EDITORIAL NOTE ACTS This publication continues on from the Laws of the Cook Islands This table lists the statntes in force in the Cook Islands as at 1994 and the Laws of the Cook Islands 1997 by bringing the lists I March 2016. 'R&C' means request and consent, and of legislation in those volumes up to date as at 1 March 2016. The refers to an Act passed by the New Zealand Parliament in aim is to facilitate access to the legislation of the Cook Islands by accordance with the former article 36 of the Cook Islands indicating its current state and where the law is to be found. The chronological tables provide the starting-point for any historical Constitution. enquiry involving Cook Islands legislation. A basic list of statutes of British Imperial origin still in Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of these tables. force in the Cook Islands is provided in Laws of the Cook It is nevertheless likely that some errors remain. Please inform the Islands 1994 vol 1 p106. The statntes listed there have editor of any errors identified so that they may be corrected in been affected by post-1994 Cook Islands legislation such as future editions of this book. those statutes indicated in the Editorial Note to this volume. In some Acts there is a power to amend the Act by regulation. Where that power has been expressly exercised, AHAngelo the amending legislation is indicated by "Reg". All other Wellington amendments are by Act designated by year and number. "SR" refers to the Statntory Regulations of New Zealand. "NIF" indicates that the Act is not in force. Title Main Instrument Amendments Constitution 1964/69 (NZ) 1965/2 (NZ) 1968/17 1968/27 1969/9 1970/20 1970/21 1973/1 Cook Islands Legislation Acts in Force 1975/17 Acts Interpretation Act 1924 1924111 (NZ) 1978-79/22 Extended by s 622 1980-81124 CIAct 1981-82/20 NZ Reprint 1957 1982/2 1960150 (NZ) 1986119 1961/43 (NZ) 1991121 1961/68 (NZ) 1992110 1962/9 (NZ) 1993110 1984/18 1993-94112 1994-95/36 Administration Act 1969 1969/52 (NZ) 1995-96/8 Extended by 1995-96/33 1970115 1997/2 1970/45 (NZ) 1997/3 1997117 Admiralty Act 2004 2004/1 1999/4 2001/6 Airport Authority Act 1985 1985/5 2002/8 1989/13 2003115 1994/10 2003116 1997112 2004121 1999/10 2009117 2007/8 Cook Islands Constitution Act 1964 1964/69 (NZ) Air Services Licensing Act 1984 1984/16 SR 19651128 1985/6 1986120 1989117 1995/4 Aitutaki Motus Prohibition of 197011 Leases Act 1970 198115 1989/2 3 2 Cook L,lands Legislation Acts in Force Anti-Personnel Mines Act 2007 2007135 Antiquities and Artifacts 1994-95/38 Act 1994-95 Banking Act 2011 2011/15 2012/5 2012/3 Apprenticeship Act 1978-79 2013110 1978-79116 2014/4 201517 Appropriation Act 2015 2015/3 Bills of Exchange Act 1908 1908/15 (NZ) Appropriation (Westpac Loan) 1989/25 Act 1989 Extended by s 625 1989/39 CIAct Arbitration Act 2009 NZ Reprint 1957 2009/3 1960/17 (NZ) 2014 [1]/3 1963175 (NZ) 2014 [2]/2 1973123 Asian Bank Act 1975 1975/14 Births and Deaths Registration 197317 Atomic Energy Act 1945 Act 1973 2007/6 1945/41 (NZ) Extended by s 3 Biosecurity Act 2008 2008/14 NZReprint 1957 1959/13 (NZ) Broadcasting Act 1989 1989128 1961/54 (NZ) 1997/8 1961/68 (NZ) 1997/19 Aviation Security Act 2008 2008/15 Building