The one great rule We wilt serve no of composition is to .4 group or party but os , will hew hard to speak the truth'. 111* the truth as we find it and the right as alasti. - —Thoreau hstrurr we 'see it. dca„,ke,e' o've ,,,p),itcient Liberal Weekly Newspaper T. Vol. 48 .ksni TEXAS, AUGUST 8, 1956 10c per copy No. 16 `Politics,' Says Fired Librarian KILGORE Kilgore Officials Deny It; mission respeCted my right as an The 1955-56 president of the American citizen to expresS my own Texas Library Association, Mrs. Mrs. Hoyal Was TLA Head opinion," she said. "I believe .it is my Margaret Hoyal, has been summar- minate as of September 1, 1956." right and my duty to express my views on politics.' ily fired from her job as Kilgore city Mrs. -I-loyal told the Observer : ; librarian, and she believes the reason "I don't see anything else behind Mrs. Hoyal said there had never was "politics." this but politics. I think I'm being been "a whisper of any criticism." The City Commission made this . made an example of, just to show you "I've never been fired before, but statement to a local radio station:: what happens to people who step out I think I can find another job," she of line. in Kilgore." "The City Commission has been told the Observer. considering a change in the public li- Mrs. Hoyal said she wrote Elder, Mrs. Hoyal, 51, was educated at brary administration for some time. "expressing my surprise" and asking Mount Holyoke College, the Univer- Mrs. 1-royal's termination carries no for the reasons for the 'action. "I sity of Oklahoma (B.A., 1923), and special significance and is no different stated.that I felt that an employee of the University of Oklahoma (B.A. in from the termination of any other six years' tenure, who. had never be library science, 1932). city employee." fore been criticized by the city coin- She was .librarian at McAllen High mission, deserved an explanation.. Mrs. Hoyal is a quiet; dignified School from 1934 to 1940; assistant "I am completely in -the dark about supervisor, Work Projects Adminis- woman who has been active for loy- the City alist- Democratic causes and candi- . Commission's reasons for tration Library Project , in Austin,. this action," she . dates. said, "unless it has 1940-42 ; librarian, U.S. Army 'at Mrs. Margaret Hoyal On July 28 she attended the con- been caused by my political opinions. Camp Swift, 1942-1944; reference vention of precinct 36 Oh the Rusk "My 'automobile bears a . Yarbor- librarian, Columbia, South Carolina, County side of Kilgore.. She and nine ough sticker, and I was one of the public library, 1944-45 ; branch librar- She was president of the 1,500- others walked - out and. held a rump minority group of loyal Democrats ian, University of Texas, 1945-1946; 'member Texas Library Association convention, Ikrhich passed "the liberal who held a rump convention.. in our librarian, Torn .Green- County library, frornaJuly 1, 1955, to June 30, 1956, resolution, the one criticizing Gov- precinct. last Saturday. San Angelo, 1946,4950; and librarian and is also a member of the American ernor Shivers and calling upon Dem- "I had suppdsed that. the City Corn- at Kilgore, 1950-56. Library Association. ocrats to support the party's presiden- tial nominee this year," she said; In addition, Mrs. Hoyal said, she has a sticker for Ralph Yarborough on her car window.. Farmers Score 'Soil Bank' On July 31, three days after the KENEDY 000 of my fellow citizens were aiding a grocer, stated: "I feel sorry for the precinct conventions, the city commis- Hearing continuous grumblings signers met and fired Mrs. Royal. The the federal government in getting rid young farmers, but they can go out minutes of the meeting do not give a and gnashings of teeth from various of surpluses by 'eating them. `and get a job ; the old farmers are reason for the action. farmer citizens exasperated with the • There was another line extending much worse off. They have..become so On August 2, Mrs.