Courtesy of the Local History Room, Fullerton Public Library Do Not COMMUNITY & ARTS CALENDAR Page 12-15 Check Out OPEN GARDEN TOUR page 17 --------------- r ■airv,r>,»ftTT.----------------------- Fullerton’s Only Local, Independent Newspaper • Est 1978 (printed on recycled paper) VOLUME 26 # 331 • Mid-APRIL 2002 q m 38th Annual CROP WALK Night in Fullerton Sunday April 28 This year’s 5K CROP WALK Festival begins at the Fullerton Downtown Friday April 26th from 7pm to 11pm Plaza on Wilshire (next to the Mu­ the City hosts a free festival of music, seum) between Harbor and drama, dance, and visual art programs. Pomona. Walkers may register at The event offers free parking and Free 1:00 pm before the walk so their Shuttle Buses connecting the venues! group can be properly credited. Official sites are: One-fourth of the funds raised go •MUSEUM CENTER & DOWN­ to Fullerton Interfaith Emergency TOWN PLAZA, Wilshire & Service’s anti-hunger programs. Pomona, one block from downtown The rest of the money may go to Harbor: Entertainment, Flamenco any one of 19 organizations des­ dancing Los Gitanos de la Luz (9& ignated by walkers. The list in­ II pm), Betty Boop & Popeye cartoons cludes Jewish, Islamic, Protestant, (7-8pm), TV Animation exhibit, Leo Catholic and other groups includ­ Fender Electric Guitar exhibit and & ing Church World Service, work­ food booths; music by TK Gardner ing to fight hunger. For instance 7:15-8:15pm) and CSUF Jazz musi­ last October, CWS began a $6.3 cians all night. million program of emergency • MAIN LIBRARY, 353 W. Common­ food and shelter for 119,000 Af­ wealth: Janine Jacobs children’s pup­ ghan refugees. petry (7:15, 8 & 8:30pm in the For more information on how A capacity crowd at Oscar Night at Mulberry Street featured an Italian feast, champagne library’s Osborne Auditorium) & Jazz you can help fight hunger and as­ and celebrity look alikes including Mae West, Liz Taylor and “The Joker" pictured above. by Jan Jordan, Nick Batinich, Rich sist homeless families with chil­ Watson, Mike Peak and Dale Olinger dren locally participate in the (9:15 & 10:15) Osborne Auditorium. CROP Walk and/or call 738-0255. Arboretum Green College Gallery • CITY HALL: Meet minimalist sculp­ All donations are tax-deductible. Moves tor Aldo Casanova, exhibit of his work Scene Garden Show and rededication of “Flight” sculpture, Downtown ceremony 7:30pm. Should Filling by Warren Bowen If you would like to join the • FULLERTON COLLEGE, 321 E A lease agreement ratified by Friends support group you might Chapman: Community Band patriotic Vacant Council I t barely seems possible that once prefer to come to the members the Board of Trustees to tempo­ & show tunes (7&9pm);& Dance per­ again, for the 29th year, it is time for preview evening on the 26th. You rarily move the Fullerton Col­ formances, ballet, jazz, hiphop, Afri­ Seat Be Voters the Green Scene Garden Show. If you may join at the gate and become lege Art Gallery to 124A can & modern (7:30 & 8pm). have never been to the event spon­ as involved as interests and time Wilshire Avenue in downtown • COLLEGE ART GALLERY, 124 Fullerton may afford the gallery sored by the Friends of the Fullerton allow in this terrific group of citi­ Wilshire: Annual Juried Student Art more community exposure. The Choice? Arboretum, you’ll be surprised. If zens who support the Arboretum, exhibit. Multimedia display and fac­ Gallery will open April 26th in Voters may wish to help you’re a veteran of past shows, you one of Fullerton’s greatest attrac­ ulty woodwind quintet. conjunction with the City’s An­ Councilmember Norby decide will find new and interesting programs tions. Call 278-3579 for more info. • MUCKENTHALER CULTURAL nual “Night in Fullerton” arts whether to step down in July so and exhibits; plants to buy or just ad­ CENTER, 1201 W Malvern: Musical event. The re-location is re­ those interested in filing for his mire. Three authoritative garden ex­ Future of performances - Marilyn Scranton & quired in order to accommodate soon-to-be-vacant Council seat perts will share their wisdom. They are Ann Patrick Green piano duet selec­ the seismic retrofit planned'for can be placed on the regular No­ “Jungle Julie,” Lillie Singer and Julie Arboretum & tions from “Slavic Dances,” “Spit the College’s 1000 Building vember 2002 ballot. Bawden Davis, all well known writ­ Tunes” barbershop quartet, baritone where the gallery is currently lo­ Norby takes his place as mem­ ers and speakers on Southern Califor­ University Ian Tan, Big Band songs by tenor cated. Wilshire will be the new ber of the County Board of Su­ nia garden topics. Call 278-3579 or go The CalState Fullerton Master Hershel Green w/ Gary Lee on brass home of the Gallery