...... : 192-3. C.0NftHtESSI©NAJt RE©<JRD:-R€Hlf SE: Nellie I. McGill to be postmaster at Oregon,. Wis., ininlace of HAWLEY, BlJTI.ER, BURDJCK, ~ JOHNSON of South. Dakota, LEATHERWOOD, iN. I. McGill. Thcumbent's commission. expired Au.gust. 29, 1923. FLEETWOOD,. JOHNSDN. of. Washingtonr REE.I>- of West Virginia, COOPER: George L. Leverenz to be. postmaster at. New Holstein., Wis., of Wisconsin, WlNTER,r AL"MDN,, HAYD.E:N:. OLDli!UlLD, TA..YLOR of Colorado, in place of W. W. Lanson. Incumbent's com.mission expired BOYCE, CLARK of Florida, LEE. ot Georgia, DUPBlll, LINTHICUM, COLLirill, September 5, 1922. D..ICKINSON of Missouri, EVANS of Montana, SJULLE.NBERGER; RICHARDS, , Walter F. l\fa1·tin to be postmaster at MUkwonago, Wis., in MORROW, Pou, CARTE~ _ BYitN.ES of S.outh Garollna,. B.YRNS of Tennessee,. place of A!... R Craig: Incumbent's commission- expired· August GAR.nm, Mo!'<TAGUE. 29,- 1923. MESSAGE· FROM THE SENATE. William Frankland to be postmaster at Montfort, Wis., in A. message from the. Senate, by Mr. Craven, one of its place of N. 1\1. Yeager. Incumbent's commission expired August cler!<s-i announced' that the Senate had' passed the following · 20, 1923. resolutions: William A. Kohl to. be. postmaster at 1\Iayville, Wis., in place of G. B. Busting. Incumbent's commission expired' December Senate Resolution 38. 23, 1922. Resolved, That• the Senate has heard witl1 profuuncf sorrow the an­ Adolph R. l\fill. to be postmaster at Kaukauna, Wis., in place nouncement of the death of, Hon. .IoJI.N W. RA.IN.El", late a RepT es~nta­ of Jacob Lallg. Incumbent's commission1exi)ir.ed July 10, 1920. tive from the State of Illinois. Thomas A. Walby to be postmaster at Hudson, Wis., irr place R esolt•e d fflrther, That the Secretary· communicate these resolutiona of J. H. Walkei.:. Incumbent's commission ~ir.ed September 5, to the H ouse of Representatives and transmit a. copy thereof to the 1922. family of the <leceased. ·Frank l\I. Lecount to be postmaster at Hartford, Wis., in Senate Resolution. 39. place of A. J. Hemmy. Incumbent's commission expired Sep· Resolvea, That the Senate has heard with profoun.d s.orr.ow the tember 8, 1921. announcement of the death of Hon. JAMES C. CAN.'I'nELL, late. a.. Repre­ Sidney 0. Goff to be postmaster at Elkhorn, Wis., in place of sentatirn fl'om the State of Kentucky. F. ll. Porter. Incumbent's .commission expir.ed August 29, ::1923, R esolved further, Tliat the Secretary communicate these resolutions Castor H. Kuehl to. be nostmaster at Brillion, Wis.., in place of to the House of Renresentatives and transmit. a copy thereof to the, W. A. Koch. Incumbent's. commission expired September 5, family_ of the deceased. 1022. Senate Resolution 4.0. John C. Chapple. to be postm:ister at Ashland, Wis... in place of A. D. l\fcDonald. rncnmbent's. commission expired September Resolv ed, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow · the an-· nouncement of the death of Hon. Blll'!'i'JAMIN G. HuMPHR:JYS, . la.te . a 6, 19~2 . .Representative from the State of Mississippi. Resolved further, That the Secretary communicate these resolutloWI to the House of· Representatives and transmit a copy the.re.of to the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. flUllily of' the deeeased. THuRsnAY, December 13, 1923 .. Senate Resolution 41. i Kesolved, That the Sena.te has- heard with profound sorrow- the an­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. •nouncement of the death of' Hon. CLAUDE KITCHIN, late a .Representative The Chaplain; Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered from the State of North. Carolin.a. the· following prayer:· Reso.Z·ved fitrthet·, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions-· Our Father who art in hei:tTen, be with us thl~ day in I to the House of Repr.esentatives a.nd transmit a. copy the:reof to-· th.'0· thought, purpose, ·and action. Illuminate our minds and cleanse family of the deceased. our hearts that Thy will may be magnified in. all our labors. Senate Resolution 45. 0 give us plenteously of Thy wisdom and grace tbat. we may ReBolved, That the Senate has heard.· with' ~rofound . sorrow the an­ reach tbe highest and the best results- and. thus add somewhat nouncement of' the: death of Honi D4NIEL J: RIORDAN, late a Re.prt-senta­ to the happiness and the progress of our country. Widen the tive. from the State of New. York: sweeps of peace, contentment, and cooperation among all our Rewked furtlwr) Tbat the Secretary, communicate these resoiuti9ns• citizens. l\1ay the. duties of this day be. so borne that when the to the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the• evening time approaches we may recall them with an. approving family. of the, deceased. 