Controls and Standards 199112 Act 1991 Bank ofthe Cook Islands Act 2003 2003121 2005/2 Cancellation, Suspension and Bar 1990/9 200711 of Registration Act 1990 Captive Insurance Act 2013 2013/3 2014/4 5 4 Cook Island, Legislation Acts in Force Carriage by Air Act 1967 1967/151 (NZ) SR 1960/85 R&C SR 1962/7 1998/7 SR 1962/47 Carriage of Goods Act 1998 SR 1965126 199817 1963/78 (NZ) 1965171 (NZ) 1968/7 1973/8 Chattels Transfer Act 1924 1924/49 (NZ) Chemical Weapons (prohibition) 2007/36 Extended by s 626 Act 2007 2012/5 C1 Act NZ Reprint 1957 Cheques Act 1960 1960/17 (N Z) NZ Gazette 1925 pp1517, Citizenship Act 1977 1977/61 (NZ) 3055,3353 R&C NZ Gazette 1926 p 1805 Civil Aviation Act 2002 2002/6 NZ Gazette 1928 p2465 Civil List Act 2005 2005114 NZ Gazette 1930 200713 P 1509 2007/9 NZ Gazette 1933 p 2734 Clusters Munitions Act 2011 201118 NZ Gazette 1935 p 2273 Commissions of Inquiry Act 1966 1966/14 SR 1938/49 1989114 SR 1940/3 II SR 1950168 Companies Act 1970-71 1970-71123 SR 1953/45 [AdoptedNZ SR 1954/78 Companies SR 1955/148 Act 1955] SR 19561146 1971-72/5 SR 1957/33 1984117 7 6 Cook Islands Legislation Acts in Force 1987/15 1965/6 199311 1965/9 199915 1966/2 2000/5 1966/6 201312 (NIF) 1966/8 Constitutional and Other Polls 1966/9 Act 1993 1993110 1966/17 196712 Consular Privileges and Immunities 1967/6 Act 1971 1971/11 (NZ) 1967112 Extended by s 13 1968/1 Consumer Guarantees Act 2008 1968/3 2008/21 1968/4 Continental Shelf Act 1964 1968114 (NZ) 1964/28 (NZ) 1968115 Extended by 8 9 1968-69/25 1977117 1969/5 1978113 1969/13 2009/16 1969114 Control of Prices Act 1966 1969120 196616 197012 1971-72/3 1970/4 1973/13 1970/5 1973/27 1970115 Cook Islands Act 1915 1970-71/32 1915/40 (NZ) 1972112 (for Reprinted in New Rarotonga) Zealand 1973/6 Statutes 1976 1973/30 (Vol 4) 1973/35 (x2) 196511 (NZ) 1973-74/39 1966/39 (NZ) 1976/10 1967/23 (NZ) [NB 1976/21 1965/4 836] 8 9 Cook Islands Legis/ation Acts in Force 1978-79/19 Cook Islands Arms Ordinance 1954 1954/3 1980116 1955/2 1980118 1966/2 1980-81/24 1973-74/39 1980-81/27 197714 1980-81/28 1981/3 Cook Islands Christian Church 1968-69/1 Private 1982/4 Incorporation 2003/1 Private 1984/19 1986-87/27 Cook Islands Customs Import 1960/1 [NB 1987/25 Prohibition Ordinance 1960 196612 s37] 1988/8 Cook Islands Fireworks Ordinance 195711 1991/6 1957 1966/2 1991-92/39 Cook Islands Government Property 1969/2 199417 Corporation Act 1969 1984/5 1994/11 1987/10 1994-95/38 1997/15 1995-96/18 1998/3 1995-96/28 1999113 1995-96/32 1995-96/36 Cook Islands Investment 1998/3 2003/8 Corporation Act 1998 1998113 2003/21 1999/8 2004/17 1999113 2008/22 2000119 2012/5 200517 2012-13/20 2013/8 Cook Islands Loan Repayment Fund Act 2014 [l]/5 Cook Islands National 2000/17 Superannuation Fund Act 2000 2012117 11 10 Cook Islands Legislation Acts in Force Cook Islands Native Timber 1957/3 Preservation Ordinance 1957 1966/2 Cook Islands Tourism Marketing 1998/21 Corporation Act 1998 2007118 Cook Islands Natural Heritage 1999/14 Trust Act 1999 Cook Islands Workers 1964/2 Compensation Ordinance 1964 1965/3 Cook Islands Ordinances 1966/2 196612 Amendment Act 1966 1973/28 1969/22 198113 1973-74/28 2015/5 197716 Cook Islands Pearl Authority 1993/6 Copra Act 1970 