The Magazine of The CoMMuniTy BroadCasTing assoCiaTion of ausTralia www.cbaa.org.au/cbx MAY 2014 CeleBRATing 40 years 2014 may CBX CBX 1 MAY President’s Column ..........................................................2 CONTENTS CBAA Update ..................................................................3 CBAA & CMTO Webinars .................................................4 Tasman FM Solar Power ..................................................5 40 Years Of Community Radio .........................................6 Community Radio Amrap Ambassador ......................... 14 Getting The Message Across .......................................... 15 CRN Article .................................................................... 16 Girls To The Mic Digital Pop Up Station ......................... 18 Station To Station ........................................................... 19 AMARC Part of a Global Movement ............................... 20 Out Of The Box ............................................................... 24 CBaa ConferenCe 2014 sAve the dAtes! 6-9 NoveMber the CbAA is delighted to announce that the 2014 Conference will take place at the Mercure Grosvenor, North terrace in Adelaide. President’s Column by adrian basso 40 years of fighting for the cause – and still not a moment to waste By Jon Bisset, CBAA It’s hard to believe this year sees the Community Broadcasting association of australia (CBAA) celebrate 40 years of representing and advocating for the sector. i always relish The opporTuniTy To Connect wiTh Members, lisTen To Their ConCerns, and disCuss The Back then we were called the PBAA (with the P standing for public) and the few Many ways in whiCh The CBAA Can help sTaTions. in reCenT weeks i have visiTed sTaTions in BaThursT, community stations on air included 5UV (now Radio adelaide), the first community MelBourne, BrisBane, alBury and CanBerra and i’M looking forward To Travelling To wesTern station on air in 1972, and 2mBS (now Fine music 102.5), the first of all australian ausTralia in June and ConTinuing My CommitmenT To seeking inpuT inTo our serviCes and advoCaCy. radio stations to join the Fm dial in 1974. In 1974 in federal politics, Gough Whitlam’s Labor Government was in power and On the theme of consultation – thank Radio campaign. Thanks to 25,000 aCMA’s Contemporary Community setting a framework for community radio while John Howard was just entering you to all the stations who took the emails sent to the Treasurer from our Safeguards Inquiry, the final report parliament as an opposition backbencher. Bob Hawke was head of the aCTU and CBX is The Magazine of The time to complete the recent CRN loyal supporters, we were spared from of which has recently been released. some years from standing for parliament. CoMMuniTy BroadCasTing assoCiaTion of ausTralia. Survey. This information is vital for cuts in the Federal Budget. you helped In the next few weeks we will be able a tumultuous year later and malcolm Fraser’s Coalition government was in power us to make informed decisions about open up the eyes of the minister for to recommence the final stage of the CBX is mailed to CBaa members and Tony Staley the Communications minister, beginning what would become his how to deliver services, plus it allows Communications to the power and Community Broadcasting Codes of enduring contribution to and friendship with the community broadcasting sector. and stakeholders. us to pass on important feedback to passion of community broadcasting. Practice review via a round of public CBX is also available online at: program makers and contributors. Flash forward to the present and it is interesting to reflect on the things that have www.cbaa.org.au/cbx For more information on the consultation. We have also recently changed and those that have endured. Phase two of the CBAA member campaign please visit completed a comprehensive response Follow us on Twitter: @CBaa_ Today the broadcasting environment is vastly different, with hundreds of Research was completed via a world www.committocommunityradio.org.au. to a review into digital radio and have Like us on Facebook: CBX community stations on the dial and venturing into digital radio, the internet, even cafe session at the National Conference written calling for the maintenance of It seems like just yesterday that I was the mobile phone! in November and we’ve received some Federal Government Funding to the at the national conference in Sydney. great feedback. The most popular Commission of audit. We will continue Federal politics is enduringly tumultuous. But fortunately also enduring is the The annual CBAA conference continues editor: suggestions are to develop an online to welcome your input on sector policy support we enjoy across the political spectrum, which reflects our own diverse Chris yates i [email protected] to evolve and it was pleasing to see so make-up: from teenagers to octogenarians, Christians to punk rockers, inner-city hub for collaboration and to conduct many of our new