70 Pages Section One Six Sections Pageslto2Q VOL. XXXVII SO. 3G. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8. 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS. RECORDCRAIMBERRY MANNHEIM BOMBED MILES IIS DASH INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS NATION BEERLESS; OGIVE L1HE OF 17 IS FORECAST AFTER HARD FIGHT FffilH ro CROP The Weatber. YESTERDAY'S- - Maximum temperature, 71 degrees; minimum. 57 degrees. PRO-DCC- E AFTER FLEEING FOE COAST HOPLESS GERMAXS VAIXLY CLATSOP AXD PACIFIC TO TODAY'S Unsettled weather; probably TRY TO STOP IFI1 R R showers HA and cooler; gentle southwesterly - BRITISH ATTACKING SI. mm 10,000 BUSHELS. winds. PLAXES. m MIMES WIUIIWII m0 mm War. Approximately 1000 Pickers Will Pershing manes huge Army for battle. Bee- - English Hew Way Through Enemy Begin Harvest Tomorrow; Ac- Grim Chase Persists in jL"j?. Growers Hard Hit by Fleets 70 Miles, Drop Explo- commodations Provided. 1. page 1. sives and Battle AVay Back. Poilus Rush Ahead Swift Lunge Hade To Americans .dash forward toward Aisne. Sec- Four Face of Fierce Fire. tion 1, page 1. Brewery Order. ASTORIA. Or, Sept. 7. Cranberry British bomb Mannheim. Section 1, page 1. LONDON, Sept. 7. British air - Co- Allies make progress on Ussurl front. Sec-- squadrons heavily bombed chemi to ward Votan Bulwark. picking- on the bogs In the Lower page 9. the Five Miles. lumbia river district will begin Mon- Official casualty list. Section 1. pace 7. cal works at Mannheim early today, day morning: approximately 1000 Franco-America- 1, page and REARGUARD ACTION WEAKER gain. Section iMUCH MONEY WILL BE LOST after fighting a terrific engagement pickers will be employed, about 300 Foreign. planes, Clatsop the with large fleets of German at the Plains marshes and Civilian Germany reported on verge of panic which vainly attempted to block their county, Washing beet ion l, page 2- - remainder In Pacific progress, according to an com CAPTURED ton. The record crop is Amerlcan refugees from Russia say Lenin e official MANY VILLAGES ARE TAKEN STRATEGIC POINT outlook for a dead. 1, oage 3. by ministry excellent. The berries never were In Section munication issued the air fol- Halts in National. Snmp Prnrlurt nf Vinps Has tonight. better condition, the copious rains Aisneward Advance . lowing- the long dry spell causing the Near beer plants to close with breweries. ait LittlllB was luusui u c Few and Momentary. section l, .rage 4. 70 miles separating the British from berries to ripen quickly and giving Kitchln defends proposed war revenue tax. delicious flavor. tneir objective ana was contmuea on Tergnier, on West Bank of Ca- them a rare color and section l. Page 12. trip base. The SL Simon and Nu- Position The output of the district is estimat- Senator Chamberlain and Secretary Baker the back to the British ed at about 10,000 bushels. a third of still at outs. Section 1, Page 5. statement reads: merous Other nal du Nord on Road to Local boards to pass on Industrial sp' 'Tin U r CntamKer 7 mir Points Fall which will be taken from the Clatsop draft .saw rr-- m Mti-- n w" "'"6 FOOTBALL STAR IN LEAD peals. Section 1, page 10. wsnnnT Iml county bogs. AnUCb MAT bfc PLUVVtU UP squadrons attacked the railways at Into Foch's Hands. Cambrai Lost by Hun. McAdoo said to be playing politics. Section of Treves, Extensive preparations have been A, page &. Ehrang (four miles northeast made by the several companies to pro Domestic. Prussia), and the chemical works at vide for the wants of the pickers. Sev Henry Ford to be active candidate for the Mannheim. Good bursts were observed eral cottages have been erected ad Captain Blagden and His Command United States Senate. Section 1, Page . Once Important Industry of Oregon, on and beside the railway lines at BOCHE BIG GUNS ACTIVE accommo Northwest. Ehrang. HINDENBURG LINE BROKEfti Jacent to the bogs for their Conspicuous in Operations; Ma Pacific Washington, California, Long dation and arrangements have been Bishop Stunts says war is not near end. Fierce opposition was met with in made to have fresh provisions deliv chine-Gu- n Xesls Are Speedily Section 1, Page 10. Languishing, Receives Its the raid at Mannheim, but despite this ered on the grounds daily. The bogs Record cranberry crop is forecast. Section the object was reached and success- Cleaned Out. 1. Page 1. Deathblow at Last. fully bombed. Eight direct hits and are as dry and clean as a city lawn, State Treasurer declares consolidation com Lightning-Lik- e Thrust Puts Enemy Floods Trinquois Creek so that women and children easily can mission's work total failure. Section L many other good bursts were observed engage paid Page 7. on the chemical works. Our squad. in the work. The