Agenda Item No. 2 Date: 1012312017 United States Department of the Interior NA1 ONAL UNDERGftOUND RAILROAD National lark Sen ice NURKTOERLE)OP.i Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park National Underuround Railroad Nenvork to Freedom 3068 Golden 11111 Road Church Creek. Manland 21622 October 16, 2017 Mayor Victoria Jackson-Stanley City Commissioners City of Cambridge 410 Academy Street Cambridge, Maryland 21613 Dear Mayor Jackson-Stanley and City Commissioners: Dorchester County was home to Harriet Tubman who was known for her extraordinary bravery. The National Park Service is designing and producing six wayside exhibits for the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park, one of which we would like to locate in downtown Cambridge in Cannery Way Park at 420 Race Street. An important part of the Harriet Tubman visitor’s experience is traveling the byway in Dorchester County, the land of her birth. The proposed wayside highlights several sites in the area where visitors can “walk in her footsteps.” It would allow the National Park Service to offer visitors to Cambridge the opportunity to learn about a unique part of the area’s history A full description and image of the proposed wayside exhibit is provided in the attached Wayside Exhibit Proposal. Stylistically, the wayside exhibit will present the Tubman story in a visually exciting manner using vivid illustrations, artwork and vibrant photographs to capture visitor interest. It is designed as a low profile 36 x 24 inch interpretive panel, which will have audio description to facilitate access for visually impaired visitors. A draft General Agreement outlining responsibilities and understandings between the City of Cambridge and the National Park Service is also attached. 4W-221-2290, x 1 I look forward to an opportunity to discuss the project. I can be reached at or at diane rniller’ä nps.gov if you have any questions. Sincerely. - / Diane Miller Acting Superintendent Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument WAYSIDE EXHIBIT PROPOSAL Prepared by Pannier Graphics Project Team Michael Paskot by Kinlloff Design Robyn Parker it’ Susan Haines Jon Kovacli. Projeci Manager r Dana Psiern Julie hem-Frank - u-i:’ - Bob Grogg Joanne Blarkn Pamela Ronsaville Diane Miller Wayside Exhibit Plan National Park Serjice I tlarpees reny Center March 2017 __________---- Introduction INTRODUCTION This proposal is for the planning and design of6 wayside exhibits for (he I larriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument Three oftl,e exhibits are tocated on the grounds ofthe interagency Visitor Center, operated by the Maryland Park Service and the Naiional Park Service Three additional exhibits will be placed at Tubman-retated locations in Dorchester County tnctuding the Jacob Jackson site, the flucktown Village Store, and in dowttotvt, Cambridge, Man-land EXISTtNG CONDtTIONS A new visitor center complex was dedicated on March 10, 2017 It inctudes a targe ext,ibition hail featuring exhibits, audio visual programs and interactive media. There is also a research tibran’, gift store, and public restrooms. In addiiion, the site features a legacy garden and an outdoor community pavilion. Another imponant ‘istIor experience is Mao’tand’s I laniel Tubman Underground Railroad Byway auto our that highlights 35 sites. A map and booklet provide information about the sites and a companion audio guide is available. The Bucktown Vitlage Store is a designated site along the [larriet Tubman Underground Raitroad Byway The 1-laniet Tubman Organization facititv located at 424 Race Street in Cambridge, Maryland, also offers exitihits and information about hand Tubman and the Underground Railroad DESIGN INTENT Stylistically, the wayside exhibits will present the Tubman ston’ in a visually exciting manner using vivid illustrations, artwork and vibrant photographs to capture visitor interest. Three original illustrations will be commissioned for the project. The intent is to complement the ston- told io the Visitor Center without relying on the same imagen’ .. - — . Graphi - — Harriet rubman Underground Railroad National Monument Pannier I,itroduction tWit l’age 2 PANELS AND BASES All panels will Lw fabricated in fiberglass and all bases will he NI’S standard aluminum. painted NPS medium gray CEO-REFERENCED DATA All wayside exhibit locations are ml’erenced with latilude and longitude coordinates and a Google Map piinioui is provided. In addition the inlhnnation is available on-line alibis link https://goo.gl/vHOOTv ACCESSIHILITY This proposal recognizes the need to make the content ofwayside exhibits available to all visitors, including those with mobility, visual, hearing, and learning impairments All exhibits will Lw installed snh a solar xmered audio box to deliver audio description messages The units will be anached on