HATHARATNAVAL I (ßL (Treatise on fiathayogd) of SRINIVASAYOGI Criticatty 'Edited <By (Dr. M. L. QfioroU (Dr. (Parimal (Devnath (Dr. Vijay %ant 3ka 2002 The Lonavla Yoga Institute (India) Lonavla First Edition, 2002. © The Lonavla Yoga Institute (India). All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher. Printed by - Capt. N. Dass (Retd), XL Images, S-74 MIDC, Bhosari, Pune-411 026. India. Published by - Dr. Manmath M. Gharote, Secretary, The Lorfavla Yoga Institute (India), A-7, Gulmohar Apartment, Bhangarwadi, Lonavla, Pune. India-410 401. Rs. 245/- Euro 15 ISBN 81-901176-96 US $ 15 Contents List of Figures iv Dedication V Publisher's Note vi Abbreviations vii-viii Scheme of Transliteration ix-xi Introduction xii-xxxiii Text, transliteration, translation, notes, footnotes 1-152 Appendix-1 153-154 Appendix-2 155-156 Appendix-3 157--159 Glossary 160-167 Index of Half-verses 168-182 Word Index 183-194 List offißures nauli mahämudrä dhauti uddiyäna gajakarani viparitakarani neti - sütraneti, khecari jaläneti pränäyäma siddhäsana markaßsana bhadräsana matsyendräsana simhäsana pärsvamatsyendräsana padmäsana baddhamatsyendra karasamputitapadma nirälambanäsana mayüräsana- (danda)mayüra sauräsana pärsvamayüra ekapädäsana baddhakekl phanindräsana pindamayüra pascimatäna ekapädamayüra sayitapascimatäna bhairaväsana vicitrakarani kämadahana yoganidrä pänipätra dhunapitha (vidhunana) dhanuräsana (kärmuka) pädapidanäsana svastikäsana kukkutäsana gomukhäsana uttänakürmaka viräsana vrscikäsana mandükäsana saväsana c&no 'Dedicated with •profound respect to Siüämi ^vaCayänanda the Source of our Inspiration for Literary Research in yoga fpubtisfier's 9{gU We are happy to present our readers this seventh re­ search publication of hatharatnavali, which is an important text of hathayoga after hathapradlpikä. We feel extremely happy to receive encouraging sup­ port and appreciation from the scholars of yoga for our re­ search publications so far and we reiterate our promise to publish and present other important titles of yoga works to the readers. We thank our scholars who have been sincerely and enthusiastically working to bring to light important unpub­ lished literature on yoga. We hope the readers will appreci­ ate their efforts. Dr. Manmath M. Gharote ores Abbreviations AhS —ahirbudhnya-samhitä B YS — brhadyogasopäna DBU—dhyänabindüpanisad GhS—gherandasamhitä GS — goraksasataka WY*—hathapradlpikä HP (10 chapters) — hathapradlpikä, Lonavla Yoga Institute (India) HP(J) — hathapradlpikä (Ms. No.6756 deposited in RORI, Jodhpur) HR—hatharatnävall USC—hathasanketacandrikä (Ms. No. R 3239 deposited in Madras Govt. Oriental Library). H Y—hathayoga JP —jogapradipakä JUp —jäbäla-darsanopanisad KP—kumbhaka paddhati KKHP—kapälakurantaka-hathäbhyäsa-paddhati MMPP—Maharaja Mansingh Pustak Prakash, Jodhpur M YS — mahäkäla-yogasästra NP—nirahjana puräna PS — pärada-samhitä PYS —patanjala yogasütra RORI—Raj as than Oriental Research Institute, Jodhpur RRS — rasaratnasamuccaya SKS — satkarma-samgraha SS- sivasamhitä SSP—siddhasiddhäntapaddhati SUp- sändilyopanisad TBU— trisikhi-brähmanopanisad (viii) TUp— tejobindüpanisad TVd— tatvavaisäradi VS — vasistha-samhitä VU— varähopanisad YB — yukta-bha vade va YM—Yoga Mimämsä YSC—yoga siddhänta candrikä YSU-- yogasikhopanisad YV— yogavärtika veno Scheme of Transliteration Letters, their sounds and description of these sounds Simple Vowels- 38 om like o in home 3T a a but m ä a far * i i pin * I ee feel <J U u fulsome 3J Ü 00 wool 5ff r r German Dipthongs— T e a fate & ai ai aisle (but not drawled out) sit o o over sfr au ou ounce (but not drawled out) Gutturals— v k k kill W kh kh ink-horn or g g girl * gh gh long-house 5_ n n king or ink M raiaiais-- •* c ca 9 9 church & ch like the sound in Churchill 0T j j in join c JF jh palatal z' in azure 3T n n in pinch Cerebrals— e t t "> "> tub 3T th th ,, pot-house 5 d dh ,, dog 5 dh dh „ mad-house ur n n » splinter or and Dentals— cT t dental T as in 'thin' or like the French "F er th th in thunder 3 d th ,, then «r dh th 99 this 5T n n 99 no Labials— *T P P 99 paw ^ Ph ph " top-heavy or gh in laugh * b b ,, balm 8T bh bh 99 hob-house 3T m m mat fa) Semi-vowels- T y y yawn 3 r r rub ar 1 1 lo zr v w wane Spirants— ~*r r sh ashes a strong lingual with rounded lips er s ,, sun Aspirate— S h hum Nasalised ^ as in %&x(sarnyama) ~m visarga h V3XO hatharatnävali m Introduction hatharatnävali is an important text of hathayoga written by srlniväsa but not widely known to the students of yoga. The author has undoubtedly received the inspiration like many later writers from svätmäräma's hathapradlpikä which occupies a unique position among the texts of hathayoga. The text of hatharatnävaliwas first critically edited and published in 1982 by M. Venkata Reddy who is to be congratulated for bringing this text to light. During the last 20 years after its publication more copies of the manuscripts were available including