) Kadambari (B) Abhijfiana-5akuntalam (C) Meghadiitam (D) Vikramorvaslyam 30. Which of the following disciplines developed a technical language to facilitate unambiguous discourse among philosophers? (A) Vyakaral)a (B) Navya-Nyaya (C) MImarhsa (D) Nyaya 31. The causative (I)ijanta) of the following sentence 'Balakab. phalarh khadati' is - (A) Matii balakarh phalarh khadayati (B) Mata balakena phalarh khadayati (C) Matii balakaya phalarh khadayati (D) Mata balakarh phalab. khadayati 32. The correct match between the following is i) Value of T! a) Bhasakracharya ii) Pell's equation b) Pifigala iii) De Bruijn sequence c) Madhav-Gregory Series iv) Square root of 2 d) 5o.lvasiitra (A) (i,a), (ii,b), (iii, c), (iv, d) (B) (i,e), (ii, d), (iii, b), (iv,a) (C) (i,c), (ii,a), (iii, b), (iv, d) (D) (i,a), (ii,c), (iii, d), (iv,b) 33. 3l~~C/lfll ~1<"'I1~i(gI: ~ ~Q1I'l. \3q<"'l6~1: ? (A) ~ (B) ~ (C);wRt (D) fflr~~fCl: 34. Pik1~ftj(19) ~ fcI; ~ 3lj~('j'l.? (A)~:-~: (B) l1T<"1T - "II<"'1IC/lI'1: (D) l1?I'i. - tI?ICIiR: 35. ~-~: Cf5GT ~ ? (A) ~-l'Ifflq~ (8) ~-'!!UI"IllWl (C) m<!UT-WU1"1III l't (D) Cfll RfCfl-'!!UI"I Illl't 36. 3fCfl": -;:nccj;" ; "1 0'5 <i1 't - ? , (A) ~ (8)::@CIG: (C) "11"1111 01't (D) ~ 37. "'1i'f 'l"fIfif ~ ~ ~ qc; ~ ~ w., ~ qRqRfti 'l1<Ifrr, ~ - . (A) W1" Ofq: (8) w:n<T Ofq: (C) W1"". Ofq: (D) W1" ~ " (A) fcmFI. (8) ~~: (C) ~1ii1q ffI: (D) 3!1'R: 39. ~-~~ri~cp:~:~: ? (A) ~ (8) ~ (C) \3t-~ (D) ~ (A) 1'Jm: (8) ~ (C)~: (D) CflIfc:i<:If1: (8) '(1": \jq;f)('1: ~ (C) '(1": aJl<:"1oftll: 'l1<Ifrr ~ 42. Which of the following is not a "ltlCflIGll't?' (A) kadambarI (8) Vasavadatta (C) Avantisundarikatha (D) Dasakumaracaritam 43. Which of the following is not a name of a meter (Chandas) ? (A) GayatrI (8) Savitri (C) Mandakranta (D) Vasantatilaka 44. Who is the author of Natyasastra ? (A) Bharata (B) Bhasa (C) Kalidasa (0) Abhinavagupta 45. Who wrote Arthasastra ? (A) Kamandaka (B) Amartya (C) Kautilya (0) Brhaspati 46. Which of the following is not related to Ayurveda ? (A) Cakradatta (B) Bhrugusarilhita (C) Yogaratnakara (0) ~tailgahrdayam 47. 'ICIlI'!'Rl \3'tiClI,!UIf'!n;f ~ (A)CJlU5: (B)3IT5: (C)~: (O)~ 48. NandI is part of - (A) SarilgHa (B) Harikatha (C) Nataka (0) Natya 49. Which of the following is not a Kavyagul).a ? (A) Prasada (B) Madhurya (C) Ka~aya (0) Ojas 50. Prakrti and Puru~a concept is discussed in - (A) Ayurveda (B) Sailkhya (C) Yoga (0) Paryavaral).a-sastra 51. Who wrote Nltisatakam ? (A) Pataiijali (B) Bhartrhari (C) Katyayana (0) Gautama 52. The author of Lilavati is - (A) Varahamihira (B) Aryabhana (C) Bhaskaracharya (0) Madhava 53. Siilyasiitra contains (A) Pythogorean triplets (B) formula for"'; 2 (C) procedure to square a circle (0) all the three above 54. The six Vedailgas are (A) Sik~a, Vyakaral).a, Chandas, Nirukta, Jyoti~a, Kalpa (B) Sik~a, Vyakaral).a, Phalajyoti~a, Ailkajyoti~a,Nighal).tu, Chandas (C) Vyakaral).a, Nirukta, Nighal).tu, Arthasastra, Phalajyoti~a, upani~ad (0) Sarilhita, brahmal).a, Aral).yaka, upani~ad, Chandas, jyoti~a 55. ~ fll'lIMI' - this experssion is related to which Veda? (A) Rgveda (B) Yajurveda (C) Samaveda (0) Atharvaveda 1-'2-S- 56. GayatrI mantra is contained in (A) Yajurveda (B) Samaveda (C) Atharvaveda (D) ~gveda 57. Literal meaning of the word 'Veda' is- (A) Knowledge (B) Truth (C) Infinity (D) All the above 58. Another name for Vedanta is (A) GIta (B) Upani~ad (C) Brahmasutra (D) PuraI)a 59. Which veda contains hymns describing the origin of Universe? (A) Yajurveda (B) Samaveda (C) Atharvaveda (D) ~gveda 60. The famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama is written in - (A) Chandogya-upani~ad (B) MaI)(;\Ukya-upani~ad (C) Katha-upani~ad (D) Kena-upani~ad 61. Which of the following primarily deals with the construction of sacrificial alters? (A) MIm1iITlsasutra (B) Dharmasutra (C) Siilvasutra (D) Grhyasutra 62. On how many Upani~ads, Adi Sankara wrote comentaries? (A) 14 (B) 108 (C) 100 (D) 10 63. From which Upani~ad the emblem of India has taken the sentence 'Satyameva Jayate' ? (A) MaI)(liikya-upai~ad (B) MUI).c;laka-upani~ad (C) Katha-upai~ad (D) Prasna-upani~ad 64. 'Vedas are known as sruti, because they are passed from one generation to other orally' (A) This statement is true (B) Only the first part of the statrnenet is true (C) Only the second part of the statrnent is true (D) Can not say 65. Who among the following did not write a commentary on GIta ? (A) Sri Aurobindo (B) Annie Besant (C) Gopala Krishna Gohkale (D) Bala Gangadhara Tilak 66. The total number of PuraQas are (A) 36 (B) 18 (C) 12 (D) 16 67. Match the following 1) Ramanujacharya a) Dvaita philosophy 2) Madhvacharya b) Advaita philosophy 3) Sailkaracharya c) Visi~ta-advaita (A) (l,c), (2,a), (3,b) (B) (l,a), (2,c), (3,b) (C) (l,b), (2,c), (3,a) (D) (l,b), (2,a), (3,c) 68.
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