17476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 12 November 15, 2010 SENATE—Monday, November 15, 2010 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was SCHEDULE new colleagues who will be sworn in as called to order by the Honorable MARK Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Pre- Senators this afternoon. With Senators R. WARNER, a Senator from the Com- siding Officer and I have had a number MANCHIN and COONS joining our family, monwealth of Virginia. of occasions to speak in the recent the Senate will look a little different weeks. Welcome to you and everyone starting today. It will soon look much PRAYER else, the floor staff, who are so valu- different with 16 new Senators taking The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- able, and our pages. We look forward to office. Some desks will switch aisles fered the following prayer: a busy next few weeks. but the majority has not changed. Let us pray. Following leader remarks, the Senate On the other side of this building, the Gracious Lord, whose glory has been will turn to a period of morning busi- House of Representatives will look revealed through the generations, in ness, with Senators permitted to speak even more different with a new major- this time of change renew within our for up to 10 minutes each. At 4 o’clock ity and new leaders. But before any of Senators a true understanding of Your today, Vice President BIDEN will swear that happens, we need to use the next providential purposes. Create in them a in Senators COONS of Delaware and few weeks to finish some business. The fervent desire to do Your will and to MANCHIN of West Virginia. 111th Congress is not over yet, and the trust You to produce the results so des- There will be no rollcall votes during lameduck session starts today. perately needed to heal our Nation and today’s session of the Senate. As a re- I will work with my caucus and with world. Lord, guide them with the light minder to my colleagues, before the re- Senator MCCONNELL who will, of of Your truth so they can see clearer cess I moved to proceed on a few bills. course, work with his caucus. We will I filed cloture on the motions. As a re- the path You would have them follow. see what we can get done before the sult, we could have a series of up to May their priorities reflect Your wis- start of the 112th Congress in January. three rollcall votes at a time to be de- dom so that Your liberating love will The American voters sent us a mes- termined on Wednesday. Those cloture be felt in all they say and do. Help sage two Tuesdays ago. That message votes will be on motions to proceed to is they want us to deliver. They want them to emulate the depth of Your car- the following bills: Promoting Natural ing in their relationships and respon- us to work together. Voters did not Gas and Electric Vehicles, Paycheck elect only Republicans; they did not sibilities. Lord, we ask you to bless our Fairness Act, and the food safety legis- elect only Democrats; and they did not new Senators with Your wisdom and lation. want either party to govern, stub- courage. The Senate will not be in session to- We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen. morrow in order to allow for caucus bornly demanding their way or the highway. When the heat of the cam- f meetings and leadership elections. paign season cools, our constituents PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE f are more interested in us getting MEASURES PLACED ON THE CAL- The Honorable MARK WARNER led the things done. They would rather we Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ENDAR—H.R. 4168, H.R. 4337, AND work with each other than talk past H.R. 847 each other. Despite the changes, our I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I am told charge remains the same. Our No. 1 pri- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, there are three bills at the desk due for ority is still getting people back to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. a second reading. work, and the most important change we can make is in working more pro- f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. The clerk will report the bills by ductively as a unified body to help our APPOINTMENT OF ACTING title en bloc. economy regain its strength. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE The bill clerk read as follows: I welcome back my counterpart, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The A bill (H.R. 4168) to amend the Internal esteemed Republican leader. We have clerk will please read a communication Revenue Code of 1986 to expand the defini- had, of course, conversations since the tion of cellulosic biofuel for purposes of the to the Senate from the President pro elections. I look forward to our contin- cellulosic biofuel producer credit and the ued work together. tempore (Mr. INOUYE). special allowance for cellulosic biofuel plant The bill clerk read the following let- property. f ter: A bill (H.R. 4337) to amend the Internal RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY Revenue Code of 1986 to modify certain rules U.S. SENATE, applicable to regulated investment compa- LEADER PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, nies, and for other purposes. Washington, DC, November 15, 2010. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- A bill (H.R. 847) to amend the Public To the Senate: pore. The Republican leader is recog- Health Service Act to extend and improve Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, nized. protections and services to individuals di- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby rectly impacted by the terrorist attack in Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I appoint the Honorable MARK R. WARNER, a New York City on September 11, 2001, and for thank my friend, the majority leader, Senator from the Commonwealth of Vir- other purposes. and congratulate him on his reelection ginia, to perform the duties of the Chair. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I object to and look forward to working together DANIEL K. INOUYE, to wrap up the business of this current President pro tempore. any further proceedings with respect to Congress and working with him again Mr. WARNER thereupon assumed the these proceedings en bloc. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- in the next Congress. chair as Acting President pro tempore. pore. Objection is heard. The bills will f f be placed on the calendar under rule EARMARKS MORATORIUM XIV. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I f LEADER have seen a lot of elections in my life, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- LAMEDUCK SESSION but I have never seen an election like pore. The majority leader is recog- Mr. REID. I welcome back, as I have the one we had earlier this month. The nized. indicated, my friends and welcome our 2010 midterm election was a ‘‘change’’ ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:56 Aug 30, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S15NO0.000 S15NO0 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD November 15, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 12 17477 election, the likes of which I have total discretion over appropriations. years that spending and debt are at cri- never seen, and the change that people And I have seen Presidents of both par- sis levels. And we have demonstrated want, above all, is right here in Wash- ties waste more taxpayer dollars on our seriousness about cutting spending ington. meritless projects, commissions, and and reining in government. Every Re- Most Americans are deeply unhappy programs than every congressional ear- publican on the Senate Appropriations with their government, more so than mark put together. Look no further Committee, for instance, voted against at any other time in decades. And after than the stimulus, which Congress every appropriations bill in committee the way lawmakers have done business passed without any earmarks, only to this year because they simply cost too up here over the last couple of years, it have the current administration load it much. Most included funding for is easy to see why. But it is not enough up with earmarks for everything from projects in our home States. We voted to point out the faults of the party in turtle tunnels to tennis courts. against them anyway. power. Americans want change, not Contrast this with truly vital Banning earmarks is another small mere criticism. And that means that projects I have supported back home in but important symbolic step we can all of us in Washington need to get se- Kentucky, such as the work we have take to show that we are serious, an- rious about changing the way we do done in relation to the Paducah Gas- other step on the way to serious and business, even on things we have de- eous Diffusion Plant in western Ken- sustained cuts in spending and to the fended in the past, perhaps for good tucky. debt. reason. Here was a facility at which workers, Earlier this month voters across the If the voters express themselves for years, were unaware of the dangers country said they are counting on Re- clearly and unequivocally on an issue, that the uranium at the plant posed to publicans to make tough decisions. it is not enough to persist in doing the their health or how to safely dispose of They gave us a second chance.
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