LEAPS: Realising the Potential of Algal Biomass Production through Semantic Web and Linked data ∗ Monika Solanki Johannes Skarka Craig Chapman KBE Lab Karlsruhe Institute of KBE Lab Birmingham City University Technology (ITAS) Birmingham City University [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT In order to derive fuels from biomass, algal operation plant Recently algal biomass has been identified as a potential sites are setup that facilitate biomass cultivation and con- source of large scale production of biofuels. Governments, version of the biomass into end use products, some of which environmental research councils and special interests groups are biofuels. Microalgal biomass production in Europe is are funding several efforts that investigate renewable energy seen as a promising option for biofuels production regarding production opportunities in this sector. However so far there energy security and sustainability. Since microalgae can be has been no systematic study that analyses algal biomass cultivated in photobioreactors on non-arable land this tech- potential especially in North-Western Europe. In this paper nology could significantly reduce the food vs. fuel dilemma. we present a spatial data integration and analysis frame- However, until now there has been no systematic analysis work whereby rich datasets from the algal biomass domain of the algae biomass potential for North-Western Europe. that include data about algal operation sites and CO2 source In [20], the authors assessed the resource potential for mi- sites amongst others are semantically enriched with ontolo- croalgal biomass but excluded all areas not between 37◦N gies specifically designed for the domain and made available and 37◦S, thus most of Europe. In their report the IEA as linked data. We then present a conceptual architecture Bioenergy Task 39 [5] point out that there is currently no and a prototype implementation of a GeoWeb service that comprehensive analysis on the resource potential of algal provides querying and analysing capabilities over the linked biomass available and emphasize the need for such a work. datasets. The initiatives of producing biofuels from algae has immense General Terms research and commercial potential. It is also quickly evi- Semantic Web, Linked data, Algal biomass, SPARQL, On- dent that because of extensive research being carried out, tologies the domain itself is a very rich source of information. Most of the knowledge is however largely buried in various for- mats of images, spreadsheets, proprietary data sources and 1. INTRODUCTION grey literature that are not readily machine accessible/in- The last few decades have seen a consistent rise in energy terpretable. A critical limitation that has been identified is and oil prices along with a significant depletion of fossil the lack of a knowledge level infrastructure that is equipped fuel resources. This has led to extensive research in the with the capabilities to provide semantic grounding to the search and production of naturally viable and sustainable datasets for algal biomass so that they can be interlinked, energy sources such as biofuels. Recently the idea that al- shared and reused within the biomass community. gae biomass based biofuels could serve as an alternative to fossil fuels has been embraced by councils across the globe. In this paper our objectives are two fold. Firstly, we moti- Major companies [4, 14], government bodies [19] and dedi- vate the use of Semantic Web [2] and linked data [3,9] tech- cated non-profit organisations such as ABO (Algal Biomass nologies to integrate, analyse and visualise various facets of Organisation) 1 and EABA(European Algal Biomass Asso- 2 data from the algal biomass domain. We believe Semantic ciation) have been pushing the case for research into clean Web and linked data have immense potential to contribute energy sources including algae biomass based biofuels. towards making the systematic analysis of algal biomass po- ∗Principal and corresponding author tential available to stakeholders within a unified framework. 1http://www.algalbiomass.org/ Secondly, we propose to contribute algal biomass knowledge 2http://www.eaba-association.eu/ to the Semantic Web and the growing Web of data by • laying out a set of ontological requirements for knowl- edge representation that support the publication of al- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are gal biomass data. not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies • elaborating on how algal biomass datasets are trans- bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific formed to their corresponding RDF model representa- permission and/or a fee. I-SEMANTICS 2012, 8th Int. Conf. on Semantic tion. Systems, Sept. 5-7, 2012, Graz, Austria Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503- 1112-0 ...