until April pervisors in January but has two to arboretum.fullerton.edu for sched­ Development Plan guiding the and more. 2004 and should be a welcome years left of his current term as uled presentations. campus’s growth and develop­ • STAGEStheater, 400 E Common­ addition to downtown Fullerton. Fullerton Councilmember. If he This is the premier Southern Cali­ ment will be presented at three wealth: A hilarious comedic musical decides to keep his seat on the fornia garden show, still growing in sessions scheduled at the Poliak adaptation of Moliere’s “Misan­ Council until January the Council scope and interest level. Admission is Library on Thursday April 18 Academy of Arts thrope” suitable for all audiences with has the choice of calling for a $6 for adults and all your children are (9am-11 am or lpm-3pm); Tues­ a theme that challenges our notions of “Special Election” at a $57,000 free! The dates are Saturday April day April 23 (9am-11 am). Space Benefit Under hypocrisy & honesty.(7:30, 8& price tag or appointing someone 27th (10am-5pm) and Sunday April is limited so you must call and re­ 8:30pm) to finish out Norby’s term for the 28th (10am-4pm) serve a seat at 278-2122. The Big Tent • POST OFFICE* 202 E Common­ Always a main attraction is the wide remaining two years. If Norby Cynthia and Dick Foster, wealth: Photos by David Styfee, Paint­ variety of plant vendors, led by the FOX Theater chooses to step down by July 2, both of whom were born and ings by Emigdio Vasquez explore all Friends’ own Potters group; these ea­ 2002, the Council can decide by The Fullerton Historic Theater raised in Fullerton, have been aspects of rail life, trains, stations and ger folk have more peppers, tomatoes, July 14th to add the vacancy to the Foundation Advisory Board is off named Honorary Chairpersons workers. herbs and other plants than you knew regular November election at a to an impressive start with Griff of STAAR 2002, a benefit for • TRANSPORTATION CENTER existed...literally dozens of varieties. cost of $1500, saving the City & Jan Duncan, Tom Hatten, Rick the Fullerton Academy of the ParKing Structure, Pomona & Com­ If you’re tired of supermarket toma­ money. Kusserow, Terence Love, Tom Arts Foundation that will take monwealth: All-girl rock band “Side­ toes, you can grow your own, even on A third option would be to adopt McCoy, Cathy Rigby, Melinda place at 4pm, Sunday, April 28. swipe” (7 & 9pm) & surf band “The a sunny apartment balcony and those an ordinance allowing the Coun­ Guinaldo and Doug Simao. The The dynamic couple who have Torquays” (9 & 11 pm) perform on the cil to appoint until the November heirloom flavors can’t be bested. next meeting for those interested roof. If you’re thinking of dressing up volunteered their services to 2002 election where voters can in helping to revive the FOX The­ United Way, Fullerton Public Li­ • VILLAGE ART CENTER: 529 N your garden, there will be innovative make the final decision on their ater is at 7pm, Tuesday, April 16 brary Foundation and the Fuller­ Harbor: John Holland, Fred Hartson, items including statuary. Orchids, the choice of a Councilmember who in the Launer Room of the Fuller­ ton Arboretum said that they are Paul Urban & Stella Vognar group art current “popular” home plant will be would serve out the remaining two ton Public Library. “very pleased to see their old show and pianist Challen Waychoff, for sale along with many kinds of years. In this scenario Norby The Foundation is looking for high school develop a focus for all night long.. shrubs, trees and annual plants. New would still be required to step old movie memorabilia, a long the arts.” • ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, this year for looking are the topiaries down by July 2nd. table and volunteers willing to sit The event, to be held beneath III W. Las Palmas: Broadway favor­ in different spots throughout the Ar­ If you would like to choose your at the booth during Fullerton’s up­ a huge tent on the front lawn of ites sung by “SPASM” & “Jubilate.” boretum, including the children’s gar­ Councilmembers rather than have coming Railroad Days May 4 & the school features a musical sa­ (7, 8:15, & 9:30pm) den which also has a variety of attrac­ them appointed let your favorite 5. Contact the FHTF by Phone: lute to composer Richard • FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 109 tions for junior gardeners. Councilmember know now. You (714) 607-0884 or E-Mail: Rodgers. Seating is limited and E Wilshire: Orange Empire Barber­ The Victorian setting of Heritage can send an e-mail message to [email protected] or visit reservations are required. The shop Chorus 7,8, & 9pm).
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