1970/17 Act 1993 2009111 1972116 1973/41 Cook Islands Protection of Children 1954/2 1978/13 Ordinance 1954 1984/15 Cook Islands Radio Licence 1964/5 Copyright Act 2013 201318 Ordinance 1964 1966/2 Coroners Act 1979-80 1979-8017 Cook Islands Red Cross SOciety 200212 2001/3 Act 2002 Crash, Fire, Rescue and Security 1973-74/40 Cook Islands Shipping Licence 1963/9 Service (protection against Ordinance 1963 1966/2 Liability) Act 1973-74 1973-74/27 1976/23 Crimes Act 1969 1969/20 1986/8 1970/5 198817 1970/16 1990/6 1972/4 1992/2 1973/5 1992/9 1977114 2000120 1980/16 13 12 Cook Islands Legislation Acts in Force 1980-81128 Criminal Records Act 1991 1991/5 1981117 1991127 1986/9 1989/33 Crown Law Office Act 1980 1980/16 199117 1984/8 1994/8 1987/11 1994-95/34 1989/15 2003/6 1989-90/36 2004/5 1994-95/32 2007/28 1995/2 2011/11 Crown Proceedings Act 1950 1950/54 (NZ) Crimes (Internationally Protected Adopted by s 350 1982/6 CIAct Persons and Hostages) Act 1982 NZ Reprint 1957 1958/61 (NZ) Criminal Justice Act 1967 196717 1961/68 (NZ) 1976115 1962119 (NZ) 1980-81/27 19621120 (NZ) 1980-81/28 2008118 1981112 1987/4 Cultural and Historic Places 1994-95/40 1995-96/24 Act 1994-95 2000/9 Currency Act 1986-87 1986-87/32 Criminal Procedure Act 1980-81 1980-81128 1994-95/31 199117 2005/3 1998/10 200017 Currency Reserves Act 1987 198717 2003/4 1989/9 2007/5 Reg 1991/21 2007/28 2012/5 Customs Revenue and Border 2012/5 Protection Act 2012 Reg 2014110 15 14 Cook Islands Legislation Acts in Force Customs Tariff Act 2012 2012/6 Dental Act 1970-71 1970-71122 2012114 1973/35 Reg 2012117 1976110 Reg 2012120 1984119 Reg 2012124 1991/6 Reg 2013/8 1995-96118 Reg 2013/9 Reg 2013/15 Department of Civil Aviation Act 1986-87/24 Reg 2014/1] 1986-87 Reg 2014117 Reg 2014/22 Departure Tax Act 2012 2012/10 Reg 2015/4 2013117 Dangerous Goods Act 1984 Reg 2014118 1984/21 Reg 201511 Deaths by Accidents Compensation Act 1952 1952/35 (NZ) Designs Act 1953 1953/65 (NZ) Extended by s 628 Extended by s 635 CIAct CIAct NZ Reprint 1957 NZ Reprint 1957 1964/40 (NZ) Declaratory Judgments Act 1994 Development Investment Act 1995-96/22 1994/18 1995-96 1997/12 200611 2004119 Defamation Act 1993 2007/24 1993/5 2008119 Definition of Aratapu, Rarotonga 2014 [1]/2 Act 1967 196711 Digital Registers Act 2011 2011111 Demise of the Crown Act 1908 1908/42 (NZ) Extended by s 629 CIAct NZReprint 1957 17 16 Cook Islands Legislation Acts in Force Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1968 1968/36 (NZ) 1984/19 R&C 1984-85/27 1971 II I (NZ) Reg 1986/28 1971196 (NZ) 1991/6 1977167 (NZ) 1991/91 2007/34 1993-941/15 Disability Act 2008 1995/1 2008/10 1995-96/10 Disaster Risk Management Act 2007 1995-96/18 2007/33 (NIF) 1995-96/34 Dogs Registration Act 1986 Reg 199812 1986117 2004113 1991/8 2008/3 1992/4 Reg 2012125 2000112 Education Act 2012 Environment Act 2003 2003/22 2012118 Reg 2004/14 Electoral Act 2004 2004/11 Reg 2012/3 2007123 Evidence Act 1968 1968/4 Employment Relations Act 2012117 1986-87/22 1986-87/30 Energy Act 1998 1998/18 2009/3 2012/9 2011111 2014/3 Entry, Residence and Departure Act 1971- 72 1971-72/2 1972/15 Extradition Act 2003 200318 1973-74124 1973-74/27
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