1 conscience and feel in the recess.es of om· hearts that tbe. smile of Senate llesolutfon 42. HeaYen is upon them. We pray in the name ot Jesus. Amen. Resoked, That the Senate has heard with profound' sorrow the an­ 'JJh& Journal, of tbe proceedings of Monday was react and nouncement of the death: of Hon. JOHN M! C. SMITH; late a Representa­ approved. tive from the State. of Michigan. SWEARING IN OT MEMBERS. Resolt:ed, fu1·ther, That the S~cretary communicate these resolutions to the House- of Representatives and transmit 8f copy thereof' to th:e The SPEAKER. Members- who· have not taken the oath of family of the· deceased. office and desire-now to do so will please come forward~ Senate Resolution 48. Mr. JOHNSON, of South Dakota, l\fr. MWUFFIE, of Alabama, Mr. EVANS, of Montana, l\fr. LINDSAY', of-· New York, Mr: TINK­ Resolved, That the Senate has heard. witb . nro!onnu sorrow th0 an­ HAM, err Massachusetts, and Mr. THOMPSON·, of Ohio, presented' nouncement' of the deatll of' Hon. JOHN R. TYSON, late a Representative. them elves: ati the bar· and took the oath of office. from the State of Alabama. Resoked fur·ther, That the Secretary· commUDicate these resolutions CORRECTION. to thw House of Represent.atives and transmit a copy thereof to tlle l\lr. RAKER. Mr. Speaker, I ask to correct the CoNGRES- · family of the deceased. sIONAL RECORD of Wednesday; December 5. On · that date there Senate Resolution 44. is recorded the fact that the Delegate from Alaska [Mr. JiARRETT] took the oath of office. This ls a mistake.. It is- ali right for: Resoit:ed, That the Senate has. heard. with· profound sorrow the an­ n.om1cement. oi. th.e death of Hon. L. El. SA:WYER, late a Represe.ntativ.e1 AJaska, but Mr. J MR;ETT is, the new Delegate from Hawaii. Those of us who have been following attentively the affairs of.. fl·om the State of.Arkansas. this wonderful island. Terr.itory resent.any attempt to.even· loan Resolved further, That the.. SecretarY, communicate. these- resolutions· Delegate JARRETT to Alaska. He is a worthy suacessor to the to the House of Representatives llJld tr8.llfilllit a , c.opy thereof to tbe • late Prince Kalanianaole, and time will prove: that the Hawaiian family of the deceased. Senate Resolution 46. people made their best selection when WILLIAM. P. JAR.HETT was chosen. to repr.esent Hawfili in the CongreSB o:f the United Resolved, '11hat the Senate has beard with profound sorrow the.an­ States. mmnceinent of· tbe· death of' Hon, JAMES V. GAN-LY, late a Representa­ The SPEAKER~ Without ·objection the corr.ection will be. tive from the State of New York. made. Resolved further, That the Secretary communicate these resolutioDB There was n.o objection. to· the• House of· Representatives . and transmit a copy thereof to the :tamily of the deceased-. SET.EOT COMJ.IITTEE ON DEATH OF PRESIDENT KAilDING. Senate Resolution 47: The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints the following Members Resolved, Tba-t' the S"em1te- has heard with profound sorrow the an­ on tbe select committee on the death of President Harding. nouncement of the death of Hon. LUTHER W. MO'I"J!;,late a Representa­ The Clerk read as follows : tive from · the State of New York. BURTON, KAHN, TILSON, FRENCH, MADDEN, WOQD, HAUGEN, ANTHONY~ Resolved further; That the Secretary communicate. these resolutions LANGLEY, WHITE of Maine, GREENE of Massachusetts, MCLAUGHLIN of to the House of Representatives and transmit a. copy thereof to the Michigan, DAVIS of Minnesota, WASON, LEHLBACH, PARKER, YOUNG', family· of the deC10?ased. 254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEJ\fBER 13' The message also announced that in accordance with the pro­ The joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed and read Vi!'lions .of Senate Resolution 21, providing for the appointment a third time, was read the third time, and passed. of :-:even Senators on the part of the Senate to join such com­ On motion of Mr. MADDEN, a motion to reconsider the vote mittee as may be appointed on the part of the House of Repre­ by which the joint resolution was passed was laid-on the table. sentatives to consider and report by what token of respect and nffection it may be proper for the Congress of the United States EXTENSION OF REMARKS. to express the deep sensibility of the Nation to the death of the l\fr. McKEOWN. Mr. Speaker, I ask leave to extend my re­ late Pre ident Warren Gamaliel Harding, the President pro marks on the subject of the condition of agriculture in the tempore appointed Mr. WILLIS, Mr. FESS, Mr. HALE, Mr. PHIPPS, Southwest ]\fr. UNDERWOOD, Mr. SIMMONS, and Mr. SHIELDS as such commit­ The SPEAKER.
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