ABHIVYAKTI YEARBOOK 2018-19 Afliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University ABHIVYAKTI YEARBOOK 2018-19 Editorial Team Faculty Members Ms. Vaijayanti Joshi Principal, ILS Law College, Pune Mr. Ashish Pawar Assistant Professor, ILS Law College, Pune Mr. Madhukar Togam Librarian, ILS Law College, Pune Student Members Saranya Mishra Shubhangi Sharma Mihir Govande Sneha Kulkarni ILS LAW COLLEGE Chiplunkar Road (Law College Road), Pune - 411 004 Tel.: 020-25656775; Fax: 020-25658665, Email: [email protected]; Website: www.ilslaw.edu <($5%22. ,/6/DZ&ROOHJH3XQH 35,1&,3$/3$*( Dear Students, I am privileged to place in your hand the annual volume of Abhivyakti Year Book for the academic year 2018-19. The Year Book has documented contribution of students and teachers to the curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities of the college very well. I am very glad to share with you the ranking of ILS by various magazines in the special efforts taken by them to identify educational institutions of high eminence. We stand in the 'Top 10' list of such institutions. Now we are awaiting a very precious Assessment and Accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, an autonomous body of the University Grants Commission. The peer team visit is due on 21st and 22 nd July 2019. Your positive participation will go a long way in this assessment and accreditation process. It will open a new world of opportunities for ILS to excel in legal education. At this exciting juncture we pay respectful homage to the departed souls – Late Shri. H. P. Deshmukh, Late Dr. Anupa Thapliyal – our former teachers and mentors for many students,P and late rof. Madhav Menon who shaped legal education in India. I thank all of you, teaching and non-teaching staff, for their co-operation through the year. I congratulate the Editorial Board for their efforts in preparing the Year Book. I wish you all Best of Luck. Thank you Vaijayanti Joshi Principal (GLWRULDO “Being a lawyer is not merely a vocation. It is a public trust, and each of us has an obligation to give back to our communities.” -Janet Reno This academic year was a testament to the duties and responsibilities realized by us as an institution, developing advocates and visionaries solicitous towards the needs of the society. The students have persistently excelled in the Savitribai Phule Pune University Merit List and displayed exceptional talent in the co-curricular and extra- curricular activities ensuring all round development. ABHIVYAKTI documents the journey of these meritorious students. In addition to the accolades earned by the students, the Year Book documents the achievements of the faculty members. The management and staff have been constantly supportive of the activities undertaken by the students, aiding them to achieve excellence and professionalism that is the hallmark of ILS Law College. The college has undertaken significant efforts to realize its vision and mission, bringing to light the capabilities and talents of its students. We take pride in listing the achievements of our Legal Aid Centre, one of which has been the commendable performance of the students as an integral part of the “Narmada Bachao Aandolan”, the appalling environment issue in the country. The Legal Aid Centre also bagged the Legal Aid Award by Knowledge Steez for excellent services in Social Service and Legal Aid. Taking Legal Aid from ILS to the International platform, six of our students interned with AIESEC AAST in Cairo, Egypt and their partner Tadamon and showcased their exemplary talent in the same. They participated in United Nations Goal No. 5: Sustainable Development and Women Empowerment for Refugees in Egypt. This year, the prestigious 13th S. P. Sathe National Conference evinced not only the students but also the professionals as it manifested the sessions on “”Taxation Laws , one of the most wearisome subjects in law. Legal stalwarts such as Mr. Mukesh Butani, Mr. Arvind Datar, Justice Anita Sumanth, Mr. N. Venkatraman and many more enlightened us with their knowledge on different topics taken up in different sessions. The sessions demystified the doubts and complexities of the subjects such as Economic Consideration of Taxation Policy, Benami Transactions in relation to Taxation Laws and many others. This academic year witnessed a milestone in the history of our College's Sports as the students took an initiative to start “KREEDANGAN,” the National Inter-College Sports event, which was a success on a grand scale. The reports of various Cells and Centre s are a testimony of the multitudinous activities carried out on Campus. It is a record that speaks for the dedication and combined efforts of the students, teachers, and the administrative staff alike. The Editorial Board takes pride in congratulating all the stake holders of this remarkable academic year. The editorial board would like to heartily thank Principal Vaijayanti Joshi for her constant support, guidance, and cooperation in the making of the Year Book. We thank Mr. Date for being a trusted and reliable associate for years to capture the moments wonderfully with the lens. We also thank Shree J printers for the laborious task of designing and printing. Harking back at the past year, we present you the Year Book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± ± 956RQ 5HWLUHGRQ 5HWLUHGRQ 0U1DPGHR7 0RUH 0U$MLW.XONDUQL 0U$MD\$$GKL\D 3HRQ± 3DUW7LPH)DFXOW\ 3DUW7LPH)DFXOW\ 5HWLUHGRQ 5HWLUHGRQ 5HWLUHGRQ ,/6&2192&$7,21&(5(021< %$7&+2) 5' )(%58$5< 'LJQLWDULHVDQG6WXGHQWVGXULQJSURFHVVLRQRIFRQYRFDWLRQFHUHPRQ\ /LJKWLQJRIODPS LQDXJUDWLRQFHUHPRQ\ &KLHI*XHVW6KUL6%$JDUZDO 3ULQFLSDO'LVWULFWDQG6HVVLRQV-XGJH 3XQHGHOLYHULQJVSHHFK ,1',$1/$:62&,(7<¶6 7+ )281'$7,21'$< 7+ 0$5&+ )HOLFLWDWLRQRI&KLHI*XHVW$LU 0DUVKDO 5HWG %KXVKDQ*RNKDOHDW WKHKDQGVRI3ULQFLSDO9DLMD\DQWL-RVKL $PHPHQWRE\&KLHI*XHVW $LU0DUVKDO 5HWG %KXVKDQ*RNKDOHWR ,/6/DZ&ROOHJH )ODJ+RLVWLQJRQ)RXQGDWLRQ'D\ &KLHI*XHVW$LU0DUVKDO 5HWG %KXVKDQ*RNKDOHDQG 3ULQFLSDO9DLMD\DQWL-RVKL =LDXGGLQ6KHUNDU 9%$//% 5HFLSLHQWRI /DWH%DOZDQW.XONDUQL %HVW6WXGHQW$ZDUG ,1',$1/$:62&,(7<¶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