the left leg ofthe exhibit base, and a sticker with the appropriate “AD’ symbol denoting the availability ofaudlo description “ill Lw applied to the exhibit panel. Ii is also recommended that the graphic panels he repurposed on the park svehsite so the contetit is available to those who atc unable to visit the area. For Visitors with Mobility Impairments Four olthe proposed wayside exhibit locations have existing accessible routes and hard surfaces. Tho locations, the Buckiown Village Store and the Jacob Jackson, will require improvemenis to meet accessibility standards. The ihematic content ofall was-side exhibits is asailable at the visilor center and through alternate methods such as exhibits, publications, web sites, and an audio tour. For Visitors with Visual Impairments Upon inslallaiion of ilie wayside exhibits the park will develop audio descriptions Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument Pannier Graphies !,irrodi,cnon CO?it Page 3 suitable for use oil audio pla e6 and smart phones, so they will be available for both sighted and visually impaired visi’ors, For Visitors with I leafing Impairments Wayside exhibits are a visual medium ideally suited for individuals ‘suhi bearing impairment. Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument Pannier Graphics March 2017 Haniet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument Proposed Wuvside Eshibits SASE PANLL Material Mount Lncalion — No. Subject Matetial — — Description low protile inlerpretive panel Painted Aluminum n-Ground Haniet Tubman Underground 36 a 24 Railroad Visitor Center Fiberglass 001 Underground Railroad a 24 law proMo interpretive panel Painted Aluminum ln-Grmmd Haniel Tubman Undeigroend 36 Rairoad Visitor Center 002 Harriet Tubman and Family Fiberglass a 24 tow proMo interpretive panel Painlod Aluminum In-Ground Hathot Tubmen Underground 36 Railroad Visitor Center 003 Visitor Center Architectural Design and Fiberglass Cambridge, 36 a 24 ow protite interpretive panel Painted Aluminum InGround Downtown MD 004 Tubman Sites in Dorchester County Ftheiglass eztletior 36 a 24 tow profile intetprelive panel Painled Aluminum In-Ground Bu&town Village Store DOS Counter Weiqht Incident Fiberglass 36 a 24 low prolile interpretive panel Painted Aluminum In-Ground Jacob Jadson Site Fiberglass 006 Escape to Freedom National Part Service I Media Services PANEL Subject: Tubman Sites in Dorchester County THuMBNAIL Size: 36 x 24 Material: Fiberglass Purpose To inform visitors of the significant Tubman-associated sites in the vicinity, Including the Harriet Tubman Museum and Education center, the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument Visitor Ceeter, the Brodess Farm site, the Bucktown Village Store, the Dorchester County Courthouse • and the Jacob )atksoe Site. Graphics pKckt3 Montage orB Tubman-related sites. e,. Simple map showing site locations. —4 34 Maps C 20 Flat Map kaer;e1- Notes ‘,j Apply Audio Description outdoor sticker (3.5 wide by 3high). Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 I a iL t44 Location Downtown Cambridge, MD cambridge Courtyard pedestnan watkwsy. Orientation: North Lat: 38.56g0g5 Lon: -76.077239 BASE Additions Audio Oescription Description 36 x 24 low profile interpretive panel Material Color Mount Painted Aluminum NPS Medium Gray In-Ground Site Preparation Mount in ground at edge of planting area. tnclude a solar powered audio box with vandat resistant puthbutton attached In left leg, (Tour Male Standard Solar Eco Post or equivalent). TItle 1 TItle 2 Title 3 r Haniet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument Pannier Graphlca MARCH 2057 I WAYSIDE flHIDfl 004 Tubman Connections There are many nearby places associated with Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Much of the Sr landscape retains a rural character, evocative of an earlier time. Why not lake a ride and explore Harriets world? Bucktown Village Stora -- 4303 Rucktown Road. Ducktown, MD 21623 Harriet Tubman Museum and Th1s builthng is an original ‘fructose from Education Center Tubman’s time. ft was the site of her filet 21613 424 Race Street Cambridge. MD public resflt’ixe to slavery. MD Route 16 Around the caner, at 424 Race Street, is the This remote location is the tite of Jacob Jackson’s oldest connanity organization dedicated to home. He was instrumental in the rescus of Harriet Tubman. The museum offers exhibit, Harriers three brothers. programs. and information about he, life. ‘iat.38.569378,’Long. -76.077289 ? I I. aLu -- . —- iI.aws b • 5a0.3 p.o.jd ini is Iwr 40S Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad sOO Visitor Center 4068 Golden Hill Road, chard, Creek MD 21622 This visitor complex features eshibits, audio visual programs, and inteactive media. There is also a research tibras
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