price heavy General Mangin's Men Over in Order to Protect Flank is 25 peck good picker hand Idaho Democrats rons fought largely superior numbers cents a and as a Staff Correspondent of the World. Copy jolt. Section 1, Page 8. The hop industry of the Pacific Coast can average 12 to 15 pecks dally, by enemy airplanes both before and From English Advance. from right, 31S, the Press Publishing Com Exceptional display promised at coming was many hop men regard of Fortified Positions. good wages can be made. pany. The New York World. Published Washington state fair. Section 'A Page IS. dealt what after reaching the objective. One by Arrangement. Oregon's big waste is In timber burned. Sec as a death blow when the order went squadron had a hard continuous fight 1, Page 11. WITH THE AMERICAN FORCES tfon out from the Food Administration pro-- for a distance of 70 miles before reach 10-CE- BET WINS $1000 NORTH OF THE VESLE. Sept. 7.- Sports. objective and fight con I hibiting the manufacture of beer after ing its the (Special.) The opposition to Gymnasium classes start at - Multnomah PARIS, Sept. 7. French troops to LONDON, Sept. 7. Field Marshal first real December 1. tinued for another 70 miles on the way the advance of the American forces to Club. Section page 2. day penetrated Haig's troops have forced the Ger Bill Kinder, Chicago Cub Catcher, Three golf clubs start play for Clemson The industry has been languishing back. Over two tons of bombs were from four to five miles the Aisne was along the canal running ' Collects W. Wriglcy. trophy. Section 1, page J. for past two years, but was dropped on Mannheim. on the Somme front, according to th mans to retire a considerable distance From generally parallel with the river and a Foundation looks to Fielder Jones to build the it As a of the fighting one 3. result War along a front of about 17 miles ex few hundred yards south of it. winning team.. Section 2. pag thought by the growers that they could enemy airplane was destroyed and two Office announcement tonight. CHICAGO, Sept. 7. A bet of a ten- - Our scout patrols, filtering down the Seat sale for boxing benefit to open Wednes at least clean up year's crop. They tending from Havrincourt wood to day. Section 2, page 1. this ore were driven down out of control. crossed the St. Quentin Canal at cent cigar against $1000 made as the wooded ravines leading from the pla Con- - Mays puts Boston In lead in world's series. The prohibition legislation in Four of our machines are missing. Tugny bridge and St. Simon, cap Beauvoi, according to the War Of- result of a joke while the Chicago Na- teau between the Vesle and the Aisne, Section 2, page 1. gress, as the bill stands now, would al ran into a whirlwind of machine gun High outlook seems prom turing both places. tonight. They have tional League team was training at school football ww fcue ueer ana i . fice announcement bullets. ising. Section 2, page 3. uiaKinis ui wine uiilii Pasadena. Cal., last spring, has been May 1. With this understanding of the COAST MAY GET oHUWCno Progress to the north of Vauxaillon also taken a strategic point around by' Krupp batteries, stationed in clumps Multnomah Club sports make members fit. won "Bill" Klllefer, catcher of the situation the growers of Oregon, Wash Celle-Sur-Ais- of I was made and was which there has been much fighting Chicago team, was revealed today. woodland immediately north of the Fast horse's pedigree is issue. Section 2, ington and California went ahead with Temperatures Iiikely to Be Xormal it canal and river, lavishly sprinkled captured. on the west bank of the Ccnal Du The loser,, William Wrigley. one ot paffe the cultivation of the crops. According to Weather Man. the club's stockholders, wagered the shrapnel on the Americans but this Gunner Petersen leading batter of Shipbuild The French hold general Nord, on the way to Cambrai. opposition ers' League- - Section 2, page 2. Order Involve Lossea. the line 11000 that the team would not win wholly failed to arrest the progress our troops Commercial and Marine. Now when they are in the midst of WASHINGTON, Sept.. 7. Weather from the western outskirts of Vaux, The statement follows: the National League pennant. Kille-fe- r, of toward, their objectives. Peach season In to close. hop comes word : week beginning Fluquieres, Happencourt, "On the whole of the south who accepted It in jest, This afternoon there were Northwest draws the harvest the that predictions for the the east of front had for more 1000 Section 2. Page 15. brewing- must stop on December 1. This Monday, by the Weather Bureau Tugny gotten he re- probably not than germans issued bridge, and St.
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