1 Robert Kennedy’s Final Day June 4, 1968 —from Robert Francis Kennedy— a Poem Edward Sanders That day John Lennon rerecorded the lead vocal for "Revolution" lying flat on his back at the studio on Abbey Road Sirhan awakened around 8 He had planned to go to the horse races at Hollywood Park But he purchased a newspaper & had no taste for the horses running that day so opted to go target shooting He drove to the East Pasadena Firearms Co. & purchased some boxes of Federal long rifle .22s Then had coffee at a Denny’s & on to the San Gabriel Valley Gun Range on Fish Canyon Rd in Duarte, outside LA He arrived about 11:30, signing in staying till just before closing at 5 during which time he fired off something like 300 to 400 rounds When he left, he had loaded his .22 with bullets called Mini-Mags —Shane O’Sullivan, Who Killed Bobby?, pp. 214-217 A woman named Claudia Williams and her husband came target shooting 2 They claimed to have arrived around 4 p.m. Hubbie shot a rifle Claudia, attractive, and worked at a topless bar asked Sirhan to help her fire her pistol He complied. According to the shooting range’s “range master” Everett Buckner (who told the same story on two occasions to the FBI, June 8 & 12, ’68) Buckner said that not long after Sirhan had signed into the range a couple entered, it was circa 10:00 to 10:30 a.m. The man began firing the rifle on the rifle range & the woman, young blonde & good-looking, was having trouble firing her .22 Buckner stated to the FBI that when Sirhan offered to help the woman she exclaimed, “God damn you, you son of a bitch, get out of here or they’ll recognize us.” Buckner stated that Sirhan did not depart, but continued to assist her (LAPD later claimed Buckner failed a polygraph test. After the test, Buckner stated “I think it’s true. I think she said it. I still think she said it.”) —pp. 262-264, Philip Melanson, The Robert Kennedy Assassination— New Revelations on the Conspiracy and Cover-Up That same day Soviet tanks and troops shoved inward into Czechoslovakia 3 ostensibly for maneuvers but excuses were found for leaving them The Malibu Surf The ocean at Malibu churned in the fog the morning of the win where Robert and Ethel lay sleeping in a house overlooking the ceaseless peace of the beach. A brief night striving to restore his vim in the tiredness of nearly nonstop plane rides, motorcades, rallies, speeches, chatting with the press, phone calls, staff meetings, & other body-bashing stresses in an “On the Eve” set of hours before the sea-like pressure of Time bore him forward to further contests for delegates such as the New York primary two weeks ahead & a convention in Chicago. The struggle for delegates was still a triangulation of Kennedy McCarthy Humphrey McCarthy was not about to drop out especially with his strength among New York’s antiwar activists It was a strange equation: the big city bosses and state chairs clutched many a delegate to their chests Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago, for instance had a batch of clout & RFK, after California 4 was going to have to convince Mr. Daley, & others that Humphrey was not the anointed Goofing in the Tiredness The Frankenheimers had given Ethel and Robert their own bedroom where they could rest for a few hours RFK at 42 had the wiriness of a coiled spring & the stamina of a star athlete in service of the Polis They said he slept only four hours a night but the weeks non-stop had sapped him You know how it is You boing awake mind pulsing with stuff to do calls to make, issues to jot & plans to polish plus eating at the craw of his psyche the death of his brother and vengeance on those who had done it Ethel was pregnant with their 11th child She too had bundles of energy which she brought to the campaign with friend-rousing grace Oceanus lay churning just feet from his window gray, grim, glimmering and glorious! It was cold to swim at Malibu in the skin-chilling surf and a ten mile wind at John and Evans’ portion of beach First RFK, Ethel and six of their ten children had lunch Ethel was pregnant with their eleventh child, Rory (who’d be born in December) Joining them was Theodore White 5 in the midst of his research for a book on the ’68 race Then RFK in trunks went with 12 yr old David and 3 yr Max to the water’s edge where he helped build a sand castle He spotted David being pulled down by an undertow and dashed into the churn to save him father and son both a bit bruised from the saving. After