- Hoyal received soil bank, your Kenedy correspond- down •the sidewalk from the agricul- independent through the years that a. letter froth Mayor E. C. Elder, ent climbed into his pick-up truck to ture building on the other side of the they - would be • no good as a sales dated August 1, with copies sent to assume the air of a fellow agrarian _court house. This was the soil bank clerk. No one has ever dictated to Commissioners W. R; Yazell and and drove to the county seat to in- line. them. Now most of them don't know John L. Hill. It stated only: terview his nettled peers at the I asked one of the men in this line where their . next month's grocery the purpose of his presence. "I'm in "Dear Mrs. Hoyal:, The City Com- source of their displeasure. money is coming from. If I would mission at their last regular meeting . the soup line," he answered. I told give credit . at my grocery store I There was a large crowd extending him he was on the wrong side of the July 31, 1956, instructed me to advise out into the street on one side of the would run through my . inventory in you that your employment as librarian block. "It's the: same thing," he said. two days." courthouse, but this was the drouth Ed Novorosad, the local A. S. C. at the Kilgore Public Library. will ter- relief free food line, where about 10,- man, was letting them in one at a • A. C. Gideon, interviewed in • time., From their truculent manner- a drug 'store, said : "The soil bank isms one could conclude that the point ain't worth a damn. If you'go in there 5rarthly. ,Spea) trig of this precaution was Novorosad's an • tell them a damn lie about it you safety. There had been some talk of a can get pretty good money. You get necktie party. (An Editorial, Somezvhat) $22.50 an acre for the stuff you were I asked Novorosad what he, thinks under planted, but you still have to of the soil bank. He replied: MARSHALL to the bubble gutn set, to say nothing of plant to hold your allotment. "I'm not supposed to have an opin- "I had to tell them I made 40 lbs. Names- must not be mentioned, the bubble head set, was to have been ion, taut they've called me . everything terrific. Some of his opponents quickly of cotton to get the $6 (per acre). according to the Pecksnift in the in the world and one fellow wanted to You- have to keep it plowed every time runoff, but the conduct of some of resented the pitch- and cried "foul" at whip me right after dinner. I'm not the insinuation that Davy was for it comes a rain, and that costs. 75 cents the gubernatorial. candidates . in the responsible for this. I just do what an acre or more. You got more in it Pecksni ff. I'm told. I have 127 directives in first prithary should cause some eye- Well, hold your hats, kiddies, but brow lifting-. there on the wall I'm supposed to go my secret operatives have come up by. It's just like if I were working Dan Strawn I pass over the plan to re-locate the with a startling discovery (confirmed Great Lakes out Amarillo way and the for you chopping cotton and you told by the Walt Disney Studios) that this me to leave one stalk every two feet, burning desire of one candidate to let than you'll ever get out of it. They - political thespian . is • not now Davy that's what I'd do." claim that this is not a drouth pro- us all find out that difference. of opin- Crockett at all but — horrors! — a I sauntered over to the ion makes horse races. Rather, my . county gram, but -nobody would sell. their - Yankee spy by the name of Mr. An- judge's office to get his opinion on. the cotton for $6 an acre if it 'wasn't .a fancy is taken by the candidate • drews ! Yessir, this very fellow is (naughty.. naughty to mention names) matter. He was receiving the Victoria drouth. now, or soon will be, seen stealing a county judge in his august chambers. who continuously ,accused another •"If • they would pay on an average locomotive by the name of General The Victoria judge was trying to find yield we would get $22.50. an acre and candidate of being bought and. paid from our brave boys in gray and try- out how to get his county on relief, for by forces outside the state and everybody would be happy, but they ing every Yankee trick in the books to and Bill Pickett, an expert in that Wouldn't do it." who chiefly campaigned against Wal- derail the pursuing Confederate en- ter Reuther. • field by now,' was telling him all the-- Gideon continued: "I've paid my gine, "Texas."' ins and outs. Pickett was teasing him taxes up till this year but I don't think There is a man for you! So nasty A brave conductor named Fuller nice that he wouldn't dare call his about trying to get a county on relief I will this time. I've borrowed money was on our side back there in 1862, that had the highest millionaire count for the last three years to pay taxes.
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