one commentary in Nepali language. It was considered necessary to edit the text once again on the basis of the available material and improve upon the text by giving transliteration of the Sanskrit text avoiding certain lacunae in the previous edition. For the practical students of yoga, it was felt necessary to provide illustrations of the practices, especially of the selected asanas. Some significant readings from the newly acquired manuscripts were also profitably used in this edition. Materials used for this edition Eight manuscripts and one printed edition of the text were availed of for collation and noting variations in reading. A brief description of these is given below: I. Ms. No. 2243 hatharatnävali of srlniväsa yoglsvara containing 4 chapters. Size 24.0 x 12 cm., folios 31, lines 9, letters 24, Nagari script, paper, loose, undated, deposited in the Maharaja Mansimha Pustak Prakash Shodha Kendra, Jodhpur. Indicated as 'J'. II. Ms. No. Sa413 hatharatnävali oi srlniväsa yoglsvara, size 27.4x13.1 cm., folios 53, lines 12, (?<iii) letters 32-40, Nagari script, Nepali paper, light brown yellow, loose, Vikram Samvat 1919, scribe Cakraman, together with Nepalese translation, deposited in the Rastriya Abhilekhagar, Kathmandu, Nepal. Indicated as 'N\ III. Ms. No. 4-39 hatharatnavali, deposited in National Archives, Kathmandu, Nepal, size 38x6 cm., folios 35, lines 4, letters 58, Nagari script, paper, dated Samvat 1895, srlsaka samvatsara 1760, 5/7 Nepal samvat959, märgaslrsa sukla pahcaml, brhaspativäre idam ratnävali näma grantha likhitam sampürnam. Indicated as 'nl\ IV. Ms. No. 5-6846, hatharatnavali, deposited in the National Archives, Kathmandu, Nepal, size 27.5x6.5, folios 35 (fol. 20th missing), lines 5, letters 32-35, Nagari script, paper, incomplete, undated. Indicated as 4n2\ V. Ms. No. 6-1744, hatharatnavali + syämävim sähkäkhya yantravidhi, fol. 20, incomplete, size 29.5x11.5 cm., lines 10-13, letters 40-44, paper, damaged by water, undated. Indicated as 'n3\ VI hatharatnävall'm private collection of Yadu Sarma Gorakha, microfilmed by the Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project, Reel No. F-30/ 12, fol. 11, (6-16, 25), incomplete, size 23.5x10 cm., script Nagari, Nepali paper. Indicated as >4\ VII hatharatnavali critically edited by M. Venkata Reddy and published by M. Ramakrishna Reddy, Arthmuru (Andhra Pradesh) in 1982. This edition is based on the Ms. No. 6714 of the MSSM (KV») Library, Thanjavur, Ms. No. 5833 from Bikaner Branch of the RORI, Jodhpur. Ms. No. 29860 from Sampurnananda Sanskrit University, Varanasi and Ms. No. 13118-13 of Oriental Institute, Baroda. This last one is incomplete of which nearly half of the text is missing. Indicated as T\ VIII. Ms. No. 6393 (b), sriniväsena kitä hatharatnävall, deposited in the Sarasvati Mahal Library, Thanjavur, copied by hand. Indicated as T\ IX. Ms. No. Re-332-73, hatharatnävallof sriniväsä, paper, script Devanagari, pages 1 to 68, obtained from Prof. M. Venkata Reddy. Indicated as 'tl\ Prof. M. Venkata Reddy in his Introduction to the critical edition of hatharatnävall has referred to Shri O. Y. Dorasamayya's Commentary of hathayogapradipikä where some kriyas like kilikarma and sahkhapraksälana from hatharatnävall wet mentioned. These kriyas are not found described in any of the manuscripts used by us. Similarly, Dorasamayya mentions that he could not find some asanas like pädapldana, nirälambana, vidhünanam, vicitrakarani, pindamayüra described in the hatharatnävall. This indicates that there must be other copies of HR about which we are not aware of. There is a need of locating further copies with different readings of the text. About the date of composition of HR nothing can definitely be said. However, on the basis of the description of internal and external evidence Prof. Venkata Reddy has tentatively arrived at the period of composition of HR between 1625 to 1695 AD. We also more or less agree to this period of HR. (KP) About the author sriniväsa, the author of hatharatnavali has given some details about himself in the text. On the basis of this we learn that he was an erudite scholar well versed in the vedas, vedänta, tantra, nyäya and yoga. From his narration, it appears that he wrote commentaries on the works of sasadhara and manikanta misra. He also composed the work called vedäntaparibhäsä. He was the resident of the Tirabhukta region. His father was a great astrologer, probably named saravara as per the Nepali commentator and the name of his mother was somämbä. He adores himself with the titles such as kalitärkika- cudämanl, sakala-nyäyasästra-sampradäya-pra vartaka, nyäyäcärya, sakala-hathayoga-pravartaka, jayalaksml and mahäyoglndra. From the frequent quotations of hathapradlpikä, it is clear that he received an inspiration to compose hatharatnavali from svätmäräma although sriniväsa criticises him on some points.
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