1. STUDYING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR The structure of undergraduate study programmes, performed as full-time and part-time courses: Undergraduate Uniform Master’s Study Undergraduate Academic Professionally - Oriented Programmes Study Programmes Study Programmes (Second Cycle) (First Cycle) (First Cycle) 5 or 6 years 3 or 4 years 3 years 300 or 360 ECTS 180 or 240 ECTS 180 ECTS 2. APPLICATION AND ENROLMENT Foreign citizens and Slovenians with- out Slovene citizenship can apply for enrolment in the 1st year of under- graduate study programes in the peri- od from 5th February to 1st June 2015: E-application in eVŠ 5. KNOWLEDGE OF http://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava SLOVENIAN Citizens of the EU countries have Since all courses at the University of the right to education at higher Maribor are conducted in Slovenian, education institutions in the knowledge of Slovenian is recom- Republic of Slovenia under the mended. same conditions, under the same Faculties that require a Slovene lan- procedure and under the same guage certificate: deadlines as Slovenian citizens. before enrolment in the first year of undergraduate study programmes: Faculty of Education, with the exception of programme Music 4. PROOF OF Education (I); Faculty of Arts (I); MEETING Faculty of Medicine (*). ADMISSION before enrolment in the second year of undergraduate study programmes: REQUIREMENTS Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 3. GENERAL RE- notarised copy of citizenship (B); certificate; Faculty of Law (B); QUIREMENTS translation of citizenship cer- Faculty of Education tificate into Slovene by a court (programme Music Education) (I); FOR ENROL- translator; Faculty of Health Sciences (B); verified copies of the secondary Faculty of Criminal Justice (I) MENT IN THE school certificates (secondary ST school exit certificate and certifi- I – intermediate level; B – basic level; 1 YEAR OF cates of the last two years); Other faculties do not require a Slovene UNDERGRADU- translation of copies of second- language certificate for enrolment in ary school exit certifi cate and undergraduate study programmes ATE STUDY PRO- certificates of the last two years (Faculty of Eletrical Engineering and by a court translator; Computer Science, Faculty of Civil Engi- neering, Faculty of Logistics, Faculty of GRAMMES decision on recognition of cer- Energy Technology, Faculty of Natural Foreign citizens and Slovenians tificates obtained abroad (see Sciences and mathematics, Faculty without Slovene citizenship can en- point 7); of Economics and Business, Faculty rol in the first year of undergradu- a Slovenian language certificate of Organizational Sciences, Faculty of ate study programmes if they meet (see point 5). Agriculture and Life Sciences, Faculty of the following requirements: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Tourism). completed secondary education; knowledge of Slovenian (see point 5); completed recognition procedure * All canndidates need a Slovenian lan- for secondary-school certificates guage certificate of level C2, regarding obtained abroad (see point 7); the Common European Framework of completed test of specific apti- Reference for Languages (CEFR).As a tudes, abilities and skills. fulfilled enrolment condition is consid- ered a taken exam of Slovenian lan- guage at final exam (Slovenian matu- ra), certificate of last year the subject was carried out at secondary school, certificate of Slovenian language of level C2 or other equivalent document. 6. SLOVENE 8. TUITIONS 10. STUDENT LANGUAGE The amount of the tuition fee is set ACCOMODATION by the relevant higher education COURSES AND institution and is the same as the Student dormitories offer accomoda- tuition fee for part-time courses tion to foreign students who study EXAMS for Slovene citizens. The price list is full time at the University of Maribor. available at: If you wish to stay at our student Candidates who have completed www.um.si/studij/financiranje/ dormitories, notify us by email at their primary or secondary educa- Strani/default.aspx [email protected] and we will send you tion in Slovenia or bilingual second- further information. You can learn ary school abroad or have already Foreign citizens residing in the more about student dormitories at obtained an undergraduate degree Republic of Slovenia who (or their www.studentskidomovi.um.si. in Slovenia do not have to take the parents/guardians) are residents Slovene language exam. and taxable persons in the RS at the At the University of Maribor we also time of enrolment, citizens of EU help looking for private accomo- Member States, citizens of countries dation for students. http://www. BASIC LEVEL with which the RS has concluded um.si/en/international/erasmus/ Andragoški zavod Maribor bilateral agreements are exempted Pages/Accommodation.aspx . Maistrova 5, 2000 Maribor Phone: +386 (0)2 23 41 111 from paying the tuition fee. E-mail: [email protected] INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Faculty of Arts UM Koroška 160, 2000 Maribor Phone: +386 (0)2 22 93 775 E-mail: [email protected] BASIC, INTERMEDIATE AND HIGHER LEVEL University of Ljubljana Centre for Slovene as a Second / Foreign Language Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana Phone: +386 (0)1 241 86 47 E-mail: [email protected] Spletna stran: www.centerslo.net 7. RECOGNITION 9. LIST OF OF FOREIGN FACULTIES Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) SECONDARY Faculty of Eletrical Engineering and Com- puter Science (FEECS) SCHOOL Faculty of Energy Technology (FET) Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE) QUALIFICATIONS Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engi- Applicants, holders of foreign qual- neering (FCCE) ifications, who wish to study at the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences University of Maribor should send (FALS) their applications to: Faculty of Logistics (FL) Faculty of Natural Sciences and mathe- matics (FNSM) Office for General and Legal Affairs Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FOS) Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME) Faculty of Tourism (FT) marked Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security ”Recognition of foreign (FCJS) qualifications” Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Faculty of Arts (FA) Information on the recognition pro- Faculty of Medicine(FM) cedure: Faculty of Education (FE) UM, Office for General and Legal Faculty of Law (FL) Affairs Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor Interdisciplinary study programmes Phone: +386 (0)2 23 55 217 Industrial Engineering (FCE, FME and FEB) E-mail: Mehatronics (FEECS and FME) [email protected] or Information Security (FCJS) [email protected] www.um.si/studij/priznavanje/ Strani/default.aspx.
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