swimming in the ocean there was more fun in the Frankenheimers' pool RFK’s flashy pink & green Hawaiian trunks were in the bedroom lavatory sink where they remained till after the shooting some aides early in the a.m. arrived to retrieve his personal items A Brief Political Chat Edward Kennedy, Richard Goodwin and Fred Dutton arrived & there was a bit of political talk then the candidate took a nap. Richard Goodwin was getting some food from a buffet when he noticed RFK spread out across two chairs by the pool getting a restless shuteye That same day in London, at the studio on Abbey Road John Lennon rerecorded the lead vocal for "Revolution" lying flat on his back Also the same day Soviet tanks and troops 6 shoved inward into Czechoslovakia ostensibly for maneuvers but excuses were found for leaving them and then the same afternoon, as we have noted, a universe away Sirhan Sirhan went target practicing (just as hours later he was spotted standing in the hotel kitchen on a serving table with a “pretty young woman”) quick-firing 300 to 400 rounds with a .22 at the San Gabriel Valley Gun Club in Duarte, outside L.A. Just after 3 PM For that afternoon John Frankenheimer had arrayed a row of television sets in the house to watch how the election was evolving At Malibu they learned the first exit polls. CBS had taken “spot checks” of 200 sample precincts around noon and close to 3 p.m. phoned the results to press secretary Frank Mankiewicz 49 % for Kennedy less for McCarthy A couple of close RFK aides bought themselves bright-hued hippie attire to wear to the victory party that night at a discotheque called The Factory owned by Pierre Salinger & other well-known Democrats (such as Sammy Davis, Jr.) Speechwriter Richard Goodwin Recalls June 4 “After breakfast, Bobby called to say he was spending the day at John Frankenheimers' Malibu Beach home. Would I come and join him?” 7 “The living room of the Frankenheimer house and the adjoining dining room were divided by a glass wall from a swimming pool and a broad patio. Beyond was the gentle- surfed beach. Ethel Kennedy was seated, talking with Teddy White and Mrs. Frankenheimer, but the candidate was not there. Going into the next room for the buffet lunch, I turned casually toward the pool. “Robert kennedy was stretched out across two chairs in the sunlight, he head hanging limply over the chair frame; his unshaven face was deeply lined, and his lips slightly parted. There was no movement. I felt a sudden spasm of fear. But it swiftly receded. He was sleeping, only sleeping.... “By the time the telephone brought the first tentative vote projections, Kennedy and Fred Dutton had joined the group in the Frankenheimer living room. One of the net- works, having surveyed voters in key precincts as they left the polling places, was now pre- dicting a 49-41 victory over McCarthy.... ‘They were pretty accurate in the other primar- ies,’ Kennedy remarked. “‘But not in Oregon,’ said Dutton. “‘We lost all the undecided there,’ Kennedy replied, then added, ‘Maybe they won’t break away from us here. If only we can push up our percentage a point or two.’ “It seemed then that the extra point or two would make all the difference. We all believed that it was not enough for Kennedy to win in California. In order to soften the blow of his Oregon defeat, we felt he had to win big, and that meant more than 50 percent of the vote, with 40 percent or less going to McCarthy.... “We talked idly, reminisced, discussed future strategy, as if the big victor were already n- — not because we were sure, but because that’s the only way politicians can talk.” “But Kennedy was so tired that even the easily familiar shoptalk came haltingly, and he soon went back to the bedroom for a nap while I drove to my hotel to draft the victory statement.” —pp. 535-536 Richard Goodwin; Remembering America The Dinner at the Frankenheimers One account has John & Evans Frankenheimer planning an early dinner and invited some guests over According to Robert Blair Kaiser’s book RFK Must Die the guest list included director Roman Polanski 8 whose movie Rosemary’s Baby was selling a lot of tickets and his wife Sharon Tate Other guests were future head of Disney Pictures Frank Wells and his wife Luanne, plus actress Anjanette Comer, nightclub owner Brian Morris, set designer Richard Sylbert, and a woman named Sarah Hudson, who apparently was dating Sylbert at the time.
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