$10.00. • interlinking the generated RDF datasets along spatial 117 dimensions with other datasets on the Web of data. • visualising the linked datasets via an end user LOD REST [6] Web service, LEAPS,(Linked Entities for Algal Plant Sites). The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 motivates the idea of using Semantic Web and linked data for al- gal biomass. Section 3 discusses related work. Section 4 presents the requirements for ontological representation of algal biomass knowledge. Section 5 provides an account of the raw datasets and illustrates our methodology for pro- ducing linked data. Section 6 presents the framework and conceptual architecture for LEAPS. Section 7 illustrates an Figure 1: The Algal biomass supply chain example of the queries used in LEAPS and finally Section 8 presents our conclusions. Stage 2 is concerned with the harvesting of algal biomass. Datasets and vocabularies related to harvesting strategies 2. SEMANTIC WEB AND LINKED DATA FOR and extraction techniques are the key semantic outputs of ALGAL BIOMASS this stage. Besides domain specific ontologies, task and ap- One of the key gaps that have been identified within the plication ontologies for the processes involved in this stage algal biomass domain is the lack of a semantically enriched will play a crucial role in modelling knowledge. infrastructure for sharing and reusing knowledge. Stage 3 involves the conversion of biomass to end use prod- An introspection of the algae-to-biofuels lifecycle reveals sev- ucts such as biofuels and other constituents. Marketing of eral layers where Semantic Web standards and linked data the products is also an integral part of this stage. Appli- technologies could be very successfully applied and immensely cation ontologies and product ontologies such as GoodRela- 5 benefit the community. Algal biomass data manifests itself tions will be crucial in describing the datasets for this stage. across several facets. At a very high level, the value chain 6 7 for algal biomass ranges from cultivation of algae to pro- Upper level ontologies such as SUMO and BFO can be duction of biofuels and other products from the cultivated employed as metadata specification at all the three stages. biomass [12]. Each of the core tasks of cultivation, harvest- Regulatory policies or domain specific rules can be specified ing, processing and fuel production further involves several either as part of the vocabulary description using standards 8 9 10 intermediate processes. Besides managing the process level such as OWL 2 RL or as rules using RuleML , SWRL 11 domain knowledge from cultivation to marketing of the end or RIF . We propose to address this as part of our future products, every stage in the algal supply chain is governed work as an extension to LEAPS. by regulatory policies and strategies laid out by local gov- ernment bodies and requirements defined by stakeholders. Linked data applications built to serve the stakeholders rely Each of the facets consumes and produces a large volume on an unambiguous and contextual representation of the do- of unstructured data and information that opens up a huge main knowledge in order to provide reliable and unambigu- potential for semantically grounded information extraction ous answers to data driven questions raised by stakeholders. and knowledge representation technologies to be successfully Below we enumerate a few examples of informal queries that applied. Figure 13 depicts a schematic representation of could be potentially raised against the knowledge in stage 1. the algal biofuel value chain stages and the contributions that Semantic Web and linked data could bring to each of • Which are the algal operation sites with CO sources the stages. As illustrated, at each stage of the value chain 2 that have CO emissions less than 130000 kgs, where datasets can be described using well established as well as 2 total costs of supplying CO is lower then 5000 GBP domain specific ontologies. Besides integrating stage spe- 2 per ton of CO , areal yield is greater than 30 tons per cific and intra-stage datasets, contextually relevant datasets 2 hectare and which are located within the NUTS re- from the LOD cloud4 can also be exploited for interlinking. gion \UKM61"? Supplement the data with supporting information about the region. Stage 1 encompasses the cultivation of algae. It involves • Which are the top ten algal operation sites with the setting up an algal cultivation site and incorporates datasets lowest impact on global warming potential? about location related geographical information about the sites, locations of sources of light, CO2, nutrients, water • For a given algal operation site which are the first five and labour. The linked data for datasets is described using 5http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1 domain specific and spatial ontologies. In this paper we 6http://www.ontologyportal.org/ showcase the publication of linked data for datasets from 7http://www.ifomis.org/bfo stage 1.
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