tiM Jixnitcimti LiegUm AuxiUaiy A BtiaU Board of Eduoatten of­ w ill mMt Moaday at 8 p.m. at tha ........... " ' ' ' " '' ' ' I ■ r I. I I I I ’l S taigloti Roma. Mamban a n ra* ficial has accepted aa invltatian MIm M to b rln f used ahaata and from the town’s school board to Officers pUloir aaaaa to tw.uaad at vatonaa speak March i in Manchester State News ■oq^tala for aurgteal dresalnxa. about the equalised grand list Held in Plot Tba iVanch Cliib wilt moot to- question snd proposed state legis­ CHUCK ROAST | aaorrow at d p.m. at Oranga Han. lation involvli^ education. Roundup He te Dr. Raymond J. Fay, head of the state board'e division of ad­ O n D e C a u lle Told to Locate, Sndloott Junior Oollaga alum- ■ad will hold a oocktall party to- ministrative servlcee. ■larroar from 8 to 8 .pm. at the Town agencies will be invited to PAR IS (APl-i-Three miU- GOP to Caucus homa of Mr. and Mra. William hesr the speaker. tary officers and two Fomen HARTPORD (AP) — A t*4 Ih providing pvtoUo funds to Fenton, 100 Chevaa Rd., Avon. Christie F.' McCormick, a mem­ fourrstatd study committeeM toe ralvoad. ber of the school board and a past were arrested early today and Tbsss include Ih nearly all tbe On Medical Aid Raaarvallona may be made by said today it would not be in aaWng Mm. Fenton. chairman, had suggested that a accused of idotting to kill atatM "a constitutional prphfliitloa speaker from the state board President Charles de Gaulle. the public interest at this against dlrsot gifts or loans to a HARTFORD (A P )~ T h e An open informational meeting would help the board in its com­ It was the fourth assaasina- time to undorwrite with pub> iMvata eorpoiwtion.’* RepubHcafl House lUAjority Trail, Venezuela Ship pletion of an educational legisla­ an Unltarlanlam will be held Sun­ # lie funds the cost ef operat­ T b s oommittse atatsd also that has sent to committee a medi­ day, T:M p.m. at 3510 Main St., tion questionnaire. titm plot reported against the tbs ourtailment of wast-eod (New Olaatonbuiy. Speakers win be the The Connecticut Association of president In 17 months. ing the passenger commuter Tork-Oonneotlcut) oommutatlon cal aid to the elderly bill ap­ Rev. George Pennington aand Dr. Boards of Education (C A B E ) has PLUMP,UMP, NJmVE Pcdlea sources,Mid the jdottsrs service of the New Haven “would not appear warranted.” proved by the Democratic Jay S. Roth. asked all town school b o a r^ to plaiinsd to kill the 72-yesr-old Railroad. This eonelusion, the commlttse Senate last week. Republicans fill out the questionnaire. The ehlef of stats with a rifle wheh he Ib e reconunondatlopi was mada said,, was reached on “the basis announced they would caucus Reds Held Miaa Dola Barre, daughter of Manchester bo^d will complete 3 i^amm S visited L ’edole MlWalre—miutsiy by the Interstate Btatf Coninitttee, of tos oost findings and the cur­ M r. and Mm. Joseph A. Barm, it March 6 and mall it to the sohdol—this biornliif. which repreeeuta the governors of next Tuesday on a bill of their rent flnsaeial position of toe rail- own. 175 Princeton' St., was mcently CABE the next day. itrst reports said six oflicers New Tone, Connecticut, Rhode Is­ ro e d ..." Aiming for capped at the Univeraity of A t the request of William E. and a woman had been (arrested, land. and Massachusetts'— the Also, It said, there are now In A GOP House Wll will probably m m Bildgaport ceremonies for stu­ Buckley, a board member, Supt. Tender Ik, interior Ministry eouroee said only atwtes served by the UniM. proctss Imporiant studies and oth­ be rt>proved and sent to the Sen­ dents In the Fones School of Den­ of Schools William H. Curtis was Meaty five art still held but that several Tnuteee of toe line have aaid er aetivitte by various stats and ate next week. Such a step wUl en­ tal B ^ e n e . directed to ask a CABE represen­ others were questioned snd re­ that unleiee pubUc funds were regional . tnuu^rtatlon agencies sure that the bUI goes to a bi- Cuba Port tative if the Manchester board 39 partlaan conference committee leased. made avaUaMe for the. qonunuiw and by tbe federal government *• Walter tamie will con­ may indicate that it favors state Some unconfirmed reports said and suhuriMui passenger servioe " where compromise may be p o ^ - duct the Salvation Army service which are. expected to have a ble. WASHINGTON (AP) — scholarship grants, a question one or more generals were amora rallmad urould have to eurtall or beneficial Impart on the railroad. a t 7:80 tonight at the church, not Included in the questionnaire. LEAN AU. BEEF those arrestM and that one offl- end passenger servioe. Democrats