initiatives received so and advocacy initiatives. opera goers to those living miles from the nearest town. sUb-editor: a national community broadcasting well. The conference aims to promote Danny Chifley i [email protected] awareness campaign building on the We have also continued our discussions Not that we all haven’t had to roll our sleeves up and fight for our cause on monique Sebire i [email protected] best practice by including informative strengths of last year’s digital radio with the PPCa about online simulcast occasion. and practical educational sessions on GrAphiC desiGN: campaign. The third and final phase of licenses for community broadcasters, topics ranging from governance and When federal funding critical to the sector’s long-term survival was threatened Judith martinez i [email protected] the research will be conducted in the as a result of the Federal Court ruling. in the past few years, the CBAA led a campaign that saw tens of thousands of management issues to communications AdvertisiNG: coming weeks via an online survey to We are working towards a rollout community radio supporters rallying for it to be reinstated. Our campaign saw and technology. I’d love to see you at For all advertising enquiries all members. date of July 1, should the licenses funding restored for the digital radio transition and to the australian music Radio this year’s event which will take place please contact the Editor. be required. airplay Project (AMRaP). The results of our various consultations from November 6-9 in adelaide. priNted bY: With last year’s change of government and the mid-year federal budget came a cut Brighset printing i [email protected] are helping to shape the future Head to the CBAA website and sign On a final note I would like to pass on to funding we did have to take on the chin, given it was considerably smaller than direction of the CBAA’s policies, up to the CBAA eNews for updates as my thanks to several staff who have those that had us up in arms last year. CbX is priNted oN: advocacy and services. they develop. ecoStar moved on to new opportunities in But we are hoping this is the last of the cuts for now. The recent announcement of When the Commission of audit Stations continue to tell us that our recent months. Heartfelt thanks go the Federal Budget saw community broadcasting spared from cuts proposed in the proposed the abolition of funding Policy and advocacy work on behalf out to Stephen Hahn, alex White, Erin Commission of audit. It took 25,000 emails to the Treasurer, but it was worth it. Our CBX content is CBaa copyrighted. to the Community Broadcasting of the sector is one of the most Turner and ainsleigh Sheridan for their community radio and TV stations are safe, for now. all rights reserved. articles may Program, we relaunched our highly valuable benefits of membership. contributions to the CBAA and the be used by CBaa members without The 2013 mcNair Ingenuity listener research shows 29% of australians (5.2 million) permission, provided credit is given. successful Commit to Community Last year we participated in the sector as a whole. listen to community radio every week. We have more than 20000 volunteers. Our radio stations operate in towns and cities across australia, with the largest proportion in regional areas (41%), a further 25% in rural areas and 34% across metropolitan and suburban locations. Stations can help ensure our safety by reaching out to their own stakeholders live to air each weekday afternoon via CRN – not only local politicians but the people who matter to them: local businesses, aBouT The Cover... play live or timeshift community leaders, local organisations and others that make up an electorate. Invite them over. Give them a tour. Share the sector’s statistics and your success Cover Illustration and www.thewire.org.au stories. Illustration on page 6 by Shane Foley shanefoley.net 2014 Let them know why, 40 years later, the sector is still fundamental to cultural life download & broadcast individual stories MAY in australia. CBX CBX 2 Tasman FM Embraces Solar CMTo/CBAA By Sarah Coles every CommuniTy sTaTion faCes a unique seT of Challenges. MayBe They are Building a high- rise next door and genTrifiCaTion is Making The walls viBraTe. MayBe a volunTeer has spilT Coffee on a Console. MayBe soMeone sues for defaMaTion. BuT whaT do you do if you run a inars for 2014aa radio sTaTion in a plaCe ThaT is prone To Bushfire and BlaCkouTs? sarah Coles spoke To dan eB By Danny Chifley, CB w Stokes, presidenT of TasMan fM, To find ouT. After A successfUl first YeAr of CoNducting webinars with A focus oN tasman fM is in Nubeena in the south he had the idea to make tasman fM get them once, maybe twice a month CommunitY broAdcastiNG, the CommunitY MediA trAiNiNG organisAtioN west of tasmania. the station was run on solar. “the station manager sometimes. And sometimes we’ll (CMTO) iN CoNjUNCtioN with the CbAA is set to CoNtiNUe deliveriNG oNliNe started in response to tragedy.
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