GOP TOWN IOWA CAUCUS CANDIDATES RON PAUL AND HERMAN CAIN BOTH MADE APPEARANCES ON CAMPUS OVER THE WEEKEND. PAGE 9 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY N EWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2011 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ EDITOR’S PICKS: • Students played a giant game IOWA 45, INDIANA 24 of water pong on campus to raise money for charity on Sunday. Page 5 • UI officials plan to establish a new board to oversee university health-care programs. dai- Record-Breaking Day lyiowan.com • Former backup quarterback A.J. Derby might be a better fit in his new position as a line- backer. Page 12 UI cooperated in Hunnninghake probe, official says University of Iowa spokesman Tom Moore says the UI fully coop- erated with the Iowa Board of Medicine’s investigation of former UI medical Professor Gary Hunninghake prior to his settle- ment. Hunninghake, 65, of Coralville voluntarily surrendered his Iowa medical license after entering a $10,000 settlement agreement with the Board of Medicine on Oct. 13, according to a press release from the board. The release said the board charged Hunninghake with view- ing pictures of nude children and other inappropriate sexual mate- rial on the Internet while in the workplace, having a sexual rela- tionship with a subordinate female staff member, and access- ing her medical records without an appropriate medical purpose, violating appropriate professional boundaries with another subordi- nate female staff member, inap- Iowa wide receiver Marvin McNutt catches a ball while being covered by Indiana defensive back Michael Hunter during the first half of the Indiana game in Kinnick stadi- propriately prescribing medica- um over the weekend. McNutt caught three TD passes and broke the school record for most receiving touchdowns with 24. Page 6 (The Daily Iowan/Ricky Bahner) tions for himself, and filing a false police report in Chicago. — by Hayley Bruce OCCUPY IOWA CITY: DAY 17 MegaBus driver charged with OWI Regents to The driver of a MegaBus trans- porting people from Chicago to Iowa City and Des Moines has ask for been arrested for drunken driv- ing, according to the Press- Citizen. A complaint from the State tuition hike Patrol said Carl Smiley, 52, of Chicago, was charged Oct. 21 with Regents will consider second-offense OWI. The complaint said a state 3 and 4 percent trooper observed a bus traveling tuition increases for west on Interstate 80 and allegedly failing to maintain a in-state and out-of- lane, prompting a traffic stop. Upon contact with the trooper, state students during Smiley allegedly smelled strongly their meeting this of alcohol and admitted he had been drinking. week. — by Hayley Bruce By DORA GROTE [email protected] DAILY IOWAN TV Protesters’ tents sit in College Green Park on Oct. 10. Occupy Iowa City protesters began camping out in the park Oct. University of Iowa Student Govern- 7. (The Daily Iowan/Adam Wesley) ment leaders and state officials said To watch Daily Iowan TV go online students should continue to reach out at dailyiowan.com. to their legislators to come up with solutions for rising tuition, following a Occupiers agree to get city permit proposal for further tuition increases by the state Board of Regents on Oct. 2 21. 10 Occupiers agree to attain permit in order to maintain good rela- The regents propose a 3.75 percent tionships with the city. tuition increase for in-state under- graduate students and a 4.75 percent By AUDREY ROEN cooperative with them. protesters they would not need increase for out-of-state undergradu- [email protected] “Nobody came here to fight a permit to occupy College ate students. The regents will also pro- with City Hall. [City officials Green Park, because local rules pose a 3.8 percent tuition increase for Occupy Iowa City demonstra- are] being cooperative with us; allow for spontaneous demon- in-state graduate students during tors said they have agreed to their meeting in Cedar Falls on INDEX we should be cooperative with strations. sign a permit that would allow However, City Manager Tom Wednesday and Thursday. Classifieds 9 Sports 12 them to continue to legally occu- them, because they’re not really In the 2011-12 school year, in-state Crossword 6 Markus and Parks and Recre- py College Green Park. the enemy,” outreach committee tuition increased 5 percent, and out-of- Opinions 4 ation Director Mike Moran told member Stephanie Hoffelt said state tuition increased 6 percent. Though some protesters had protesters the occupation was previously told The Daily Iowan on Sunday. “We didn’t camp And though student government no longer deemed “sponta- leaders have lobbied legislators heavi- WEATHER they had reservations about here because of an issue with neous” last week and asked ly throughout the past year for more obtaining a permit to continue the city; we camped here them to sign a permit that state appropriations, student officials HIGH LOW because we have issues with 72 50 protesting, others said they felt would allow them to occupy the said Sunday they plan to launch an they should obtain a permit, bigger fish.” Mostly sunny, breezy. because city officials have been City officials previously told SEE OCCUPY, 3A SEE TUITION, 3A 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Monday, October 24, 2011 News dailyiowan.com for more news Sp tlight Iowa City The Daily Iowan Volume 143 Issue 86 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey . 335-5788 Bridging cultural barriers Editor: Fax: 335-6297 Adam B Sullivan . 335-6030 CORRECTIONS Managing Editors: Call: 335-6030 Emily Busse . 335-5855 Sam Lane. .335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors: accuracy and fairness in the report- Hayley Bruce .. 335-6063 ing of news. If a report is wrong or Alison Sullivan . .335-6063 misleading, a request for a correc- Opinions Editor: tion or a clarification may be made. Chris Steinke . 335-5863 Sports Editor: PUBLISHING INFO Seth Roberts . 335-5848 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Assistant Sports Editor: published by Student Publications Matt Cozzi. 335-5848 Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Pregame Editor: Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Jordan Garretson. 335-5848 except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Arts Editor: university holidays, and university Hannah Kramer . 335-5851 vacations. Periodicals postage paid Copy Chief: Beau Elliot. 335-6063 at the Iowa City Post Office under the Photo Editor: Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Elvira Bakalbasic. 335-5852 SUBSCRIPTIONS Design Editor: Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Alicia Kramme . 335-6063 E-mail: [email protected] Graphics Editor: Mike Lauer . 335-6063 Subscription rates: TV News Director: Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one John Doetkott . 335-6063 semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Web Editor: for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. Tony Phan. 335-5829 Out of town: $40 for one semester, Business Manager: $80 for two semesters, $20 for Debra Plath. 335-5786 Classified Ads/ Circulation Manager: summer session, $100 all year. Juli Krause. 335-5784 Send address changes to: The Daily Advertising Manager: Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Renee Manders. 335-5193 Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004. Advertising Sales Staff: Jane Gressang, a language and culture specialist for UI Human Resources, works to help non-native English speaking UI staff members become Bev Mrstik. .335-5792 more comfortable about their work environment. (The Daily Iowan/Carrie Guenther) Cathy Witt . .335-5794 Production Manager: By HANNAH KRAMER cation and really is an with a lot of these folks,” country in which students Heidi Owen. 335-5789 [email protected] advocate for staff that she said Peter Rohrbough, who do not participate in class works with not only in help- also works in Staff Lan- or are not expected to ask The University of Iowa ing them with their English guage and Culture Ser- questions during instruc- employs faculty and staff but in also helping them vices. tion. from all over the world, and negotiate the workplace,” Gressang not only pro- Differences such as these it is Jane Gressang’s job to said Maureen Burke, the vides English as a Second are potentially detrimental help make that mix of peo- director of the English as a Language instruction and ple works. Second Language program. hosts English and Spanish to learning and instruction, Working in Staff Lan- Burke, who has known conversation groups, she so Gressang tries to lessen guage and Culture Ser- Gressang as a student, also assists English-speak- the disparities between lan- vices, it’s her job to make teacher, and colleague at ing staff members who guage and culture. the UI a place where all the UI, said she’s an asset interact with non-native “People have a certain employees communicate speakers in the workplace. to the university. amount where they can and work together, regard- The 36-year-old came to “The things that are the adapt, and you reach that less of their language back- the UI after earning a bach- most difficult are the cul- ground. elor’s degree in Spanish tural issues,” Gressang certain point where you “When you talk to some- from the University of Vir- said. can’t adapt anymore,” she one from a different lan- ginia and continued her The elements of lan- said. “But with a little guage background, it’s studies in Iowa, earning a guage that staff and faculty change on everybody’s part, hard,” Gressang said. “A lot doctorate in linguistics. most commonly request her it can work.” of it is that you don’t want Gressang works with to improve are pronuncia- to offend the other person.” employees from all areas of Despite the difficulty of tion, vocabulary, and every- For her, every day is a the university, ranging her job, Gressang said, she chance to make that chal- from food-service staff to day conversation.
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