lost a House fight U.S. Navy ships and planes Richard Flandersriandi will be guest One of thS' oommlttee’s key yesterday for quick action on their Buokley pointed out that Now oer detained was on the offlclal re- Tlw railroad, however, oould not recommendations was that the in the Caribbean area report* speaker. York State provides many schol­ eeptlon committee tor the presi- do tola without first getting pei Senate bill. arships. He said Conne^cut is Hamburg New Haven’s eommuting aervlcei H ie blU would eliminate the an­ edly have orders not only to House Majority Leader Louis Padula throira back his head dent’a visit De Gaulle visited toe mission from the Public uulules be Integrated with that of the Duane A. Stlmson, seaman, laughing at a joke being told by Republican Director and former “ pretty late in taking up that Commissions In the four states nual payment o f $100 deductible ocate but also to trail the hi­ USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis echoed on soheduls. ■ New York Central Railroad "Into mayor Harold A. Turkdngton. Between them is Town Com­ subject.” and wKhout the approval of the fo r elderly persons now getting jacked Venezuelan freighter StimiMn, 433 Parker St., is serving A French woman who taught a’alnglo operWlon under a single medical assistance tmder the fed­ mittee Chairman John F. Shea Jr. The joke was about num­ English at tot school also w gs ar­ mteretate Commerce Commis­ management.” ' Anzoategui until it can be aboard the guided missile cruiser Padula Sees sion (IC C ).. eral-state Kerr-Mllls program. bers, as is often the case with politicians, but not about budgets. rested In toe seriee of night raids I t also recommended that the picked up by Venezuelan ves­ iras Springfield which has return­ Turkington had a mathematical formula that, if done correctly, In rejecting, at least teoM^ora- Ri^ublicans also favor elimina­ ed to her home port of Villefrance- PRODUCE that rounded up toe alleged ring­ railroad be merged "with a larger could tell quite a bit about a person, including his age. (Heiald rlly, ,the proposal for puUlc sub­ tion of the $100 deductible but say sels. Bur-Mer after a 86-day cruise. 11 leaders, police reports Mid. trsjumrtatlon system tost would Aged Citizens photo by C^ara). Notice sidies, the Interstate Staff Com­ they want to expand the program The vessel waa seized by Com­ the interior Ministry refused to permit the railroad to take advan­ to get more of the state’s elderly munists Tuesday and Venezuelan Manchester Grange will hold a issue any detailed information, mittee said H would not be in the puhlle^ interest "in toe abranoe tage. more effectively of Atlantie persons into It/ authorities said the hijackers ap­ dessert buffet at Orange Hail Feb. As Top Issue providing conditions for elderly I Jr., was toastmaster. He told the WE HAVE DAILY but details began leaking out from seaixMud and Midwest marketa.” peared to be trying to reach toe LARGE, FIRM ICEBERG • eesentlal Information, prestunably Democrat* contended yesterday SO at 7 p.m. Tickets are available persons to live in dignity. audience that while in Lincoln's unofflclal sources as toe investiga- . I t ' did not recommend a mer­ that their biU is an emergency Cuban port of Santiago. U.S. offi­ tloa went Into high gear. contained in the Whitman report from Miss Charlotte Hutchins. 85 The problems of elderly per­ Problems on the state level are time the problem was states' DELIVERY TO THE ger with sny q>ecific transporta- measure designed to eliminate a cials said that they were not Broad 8t., or Mrs. Betty Dunbar, rights, the problem today is the LETTUCE H». 19c j These sources said a rifle with a (a federal study) end toe three oon servioe. sure where toe ship would put in. sons have supplanted the prob­ to reduce the number oi represen­ studies oonduoted under the trus­ roadblock to pajrment of some 8 Phoenix St., Vernon. : maintenance of states’ individual­ teleeooplo sight was seised during 1 1 1 # Uwee court-iqHxtoited trus­ $400,000 owed convalescent homes At the Pentagon, a spokesman tatives in the House, he said, and tees, as to whether the entire rail­ lems of states, right as a concern to save the New Haven Railroad. ity in the face of a mammoth fed- the raids, tees of the railroad are now pe­ aad hospitals treating patients un­ declined to say how many ships Army Pvt. Donald L. Johnson, for the Republican party, State ' eral government. BOLTON A reinibreed security guard w m road, Including the longhaid pas­ titioning tbe ICC for permiaaion der the program.
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